Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 9, IV. The Holy Spirit’s Plan of Forgivness, P 4. 2-5-15

IV. The Holy Spirit’s Plan of Forgiveness, P 4
4 The ego, too, has a plan of forgiveness because you are asking for one, though not of the right teacher. The ego’s plan, of course, makes no sense and will not work. By following its plan you will merely place yourself in an impossible situation, to which the ego always leads you. The ego’s plan is to have you see error clearly first, and then overlook it. Yet how can you overlook what you have made real? By seeing it clearly, you have made it real and cannot overlook it. This is where the ego is forced to appeal to “mysteries,” insisting that you must accept the meaningless to save yourself. Many have tried to do this in my name, forgetting that my words make perfect sense because they come from God. They are as sensible now as they ever were, because they speak of ideas that are eternal.

Jesus said even in the Bible that we must not judge and must forgive. He said we must love each other and treat others as we would want to be treated. We found this to be too hard and so we did not take his words literally. We called it a mystery as to how this works, and we just kept on judging and hating and failing to forgive. That is why we are still living the dream of separation.

It is not hard to do what Jesus said, it is just necessary that we want to do it. Our error in forgiveness (and all other errors follow from this) is that we made the offense real and then tried to forgive it. This is the ego’s plan for forgiveness and of course never works. On the cross, Jesus did not say, “Forgive these terrible people for their sin.” He overlooked their actions knowing they were just confused. They were acting out of ego thinking and the whole thing was meaningless because the ego is meaningless, the illusion is meaningless.

Jesus knew there was nothing to forgive and this was forgiveness. I used to be confused about this. If there was no sin then why did he ask that they be forgiven? I think (that if he actually said this) that he was modeling forgiveness for us. He was showing us that no insult, regardless of its seeming severity, is to be taken as sin. Everything is to be forgiven. Now that we are ready, he is telling us that nothing actually happened to be forgiven and that is forgiveness.

In Lesson 36, we are told that there is no sin. Our mind is part of God’s Mind and we are very holy. There is no sin in God so there can be no sin in us. None. Ever. So what could there be to forgive? If there seems to be sinful action, it can only be an illusion, an ego story, meaningless because it is not real.

I would not find anyone guilty because I want to release the separation idea now. I am ready to wake up. I cannot wake up if I believe in sin and guilt. I awaken to reality and sin and guilt have no existence in reality. When I am aware of an ego behavior, I know it is not in alignment with the Love that we are, but I remind myself that the Love that we are cannot be affected by ego. We remain sinless. This is what Jesus has told us from the start. Don’t look at the action, judge it is sinful and then try to forgive it. Simply look at your brother and know he is holy.

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