Together, We Light the Way

Study of Text, Chapter 9,VI.The Acceptance of Your Brother, P 4. 3-12-15

VI. The Acceptance of Your Brother
4 God is more than you only because He created you, but not even this would He keep from you. Therefore you can create as He did, and your dissociation will not alter this. Neither God’s light nor yours is dimmed because you do not see. Because the Sonship must create as one, you remember creation whenever you recognize part of creation. Each part you remember adds to your wholeness because each part is whole. Wholeness is indivisible, but you cannot learn of your wholeness until you see it everywhere. You can know yourself only as God knows His Son, for knowledge is shared with God. When you awake in Him you will know your magnitude by accepting His limitlessness as yours. But meanwhile you will judge it as you judge your brother’s, and will accept it as you accept his.

This section is harder for me than the others have been. It is hard for the thinking mind to grasp what is being said. Jesus says that I am like God in every way but one; God created me, and I didn’t create Him. Even that ability, He gives me. I, too, am a creator, with as much power as God. Nothing has changed because I have closed my eyes to reality. “Neither God’s light nor yours is dimmed because you do not see.” I continue to create.

I do not create alone, though. The Sonship as a whole creates. Just as God sees us as a whole, we must learn to see ourselves as part of a whole along with our brothers. “Wholeness is indivisible, but you cannot learn of your wholeness until you see it everywhere.” I practice this all the time now. I do this at random. When I am checking out at the store, I will look at the cashier with my heart open to see we are indivisible.

When I notice a casual judgment of someone, I will do the same. I’m asking Jesus to help me with this. It is absolutely essential that I remember and accept my oneness with my brothers if I am to remember that my mind is part of God’s. I cannot be part of God alone, because God does not know “alone.” He knows us as One, indivisible, whole.

“When you awake in Him you will know your magnitude by accepting His limitlessness as yours.” All through the Course, Jesus talks to us about our true nature. As one, we are magnificent, beautiful, unlimited, free, powerful, holy, brilliant, complete, whole. As one we are creators. We are the Son of God. But our true nature is one of wholeness, so I cannot feel this because I still choose specialness over wholeness. But I am making new choices and will continue to do so until I recognize there is only one choice and I make it. Then I will know my Self as I am.

Dear God, the next time I think the cashier is too slow, or I feel resentment toward the hotel clerk who doesn’t give me the room I want; when I look with envy on someone who has what I don’t, or when I think I would be happy if only someone would change; when I read the paper and think how sad this happened, how tragic that, how guilty the perpetrator; dear, dear, God, please remind me of the sacrifice I make in order to see myself separate from these splintered parts of my Self. Holy Spirit, heal my mind, restore me to our Self.

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