A New Way to See

The Dream I Choose

This morning I see that when I tell myself that I’m not awake, that is only another form of condemnation. I am making myself ‘wrong’ (guilty) for the choice I make to dream. In my perception, the Course intended to instruct me how to be aware of the choice I make. It was not to make me more guilty by the dream I choose to play in.

The ego loves to show me how bad and therefore, guilty I am. So the “spiritual” ego dictates that by dreaming I am guilty. If I follow its teaching, I will be forever condemned—and forever in its maze of deception. The Course also teaches that I am innocent, and that what God has created never changes. I am still a Thought in the Mind that is my Source.
Being in and part of the Mind that is All That Is, I have not made myself, I have not left my Source, I have not stolen my self from God. I have no criminal record for running away from God. Ideas like these come from a split mind, caught up in its story and its illusions. I may dream a dream of separation, betrayal and punishment but there is no guilt in doing this.
I can play in the dream as long as I choose to—without condemnation. God’s Son is only as God created him. There is no condemnation in God and so there is none in me.

As I learn (remember) I am the dreamer of the dream, I let go of the guilt. All the ways that guilt shows up in my dream is simply there so I can choose again, and let go of some false belief (which is only unreal). I am free to dream—and free to choose again. Every form of discomfort I make in my dream is another clue to reveal to me a false idea.
If I choose to reject looking at that idea, pushing it away, it will always pop up anther time to be released. If I choose to look at the idea, I do not have to do this alone!
My Holy Spirit is with me (and with everyone) to guide me and assist me in releasing what is fearful and crippling.

In His perfect knowing He holds the truth and knows my innocence. He knows my dreaming is not eternal. He is infinitely patient with my choice to dream.
What appears as real will softly melt away as I accept my sinlessness. The ego would make me guilty for not awaking, but I am forever free in choosing—
the Son of God is free. If I choose to dream, I am still free, I am still innocent. I am not punished for remaining asleep in a dream.

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