Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 13: IV. The Function of Time, P 8. 8-1-16

IV. The Function of Time, P 8

8 The ego, on the other hand, regards the function of time as one of extending itself in place of eternity, for like the Holy Spirit, the ego interprets the goal of time as its own. The continuity of past and future, under its direction, is the only purpose the ego perceives in time, and it closes over the present so that no gap in its own continuity can occur. Its continuity, then, would keep you in time, while the Holy Spirit would release you from it. It is His interpretation of the means of salvation that you must learn to accept, if you would share His goal of salvation for you.


I must accept the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of the use for time if I want salvation. Here is what I envision salvation to be. I will live this illusion in fearlessness, in love, and in peace. I will live in the present moment only and will be free of the tyranny of the ego. I will use that part of the mind rather than it using me. Then, when it is time, I will leave the illusion altogether and permanently. I will no longer be subject to death and rebirth only to die again. I will be in God and part of God and will not imagine it could be any other way.

So how do I get to that freedom? How does salvation become my goal? Jesus gives us various processes we can use to undo the belief that the ego mind is me and is my only option. What they seem to lead me to is this: I am His Son and He loves me. I am dreaming of something else and I can dream a happy dream and I can stop dreaming altogether. I dream of suffering and death when I believe the ego interpretation of circumstances. I dream a happy dream when I believe the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of circumstances.

Two simple things that help me to make this mental leap are surrender and the uncompromising choice for peace. The more completely I surrender the self, the body, the desire to control, the easier it is to do the rest. Time is no different. I surrender time to the Holy Spirit to use as He wishes and I win. I ask ego how to use time, and I lose.

The peace of God is everything I want. These were just words at first, but then they became my salvation. I still choose to ignore this desire for peace at times, but I always return to it, because it is true. I want the peace of God and I want nothing else. I start to think that I want more money or more time to myself, or I want my children not to suffer.

I start to think I could be happy if I had different circumstances in my life. I start to think that I know what is best for those I love and that I can only be happy if these things happen. Then I remember that the peace of God is everything I want. My mind narrows to this one idea and I let the rest go. I want the peace of God. I remember that all those other things I thought I needed to have were supposed to bring me peace.

First of all, I am not very good at deciding what brings peace, and secondly, even if I were right, I cannot make most of these things happen. So if I must depend on my own poor ability to control, and if I must depend on the ego to guide me, I will not find lasting and perfect peace. If, however, I surrender the desire for peace to God, I will receive peace. Easy choice, easy solution, whatever the ego argues to the contrary.

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