Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 11: V: The “Dynamics” of the Ego, P 13. 10-20-15

V. The “Dynamics” of the Ego, P 13
13 The ego analyzes; the Holy Spirit accepts. The appreciation of wholeness comes only through acceptance, for to analyze means to break down or to separate out. The attempt to understand totality by breaking it down is clearly the characteristically contradictory approach of the ego to everything. The ego believes that power, understanding and truth lie in separation, and to establish this belief it must attack. Unaware that the belief cannot be established, and obsessed with the conviction that separation is salvation, the ego attacks everything it perceives by breaking it into small, disconnected parts, without meaningful relationships and therefore without meaning. The ego will always substitute chaos for meaning, for if separation is salvation, harmony is threat.

So how is it that I analyze instead of accept? What does Jesus mean by this? I was sick yesterday and I don’t feel really good today. The ego mind thinks about what this means. How did I get sick? What caused it? What would fix it? What medicine or action would make me feel better? This, I think, is analyzing the sickness, breaking it down into what feels like more manageable parts and then dealing with each one.

How would acceptance look? I am thinking about a video of John Mark Stroud that I watched yesterday. It was part of the MiracleShare Conference. In his talk, John Mark said that the body is a communication device that tells us where we are mistaken in our thinking. In this way it is very valuable. I agree with this and this morning, instead of analyzing the sickness, I accept it as a message that my mind is sick and needs healing.

There is only one problem and one solution. The problem is separation and analyzing the sickness just increased the separation beliefs in my mind. This sickness is different than other sicknesses I have had before and it is not as serious as some, but because of the symptoms there are certain things I will not be able to do. Maybe I got this stomach upset from eating too much rich food or maybe I caught it from someone. Maybe I need some medicine or just some time and rest, or maybe I need to see a doctor. So many parts to the problem and so many possible solutions if I keep listening to the ego.

If, on the other hand, I accept that I am listening to the wrong voice and that is the only problem I have, then the solution is simple. I stop listening to the ego interpretation of the problem and the ego solutions, and listen instead to the Holy Spirit. Problem solved. If there is anything that needs to be done in the world, I will know what it is, but the problem itself was wrong minded thinking, and the Holy Spirit is the Answer. I accept the Holy Spirit’s answer and quickly or eventually, the body catches up and communicates to me that the mind has been healed.

Jesus says that the ego believes that power, understanding and truth lie in separation, and from looking at the way the ego tried to solve this problem, I see how true that is. If the ego could not categorize the problem, it would not know how to find an answer. It needs to know symptoms of various diseases and the medicine appropriate for each. It needs to know what sickness is serious enough for medical intervention and which just needs time. The ego believes that power and defense lies in how it separates things out and how much information it has at hand for each separate part.

Holy Spirit doesn’t separate at all. It sees only one problem and that is a confused mind. It sees only one solution and that is a clear mind. This is true if I have a headache, a virus, a cold, cancer or if I am dying. It’s all the same to the Holy Spirit, and so the answer is obvious and simple. The ego needs to attack the problem by dividing and separating and the result is chaos. The Holy Spirit accepts that the problem is one and the answer is one, and so the result is peace.

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