Together, We Light the Way

Study of Manual For Teachers 1/1/12

1 The role of teaching and learning is actually reversed in the thinking of the world. The reversal is characteristic. It seems as if the teacher and the learner are separated, the teacher giving something to the learner rather than to himself. Further, the act of teaching is regarded as a special activity, in which one engages only a relatively small proportion of one’s time. The course, on the other hand, emphasizes that to teach is to learn, so that teacher and learner are the same. It also emphasizes that teaching is a constant process; it goes on every moment of the day, and continues into sleeping thoughts as well.

I went to college to be a teacher but never finished. I would have made a good teacher as it comes to me naturally. When I was Catholic I taught Catechism and mine was the favorite class.  All the kids wanted to be in it. A teacher once told me I am a natural teacher. And I do love to teach.

So why didn’t I graduate and become a teacher? The ego made up a lot of reasons to explain my “failure” to graduate, because this is what the ego does. But in truth, it simply was not my path. Teaching would turn out to be a tool that I would use, and this is why I am provided with that gift. I would need when I became a teacher of God.  Not that this is a required skill for every teacher, but it is helpful for the path that was designed specifically for me.

In truth we all teach all the time. We teach with our words, with our actions, with our thoughts. We teach to learn, and though we seekers study and study, it is really only through our practice (which is our teaching) that we learn. So what we do every day, what thoughts we entertain are very important. They are teaching us what we are. They are teaching the Mind what it is.

The Course says: I am alone in nothing. Everything I think and say or do teaches all the universe. Now there is a thought that will give me pause if I make yourself aware of it. When someone in the office upsets my customer and I want to jump down her throat, maybe I would like to pause a moment and remember the far reaching consequences of that action, the words I am planning to say, and yes, even the judgmental and angry thoughts in my mind.

I went to Walmart two days before Christmas, and the checkout lines were backed up into the clothing department. To tempt me further the ego mind pointed out they didn’t even have half their lanes open. The next day I went to Books A Million and while standing in line began a conversation with the person in front of me to pass the time. It was fine until she started remarking on her experience at Walmart the day before. I told her my story and we talked about the evil giant for awhile.

Suddenly I realized what I was doing. I couldn’t believe that this is what I chose to teach and therefore learn. I looked around and noticed everyone else who could hear us complaining. I thought about what a peaceful line of people it had been, and hoped I had not poisoned the atmosphere. I don’t want to be the one who sets my brother back on his path. My words were teaching the thought system I was identifying with at that moment. I am grateful that I now realize that I have a choice, and in that moment I made a different choice.

Here is my assignment to myself for the rest of the day. You can join me in this assignment if you like, or ask the Holy Spirit what He would have you do to reinforce this learning. All the study in the world won’t wake us up; only practice will do that.

I am going to write a note to myself and put it in a prominent place. It will say:

My every word, thought and deed is teaching me and everyone else. Is this what I want to teach?

Then I am asking the Holy Spirit to bring to my attention those times when I am teaching something I don’t want to learn, so I can make a different choice.

And finally, I am going to ask the Holy Spirit to teach me in my dreams.

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