Spiritual Relationship Counselor Training

Step 5 Course Description

Testimonials About Spiritual Relationship Counselor Training

This was the most straightforward and practical relationship counseling course I have ever taken. And I have taken a lot! The simple format is exceptional. I feel much more equipped to do relationship counseling now, and I have been doing relationship counseling for many years. The most valuable thing I gained in this course was the healing of my own mind. I focused on my own relationships as we went through the material and did the lessons and homework. I simply cannot praise this course highly enough! It was both personally and professionally rewarding. — T.R.

I have recommitted my effort to use these materials more fully in my counseling and case management of couples in family recovery for mental health and addiction. The assessments are incredible and pointed to help individuals and me, as their counselor, to help them find tools and courses for their healing. — L.R.

This course was life transforming. I learned so many helpful skills and processes that were healing for me, and to share as a minister to guide and facilitate the healing of others. Every session of this course provided learning and insights that I will use as a minister when counseling clients, and also in all of my relationships. — V.E.

The focus on my own inner journey and applying the lessons to all my relationships helped in my role as a relationship counselor, and in each of my personal relationships. I gained a deeper trust in Spirit's love and guidance within. It was such a joy to witness the miracles unfold and the love that shines through when I step back and trust. My love for the work as a Pathways minister and Spiritual Relationship Counselor is expanded exponentially. — C.S.

I now have confidence in facilitating couples through the counseling process. Reminding myself that I am a facilitator and not a counselor takes the pressure off of me. Reminding myself that I merely need to turn each session over to Holy Spirit affirms my role as one of God's messengers. By practicing some of the skills within the course, I have personally witnessed and experienced an improved relationship with xxx. It is he upon whom I focused as I moved through the course. Our communication is easier; less strained. His facial expressions are less tense; he smiles more. B.A.

The materials are excellent and well put together. I have learned a lot about relationships, how to improve communication, how to see where I/people project, and much more. I look forward to getting the certification and being able to offer this program to people, as I see it as highly transformative. K.L.

Prerequisite: Ordained Ministerial Counselor with Current Membership.

After you have completed your Spiritual Counselor Training (Steps 1–4), you may continue your counselor training by adding a powerful set of skills to your tool box to help people improve their relationships.

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Step 5 — 2010: Spiritual Relationship Counselor Training

Why Take Spiritual Relationship Counselor Training
This in-depth training provides understanding of the procedures and processes used in effective Spiritual Relationship Counseling, a unique counseling method only available from Pathways of Light.

In this training you will learn how to facilitate the Creating a Spiritual Relationship – Removing the Blocks 12-week program. This program will help resolve relationship challenges or will enhance current relationships. It is about how to communicate from Love, not the ego. It is designed to revitalize a relationship into a path of greater health and wholeness.

What you learn as part of this training can be applied to any relationship – spouses, life partners, family members, friends, co-workers, etc.

Bring Greater Peace to All of YOUR Relationships
By experiencing the program yourself as part of this training, you will undergo life-changing transformation in your own relationships. You will improve how you relate to and communicate with everyone in your own life, using the awareness and the skills gained from the Spiritual Relationships Counselor Training program.

Enhance Your Ministry Services
Upon completing Step 5 Training, you will become a Pathways of Light Spiritual Relationships Counselor and may list yourself on the POL website as available for spiritual relationship counseling. You will be able to offer:

  • Counseling the 12-week Spiritual Relationships program with a client one-on-one
  • Counseling the 12-week Spiritual Relationships program with any two people
  • Offer the Spiritual Relationships program as a pre-marital relationship class
  • You may find when working with clients for relationship counseling that it may be helpful to suggest services/programs you learned in Step 4 training: Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling and/or an 8-week program HIC or SA. Or you may be guided to suggest a course in Steps 1-3 to facilitate for a client(s).

As a Spiritual Relationships Counselor, you will learn the skills to help your client(s):

  • Identify the key areas which need attention in the relationship.
  • Set achievable goals for the kind of relationship they would like to have.
  • Develop effective listening and communication skills.
  • Recognize defensive thoughts which become barriers to love and lead to conflict in the relationship.
  • Dedicate ample time to the relationship to share with and listen to the needs of both partners.
  • Become nurturing and supportive to each other in their process of awakening to their true potential.

What’s Included in Spiritual Relationship Counselor Training?

  • 14 weekly teleconference classes, each 2 to 2-1/2 hours long (30+ facilitated hours) maximum4 participants per class.
  • Over 30 additional handouts for ministers’ personal growth in spiritual relationships
  • Materials you will receive in your Step 5 binder (This training is not available as an e-course.)
  1. Creating a Spiritual Relationship — Removing the Blocks
    Workbook with 12 lessons, 2 CD’s, Our Agreement Cards
  2. Creating a Spiritual Relationship — An Accelerated Path of Growth CD, booklet, 2 laminated prayer cards
  3. Spiritual Relationships Counseling Materials

Step 5 — 2010 Tuition: $595.00

Questions? OR to enroll contact: Rev. Debra Joy Bredican, Director of Teleconference Training .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Click here to download a flyer with details and testimonies of Step 5 Training


More Reviews from Course 2010 Participants (Click to view)

This course helped me in so many ways. Probably areas I am not even aware of yet. Specifically helping me to stay "conscious" in my relationships and really view them from a spiritual perspective vs. a physical perspective. The other area that I noticed was in communication techniques. Understanding different ways that I might effectively communicate and also areas that may be poor choices for communication styles. I found this course very practical and full of real ideas that anyone can implement. Also the inner work and becoming aware of the "stuff" inside that I bring into my relationships is very powerful.

I would like to give this course an infinite number of stars as a rating, as I feel transformed by the teachings, sharing and learning that I gratefully received as a minister and student! Each week brought new insights, and I loved the opportunity to read together as a group and to share our perspectives on the material. I felt that the class was an excellent model for healthy ways to navigate relationships and I was enriched by practicing the learning after class also! I recommend this class as a roadmap to life, and I will carry my learning in my heart forever!

This course was the most informative course I have taken. It covers everything anyone would ever need to learn for healing. The concentrated 12 easy lessons are understandable and applicable to healing any relationship. I learned that the key ingredient to healing relationships is understanding that anger, blame and judgment, any thought that separates, comes from fear.

This was an extremely helpful course — so many useful keys and techniques for improving relationships! I am very excited about working with others with these materials. I cannot sing my praises of this course enough. Every Ordained Ministerial Counselor should take it.

I have truly learned a new way of being helpful in this world. Thank you for the fantastic experience of all the courses, especially the Relationship course. The first relationship is always with myself and by practicing these principles with others, I heal my relationship with myself.

This course was life transforming for me as I learned so many helpful skills and processes that were so healing for me and that I can share as a minister to guide and facilitate the healing of others. Every session of this course provided me with learning and new insights that I will use when counseling clients and also in all of my own relationships! I feel awakened to the healing power of being a nurturing and loving role model and am grateful for my eternal bond with Holy Spirit to receive guidance, peace, and trust to connect with others and to pass on this light!

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