Together, We Light the Way

Study of Manual for Teachers 6-11-12

6 “And the last to be overcome will be death.” Of course! Without the idea of death there is no world. All dreams will end with this one. This is salvation’s final goal; the end of all illusions. And in death are all illusions born. What can be born of death and still have life? But what is born of God and still can die? The inconsistencies, the compromises and the rituals the world fosters in its vain attempts to cling to death and yet to think love real are mindless magic, ineffectual and meaningless. God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal. Do you not see that otherwise He has an opposite, and fear would be as real as love?

The last two sentences got me. What God creates must be eternal. How can death exist if God does? It is not possible. God is Life, God is Love, and it is not possible that God could have an opposite. The belief in an opposite of God is the ego and the ego is not real. It is the belief in the ego that we are here to undo.

Belief in death is just another form of attack. This morning I woke up before I was ready to get out of bed. I lay there for a few moments debating what to do. If I got up so early I would probably not feel energetic during the day. If I got up early I could get my writing done and still get to work on time, and maybe get some more work done on my website. Or maybe I would get up only to discover that I wasn’t really ready to wake up, and was too sleepy to really do anything.

I asked Holy Spirit what He would have me do. I turned my iPod to a Byron Katie meditation that I find calming and often lulls me into sleep. I went to that place halfway between sleep and wakefulness and it was there that Holy Spirit revealed to that I live in a constant state of war.

I was at war when I woke up. Get up, go back to sleep. Gain this, but lose that. What if I can’t go back to sleep? What if I shouldn’t go back to sleep? Uncertainty, doubt, stress. This is my boss’s fault. He is the one who suddenly decided we need to be at work early on Monday’s for a sales meeting, and now I’m pressured to get everything done on time. The discomfort of uncertainty leads to projection. The world is attacking me and I am defending myself through projection.

I hear in the background Katie’s soothing voice reminding me that Reality (her word for God) supports me. I have heard her say this innumerable times, but now I HEAR it. I am God’s own holy and beloved child. Everything loves me. Everything is for me. It was only my fevered imaginings born of unfounded guilt that led me to believe the world is attacking me.

The Holy Spirit showed me many other instances in which I saw myself as attacked. In my defenselessness my safety lies. If I stop projecting blame and trying to outsmart the “enemy” and simply lay my weapons down, I will be shown the Love that upholds me, surrounds and comforts me.

When my son was just a toddler he was experiencing a very frustrating moment. We were visiting at a home of a single couple. Nothing was child proofed. It seemed to him that he was thwarted at every turn as he just tried to do what came naturally to him, and everyone kept saying no, stop, don’t do that, don’t touch that. He became so frustrated that he lashed out in anger.

I understood and held him and tried to soothe him. He mistook my love and support as simply another limitation, another attempt to imprison him, this time with my arms, and he tried to fight his way free. I am like that. I imagine that I am being imprisoned and attacked at every turn and I defend myself, and the battle seems never to cease. But I am fighting an imaginary battle, and imaginary enemies. I am Love, I am loved. I am God’s Son and without enemies. I have simply misunderstood, and the Holy Spirit is reinterpreting for me.

I came fully awake to the reality that I have not been battling an enemy, but God. I realized that the ego mind was like my toddler son and in its fear and confusion was afraid to let go of the fight. I asked the Holy Spirit to heal my mind of the belief in attack. I really don’t want to hold onto this ineffective and unnecessary defense. I was invigorated and ready to start my day. So much energy is wasted on attack and defense. It’s a wonder that any of us has the energy to get through the day.

Death is just another imagined attack. I have tried to protect myself against it. I have tried to out-maneuver it. I have projected blame onto innocent people and innocent circumstances. I imagined death and then blamed God as the cause. Then I defended God with all sorts of convoluted reasoning because the belief that God was attacking me was too painfully fearful to bear. I have been fighting an illusion, a mirage, a thought form. Nothing is there. I am the Son of God, I am eternal, and death is just another false idea borne of unfounded guilt.

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