A New Way to See

Who Is My Teacher?

Hello Everyone,  I hope the following will be helpful in some way.
This morning I was feeling down, that I was back to base zero, that I was not “doing” what Spirit had intended for me…… you know, the old ego-smego.  I went to H.S.—- I have chosen wrongly. I now give this choice to You. Whenever I think I am lacking something—- that is from the ego system. When I think I lack friends (or massage therapist) I am trying to get from the illusion what I perceive I need. I deny everything I have for some little scrap of the body’s story.

Spirit: Dear One, as long as you believe that you are a body, you will experience effects of guilt. The body is just another image you have tried to rid the mind of. You have taught yourself that you are a body, repeatedly. Now it seems to you, that you need the reverse number of lessons to undo the curse. None of that is true. You can accept responsibility for what you think. By giving up thoughts that are not truly “yours” you will have release.
To hold foreign thoughts is to accept an un-natural, synthetic and ultimately sick life. Such a life is not real, just as a body is not real. Sick thoughts uphold the belief in bodies. Thoughts that seem “normal” to you are always associated with the body, either yours or another’s. These are the thoughts that need correction; they are only mistakes that hold no value. Would you learn that this is so? You cannot give correction to yourself—this is not your function. Correction comes only of Holy Spirit. You try to make adjustments to errors but this is not release, it does not heal.


(My partner joined me and opened the Course to Chap. 8:I.4.1-2 & II.2.9.;II.3.4) “Your past learning must have taught the wrong things, simply because it has not made you happy. On this basis alone its value should be questioned. “Your will is in your nature, and therefore cannot go against it. “It is never God Who coerses you, because He shares His Will with you.”
(Holy Spirit’s lesson is) “…...that your will and Gods cannot be out of accord because they are one. This is the undoing of everything the ego tries to teach. (8:II.3.6-7) “Holy Spirit’s direction is freedom and His goal is God.” (8:II.6.2)

I was also led to read in the Manual for Teachers, (26.4.1-3) “Do not despair, then, because of limitations. It is your function to escape from them, but not to be without them. If you would be heard by those who suffer, you must speak their language.”


Spirit: Of this you can be sure, the ego does not know what you are, though it’s goal is to teach you that. Holy Spirit does know what you are, and will make certain that you learn it. You are the Will of God, so you must share that Will as He shares It with you. There is nothing that your holiness cannot do, because your strength comes from God.


You are not a failure, though the ego would teach you this, for it wants you to give up listening to the one Teacher that can truly teach you. It delights in your despair that you are not following the Course “properly” nor succeeding in the WorkBook lessons. These are the limitations that it holds dear, but are not the reality of your mind, or your will. You had a thought that you must give up the belief that you are a body, but remember this also: “God takes you where you are and welcomes you.” (26.4.10) He has given you the means to let go of limitations, and you are always answered, given every support,  and have every need met. Even while you think that you are a body, you still are capable of choosing again for a happy day. You are capable of learning through Holy Spirit, of looking with Him, of hearing with Him, and letting His words flow from your mouth. You are not asked to do more, you are asked only to do the little part of letting Holy Spirit lead you.
Step back. Remember that you do not know. Breath deeply. Make room for peace in your mind. Allow your self to feel, or hear, or see, the Comforter with you.  Be you in Joy!

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