A New Way to See

Another Game

Dear Readers, as I finish up the ‘chore’ of moving, this is what came to me after reading today’s ACIM WB lesson (66).

The ego wants to play the game of “I’ll be happy when.”’
It alludes to the idea that when I have my phone line operational, then I’ll be happy. Or when I get my sofa into the apt, then I’ll be happy. Or when I get the new job, I’ll then be happy. The ego perception is when the “outside” changes to suit me, then I’ll be happy.  Wow, I can see how this belief maintained itself during my childhood, to and through adulthood, how it was perpetuated by others around me. The ego will supply one goal after another in the pursuit of happiness. What a con game!

God gives me only happiness.
Happiness is right here, right now, if I’m willing to receive it.
How can I be happy?
By letting go of the belief that I am lacking in any way. The striving to fill the hole is just the belief that I’m not complete, that I’m imperfect, not as God created me. The working to ‘fix’ things, to adjust, and even “move things” so that my “life” will be better, are more of the belief in lack. Even though the belief of lack as been firmly entrenched (it seems), it will be undone the moment that I’m wholly willing to give it up. I see in myself many small beliefs that make up the concept that I “lack”.... so it is with determination and observance that I give those little beliefs to Holy Spirit for correction.

I am the light of the world; my light brings peace to every mind as I forgive. I am the means that God has given to escape the dark; God’s function for me is happiness, my function and happiness are the same.

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