Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 9, V. The Unhealed Healer, P 9. 3-2-15

V. The Unhealed Healer P 9
9 This course offers a very direct and a very simple learning situation, and provides the Guide Who tells you what to do. If you do it, you will see that it works. Its results are more convincing than its words. They will convince you that the words are true. By following the right Guide, you will learn the simplest of all lessons:
By their fruits ye shall know them, and they shall know themselves.

My experience of the Course has been that the results have proven the words, just as Jesus says. I started studying the Course in 1981 if I remember right, or maybe 1982. The first thing I noticed is that it felt right even though I could not explain why. Actually, common sense would have me totally reject it because it was so strange to me. At that time there were not a lot of people doing the Course and so I couldn’t say that many others agreed that this was right. But I still did it because I still felt something, a stirring within, I think.

As I became immersed in it, especially as I tried to apply it to my life, do the lessons, I began to feel the resistance. I still believed it must be true, that seemed undeniable to me, but I had a hard time accepting it on a personal level. It took a long time for me to do the lessons all the way through. I kept bumping into my walls of resistance.

But even so, I was slowly beginning to heal and to feel that healing. Like a snowball rolling down hill, it started small but got bigger and picked up momentum, and that was because as I gave what willingness I had, I began to experience my life and my self differently. What I thought must be true was proven to me as true as I used the Course. Each proof motivated me to seek more.

Now I have no doubt whatsoever, that everything the Course says is true. More importantly, I have no doubt that I will accept it all and live it all. Even in the moments when it seems most unlikely, when my resistance seems strongest, I do not doubt. I feel frustration, but I don’t doubt. This is the path home, I want to go home, I can go home. This is what I know, and I know it even if I have not yet fully achieved it.

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