Together, We Light the Way

Study of Manual for Teachers 4-3-12

Day 94
6 There is one thought in particular that should be remembered throughout the day. It is a thought of pure joy, a thought of peace, a thought of limitless release, limitless because all things are freed within it. You think you made a place of safety for yourself. You think you made a power that can save you from all the fearful things you see in dreams. It is not so. Your safety lies not there. What you give up is merely the illusion of protecting illusions. And it is this you fear, and only this. How foolish to be so afraid of nothing! Nothing at all! Your defenses will not work, but you are not in danger. You have no need of them. Recognize this, and they will disappear. And only then will you accept your real protection.

I am very comfortable with the idea of undoing the ego. I have spent the last 30 years learning what the ego is and practicing the processes to let it go.  I’ve learned to be vigilant for my thoughts. I’ve learned to move through fear more quickly, and learned that while fear is very uncomfortable while I’m there, it can’t really hurt me. I’ve learned that while I may still be resistant to releasing certain beliefs, there is no false belief worth keeping and none that I must keep. But when Jesus says to spend time during the day thinking of joy and peace and unlimited release, I am flummoxed.

Sometimes I am truly joyful. It bubbles up from some source I am not in touch with most of the time. It overflows and engulfs me in happiness and peace. There is no reason for it, no story that explains it. I don’t do anything to make it happen, there is no word or action on my part that allows this wonderful feeling. As it happens I am incredibly grateful, but I don’t know what Jesus means when he says that I should remember thoughts of pure joy.

Holy Spirit: Precious, precious, One. Holy child of God. There is nothing for you to do. Let the thought of joy be in your mind. That is all, just let it be there. If you are not actively engaged in thinking of sad, fearful, guilty thoughts, then the only thought that will be there is one of joy, peace and freedom.

If you will stop pushing against your life, you will notice what a happy life it is. You are living the life you want to live, and all the while pretending that you have somehow been forced into this place. As if the Son of God could be anyplace He has not chosen. This is the thought from which you must awaken.

Your life is exactly the experience you have chosen, and you are perfectly safe within it. You don’t need to wake up from this illusion, but from the belief that you are being held prisoner within this illusion and that you suffer this illusion. The question is not how to be joyful and how to be at peace, but rather how it is that you continually catapult yourself out of peace and joy.

Me: Holy Spirit, I feel the answer in my mind and know that it is guilt. I also feel the solution which is You. I am very happy to report that I am not nearly as afraid of letting go of the guilt as I used to be. I no longer believe that the guilt is caused by things I have done wrong. I know that the guilt comes from the mistaken idea that I have changed my nature and am now separate from God, not connected to Him, not in Him. This is something else I don’t completely believe anymore.

I open my mind to You and I ask You to please heal the belief that I could be less than what I am, and that God is something He is not. Thank you so much. I feel the joy rising in me again as I remember that I don’t need the world to be the place I hide from God. Please, today show me what you would have it be to me.

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