A New Way to See

More With Ho’oponopono

I have paraphrased what I read from Dr. Hew Len’s explanation of Self I-Dentity Ho’oponopono

It uses some simple phrases for cleaning, that you say to the Divine.
I’m sorry” is taking responsibility for everything that shows up in your (my) life.
I love you” is asking for the removal or transmutation of the old programing (memories).
Please forgive me” is seeking help in forgiving my self.
Thank you” is the trust that the Divine has done the rest (for the highest good).

Memories are old programs replaying (in the subconscious). Zero limits is our zero state which is no memories, no identity (little self). Nothing but the Divine.

It is my responsibility to fix (clean) everything I experience, by connecting to the Divine. When some “problem” appears in my life, the question to ask is: “What is going on in me that has manifested this problem and how can I rectify this problem in me?” Or I can say: “Please forgive me for whatever is going on inside of me that manifests this problem.”

Dr. Hew Len says that we are either coming from memories (old programing) or from inspiration.
“At heart [spirit] we are all pure, with no programs or memories or even inspirations. That’s the zero state; there are zero limits there. But as we live [dream], we catch programs and memories, much like some people catch a cold. We aren’t bad when we catch a cold, but we do whatever it takes to clean it. Programs are the same. We catch them. When we see a program in another, we have it too. The way out is to clean.”

I see this as another tool to “do” what the Course is asking me.
To take 100% responsibility for everything in my life (no exceptions) without guilt.
To ask for release from the programing (thoughts) I have made up.
The willingness to have the thought/memories removed or transformed.
To trust that Holy Spirit/Divine has done their part, that it is complete.

I have found that this method will bring me back to peace. From peace I can extend love, joy and more peace. That is God’s Will for me, is it not?

What came to mind is that when you are saying ‘I love you’ that you can not experience fear or judgment, and not even separation.
When you practice this method, you return to peace…. And from peace you receive what Holy Spirit/Inspiration would give you.
In peace I am open to receive and to extend what I have received. In peace I am aware of what I already have and Who I Am.

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