Together, We Light the Way

Study of the Text 9-13-12

22 Miracles are associated with fear only because of the belief that darkness can hide. You believe that what your physical eyes cannot see does not exist. This leads to a denial of spiritual sight.

It’s hard to believe that we would be afraid of miracles but I know that this is true. Miracles completely turn our world view upside down. Miracles stand outside the laws we made to govern our little kingdom. An occasional miracle is pretty interesting and exciting stuff, but what if miracles started happening all the time, everywhere? They would disprove the laws we have in place to keep our kingdom intact and we would have to face the fact that our kingdom must not be real. Not everyone is ready for that.

Our eyes don’t show us what is in front of us. They were made to report back to us what it is we want to see. In this way we could make a world that suits our purposes and not be distracted by truth. Imagine it this way. Everything in front of you is light. When you want to see a living room with furniture your eyes show you the living room, down to the tiniest detail.

Your eyes are also showing you many other things when it shows you that living room. Is your view of the world one of poverty and lack? Then it will show you a shabby living room. Is your world view depressing, limiting and oppressive? Then it might show you a dimly lit and colorless living room. Whatever your eyes show you will support the view you have of the world.

In reality it is all just light. It takes form according to our desires and our beliefs. There is nothing solid or real or permanent in the universe. Form appears and disappears according to our wishes. While our eyes show us nothing real, they report back to us a perfect picture of our desires. I rented a house last year that seems perfect for my needs. I love the yard and everything else about it is perfectly satisfactory.

It is larger than my old house and needs more furniture so it is kind of empty in places. Occasionally I look around and think I should buy a little table for that corner and put this lamp on it. Something like that. But I never do it. I have pictures that I have never hung. I have some boxes I have never emptied. My daughter once commented that my house looks like a hotel. I put it down to being too busy.

The other day I received guidance to buy a house. I was surprised because I have always said I didn’t want to do that. As a single woman I didn’t think I wanted the responsibility of keeping a house in repair. Also I didn’t have the kind of down payment you need to buy a house so I thought it was out of the question. But the guidance seemed clear so I knew it would happen and sure enough things have fallen into place in ways I would never have foreseen.

When I moved into that rent house my only regret was that being a rent house I might have to move again someday but I hoped it would be a long way off. But that was my thoughts, my ego mind judging and making decisions. It still does that; I just don’t pay that much attention to it. When I looked at this house my eyes showed me what my heart knew; a temporary dwelling, a stopping off place. I didn’t try to change that because a permanent home was not my true desire at that time. This was all unconscious and it is only in retrospect that I see it.

The truth is none of it is real. It is all light taking form as is my will. If I believe only what my eyes show me I will fail to see what lies beneath the form. I will believe that what I see is immutable and that I am victim to it. I will feel imprisoned by what I see all the time, blind to myself as jailor, and therefore hopelessly trapped. Even if I imagined beauty all around me, if I failed to the see the source of the beauty I would be trapped by my blindness, still be trapped by my ignorance. It would just be a prettier trap.

I see that there is something real behind the form my thoughts take. That is my spiritual sight. It is not associated with my eyes in any way. It is true vision. It led me to dwell temporarily in this nice house and it led me to let it go. Vision led me see form differently, to see through the illusion of bodies, the belief in pain and suffering.

Sometimes my vision blurs and I experience all of this as real and so it takes form according to my temporary belief, and I feel as if I am Myron and this body is real and it hurts. But no matter how convincing the illusion I can never completely believe in it, because once you know something you can’t un-know it. Everything that seems real and solid and important in this world is an opportunity to remember the truth. I feel pain and I remember that pain is not real. I feel angry and I remember that anger is not real. The same for fear and guilt. Everything becomes a way I set aside sight and embrace vision.

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