Together, We Light the Way

What limits can I lay upon God’s Son?”

Though they be only in my own mind, and far beyond the reach of Truth, I place limits on God’s Son so much that it is hard to keep up with it. I do it to myself and to those I know and to those I just happen to run across. It doesn’t matter since each different body is just a symbol of the separation thought. Sometimes the limit is obvious. I think someone is too fat, or dresses badly, or has a terrible haircut. I think someone is rude or obnoxious. I think someone cannot write well, or speak well. Sometimes it is just a fleeting thought, hardly in my mind long enough for me to notice, but it shows me that I believe in limitation and would impose it on myself and others.

I sometimes hide the limits behind humility, or behind a compliment. I limit as I compare one person to another. I could never do what you are doing, or look what an advanced soul she is. And right then I have limited everyone else and even her because while she has gone so far, she is not there. I hide it behind “love” as I tell my children they cannot do something by doing it for them, or giving unneeded advice.

I limit through worry. What if I cannot do this, or if that happens? How will I handle something? Will I have enough money or enough time? The implication always being there is a limit. How often have I said that I can no longer do that because I am too old, or my memory is not as good as it used to be, or I just tend to be that way or this way?

This morning I sat here thinking that I can’t understand why I hold onto the ego like I do. Why can’t I just let it go? I see what I am doing, and yet I keep doing it. The limitation implied is that I have no control over this, that something is keeping me in this place. I think of the many times the Holy Spirit has encouraged me to be patient and I think, there I go again trying to rush things; another limitation – I’m not able to be patient, never have been.

As I wonder how I can make all these changes, the Holy Spirit reminds me that there are not a million changes in behavior that I need to make, but only one change. In choosing the wrong teacher I learned to believe in limitation.

Holy Spirit: Dear one, you forget who you are and all that implies. You are the holy Son of God dreaming of bodies, pretending to be limited. You don’t need to learn to be unlimited, or even, as you were thinking, learn to not be limited. You only need to decide to be what you are instead of what you pretend to be.

Each time you notice one of the many forms that limitation can take you are deciding to remember who you are. Each time you use that moment to express your willingness to return to your true nature you are undoing the belief in limitation. It does not matter if the limitation seems to be on you or on someone else as it is not a particular behavior that needs correction, but the thought that caused the behavior.

Remember that you are completely responsible for everything you see in your world. If there seem to be limits everywhere you look, those limits are there because you want them there. Do not be discouraged by this discovery, but rejoice that you have decided to realize what is going on. Your willingness to accept responsibility is your freedom. It is the key to freedom from the belief in limits.

Me: Holy Spirit I feel very frustrated. I accept responsibility for my world. Well, really I don’t a lot of times, because as soon as I said that, I remembered just yesterday thinking I felt bad because of something someone else said. But I do understand the concept of self responsibility. What I don’t understand is why I cannot simply let go of the belief in limits. Why can’t I just wake up from this dream? I think I really want to and yet, if I wanted to I would. What is wrong with me?

Holy Spirit: Precious child of God, remember that I said you forget who you are. That forgetfulness is not accidental. You choose to forget that you are holy beyond measure, perfect in a way that in your forgetfulness you can no longer even imagine. You choose forgetfulness because you believe what you have now is preferable. You would rather be ruler of a broken and limited kingdom that to be part of God’s kingdom. As long as you place some value in being separate from God, you will remain (in your mind, only) separate from God. You are created to be free, and that means you are free to be miserable if that is what you want.

Remember, though, that you are equally free to be joyful. There are no magic words to bring you to your joy. I know you want Me to give you those words which will free you from your own choices, but you do not need Me to do this for you. I will not teach you that you are limited in this way by doing for you what you can do for yourself. That would not be kindness. Returning to your natural state, which I remind you does not change in spite of your dreams to the contrary, returning to your natural state is as simple as changing your mind. When you cease to value your dream it will end. Just like that.

And yes, again I will remind you, be patient with yourself. There are steps that must be taken, and you are taking them. Patience does not imply doing nothing. Continue to use every possible opportunity to become fully aware of your resistance. Continue to give me what willingness you have in every moment. Though it seems small indeed, you may rest assured I will use it. The little you do has a powerful effect on your mind. You are in the process of deciding differently. It seems to you to take a long time, but that is just an illusion.

Thank you, Holy Spirit. 

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