A New Way to See

Mistaken Belief in the Sick Mind

Hello Everyone,
I have once again, returned to the space called home in my dream. In wanting more understanding in the thoughts that uphold my seeming illness, I asked H.S. for clarification.
These are 2 of the messages that I received from Spirit.  (Spirit calls me ‘Sara” from time to time).
The message dated the 21st, I had made up an experience, in which to learn that there is no loss in reality, and that I really want to see my brother’s innocence, not making sin real.

1/20/08 Spirit: There are only 2 categories of thought: real and unreal. You (while in the world) cannot judge what is real and unreal. That is why it is helpful to remind your self that you do not know what anything is for. In H.S. hands, it is used for good. In the deluded mind, anything can and will be used for the purpose of separation.
The way out of unreal thinking is to recognize the false thoughts and this you cannot do on your own. You have one with you, at every moment and every where, to discern the real thoughts from the unreal for you. This takes no efforting for you—- only willingness to follow, and allow the error thoughts to be undone.

1/21/08 Spirit:
When you can look beyond your brother’s body and past mind to the H.Spirit that he is, then are you free. If only for an instant that you look past the dream symbols to hold the truth, to love without attack, in that instant will you accept (receive) your healing.

The mind that is tortured with guilt will project, to be rid of pain and fear. It does not recognize that it’s projections are as false as the guilt that under lies them. Guilt is forever false because nothing changed reality; there is no sin. There are no unloving thoughts in the Thought of Love. There is no alien thought that can change the Mind of God. Love cannot create unlike Itself—- so It’s extension must be love and loving.

Sara, the guilt that you have laid on the body, is your call for help. And Love always answers. Do not ignore the symbols of Love that come moment to moment in your dream. They represent the Love that surrounds you, supports, protects and sustains you. Nothing in your dream truly does the same. When you imagine loss, then it seems you lose something in your world. If you dream of attack—- at you or from you—- you seem to encounter aggression in the world. Your thoughts can be shown to you, literally in an instant—- but your belief in time makes the effects of thought play out in sequence. This you choose, so that you can pretend the outside circumstances have nothing to do with you.

You pretend to forget the truth, to protect the dream that you’ve made. But this dream (that you feel so reluctant to over look) has no value; it is a crude charade to mask the Son of God, the Love that is eternal creation, unending Extension. Of this you cannot dream.

You dreamt that you abandoned God, and stole His treasure and laid waste to His dominion. This the sick mind does believe and tries to make real. This is the world you think you see and live in. But this is simply a reflection of fear thoughts projected on the veil, images that come from the mind that is tortured by it’s own remorse of what it mistakes as real. Now the guilt that you laid on the body, has put you to “rest” in the sense that you can not run hither and yon on imagined needs or quests. This is the divine opportunity to observe the thoughts and not attach to them. As you watch and give over the thoughts that once congested and stagnated, corrupting the peace in your mind, you will find that peace remains pure, and your wholeness was never touched. As you hand over the thoughts that separate to the H.S., you free your brother fm his perceptions as well as from your own. There is no confrontation in this, no turmoil. What Love created as whole, simply remains so. You attune your listening to the Voice for Love and nothing else.

Sara, this is what this practice period is about. Listening and following. Listening consistently.
Practice consistently to listen.

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