A New Way to See

The Good News Is….

Dear Everyone,
The last couple of mornings, I was given these messages.
I am ever grateful that Spirit repeats and repeats His messages of Love, no matter how dense or stubborn my mind seems to be.
I know that is really is as simple as choosing again, for I have experienced the ‘change’ in all aspects of my “life” when I choose
to be happy, choose to keep a helpful/loving view of my world. Let me remember, let me remember!

Spirit: What is it the ego has really given you?
The good news is the Light is within you.
The “bad” news is you have to stop listening to the ego.

This is highly threatening to the ego system—for once you realize it’s un-reality and un-lovingness, you will not value it any longer. The value that you have given it
is solely in your mind. And it is only there that it needs to be undone.

I cannot help if you will not listen. I cannot go against your will. I cannot undo fear without your willingness to let go of it.

I am with you—and will never leave you. But the false mind thinks that it (and you) are alone because it chose to believe and make separation real. Separation is not real,
only a mad delusion from a sick mind. It is not this that you want. What is real cannot be threatened. What is unreal does not exist. Therein is the peace of God.

The Love that you Are has never changed. That Love is Real. What is Real cannot be changed. It is not threatened. Love is Real. What is Real is unchanged. You are Love.

The split mind has denied this truth. It tries to keep it’s illusions. It would not have you remember the truth. It tries to make any thing, any image, valuable to replace truth.
Do not accept it’s imitations as valuable.
Let go of the imitations and accept what I offer you. I offer truth, and hold it for you while you go from dream to dream. The dreams will not last.
You will wake. You will desire the truth, and peace and joy above all else. You are Love, guaranteed by God. Accept this now, and let the rest go.

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