A New Way to See

Living Is To Be Happy

As I woke the other morning, these thoughts were given to me:
To live is to be happy. To be happy is to heal, to heal is to forgive, to forgive is your purpose.

Fill your purpose, and you will be happy, free, and open for the truth. When you practice forgiving you give room for the truth, which is all around you. Allowing truth to return to your awareness gives you all that you could want or think you need. You were created as everything, so there is no lack in you, no lack is possible anywhere. Yet in your dream you have chosen to deny what you are, what your brother is, and Who your Father is. This need not be, it can be undone in an instant.

Your only purpose is to be happy—-therefore you let go of all that is unlike Love,
all that is untrue.
You forgive yourself for your dream, and welcome Love where It has always been. Peace is yours; you can always share peace. You take the Light with you, as Love created you, so that you can share the Light to help other minds remember that they are Light with you.

Accept forgiveness for yourself—-this is all that you need do. In practicing forgiveness you learn that you are forgiven. Have no doubt that this is completed. Your journey is over. You are at Home.

Each time that you think that you are unworthy, give that thought to Holy Spirit. If you truly want to heal, then it is for you to give every thought that condemns you to Holy Spirit for His judgment. He knows truly, and undoes all that is not true in your mind. Give up your imaginings, your stories. Never have they been true, and so they never were created. “You are the Son of God, complete and healed and whole, shining in the perfection of His Love.”          Amen.

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