Together, We Light the Way

Study of Manual for Teachers 6-14-12

2 The resurrection is the denial of death, being the assertion of life. Thus is all the thinking of the world reversed entirely. Life is now recognized as salvation, and pain and misery of any kind perceived as hell. Love is no longer feared, but gladly welcomed. Idols have disappeared, and the remembrance of God shines unimpeded across the world. Christ’s face is seen in every living thing, and nothing is held in darkness, apart from the light of forgiveness. There is no sorrow still upon the earth. The joy of Heaven has come upon it.

The resurrection as described here refers to the awakening of the mind from its long dream. Jesus talks about the thinking of the world being reversed, and the remembrance of God shining across the world. It says that there is no sorrow upon the earth. My part in bringing this transformation about is to becoming entirely willing for my heart to be transformed.

When I want this and nothing else, it will be done, and my transformation will bring light into other minds, and theirs will be transformed as well, and spread light to others. A strong chain of Atonement will be welded as we each follow our inner guidance as we heal. We will be led unerringly to those who are ready for our gift, and will be guided to say or do whatever will be most helpful to that person.

What I have discovered is that it seems easy to let go of the belief in death as a concept, but harder to let go of specific beliefs and desires that represent death. For instance, attack thoughts, judgments, guilt, fear, and depression are all thoughts of death. The desire for anything the world has to offer is a desire for death. The belief that letting these thoughts and desires go is a sacrifice, is the belief in death.

If someone judges me and I accept their judgment as true and respond by attacking myself or them, I have chosen death over life. If I realize what I have done and feel guilty for my error, I have chosen death. If I project the guilt and feel it is their fault that I feel guilty or feel bad about myself, I have chosen death.

These feelings are so pervasive in the mind that it seems impossible to be free of them, and yet, Jesus did, and he says that we can too. Others have accomplished what Jesus accomplished, and so proven that Jesus is not special, but simply the first to do this. He is the way-shower and we are meant to follow, and therefore can.

I don’t worry about the end result and how hard it is or how long it takes. I have been given all the help I need and simple processes to use to strengthen my willingness and my state of readiness. I am told that the actual healing will be done for me and that has been my experience.

One moment I am suffering because of my beliefs, I realize that I don’t want these beliefs anymore and that they hold no value for me, and the next moment my mind is free. The only thing I did was to desire healing more than I did the drama of the moment, desire healing more than the belief I had held to for so long.

Sometimes it feels really hard to let go. I used to be plagued with doubts when this happened. I thought maybe this whole Course was wrong. I thought maybe I was the exception to the rule that everyone can do this and no one can fail. I was afraid that my sins were unforgivable. Or I would think that while everyone could and would do this, maybe I just wasn’t ready.

Because I continued in spite of my fears, I watched my mind be healed over and over in ways I could not have done on my own, and so my faith grew with each miracle. Now, I still experience great resistance to letting go of some beliefs, but I never doubt it will be done.

I just keep handing it over to the Holy Spirit. I am nothing if not persistent and my persistence always pays off. If I let go sooner, I suffer less, but regardless of the timing, I always eventually, let go, and allow the miracle of healing to occur. This is my part in bringing time to an end and resurrection to the world.

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