Together, We Light the Way

Study of the Text 4-15-13

5 The Bible tells you to know yourself, or to be certain. Certainty is always of God. When you love someone you have perceived him as he is, and this makes it possible for you to know him. Until you first perceive him as he is you cannot know him. While you ask questions about him you are clearly implying that you do not know God. Certainty does not require action. When you say you are acting on the basis of knowledge, you are really confusing knowledge with perception. Knowledge provides the strength for creative thinking, but not for right doing. Perception, miracles and doing are closely related. Knowledge is the result of revelation and induces only thought. Even in its most spiritualized form perception involves the body. Knowledge comes from the altar within and is timeless because it is certain. To perceive the truth is not the same as to know it.

Jesus says that we receive knowledge as a result of revelation. Revelation is information revealed. This means that we don’t get to knowledge on our own. We don’t get there through logic or judgment or reasoning or any kind of learning. We receive knowledge. It is revealed to us. It comes from the altar within. It is certain and unchanging because it is of God. It is timeless.

To love means to know. While I question God, that is to doubt or to not understand, I do not love Him. The same is true for myself and for anyone else. When I have been given knowledge and accepted that knowledge I am certain and there is nothing to ask, to wonder, to do.

Perception, miracles and doing are closely related. I am still at the stage of having my perception corrected so that it becomes true perception, that is, very close to knowledge. I do this through miracles, as miracles are a change of mind. I realize that my perception must not be true because it is not like what I would think with God, and so I ask for a miracle. I ask that my mind be changed. This is done and I am closer to truth.

The final step, from true perception to knowledge, is taken by God. He reveals Himself and then we know. There is nothing else to ponder. There is nothing to do. When we know God we know our selves and we know our brother.  I imagine (perceive) what this must be like, and though I cannot know for sure if I am right, I think it must be wonderful.

How blessed to know that God is Love and nothing else, to never doubt this and to know exactly what that means. How blessed to know that my brothers are Love and never a threat to me. How blessed to know my friend is Love and to never become confused about that, to never believe in her confusion.

How blessed to look at my son and see perfection, to never become confused by the suffering the body’s eyes show me. How blessed to never again forget that I am not living this life but observing my mind playing with ideas. It makes me cry to think that this unwavering certainty could be mine, and it makes me cry to realize that it is not mine yet.

Right now my perception wavers, sometime seeing truly and other times seeing with the ego. But I do the work and accept the Atonement as I am able. I get closer to true perception every day and I “know” enough now to trust that all will be revealed when I am ready to receive it. With knowledge all doubt and uncertainty will be gone and never again will I be confused. I will know that I am as God created me. I will know that there is only Love.

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