Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 13: III.The Fear of Redemption, P 6. 6-29-16

6 You must look upon your illusions and not keep them hidden, because they do not rest on their own foundation. In concealment they appear to do so, and thus they seem to be self-sustained. This is the fundamental illusion on which the others rest. For beneath them, and concealed as long as they are hidden, is the loving mind that thought it made them in anger. And the pain in this mind is so apparent, when it is uncovered, that its need of healing cannot be denied. Not all the tricks and games you offer it can heal it, for here is the real crucifixion of God’s Son.

The first thing I note is that I must look upon my illusions and not keep the hidden. What comes to mind is that I must look at the world and accept that it is an illusion, and the world includes this body and this separate self. It includes all the concepts within the world I made up, anger, hatred, guilt, suffering of any kind and death. I must look at it all and know it for the illusion it is.

I also think of it in terms of thought, because really, the world is thought taken form. Release the thought and the form is gone with it. So I look at my thoughts and my beliefs and know them for the illusion they are. I get to this knowing by asking the Holy Spirit to correct my thoughts. Jesus tells us that first we will see our thoughts purified, and our projections (our world) will be seen differently. It will be experienced without the effects of guilt and fear, therefore, it will be seen happily. Then after a time, time will disappear as will the world. All will disappear into God.

But right now, my focus is on allowing the wrong minded thoughts to rise up in my mind, to be seen clearly and without any attempt to hide them or hide from them. I will see them with the Holy Spirit and He will heal my mind. I can do this. It is simple and easy to do. When it seems otherwise, it is only because I have found a thought I would keep. And even then, I can change my mind, perhaps using the Rules for Decision.

Then Jesus says they do not rest on their own foundation. If I think that someone’s words hurt my feelings, that can feel very real to me. I might think it is hard for me to forgive it because it really happened and there were real effects. So I think my grievance rests on its on foundation, a foundation of rules that govern my world and dictate how I act and react. But Jesus says, no. He says that there is no real foundation for the world I made. The foundation is as illusory as the rest.

I have seen how true this is. I have been very upset over something said or done and experienced the stress and unhappiness that comes with the grievance. And when the discomfort becomes too great to bear, I finally surrender it to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to show me another way to see it. All of the effects of the belief I was holding disappear as I let go of the belief. I become light and free and happy.

If there were really a firm foundation under these beliefs, they could not be so easily discarded. They could not shift and change as they do. I can believe something for a long time, and then believe something totally opposite. This is the way of the world because there is nothing real or true about it. On the other hand, if I allow the world I made to be reinterpreted for me, I will find that there is something real supporting this new interpretation. There is a loving mind.

Where it went all wrong, is that the loving mind that made the world thought it made the illusion in anger. That was an interesting way to state this. It thought it made them in anger. So I think I have something to fear to be guilty about. This mind is in pain and will be until these false ideas are laid to rest. They are laid to rest as they are exposed to the light of truth. This is why I look and look and look, even when it is unpleasant or even when it is frightening. I look with the Holy Spirit and then I release what I see to Him.

I have a favorite song by the Agape Choir that says:

I release. And I let go. I let the Spirit run my life.
And my heart is open wide. Yes I am only here for God.

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