Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 13: V. The Two Emotions, P 5. 8-9-16

V. The Two Emotions, P 5

5 You have but two emotions, yet in your private world you react to each of them as though it were the other. For love cannot abide in a world apart, where when it comes it is not recognized. If you see your own hatred as your brother, you are not seeing him. Everyone draws nigh unto what he loves, and recoils from what he fears. And you react with fear to love, and draw away from it. Yet fear attracts you, and believing it is love, you call it to yourself. Your private world is filled with figures of fear you have invited into it, and all the love your brothers offer you, you do not see.

As I was reading this I was trying to picture those in my life who represent my hate and fear. Then I tried to imagine them without my projections. Here is what happened at first. I thought of some people I work with and my mind boggled at the thought they could represent love to me. They do not love me, and I do not love them. They seem to attack me, and I know I defend and I return the attack. My lower mind insisted they are not loving at all. I draw nigh them and I don’t see them as love, and I do recoil.

Then Holy Spirit helped me to see the problem and it wasn’t them. We laughed at the idea that they could offer anything but love. How could they? They are love. If I don’t see the love then I must be projecting something onto them that is hiding their true visage. Evidently, the problem is me. But I must be love, too, so where is the projection coming from? It is coming from my ego. I have this hatred and fear in my lower mind, and feeling guilty for it, I am projecting it away from me and onto them.  There I can look at it without owning it, at least not owning it consciously.

This is not working and never has. There is a place in my mind where I know what I am doing, and so I am never fully convinced that I am innocent. My fear and guilt are just pushing me further and further from the truth of my being. The only answer to this sticky mess is to become willing to withdraw my projections, and bringing them back to myself, to allow them to be undone. It is amazing how hard I make this simple task. The ego mind shrieks at the idea of doing this. It is comfortable in its old habits and maintains that the guilt belongs where I put it.

I’m looking though, in spite of the ego’s objections. I look at my boss and see him making what appears to be a big mistake with a customer. I feel disgusted with him thinking he should know better and will regret this, though not as much as me when I lose that customer. I feel resentment and fear and hate. He is my problem and I feel helpless because I cannot do anything to defend myself from his ineptitude.

I ask the Holy Spirit for another way to see this. I see that all my thoughts about this stem from the ego’s interpretation of the situation. I see that I am perfectly protected. He is not my source. He is not responsible for my fear. He is not his ego or his story. I still see him making a strategic mistake, but that is his script and his problem. It is my problem only if I continue to ask the ego for advice. I cannot blame him for my situation because my situation is my script.

How fortunate that I know this and that I can ask for another way to see. Then I can act from that clarity. I can trust and be at peace. We are sharing this part of our stories because they compliment each other. I am learning something in our shared classroom and he is as well. That is why we are doing this dance; it is helping us to awaken. Ha! I am feeling gratitude for the situation and for him. I am beginning to see him as the love that he is rather than as my enemy, and the only thing that changed was me.

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