Together, We Light the Way

Study of the Text, V, Healing and the Changelessness of Mind. Paragraph 8. 4-3-14

V. Healing and the Changelessness of Mind, Paragraph 8
8 When you heal, that is exactly what you are learning. You are recognizing the changeless mind in your brother by realizing that he could not have changed his mind. That is how you perceive the Holy Spirit in him. It is only the Holy Spirit in him that never changes His Mind. He himself may think he can, or he would not perceive himself as sick. He therefore does not know what his Self is. If you see only the changeless in him you have not really changed him. By changing your mind about his for him, you help him undo the change his ego thinks it has made in him.

If I am sick I believe that I have changed my mind from its original state. In other words, I believe I have undone what God has done, and that impossible belief is the only way I could ever have an experience of sickness. Of course I could never change God’s creation so I cannot actually be sick. I can only dream of sickness, pretend sickness, think I am sick. I am healed from this illusion by recognizing that, in spite of my beliefs, my mind is changeless. It remains as God created it.

This is the way I heal myself, and also the way I heal others. I see in them the changeless mind and I see nothing else. My unwavering certainty about my brother helps to undo the change his ego thinks it has made in him. Poor ego; it is so delusional. On the other hand, if I look on my brother with my ego I see him as the ego sees him and I reinforce that error in the mind, which is also my mind, and so I teach myself what I don’t want to learn.

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