A New Way to See

Thoughts Without Love

I do not know what anything is for.
I have decided on my own and I have been wrong.
I am willing to give my thoughts to Love for correction. I do this now.

My thoughts without love do not mean anything. They are nothing. What Love created cannot be without love. My real thoughts are in Love and of Love. My real Mind is an extension of Love. When I deny my real Mind I do not know my true Identity. When I deny Love I make myself fearful and small. My holy Self will lead me out of my dementia, replacing the false imaginings with light and love. I welcome and join the Light within my mind. (I am very holy. My mind is part of God’s.)

In my insanity I have denied my loving Mind and made myself weak, frail and miserable without hope. So I am happy to learn that what I thought was real is all a mistaken idea; all the stories of the ego system are insubstantial as mist or smoke. There is no reality there. I am happy to learn that I have been wrong and that I can choose again. I can let go of the insane stories, the meaningless lies, the mockery of life.

Only Love is real. Only truth is true. There is no life “outside” of Love. There is only Love.
I am safe in Love.

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