A New Way to See

Holy Spirit, Can Do!

Hello Happy Learners,
Here are some more re-minders that I found in Chapter 5, Section 3 ACIM.  To me, this was showing me how to return to a healed mind by listening to the One Voice,
the only real Voice in my confused mind.    (Italics are mine).

The way to recognize your brother is by recognizing the Holy Spirit in him.
The Holy Spirit is the idea of healing. 2 Being thought, the idea gains as it is shared. 3 Being the Call for God, it is also the idea of God. 4 Since you are part of God it is also the idea of yourself, as well as of all His creations.

The Voice of the Holy Spirit is weak in you. 2 That is why you must share It. 3 It must be increased in strength before you can hear It. 4 It is impossible to hear It in yourself while It is so weak in your mind. 5 It is not weak in Itself, but It is limited by your unwillingness to hear It.

5 The Holy Spirit has the task of undoing what the ego has made. 6 He undoes it at the same level on which the ego operates, or the mind would be unable to understand the change.

The Holy Spirit is the Mediator between the interpretations of the ego and the knowledge of the spirit. 2 His ability to deal with symbols enables Him to work with the ego’s beliefs in its own language. 3 His ability to look beyond symbols into eternity enables Him to understand the laws of God, for which He speaks. 5 Understanding is light, and light leads to knowledge. 6 The Holy Spirit is in light because He is in you who are light, but you yourself do not know this.

The Holy Spirit is the perfect Teacher. 2 He uses only what your mind already understands to teach you that you do not understand it. 3 The Holy Spirit can deal with a reluctant learner without going counter to his mind, because part of it is still for God. 4 Despite the ego’s attempts to conceal this part, it is still much stronger than the ego, although the ego does not recognize it.
7 Nothing that is good can be lost because it comes from the Holy Spirit, the Voice for creation. 8 Nothing that is not good was ever created, and therefore cannot be protected.

What the ego makes it keeps to itself, and so it is without strength. 2 Its existence is unshared. 3 It does not die; it was merely never born.
11 The Atonement must be understood as a pure act of sharing. 12 That is what I meant when I said it is possible even in this world to listen to one Voice. 13 If you are part of God and the Sonship is One, you cannot be limited to the self the ego sees.

7 It is impossible to share opposing thoughts. 8 You can share only the thoughts that are of God and that He keeps for you.
I heard one Voice because I understood that I could not atone for myself alone.    2 Listening to one Voice implies the decision to share It in order to hear It yourself.
The Holy Spirit atones in all of us by undoing, and thus lifts the burden you have placed in your mind. 2 By following Him you are led back to God where you belong, and how can you find the way except by taking your brother with you?

6 You forsake yourself and God if you forsake any of your brothers. 7 You must learn to see them as they are, and understand they belong to God as you do. 8 How could you treat your brother better than by rendering unto God the things that are God’s?
The Atonement gives you the power of a healed mind, but the power to create is of God. 2 Therefore, those who have been forgiven must devote themselves first to healing because, having received the idea of healing, they must give it to hold it.

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