Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 11, VII.The Way to Remember God, P 3. 1-8-16

II. The Way to Remember God, P3

3 Perceive in sickness but another call for love, and offer your brother what he believes he cannot offer himself. Whatever the sickness, there is but one remedy. You will be made whole as you make whole, for to perceive in sickness the appeal for health is to recognize in hatred the call for love. And to give a brother what he really wants is to offer it unto yourself, for your Father wills you to know your brother as yourself. Answer his call for love, and yours is answered. Healing is the Love of Christ for His Father and for Himself.


Clearly, sickness of any kind is not God’s Will. It is not love, but a call for love. Wherever I see sickness I am to see wholeness, and this is the love that heals. I can think of it as forgiveness. Where I see sickness, I forgive what is believed to be true. I could also say that I accept the Atonement for this situation, and that would the same thing.

I do this because as my brother is healed, so am I. We are all part of a single whole and if any part of this whole is sick, the whole is sick. But what if I see some form of sickness and I believe in it? What if I see sickness and that is all I can see? What if I can’t see the truth behind the façade? Then I ask that my mind be healed.

I don’t have any particular fear of sickness of the body, nothing that scares me into dread. I don’t want any sickness at all, but nothing stands out as particularly upsetting. I notice that when someone I care about has a sick body, I can more easily see through that. I see them in their classroom, learning the lessons they came to learn, but completely unaffected by that lesson. I also see them as capable of learning that lesson. Sometimes I have trouble holding onto the idea of them as sick at all because I see only the potential healed self. That is me giving them the love they are unable to give themselves at this time, and it is healing.

On the other hand when I see someone in great pain, I tend to have a more visceral reaction, because I hate pain. I’ve worked on the idea of pain as illusion and have accepted some healing in this area, so sometimes I do better with this. When my son was in extreme pain, I was lost in his illusion and so was not able to answer his call for love. I was paralyzed in fear for him. I did remember to ask for healing of my mind, so that was good. Because of my own fears I was unable to see that one illusion is the same as another. Illusions can’t really be more or bigger or worse. It is only my beliefs that make it seem so.

Another form of sickness is lack. Sometimes I slip into that belief. For instance, with my upcoming retirement looming nearer, I notice I fall into fear about lack. It is not total by any means, but I will see these little thoughts that I won’t be able to buy this, or go here, or do that, when I retire and I feel a sense of loss. So this shows me there is still a belief in lack in my mind. As a result, when I see someone with less than me, especially an older person, I project my fear onto them and feel sympathy. This is not answering a call for love with love. It helps no one.

As I have been turning this belief over to Holy Spirit and asking Him to show me a different way to see it, I have noticed a shift. I still notice the thoughts but there is little emotion attached to them. I don’t get upset about it as I did just a couple of months ago. I love when that happens; it is a miracle, that change of mind. It is a miracle because the ego mind didn’t do it. I wanted healing more than I wanted to hold onto the fearful thoughts and so it occurred.

Now, I can see those with less and not be completely useless. I can mostly see through the form of their story to the reality of their being. I am answering their call for love more often than not. This answer to their call is also the answer to my call. When we share a belief in the illusion, we uphold and strengthen that belief. When at least one of us allows that belief to be loosened in our mind, we both experience a healing.

Sometimes I envision it like this. When we thought about the idea of separation our mind projected a picture of the Sonship being shattered into billions of pieces and scattering across the landscape of our vast and holy mind. Now that we have decided to awaken from that strange and impossible dream, when we see the many forms those pieces of ourselves took, we are beginning to recognize them for what they really are. In the recognition of our self in them, we are gathering them back into the wholeness that we really are. We do this as we see that each one of the pieces represents a lack of love, and as we supply that love, our scattered piece flows naturally back into the Oneness of the Father and His Son.

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