Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter10: V. The Denial of God, P 7. 7-15-15

V. The Denial of God, P 7
7 Your Father has not denied you. He does not retaliate, but He does call to you to return. When you think He has not answered your call, you have not answered His. He calls to you from every part of the Sonship, because of His Love for His Son. If you hear His message He has answered you, and you will learn of Him if you hear aright. The Love of God is in everything He created, for His Son is everywhere. Look with peace upon your brothers, and God will come rushing into your heart in gratitude for your gift to Him.

God has not denied me, and He isn’t upset that I used denial of Him in my game of separation. He just wants me to come home now, and I am learning that this is what I want, too. His Voice speaks to me all through the day and I listen and sometimes I don’t. That I am not listening does not mean He has failed to answer. His answer will always be some form of love that I can understand. Over time, I have learned that this does not have to be in some concrete experience, though often it is. I am learning to recognize and accept love that is not attached to anything.

While I still need form in order to understand His Answer, it is given to me, because God wants me to recognize His Love. Jesus tells us that the Love of God is in everything He created, for His Son is everywhere.  All I need to do to receive this love is to look with peace upon my brothers. I have an unlimited number of opportunities to do this, from smiling at a stranger, to pausing in traffic to let someone merge in front of me, to overlooking an attack and recognizing it as a call for love.

When I am at peace with my brothers, I experience the love of God to the degree I am able to accept it. Guilt is a wall that I have erected between myself and love, but in being at peace with my brothers, I am relinquishing the belief in guilt and so relinquishing the need for that wall. As it comes down I am bathed in the love of God. It puts a whole other perspective on the desire to judge my brothers.  The high cost of judgment is seen when I realize what I give up when I do this.

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