Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 13: III.The Fear of Redemption, P 11. 7-11-16

III. The Fear of Redemption, P 11

11 In peace he needed nothing and asked for nothing. In war he demanded everything and found nothing. For how could the gentleness of love respond to his demands, except by departing in peace and returning to the Father? If the Son did not wish to remain in peace, he could not remain at all. For a darkened mind cannot live in the light, and it must seek a place of darkness where it can believe it is where it is not. God did not allow this to happen. Yet you demanded that it happen, and therefore believed that it was so.


In our desire for specialness and thus separation, we declared war on peace. How could we be at peace in this state? In asking for the impossible our mind now believed in something other than peace. There would always be a for and against, a good and a bad. There would always be competition and chaos. And so love returned to the Father and waited.

So here we are. In the world of darkness that we made, but that God did not allow. We demanded it and so we believe in it and because we believe in it we cannot undo it without help. God’s love for us would not leave us in our conundrum so He created the Holy Spirit to guide us home when we are ready. We will be guided to the truth of ourselves and the truth of God. He will guide us to where we never left and are now.

This is the journey of no distance because we made nothing and therefore went nowhere. We are simply being awakened from a dream of being somewhere other than God. I often pray the simple prayer that Cate suggested for me. “God, wake me up.” It is the only thing we need to do, but to desire this awakening we must leave behind all that we made here that is in opposition to Reality.

So I pray to be awakened and then I spend my day noticing any thought or feeling that I must release. I ask the Holy Spirit to do this for me, and He gladly responds to the degree I allow. It seems to be taking a long time for me to change my mind completely, but then what is time except another illusion I made.

I did Lesson 173 today and in this lesson Jesus tells us that all things are lessons God would have us learn, because He wants us to be happy and not to suffer. And if we believe we are separate from Him we will suffer. In this lesson Jesus also gives us a shortcut that will undo much all at once. He says that,

“These are words which give you power over all events that seem to have been given power over you. You see them rightly when you hold these words in full awareness, and do not forget these words apply to everything you see or any brother looks upon amiss.”

So today I will say these words: “I will forgive and this will disappear.” The problem I see will disappear, and eventually, the world I see will disappear. Saying these words, forgiving what has been done, will make every problem the same and is, at the same time, the solution to every problem.

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