This is a great introduction to A Course in Miracles. It thoroughly covers the whole thought system of the Course. — S.C.
It helped me not only understand the contents of ACIM, but learn how to apply it to my life. The ”Letting Your Mind Be Changed” activity was very telling. I had never seen anything like this and was quite surprised to see my results. — B.V.
I love this course most of all! I've studied ACIM for 20 years. I learned to look anew on all things. Putting all things in God's hands means I am no longer the hero of the dream, but a witness to awakening from the dream of separation. — S.S.
It helped me connect my everyday life to ACIM, in particular my relationships with my loved one. I realized that I am 100% responsible for everything that I perceive and experience. — D.N.
This course is truly helpful to those called to this path. It gently lays a foundation for forgiveness and paves a clear path for the purpose Jesus had in establishing A Course in Miracles. I am thankful to be able to forgive instead of resent. — T.R.
So many things from this lesson challenged me to go deeper. Holy Spirit used this course to help me see more clearly where I have been unconsciously self sabotaging. I cannot wait to dive into the next one and start moving towards ordination with a re-engaged sense of purpose, alignment and excitement. — A.
I see in subtle and sometimes life-changing moments, how these courses are walking us all home, step by step. — S.S.
The focus cards are great, constant reminders. The “Accepting My Innate Goodness” card will be used when I am feeling down about myself. The “Realizing I Have a Choice” card is going in my pocket to be referred to whenever I forget that there is another way to think about a situation. I now have some great tools to help me remember. As always, I haven’t met a Pathways course that didn’t help me see things differently. Course 113 was no exception. — B.V.
As I proceeded through each section, I could feel my sense of Oneness awareness growing. I am seeing how I have absolutely everything I need within me. When I notice myself in separation/lack/painful thinking, I am starting to ask Holy Spirit, "How is this happening for my return to Oneness?" This is a major shift in the way I look at things and a very powerful insight for me. — R.F.
I refer back to the "Peace First" exercise often. It is valuable to know that peace is the state of mind which allows us to hear our inner Guidance. It's not only a pleasant experience to be in a state of peace; it is the absence of interference that allows us to hear our inner Guide. — E.S.
This course was a lot of fun and very insightful. It helped me become more aware of the rituals I have, and started my realization that the entire physical world is a symbol. Designing my own ritual was a very cathartic process and one of the most valuable things I got from this course. — R.S.
I really enjoyed this course. The readings and exercises helped me to slow down and be more intentional throughout my day. I feel more open and receptive to Spirit's guidance through signs/symbols. I wasn't sure what to expect from this course, but after completing it I feel it helped me deepen my sense of Oneness with God/Love. — R.F.
This course showed me where I can be more in alignment with the Holy Spirit. — C.L.
It was such a helpful experience to connect with Inner Wisdom and to access it in such easy, simple, yet profound ways. It provided practical methods to receive Inner Wisdom and discern when it is Wisdom and when it isn't. Inner Wisdom will always endeavor to connect and remember oneness and lead away from the belief in separation. It is much easier to discern where the guidance is coming from as peace is always present when it is true Inner Wisdom. — S.C.
It reminded me that deep inner peace is my right. I have come to know that if I’m in fear, lack, separation, vulnerability, struggle, or conflict, I am focusing on the ego thought system. I have been trusting my own strength, and it has caused great anxiety and fear. I can easily give this over to the Holy Spirit for correction. I no longer need to lean on my ego thought system. I’m coming Home to my own true inner thought system, which is in God. — T.R.
I enjoyed the meditations in this course. The messages I received from Inner Wisdom were profound and just what I needed at this time. — A.C.
I realized how much my connection with my Inner Wisdom has grown since starting this ministerial program. I experienced life-changing shifts and healing in my relationship with my mom during this course. I clearly heard my Inner Wisdom say, "I can be at peace, no matter what is going on." This was a miraculous moment in my life. I feel more peaceful than I have ever felt. — R.F.
This course gives an overview of the important ideas and lessons presented by A Course In Miracles. You will to learn to tell the difference between ego thoughts and the thoughts of your true Identity. You will learn to choose peace instead of conflict, Heaven instead of hell.
• Learn a process that helps you see past the physical form to the Light in everyone. It helps you forgive the people in your life whom you find difficult to love. • Take an inventory of your patterns of right-minded and wrong-minded thinking and practice shifting your thoughts toward right-minded thinking with the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your mind. • Focus on the true Self in others and experience how that focus helps you recognize the true Self in you. • Learn how to transform upset feelings into a healed perception with the help of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit's teaching is a lesson in remembering. Let us join together in our remembering. It takes just a little willingness.
This course also includes a 3-CD set (MP3's with the downloadable e-course) of Gary Renard explaining ACIM in a full day workshop.
E-Course 203 – Downloadable: US$159.00 (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 203.
Course 203 in a Binder: US$159.00 + shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Course 203 in a Binder.
This course helped me experience insight into myself and my belief system. I now realize that the only thing that needs to be healed is my belief in separation from God. Once this is healed, all seeming lack in my life will disappear.
My experience has been one of relaxing and opening to the concepts — a deep peace — an open pathway. This has been very different from the way I first entered the Course.
All the meditations were valuable. I was particularly moved by the exercise in which we practiced seeing the Light in each other. It was a deeply beautiful class that called upon me to see the Truth in all situations.
The Forgiveness and Recognizing Illusion & Reality meditations were especially meaningful for me. I want to work with them more.
This course brought healing on many levels. I experienced a deep healing with the Forgiveness meditation. I have been working with ACIM for over 10 years, yet this course brought greater understanding and clarity with it.
Before this course, I didn't know anything about A Course in Miracles even though I had tried to do some reading on it. Now I feel like I have a very good overview of ACIM. It was very enlightening for me. I have more clarity about the ego and forgiveness.
You don't have to experience life as a serious, stressful, day-to-day grind. In this course, you will identify the mental habits you may have developed which create tension, guilt and self-doubt. See how inappropriate expectations cloud your ability to experience unconditional love.
• Learn how you are unconsciously telling others how to treat you, to fit your unconscious expectations. • Discover ways you may still be following the unconscious expectations of others or trying to live up to unhealthy models of perfection. • See how learned childhood responses become unconscious knee-jerk reactions. Learn how to release these reactions for a happier life. • Realize that you are not your programming. Consciously choose how you want to feel and how you want to think. • Connect with your Inner Source of direction. • Learn to be in peace and be happy.
This course will help you allow more constructive inner scripts which empower you. You will learn to perceive yourself and the world in a way that brings happy experiences of unconditional love, no matter what is happening around you.
E-Course 113 – Downloadable: US$135.00 (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 113.
Course 113 in a Binder: US$135.00 + shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Course 113 in a Binder.
I am thankful of learning so much about myself and limiting mentals habits. I was able to empower myself and understand more about Gods love and the choice I can make each day.
It was valuable for me to look at the expectations I have held that cause states of unhappiness in me.
I appreciate learning that when I recognize subconscious old patterns, I can decide to discard them by handing them over to Holy Spirit. It had some great exercises that I am eager to use again with other situations or people in my life.
I learned how I can choose to change my mental scripts from the past and become aware so I can practice new ways of thinking and feeling.
Forgiveness has been an area that was hard for me to deal with. I realized that there was so much for me to let go of and felt that I was really able to release some very limiting patterns.
This course helped me integrate issues I have been working with for years. I now feel ready and empowered to move into and experience a different belief system. It takes patience, perseverance, persistence and practice! Now I have the tools, the desire and the intent.
This was very helpful. I started to reprogram my limited beliefs, which started in my childhood, to a programming that creates inner peace, happiness, Love and abundance.
I experienced inner healing of my childhood, including forgiveness of my mother and father — a very powerful experience. I am sure in the weeks to come this course will be digested and used even further.
It really helped me take a good, hard look at myself, at how I affect others and how they affect me. Most importantly, I learned how to change negative mental habits that are damaging to me. I have a newfound love for my Higher Awareness and those around me. It was a very nurturing and positive experience.
The more courses I take, the stronger my connection with my Higher Self becomes. I received hope and confirmation that my life can really improve. I experienced a healing with issues I have been struggling with and learned to have patience with myself in making changes.
This entire course was a deep, emotional healing process.
We have forgotten the reality of oneness that our true Self remembers for us as we dream the dream of separation. Practice letting go of the way you perceive the outer world, and focus on the inner reality of Spirit. Reacquaint yourself with your wholeness and oneness, where all minds are joined in God's perfect Love.
• Find ways to connect with your inner Spirit, with the wisdom of your true Self. • Learn to recognize the true Voice of the Holy Spirit as your Guide. • Learn the art of mindfulness to identify judgments, feelings or beliefs which interfere with communication with eternal Spirit. • Learn to distinguish what is important to your Spirit from what is important to your personality. • See how to align your thoughts more closely with your Spirit's perception. • Learn how to open to Oneness Awareness • manifesting the perfect expression of your Spirit. • Feel the joy of following Spirit's plan of awakening and joining our minds as one.
E-Course 802 – Downloadable: US$190.00 (includes 4-5 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 802.
Course 802 in a Binder: US$190.00 + shipping (includes 4-5 hours with your facilitator). Course 802 in a Binder.
A course on Oneness is just what The Healer ordered. Homecoming might be a better description, as the course transports us back to the peace, joy, beauty and love God created in us all to abide in as One.
The "Taking Off the Blindfold" process is an excellent reminder of "inch by inch, it's a cinch" and to be gentle with ourselves.
I found the mindfulness meditation to be very helpful. The "Finding Your Guide" meditation was beautiful and I will use it often. I feel myself trusting inner Guidance more and more, and allowing It in more frequently.
This course allowed me to face my issues and take responsibility for my life circumstances. It assisted me in my goal of continued spiritual growth and remembering to access Inner Guidance.
I feel I am growing at a pace I would not have believed possible. The meditations where I get in touch with Holy Spirit are particularly helpful because I need the practice of "going to Spirit" reinforced again and again.
This course was so profound for me that I want to facilitate it to others. I particularly appreciated the section on mindfulness.
The processes helped me remember my innocence and that I can receive valuable messages when I ask and listen. The experience of this course helped me remember that expectations are illusions. I don't need to plan to have a great day. Great days just "happen" when I am open.
Throughout history, mystics have used rituals to form connections between the consciousness world of form and the inner, spiritual world which is without form. We believe we live in a physical dimension of time and form. From the perspective of form, it is impossible to perceive the formless infinity of God — All That Is. Symbols and rituals can be bridges to a deeper awareness of the reality of Love's oneness.
This course will help you understand and use the power of rituals as pathways to experiences which transcend time and form. You will learn about potential pitfalls which may cause rituals to block the very spiritual awakening they were intended to assist. You will discover the root meaning and intent of thousand-year-old rituals. You will see how to transform old, lifeless rituals into empowering avenues to knowing the infinite Self. With this understanding, you will create your own inspired ritual to experience a transcendent awareness of your true inner Spirit.
E-Course 202 – Downloadable: US$135.00 (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 202.
Course 202 in a Binder: US$135.00 + shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Course 202 in a Binder.
It helped me understand the power beneath the surface of rituals. It is not the form, it's the intent and the meaning that is important.
Simply excellent. I deepened and clarified my understanding of symbols and rituals. It helped me realize that everything I do can be used as a ritual for awakening.
Because of this course experience, I am looking at rituals in a new way. It has helped me see that it is futile to attempt to recreate those moments of bliss and oneness that I felt on occasion. I need only recognize that bliss and oneness are always in the present moment.
This course showed me how I feel about ritual and allowed me to express my experience of ritual in a powerful way. Through rituals created and experienced during this course, I fulfilled intent and focus rooted in self-healing.
I learned that ordinary symbols can be reminders of awakening to oneness in my everyday life. It reminded me to see the sacred behind all form.
I really liked this course. It was very experiential. I have been using symbols and ceremonies for a long time, but I learned new ways and thoughts for using them in my life. I particularly like the idea of a personal symbol for self healing.
It was emotional and beautiful. The best part for me was creating my own useful ritual. It was a lot of fun, yet it also had much meaning. I see rituals as more useful than I had previously.
Very deep, moving, profound, and transforming. It showed me the value of rituals as a bridge, and that they can change as we grow.
Receiving Inner Wisdom opens your inner windows of communication to universal Inspiration, and helps you tap into the beingness of unconditional Love.
In this course you will have the opportunity to practice receiving Inner Wisdom with ease and a sense of deep peace. With the guided meditations, you will find it easy to practice reinforcing the habit of allowing your Inner Teacher to be the source of guidance in your daily life.
Within you is the Source of all Love, peace and joy. As you build the strong habit of stepping back and letting your Inner Teacher lead, you are led to let go of the fear, anger and resentment which are barriers to knowing your true Identity in the Mind of God.
In this course, you will have the opportunity to practice being a clear and open channel for receiving and extending the peace and Love of God. You will have an opportunity to practice getting helpful answers and bring through the healing perspective and insight of your Inner Teacher.
Releasing mistaken perceptions assists you in accepting your Self within. As you open your mind to your true Reality, you discover a new way of being in this world. More and more, the peace of God guides your thoughts, words and deeds.
E-Course 801 – Downloadable: US$135.00 (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 801.
Course 801 in a Binder: US$135.00 + shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Course 801 in a Binder.
It was particularly helpful to realize that replacing old, habitual reaction mechanisms with going to Spirit first is a process that takes time. It is important not to be hard on myself when I don't get it right off.
Receiving Inner wisdom is truly a tool for self-transformation. Inner wisdom is the Light that shines the illusions away.
The processes helped me remember my True Self is always with me and I need only ask Holy Spirit to have corrected perception given to me.
The activities of this course were awesome. I learned how to be at peace anytime, anywhere to receive messages and wisdom from Spirit. This course was truly an opening for me.
I am amazed how each course builds on the previous one so perfectly. I am continuing to see the need for willingness, stillness and quiet to allow the thoughts, symbols and feelings to come from inner Guidance.
Great experience! The meditations were powerful. I received clarity and much inner food for my transformation.
This was a great bridge in my awakening process. I can take this with me and use it as often as I please. It is so empowering to realize that Inner Guidance is always with me. I just need to remember to be quiet and ask.
This course reminded me that by being in peace, I can let go of my desperate grip on the world and connect with the Truth in me. When I get in touch with Inner Wisdom, I remember that physical reality is an illusion. Truth is Love. Being in peace changes my experience of the world.
I received very powerful messages in the Receiving Inner Peace Meditation. I am feeling more relaxed with being led by Spirit and letting go of trying to control my life.
The most valuable thing I gained in this course is the step-by-step process of receiving Inner Guidance. The CDs, processes and reading materials were all valuable in helping me change my habit patterns of thinking which were limiting me.