The Spiritual Counselor training applies the principles of A Course in Miracles to spiritual ministry. Being an Ordained Ministerial Counselor (OMC) prepares you to fulfill your purpose of serving in this time of the Great Awakening. Upon completion of the Spiritual Counselor Curriculum you are certified to offer Accessing Inner Wisdom Spiritual Counseling as well as to facilitate Pathways of Light Spiritual College courses and 8-week programs.
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You may still feel plagued with fear, anger, resentment, self-doubt and guilt cropping up here and there. Intellectually you know better, but those old, subconscious scripts still seem to be around.
Self-image transformation means changing the way we perceive ourselves. To transform our self-image, we don't need to change what we do. We need to change who we think we are. What we do comes from who we think we are. In A Course in Miracles we are taught to remind ourselves frequently, "God is but Love, and therefore so am I," and "I am not a body, I am free. For I am still as God created me."
This course will provide practice in becoming aware of the trance formations that make us act like robots, controlled by unconscious, habitual ego belief systems. You will learn to retrain your mind to develop new mental habits while releasing those old mental programs that are limiting and painful.
Click here to view a sample of E-Course 132 with a link to listen to the guided meditation.
Facilitated E-Course 132 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 132.
Facilitated Course 132 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 132 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 132 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping. Click here to order E-Course 132 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 132 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping. Click here to order Course 132 Self-Study in a Binder.
This is a great course and I have a wonderful facilitator. The prompts throughout the course have allowed me to go much deeper in my mind training and showing me to be mindful of grievances and victimization.
Many of the questions were quite stimulating in that they made me consider some things I hadn't considered before such as how my self-image changed throughout my school years, etc. It was helpful to dissect and ponder the changes to my self-image over the years. I really liked the final assignment as well when I crafted my "new" self-image.
Many of the questions were quite stimulating in that they made me consider some things I hadn't considered before such as how my self-image changed throughout my school years, etc. It was helpful to dissect and ponder the changes to my self-image over the years. I really liked the final assignment as well when I crafted my "new" self-image.
Doing this work gives me a sense of peace because the thoughts slow down some and allow me to reconnect with my True Self.
I recommend this course for any student of ACIM. As an LCSW, I noticed that for myself and perhaps others who have experienced a disturbance in childhood attachment, this course facilitates healing and wholeness. Thank you!
If you want to begin to know yourself in relationship to your beliefs this is a good beginning.
If you want to begin to know yourself in relationship to your beliefs this is a good beginning.
This course seemed simple on the surface; that was deceptive! It was so much more than I expected. I value hugely what it brought up for me. It has led to better relationships with my loved ones and greater inner peace.
This is a very powerful, invaluable course. It helped me learn to identify false self-image beliefs and transform these false beliefs to truth with the help of Spirit.
I felt that through the readings and visualizations, I made a greater shift to the Light within. My self-image improved. I feel more open to love, joy and peace. I really felt that this was a major shift for me.
I learned to look at how I think about myself and change that image with the help of Inner Guidance.
This course allowed me to stop, and become aware of the gaps and differences between what I have manifested into my life and relationships to date, and what I consciously desire to focus on. I gained valuable insights into how and why I set up limiting relationship patterns.
This course helped me realize at still another, deeper level that I make the trance scripts and I can let them go with the help of Holy Spirit. I also enjoyed the experience of deep peace and feeling connected with my Source in the meditations.
This course brought me clarity and a sense of peace about where I am in my life. I was able to focus more clearly on differentiating between ego and my Higher Self, especially in relation to my own issues of worthiness.
As you open to understanding your true purpose, you enter a new time — a time of looking at the concepts you are holding about yourself and others and letting them be replaced by the awareness of your unlimited True Self.
Understand how the veils of forgetfulness can be lifted to give you a new sense of life purpose. Learn how to change your beliefs about time. Learn to access long-held thought patterns you picked up as a child, and heal these limited thoughts with the help of the Light within you. Find out why it is important to quiet your mind and listen to your Self, and how you can better serve your true identity as Spirit in this life.
Receive insight on new choices, new ideas, and learn how you can extend the qualities of your true Self in your life. Take an inward journey to a Haven of Greater Awareness to connect and identify with qualities of Spirit, such as universal Love, and feeling deep inner peace. Transcend time and communicate with your unlimited Self. Imagine seeing life differently in the years ahead as you dissolve blocks to the greater awareness of Love's Presence. Practice seeing yourself knowing and expressing your true life purpose.
Facilitated E-Course 112 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 112.
Facilitated Course 112 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 112 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 112 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping. Click here to order E-Course 112 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 112 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping. Click here to order Course 112 Self-Study in Binder.
I enjoyed the meditation and writing prompts. They make me dive into uncovering false beliefs and connecting with my True Self.
Brilliant…. Brought Time Home.
As I was searching for certification for ACIM, I continually discovered places willing to give me their rubber stamp authorization to make me qualified to mentor through ACIM for a certain amount. There were no classes or ways of proving I knew about ACIM. Once I discovered POL, I was excited that I had to learn ACIM to become ordained. POL is a beacon of light for integrity, honesty, and dignity. I am very grateful for POL's work, which shines a light for all to follow. Thank You
Johnnie Calloway
Wow. It was such a joyful, elevating experience. The meditations were deep and transforming. It was an enlightening experience, more than I expected.
The exercises were created in such a way that they directly got to important life issues. I felt like I shook hands with myself and my unconscious self. I learned to create a bridge for conscious dialogue with Higher Self.
For the first time in my life I found myself going very deeply into guided meditations. I always brought back some important new information, some new awareness. I was impressed with the gentle and nurturing approach. Growth doesn't have to hurt.
I would recommend this highly as a powerful class for opening to the Higher Self.
I love all the extra benefits of these courses — how they are synchronistic with events in my life. I also love the little jewels in each course — sentences that are profound. I increased my sense of peace.
It made me aware of my issues and my solutions. I gained insight into the changes I need to make to get back to my True Self. The experience was relaxing, rejuvenating, profound and very enjoyable. The materials are simple, direct and precise.
I have the knowledge and the ability to change my present experiences by changing my thoughts and beliefs about the past, and to have a future of Love, peace and joy. It helped me a lot with meditation. The CD’s and the course brought the wisdom I needed to access my Inner Truth.
This course helped remind me why I am in this world and assisted me in remembering/discovering how to return to the reason: My purpose. It has come at an extremely difficult time in life, thus proving extremely beneficial.
I believe that the course opened areas of forgiveness for me to a greater degree than ever before. It allowed me to review and release situations in my life which I still held judgments about. I am aware to a greater extent that my Higher Self is always there to help and comfort me.
In this course you will look at core aspects of your personality which are holding on to ideas that do not come from your true Self. Some of the ways these aspects express themselves include self-righteousness, suffering, victimhood and projecting guilt and blame onto others. If you still find yourself sabotaging your innate happiness, this course will give you practice in identifying and healing those self-defeating aspects. You will learn how to quiet your mind to let your true Self lovingly transform your mind — your thoughts and feelings — to higher levels of awareness.
As you learn to quiet your mind and listen, you awaken to the real you — to your true Self. As you gradually welcome awakening to your inner Spirit, your experience changes to allow in more joy, love and the knowing that you are safe in God. Your true Self is your true nature, the essence of what you are. You will learn to allow in the awareness of your true Self more fully and receive helpful insight. Your true Self is your inner Teacher and will help you transform your thinking to see the outer world differently to live a happier and more purposeful life.
As your thinking increasingly comes from your true Self, you become more gentle with yourself and others. You are able to see past the fearful thinking and resulting behavior in yourself and others, to see the true reality of Love that lies behind all fear. You are able to make choices and decisions from a place of Wisdom and peace.
Facilitated E-Course 111 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 111.
Facilitated Course 111 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 111 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 111 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping. Click here to order E-Course 111 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 111 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping. Click here to order Course 111 Self-Study in Binder.
Trust that everything is working together for good! I just kept saying this. A lot came up for me to be released. It is a wonderful tool to have in my mind.
Trust that everything is working together for good! I just kept saying this. A lot came up for me to be released. It is a wonderful tool to have in my mind.
This course is more far-reaching in its scope than I anticipated. It facilitated a change that is an ongoing process. My experience can only be described as miraculous. I stand a changed person on the inside, thereby creating a changed perception on the outside. I gained a deep sense of union with myself and an absolute conviction that I am never alone.
By doing one of the exercises and applying the insights to my daily life, I came to a clearer understanding that I was projecting my limiting personality characteristics onto those whom I seemed to get upset with or angry at. With this realization, it became easier to see myself in those people, whom I used to blame for their 'bad' behaviors. I was them and they were me! Seeing oneness with those who seem to upset or hurt me has been a big challenge for me. But this experience helps me move in the right direction.
All the exercises brought me to deeper and deeper levels of my being. The meditations were profound and moving. I was able to see things so clearly.
The meditation CD helped lead me to the Holy Spirit (inner guidance) naturally, to a profound depth of inner insight, with peace and Love.
There were many ah-ha's, such as: All need for "specialness" is a belief in scarcity — a belief that there's not enough goodness or universal abundance to go around.
I realized that my abundance is so incredible that I couldn't even really imagine how great it is. And the Holy Spirit is there to guide my creativity. Each session was so right on. It amazed me how effective they were.
This course helped me clear away the blocks that prevented me from discovering my true Higher Self and has freed me to proceed with my personal growth. It has a helpful, building block approach of recognition, healing, cleansing and awareness. The excellent recorded meditations were so helpful in guiding me through inner explorations.
This course reinforces the work I am doing with A Course in Miracles. The CD’s facilitated getting in touch with my True Self and receiving a vision of the next evolutionary step of my "practice."
By becoming aware of the limiting aspects in my personality, I can more clearly choose to hear my Inner Guidance. Receiving the guiding vision of my True Self was very moving and powerful.
It really helped me look at areas in my life that I wasn't facing. The meditation CD’s are wonderful and I enjoy listening to them more than once or twice. This course reinforced my values and beliefs in my spirituality.
This course will help you feel more confident about trusting your Inner Guidance, spiritual intuition and your ability to know what is right for you. Trust opens the door to living a purposeful life, following Spirit. Trust helps you experience the quiet peace that comes with letting go of fearful thinking. When you trust that your Source is working for you and with you, you relax and allow It to lead you.
Learn how to let go of the doubt that cuts you off from experiencing trust in areas of:
Learn what pushes your buttons, causing you to lose your trust, and how to get back to trusting your true Self as your source of Guidance. Trusting your inner Teacher changes how you see everyone and everything. This trust allows you to see the world from a new perspective of oneness. As you place your trust in your true Self, you see through the false veils of ego thoughts of conflict, limitation and lack. You are unlimited Love and Light. The more you can trust in the Christ within, the more it will be reflected in your life.
Facilitated E-Course 114 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 114.
Facilitated Course 114 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 114 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 114 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping. Click here to order E-Course 114 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 114 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping. Click here to order Course 114 Self-Study in Binder.
I learned to trust my inner Self, listen to It, and relish the beauty It gives me. Simply amazing!
It helped me let go of doubt and fearful beliefs of separation, and to trust my inner powerful Light and true Self. I can trust in Love to heal all things.
It helped me realize how powerful my thoughts are and how important it is to monitor my thoughts. I was able to release some doubt I had in communicating with my Higher Self.
I gained a renewed trust in Self, extending that trust to everything and everyone. I became aware of areas I want to let go of and areas I want to focus on to make stronger in my life.
The meditations are profound. I play the meditation CD’s over and over, and each time I hear them differently. So I have an actual "physical way" to realize the layers that exist and work with myself at each level.
Trust has been an issue with me in the past. I believe that by doing this course, I attained a new level. The experiential work allowed me to feel trust in a way that is wondrous and new. It is the experiential meditative exercises which made this course come alive for me.
I was reluctant to take a correspondence course, preferring the group sharing environment. I was very pleased with the opportunities and insights I received by doing individual and guided facilitated study. I would now recommend correspondence as a very valuable experience, and I would correspond again in the future.
I learned so much about myself. This has been the best course for me yet. I learned to locate the things that trigger mistrust for me and how to trust Spirit more.
I increased my awareness, commitment and TRUST in Spirit, learning to see that Spirit does the work and I just need to be mindfully connected in a place of peace, allowing it to take place.
Within everyone is a desire to return to Love, our Source. In our search for Love, we may look to someone outside of ourselves to give it to us. In this stage we are not aware of the Love within. We don't recognize our inner worth, our Light, our own perfection. As long as we continue to look outside ourselves to fill this sense of emptiness, we will feel unfulfilled.
When you realize that you have not found Love by looking for it from others, you are ready to go into a new stage of your life. You are ready to walk into an expanded awareness of Love. You are ready to consistently express your true unconditional loving nature. You are ready to wake up to What you are. In this course you will practice healing and releasing your barriers to Love. With the support of others, you will experience the depth of unconditional Love which lies within you. You will learn how to tap into this reservoir and bring Love to situations in your life which need healing.
You will learn to let go and let Love take over, seeing the world from a new perspective. You recognize that Love is giving, not getting. As Love extends from you, the sense of scarcity and lack gently falls away. Extending the Love that you are is your top priority. It is what you are here to learn and teach. You will focus on opening up to that Love and letting It shine through. Love is the healer. It will change your life.
Facilitated E-Course 115 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 115.
Facilitated Course 115 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 115 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 115 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping. Click here to order E-Course 115 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 115 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping. Click here to order Course 115 Self-Study in Binder.
My inner child received a healing and incorporated some new, healthy qualities. I now have a greater desire to love others. It helped me move through resistance to receiving love. It also helped me realize the value of extending love at all times.
The sharing with my inner child experience helped me recognize that I am love and loving.
I realized that I have looked for love outside of myself and do not see myself as a vessel of love. The experience of having the group tell me that I am worthy and deserving of love was profound. I truly value this experience.
This course helped me feel more comfortable in expressing the positive things I feel about other people. It also provided an unusual opportunity to receive positive comments about myself in a comfortable, safe environment, which helped lower my defenses.
It was a very love-filled experience. I absolutely loved the material and exercises. It had a nice balance of meditation, processing and reading material.
This course helped me remember that everyone, including myself, perceives the world based on our fears, feelings of lack and inadequacy, etc.... That we can only allow in the amount of love that we feel we desire. This allows me to see situations in a manner that is more serene for myself and others. This is a course I will definitely repeat for myself.
It helped me remember that love is everywhere and that I can share love without fear or anxiety. The processes were uplifting and inspiring. I feel peaceful all over again.
This course gives an overview of the important ideas and lessons presented by A Course In Miracles. You will to learn to tell the difference between ego thoughts and the thoughts of your true Identity. You will learn to choose peace instead of conflict, Heaven instead of hell.
• Learn a process that helps you see past the physical form to the Light in everyone. It helps you forgive the people in your life whom you find difficult to love. • Take an inventory of your patterns of right-minded and wrong-minded thinking and practice shifting your thoughts toward right-minded thinking with the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your mind. • Focus on the true Self in others and experience how that focus helps you recognize the true Self in you. • Learn how to transform upset feelings into a healed perception with the help of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit's teaching is a lesson in remembering. Let us join together in our remembering. It takes just a little willingness.
This course also includes a 3-CD set (MP3's with the downloadable e-course) of Gary Renard explaining ACIM in a full day workshop.
Facilitated E-Course 203 – Downloadable: US$159.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 203.
Facilitated Course 203 in a Binder: US$159.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 203 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 203 – Downloadable: US$89.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 203 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 203 in a Binder: US$89.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 203 Self-Study in Binder.
This course helped me experience insight into myself and my belief system. I now realize that the only thing that needs to be healed is my belief in separation from God. Once this is healed, all seeming lack in my life will disappear.
My experience has been one of relaxing and opening to the concepts — a deep peace — an open pathway. This has been very different from the way I first entered the Course.
All the meditations were valuable. I was particularly moved by the exercise in which we practiced seeing the Light in each other. It was a deeply beautiful class that called upon me to see the Truth in all situations.
The Forgiveness and Recognizing Illusion & Reality meditations were especially meaningful for me. I want to work with them more.
This course brought healing on many levels. I experienced a deep healing with the Forgiveness meditation. I have been working with ACIM for over 10 years, yet this course brought greater understanding and clarity with it.
Before this course, I didn't know anything about A Course in Miracles even though I had tried to do some reading on it. Now I feel like I have a very good overview of ACIM. It was very enlightening for me. I have more clarity about the ego and forgiveness.
You don't have to experience life as a serious, stressful, day-to-day grind. In this course, you will identify the mental habits you may have developed which create tension, guilt and self-doubt. See how inappropriate expectations cloud your ability to experience unconditional love.
• Learn how you are unconsciously telling others how to treat you, to fit your unconscious expectations. • Discover ways you may still be following the unconscious expectations of others or trying to live up to unhealthy models of perfection. • See how learned childhood responses become unconscious knee-jerk reactions. Learn how to release these reactions for a happier life. • Realize that you are not your programming. Consciously choose how you want to feel and how you want to think. • Connect with your Inner Source of direction. • Learn to be in peace and be happy.
This course will help you allow more constructive inner scripts which empower you. You will learn to perceive yourself and the world in a way that brings happy experiences of unconditional love, no matter what is happening around you.
Facilitated E-Course 113 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 113.
Facilitated Course 113 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 113 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 113 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 113 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 113 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 113 Self-Study in Binder.
I am thankful of learning so much about myself and limiting mentals habits. I was able to empower myself and understand more about Gods love and the choice I can make each day.
It was valuable for me to look at the expectations I have held that cause states of unhappiness in me.
I appreciate learning that when I recognize subconscious old patterns, I can decide to discard them by handing them over to Holy Spirit. It had some great exercises that I am eager to use again with other situations or people in my life.
I learned how I can choose to change my mental scripts from the past and become aware so I can practice new ways of thinking and feeling.
Forgiveness has been an area that was hard for me to deal with. I realized that there was so much for me to let go of and felt that I was really able to release some very limiting patterns.
This course helped me integrate issues I have been working with for years. I now feel ready and empowered to move into and experience a different belief system. It takes patience, perseverance, persistence and practice! Now I have the tools, the desire and the intent.
This was very helpful. I started to reprogram my limited beliefs, which started in my childhood, to a programming that creates inner peace, happiness, Love and abundance.
I experienced inner healing of my childhood, including forgiveness of my mother and father — a very powerful experience. I am sure in the weeks to come this course will be digested and used even further.
It really helped me take a good, hard look at myself, at how I affect others and how they affect me. Most importantly, I learned how to change negative mental habits that are damaging to me. I have a newfound love for my Higher Awareness and those around me. It was a very nurturing and positive experience.
The more courses I take, the stronger my connection with my Higher Self becomes. I received hope and confirmation that my life can really improve. I experienced a healing with issues I have been struggling with and learned to have patience with myself in making changes.
This entire course was a deep, emotional healing process.
We have forgotten the reality of oneness that our true Self remembers for us as we dream the dream of separation. Practice letting go of the way you perceive the outer world, and focus on the inner reality of Spirit. Reacquaint yourself with your wholeness and oneness, where all minds are joined in God's perfect Love.
• Find ways to connect with your inner Spirit, with the wisdom of your true Self. • Learn to recognize the true Voice of the Holy Spirit as your Guide. • Learn the art of mindfulness to identify judgments, feelings or beliefs which interfere with communication with eternal Spirit. • Learn to distinguish what is important to your Spirit from what is important to your personality. • See how to align your thoughts more closely with your Spirit's perception. • Learn how to open to Oneness Awareness • manifesting the perfect expression of your Spirit. • Feel the joy of following Spirit's plan of awakening and joining our minds as one.
Facilitated E-Course 802 – Downloadable: US$190.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 4-5 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 802.
Facilitated Course 802 in a Binder: US$190.00 plus shipping (includes 4-5 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 802 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 802 – Downloadable: US$95.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 802 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 802 in a Binder: US$95.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 802 Self-Study in Binder.
A course on Oneness is just what The Healer ordered. Homecoming might be a better description, as the course transports us back to the peace, joy, beauty and love God created in us all to abide in as One.
The "Taking Off the Blindfold" process is an excellent reminder of "inch by inch, it's a cinch" and to be gentle with ourselves.
I found the mindfulness meditation to be very helpful. The "Finding Your Guide" meditation was beautiful and I will use it often. I feel myself trusting inner Guidance more and more, and allowing It in more frequently.
This course allowed me to face my issues and take responsibility for my life circumstances. It assisted me in my goal of continued spiritual growth and remembering to access Inner Guidance.
I feel I am growing at a pace I would not have believed possible. The meditations where I get in touch with Holy Spirit are particularly helpful because I need the practice of "going to Spirit" reinforced again and again.
This course was so profound for me that I want to facilitate it to others. I particularly appreciated the section on mindfulness.
The processes helped me remember my innocence and that I can receive valuable messages when I ask and listen. The experience of this course helped me remember that expectations are illusions. I don't need to plan to have a great day. Great days just "happen" when I am open.
Throughout history, mystics have used rituals to form connections between the consciousness world of form and the inner, spiritual world which is without form. We believe we live in a physical dimension of time and form. From the perspective of form, it is impossible to perceive the formless infinity of God — All That Is. Symbols and rituals can be bridges to a deeper awareness of the reality of Love's oneness.
This course will help you understand and use the power of rituals as pathways to experiences which transcend time and form. You will learn about potential pitfalls which may cause rituals to block the very spiritual awakening they were intended to assist. You will discover the root meaning and intent of thousand-year-old rituals. You will see how to transform old, lifeless rituals into empowering avenues to knowing the infinite Self. With this understanding, you will create your own inspired ritual to experience a transcendent awareness of your true inner Spirit.
Facilitated E-Course 202 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 202.
Facilitated Course 202 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 202 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 202 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 202 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 202 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 202 Self-Study in Binder.
It helped me understand the power beneath the surface of rituals. It is not the form, it's the intent and the meaning that is important.
Simply excellent. I deepened and clarified my understanding of symbols and rituals. It helped me realize that everything I do can be used as a ritual for awakening.
Because of this course experience, I am looking at rituals in a new way. It has helped me see that it is futile to attempt to recreate those moments of bliss and oneness that I felt on occasion. I need only recognize that bliss and oneness are always in the present moment.
This course showed me how I feel about ritual and allowed me to express my experience of ritual in a powerful way. Through rituals created and experienced during this course, I fulfilled intent and focus rooted in self-healing.
I learned that ordinary symbols can be reminders of awakening to oneness in my everyday life. It reminded me to see the sacred behind all form.
I really liked this course. It was very experiential. I have been using symbols and ceremonies for a long time, but I learned new ways and thoughts for using them in my life. I particularly like the idea of a personal symbol for self healing.
It was emotional and beautiful. The best part for me was creating my own useful ritual. It was a lot of fun, yet it also had much meaning. I see rituals as more useful than I had previously.
Very deep, moving, profound, and transforming. It showed me the value of rituals as a bridge, and that they can change as we grow.
Receiving Inner Wisdom opens your inner windows of communication to universal Inspiration, and helps you tap into the beingness of unconditional Love.
In this course you will have the opportunity to practice receiving Inner Wisdom with ease and a sense of deep peace. With the guided meditations, you will find it easy to practice reinforcing the habit of allowing your Inner Teacher to be the source of guidance in your daily life.
Within you is the Source of all Love, peace and joy. As you build the strong habit of stepping back and letting your Inner Teacher lead, you are led to let go of the fear, anger and resentment which are barriers to knowing your true Identity in the Mind of God.
In this course, you will have the opportunity to practice being a clear and open channel for receiving and extending the peace and Love of God. You will have an opportunity to practice getting helpful answers and bring through the healing perspective and insight of your Inner Teacher.
Releasing mistaken perceptions assists you in accepting your Self within. As you open your mind to your true Reality, you discover a new way of being in this world. More and more, the peace of God guides your thoughts, words and deeds.
Facilitated E-Course 801 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 801.
Facilitated Course 801 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 801 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 801 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 801 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 801 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 801 Self-Study in Binder.
It was particularly helpful to realize that replacing old, habitual reaction mechanisms with going to Spirit first is a process that takes time. It is important not to be hard on myself when I don't get it right off.
Receiving Inner wisdom is truly a tool for self-transformation. Inner wisdom is the Light that shines the illusions away.
The processes helped me remember my True Self is always with me and I need only ask Holy Spirit to have corrected perception given to me.
The activities of this course were awesome. I learned how to be at peace anytime, anywhere to receive messages and wisdom from Spirit. This course was truly an opening for me.
I am amazed how each course builds on the previous one so perfectly. I am continuing to see the need for willingness, stillness and quiet to allow the thoughts, symbols and feelings to come from inner Guidance.
Great experience! The meditations were powerful. I received clarity and much inner food for my transformation.
This was a great bridge in my awakening process. I can take this with me and use it as often as I please. It is so empowering to realize that Inner Guidance is always with me. I just need to remember to be quiet and ask.
This course reminded me that by being in peace, I can let go of my desperate grip on the world and connect with the Truth in me. When I get in touch with Inner Wisdom, I remember that physical reality is an illusion. Truth is Love. Being in peace changes my experience of the world.
I received very powerful messages in the Receiving Inner Peace Meditation. I am feeling more relaxed with being led by Spirit and letting go of trying to control my life.
The most valuable thing I gained in this course is the step-by-step process of receiving Inner Guidance. The CDs, processes and reading materials were all valuable in helping me change my habit patterns of thinking which were limiting me.
Come back to the awareness of your perfect wholeness with Christ Vison. Learn how, with your thoughts and beliefs, you are writing your book of life, your holy book. In a guided meditation, you will learn how to rewrite your holy book of life with the help of unlimited, all-knowing Christ Vision. This rewriting will help you transform your life through correction rather than self-condemnation. In this course we will be working with the essence of awakening training. Experiential processes will help you move past the outer form to Christ's perfect Love.
With Christ Vision, you are knocking on the door of the greatest force of Inner Light there is. The door opens and you recognize the Light and Love you feel as your own.
Facilitated E-Course 301 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 301.
Facilitated Course 301 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 301 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 301 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 301 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 301 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 301 Self-Study in Binder.
This was a gentle reminder to refocus my thoughts. I am the creator of my own heaven or hell. I am powerful in Christ.
The "Christ Vision" meditation is one of the best meditations I have ever heard. This course is just what I need at this point in my life. Thank you.
It was important for me to realize that it is my thoughts that write my life. I need to be aware of them in the "now" if I am going to ask for help to change my perspective.
I got in touch with Holy Spirit and was shown how to deal with my relationship with my oldest son. I learned that I have an attachment to the stimulation of fear, competition, blame, etc., and that this is my payoff for not doing what is in my deepest best interest.
This course makes it so clear that we write our own stories and that we can rewrite every part that needs rewriting. Most importantly, this course shows us how to do this. It left me speechless with just feelings — feelings of the Christ Spirit alive within me. It was a truly healing experience.
Wow! Shazamm! Right at the beginning of this course I had a very healing experience with the first meditation. I feel a greater awareness of the nearness of Christ Vision and what I can let go to open up to it more. This course was alive with Love.
All of us are searching for intimacy, companionship and nurturing. You may ask, "Why have I had such difficulty with intimate relationships in my life?" We find the keys in our own self-worth issues and our willingness to be intimate with ourselves.
Intimacy is a peak experience. We intuitively recognize that "in-to-me-see" is essential to growth and the enhancement of self-worth. In this course you will learn the answers to common questions such as: What is intimacy, and how do I recognize it? How do I know if I can handle a truly intimate relationship? How can I prepare for it?
In this course, you will see how we each draw to us the relationships we need to show us the beliefs and attitudes that are keeping us stuck, that are blocking our path to the Light within. You will look at the roadblocks you put in the way of intimacy and how to move past them.
With the help of experiential processes and meditations, you will look at troublesome situations in your life and see how to transform these situations with the help of the all powerful force of Love that is within you. You will see how it feels when you are playing the "separation game" by focusing on differences, and how to change that to the "Oneness game" by looking past differences to the innate goodness in others.
Facilitated E-Course 401 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 401.
Facilitated Course 401 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 401 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 401 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 401 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 401 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 401 Self-Study in Binder.
I feel this was an opening in experiencing intimacy in relationships.
This course was very enriching and enlightening. It really drives home the point that what we see in others is actually what we see in ourselves. I saw that Spirit brings relationships into our lives for lessons we are to learn or give.
Since I have just embarked on a new intimate relationship, this course was extremely helpful. Rather than pulling back or running away when my fears and insecurities rise up, I can now see this person as an opportunity to see myself and I can ask to have my mind be healed.
This was a very powerful and profound course for me. I am now looking at intimacy in a different way. It helped show me some aspects of myself I didn't even know were there.
This course was very deep and profound. I now see the ways that I project my issues and feelings outward. What I see is a reflection of my "state of mind" at the time! It was moving and heartfelt.
The Star Child is that childlike essence within you, that energy of Love which pierces through the confusion and brings clear vision into your life. Star Child lightly and gently helps you let go of struggle. It is your inner Comforter, your innocent Self.
You will be led on a guided journey to become aware of the reality of your inner Star Child. You will be able to ask for and receive insight on questions of importance to you.
Your inner Star Child will help you experience a feeling of invulnerability and trust. You will become less fear-driven and more led by Love as you allow your Star Child to help you loosen your grip on the game of illusions in this world. Your Star Child will joyfully expand your awareness to be deceived no more, to wake up from your dream of separation.
Facilitated E-Course 210 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 210.
Facilitated Course 210 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 210 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 210 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 201 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 201 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 201 Self-Study in Binder.
The meditations in this course were particularly helpful to me. I am learning to trust in taking all my fears to the Source within.
I was able to look within in a simple way. As the gentleness healed my heart, new insights surfaced about my relationships, especially in working with clients.
This course reminded me to focus on what's important to my soul. Most things of this world are not important to my soul. It encouraged me to see from my soul's perspective.
I really felt the course opened me to a new sense of freedom — a deeper level of understanding the freedom I have within me. I loved the insights I received from the processes and meditations.
I appreciated the idea of letting go in stages. The Star Child image encourages a letting down of defenses. It is nonthreatening.
Star Child is a helpful concept that makes it easier to accept our true Divinity. I especially appreciated the feelings of love, innocence and power of truly being a child of God.
I remembered to lighten up. The only big deal is to remember there are no big deals. Also remembering that power does not mean force. Power is the confidence and steadiness of Star Child to look past illusions with gentleness. This is about my fourth time through this course. I'm getting it! It is so incredible, no, so perfect, to keep learning at deeper and lighter levels every time.
Self-realization comes when we acknowledge our true purpose and have the courage to follow it. Many have found that when they help others, they help themselves. There is no greater act of self-empowerment than that of empowering another. A sacred life, dedicated to remembering the truth about ourselves and others, is the fast track to true, lasting happiness. The sacred life begins when you transcend the duality of me/you and no longer see yourself as separate from others.
This course examines the inner drive and motivations to serve the awakening. It will explore both the potential pitfalls and enormous personal rewards of choosing spiritual service as a pathway of return to your Source. The quality of your passage in the sacred life depends on the clarity of your intention. In the sacred life, you serve as a bridge which connects yourself and others with the All. You transcend your separate identity, reunite with your Self and act as a channel for God's healing.
This course will provide keys to being your true Self, so you can be a more effective facilitator, counselor and friend. It is for all who wish to experience a deeper awareness of Infinite Love in their lives.
Facilitated E-Course 201 – Downloadable: US$135.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 201.
Facilitated Course 201 in a Binder: US$135.00 plus shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 201 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 201 – Downloadable: US$70.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 201 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 201 in a Binder: US$70.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 201 Self-Study in Binder.
201: Adventure into the Sacred Life is a great course! Very helpful meditations and study materials. I'm learning so much. I really feel a shift in my life.
This course helped me in so many ways. Probably areas I am not even aware of yet. Specifically helping me to stay "conscious" in my relationships and really view them from a spiritual perspective vs. a physical perspective. The other area that I noticed was in communication techniques. Understanding different ways that I might effectively communicate and also areas that may be poor choices for communication styles. I found this course very practical and full of real ideas that anyone can implement. Also the inner work and becoming aware of the "stuff" inside that I bring into my relationships is very powerful.
I would like to give this course an infinite number of stars as a rating, as I feel transformed by the teachings, sharing and learning that I gratefully received as a minister and student! Each week brought new insights, and I loved the opportunity to read together as a group and to share our perspectives on the material. I felt that the class was an excellent model for healthy ways to navigate relationships and I was enriched by practicing the learning after class also! I recommend this class as a roadmap to life, and I will carry my learning in my heart forever!
This course was the most informative course I have taken. It covers everything anyone would ever need to learn for healing. The concentrated 12 easy lessons are understandable and applicable to healing any relationship. I learned that the key ingredient to healing relationships is understanding that anger, blame and judgment, any thought that separates, comes from fear.
This was an extremely helpful course — so many useful keys and techniques for improving relationships! I am very excited about working with others with these materials. I cannot sing my praises of this course enough. Every Ordained Ministerial Counselor should take it.
I have truly learned a new way of being helpful in this world. Thank you for the fantastic experience of all the courses, especially the Relationship course. The first relationship is always with myself and by practicing these principles with others, I heal my relationship with myself.
This course was life transforming for me as I learned so many helpful skills and processes that were so healing for me and that I can share as a minister to guide and facilitate the healing of others. Every session of this course provided me with learning and new insights that I will use when counseling clients and also in all of my own relationships! I feel awakened to the healing power of being a nurturing and loving role model and am grateful for my eternal bond with Holy Spirit to receive guidance, peace, and trust to connect with others and to pass on this light!
Singles or partners — build nurturing relationships. Connect with your inner Spirit to learn more evolved ways of attracting and maintaining desirable relationships.
Facilitated E-Course 805 – Downloadable: US$190.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 4-5 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 805.
Facilitated Course 805 in a Binder: US$190.00 plus shipping (includes 4-5 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order Course 805 in a Binder.
Self-Study E-Course 805 – Downloadable: US$95.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-Course 805 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 805 in a Binder: US$95.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 805 Self-Study in a Binder.
I want to facilitate this course often so others can experience the peace and unconditional love for others like I now can more readily do with the knowledge of this course. Thank you.
With faith in Spirit, I am not alone as I recognize and release addictions and habit patterns of behavior that no longer serve me. I found that my observer self sees things very differently from my reactive self. Tension in my body is a great indicator. All relationships serve a higher purpose.
I was able to look within in a simple way. As the gentleness healed my heart, new insight surfaced about my relationships, especially working with clients.
I marvel at how well the course is put together, how pertinent it is to my daily living.
The Softening Technique is very helpful in my stressful job. I learned how to identify the trance scripts in my head and not attach to them. I really enjoyed the processes, and will use them often.
The most valuable thing I gained in this course is the incredible lesson to be absolutely quiet and just listen for as long as it takes. The connection I felt with Spirit and my partner was awesome.
This course provides concrete, practical ways of re-patterning trance scripts from my past. The processes are very useful. I want to do them with my partner at home.
A Course in Miracles is all about forming and reinforcing the practice of receiving and extending miracles. This is the journey Home. This is the core of our reawakening to the strength and peace of God that has never left us. We have just temporarily covered It up by putting our faith in the false ideas of believing in bodies. Accepting the miracle, which is the correction of our perception, comes with our willingness to receive the truth of our true Identity in God as universal, undivided Love. This means being willing to let go of the idea that we are separate from the oneness of God. The miracle is what we receive in our mind as we let our belief in weakness, limitation and separation be replaced by our eternal reality as Love.
This course is all about allowing ourselves to form and reinforce the daily practice of receiving and extending miracles. With the Holy Spirit, we allow ourselves to see the false ideas for what they are and allow Him to bring us the vision of true perception. In forming this daily miracles practice, we allow our confused minds to be healed of our belief in weakness, limitation and darkness. We are persistent and diligent in continuing and strengthening this daily miracles practice. We want to return Home and we have the means to do it.
Facilitated E-Course 901 – Downloadable: US$159.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 5-6 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 901.
Facilitated Course 901 in a Binder: US$159.00 plus shipping (includes 5-6 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order course 901 in a binder.
Self-Study E-Course 901 – Downloadable: US$75.00 free shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order E-course 901 Self-Study.
Self-Study Course 901 in a Binder: US$75.00 plus shipping (does not include facilitator or certification). Click here to order Course 901 in a binder Self-Study.
It was very helpful to study one theme in depth, drawing upon ideas from different parts of ACIM and seeing a common thread that ties them together. The passages in the study material were very helpful and beautifully conveyed ACIM's core principles in an easier to understand language. The concrete guidelines for how to connect with the Holy Spirit were especially helpful. It was truly life changing!
The processes were excellent tools to help me see miracles, to see with Christ's vision.
I feel that I received a deep healing. It was very profound in helping me to understand ACIM at a very deep level. Working through the course, Holy Spirit gave me a gift of deep peace.
The reading material and interaction with my Mind Healing Partner brought a new level of awareness to me. It gave me valuable tools I can refer back to on a regular basis whenever I begin to experience illusions of fear and separation.
This course helped me see more clearly where I have obstacles or blocks that keep miracles from my awareness and what it would mean to remove them. I experienced an opening in my mind where Holy Spirit leads me to the miracle of joining with the One Mind.
Now I can laugh with Holy Spirit at the stories I made up about being separate from God, separate from Love. I feel more willing to turn any discomfort or lack of peace over to the Holy Spirit to receive His "happy dream" in exchange. As we moved more deeply into the material, I felt a great sense of joy, hope and peace that I can open to the help of the Holy Spirit.
This course is specifically designed for participants in the Ordained Ministerial Counselor training curriculum. Learn to conduct weddings, memorial services and other spiritual ceremonies acknowledging transitions in people's lives.
In addition to these ceremonies, you will learn the key elements of any effective spiritual ceremony. With this foundation, you will be able to help people create personalized ceremonies for important spiritual events in their lives. These ceremonies will help them affirm and validate their beliefs, goals and commitments related to these special events of growth and transition.
This course includes a minister's reference notebook with many examples of spiritual ceremonies, including weddings, memorial services, candle lighting services and other transformative ceremonies of celebration and transition.
Prerequisite: Must be certified in Pathways of Light Spiritual College course steps 1-3. This course is not available for self-study.
Facilitated E-Course 220 – Downloadable: US$190.00 free shipping worldwide (includes 4-5 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order E-Course 220.
Facilitated Course 220 in a Binder: US$190.00 plus shipping (includes 4-5 hours with your facilitator). Click here to order course 220 in a binder.
The course material was very specific about an aspect of ministerial work I thought would be more difficult.
I really appreciate having all of these samples of different ceremonies that others have created in an organized Spiritual ceremonies reference book. I feel more confident about performing ceremonies now with this training.
I found this course to be very complete. In the 220 notebook there are many beautiful ceremonies for a great diversity of occasions, from weddings and memorial services to baptisms and candle lighting services. The Ceremony Planning Questionnaire is a great tool for helping me work with people in creating their own unique ceremony.
This course answered specific, detailed questions about weddings. I also appreciated the practice in performing and developing spiritual ceremonies for people. I now understand what makes spiritual ceremonies memorable and meaningful to the participants. This is an important part of my ministry training. I loved it!
Yes! Yes! Yes! This course was incredibly helpful in learning how to create and perform or facilitate spiritual ceremonies. It was so valuable to experience creating ceremonies that can make life changes, celebrations and rituals very meaningful and personal.
In Step 4, you will be in a group with up to 5 other participants. We have a team of ministers trained to facilitate the Step 4 courses. This enables you to experience different methods of facilitating and experience a group setting that offers students the opportunity to interact with each other and practice applying the training.
Approximately one month prior to a Step 4 session beginning, students attend a “Prep Call”. The purpose of the Prep Call is to give an overview of Step 4 training and to meet the other participants in your session.
There are three Step 4 sessions scheduled each year: Winter, Spring and Fall. Each Step 4 session includes courses: 1001, 1002, 1101, 1102 and 2000. Classes meet on Saturdays and Sundays via teleconference. You choose one session to participate in to be certified in all five courses.
Each Step 4 session concludes with a one-hour Ordination Ceremony held on a Sunday afternoon via teleconference. Your guests are welcome to attend.
This training will qualify you to facilitate the Pathways of Light courses for which you are certified, anywhere in the world, in groups or through correspondence. You will be developing your skills in the following areas:
Course 1001 includes a binder containing extensive materials, including sample brochures and fliers, logo masters, news release letterhead, promotion guidelines, facilitator notes and handouts for presenting the 2-hour Introduction to Pathways of Light.
This course is done in teleconference with other students and facilitators to provide the opportunity to practice facilitating a group. See 1001 Teleconference Schedule below.
Prerequisite: Must be certified in Pathways of Light Spiritual College course steps 1-3.
What a great experiential format to practice facilitation in a constructive, loving environment. I appreciated the practice and the realization of how powerful a facilitator's role is in keeping it simple, going to Spirit, the value of equality, and pulling the energy of the group together. There were many great, simple, do-able suggestions that will make a great deal of difference with my facilitating.
I enjoyed learning to facilitate with compassion and a focus on innocence. I love the discussion tips and appreciated the positive feedback which I have seldom received in my life. What a gift!
I was reminded how wonderfully the concepts work without effort. I learned to be flexible and be mindful of what is appropriate for individuals and groups as a whole, and to stay in the present. By remaining in peace, it allows for the growth of all. I learned new ways to affirm people and many techniques to facilitate effectively.
Even though I have taught many classes, workshops and seminars, I was exposed to many valuable "tips" for holding a successful course for all who attend. The reminders to come from a state of higher consciousness have imprinted themselves in my mind indelibly. This information will be invaluable to read and reread over before facilitating classes.
This course was very well organized and easy to follow, yet most helpful were the sections on Spirit and trust. I particularly benefited by the reminders of how to facilitate without pushing, controlling or being defensive.
I have been an educator since I graduated from college, yet I found the material in this course to be most helpful and a stimulating refresher with wonderful insights on working with people. I thought 1001 was very thorough. Sample forms and press releases are very helpful.
Hands-on facilitating practice sessions will give you valuable experience. Receive direct feedback and tips to help you refine your facilitating skills.
This course is done in teleconference with other students and facilitators to provide the opportunity to practice facilitating a group.
Prerequisite: Course 1001
I had worried about how a facilitator might handle various situations that come up in groups. The reading material covered all my concerns. The optional readings in A Course in Miracles correlated very well with the content of this course. The study materials are excellent. They provoke many creative ideas in my mind. It made me realize a teacher doesn't have to know all the answers, but rather helps each person ask the right questions for them.
The processes helped me remember that my true Self is always with me. I need only ask the Holy Spirit to have corrected perception.
Great experience! The meditations were powerful. I received clarity and much inner food for my transformation.
I really liked the way this course took the bull by the horns and touched on so many different sensitive and real circumstances I may encounter as a facilitator. It helped clarify where I want to be "coming from" when facilitating.
This course gives me valuable information regarding facilitating and life in general. I particularly appreciated the helpful information on "sick humor" and how it affects myself and others.
Every page was insightful and well written. The whole course series has been wonderful. Its messages are simple but deep.
This course will prepare you to facilitate effective Spiritual Awakening Groups in your community. Your training will enable you to:
• Create a sense of security, safety and trust within the group which supports the shared awakening process. • Explain and guide the experiential processes which help participants integrate the study material and practice it in their daily lives. • Bring out the wisdom of the participants, creating "ah-ha's" that are empowering.
As you lead groups, you will notice that your mind healing is reinforced. Your communication with inner Guidance becomes stronger and you gain more insight from the material. As you share your experience in the group setting, it becomes easier to release the limiting concepts you no longer need. You begin to express your unlimited potential more fully. Old, limiting habits and beliefs gradually dissolve, and you create a more abundant, peaceful life.
Topics covered: 1. Accepting Abundance 2. Opening to Inner Guidance 3. Going Gently 4. Transforming Your Life 5. The Awakened Perspective 6. Accelerating Your Growth 7. Building Your House of Light 8. Divine Play.
Prerequisite: Must be certified in Pathways of Light Spiritual College course 1001.
This course includes all materials needed to facilitate this 8-week group, including a binder with Group Facilitator Manual, Group Workbook, Self Awakening Meditation CD and promotional materials.
I gained a sense of being that is confident, relaxed and open. I realized that the Higher Self is lost when I am afraid or anxious, but shines when I remember to relax and let go. The facilitator material is helpful and specific. I'm sure it will guide me well as I facilitate groups.
This really helped me remember Who I am and to release judgment. The Facilitator Manual was a great teaching tool for me. It gave me guidelines to help me hold a supportive attitude of nonjudgment, love and abundance for the group.
I have been conducting workshops for years. It helped me fully understand group facilitation. This in-depth training brought me to another level with tools I will be able to apply not only as a Spiritual Awakening Group facilitator, but in all areas of my spiritual work.
It presents the materials to be shared in a simple, nonthreatening way. The way the weekly lessons are presented, and the natural sequence in which they fall, allows anyone with any type of background to participate in their own awakening in a joyful, understanding manner. It also reaffirmed my own experiences on the path to understanding.
This course will prepare you to facilitate 8-week Healing Inner Child Groups in your community.
Experience the joy of helping your own healing and the healing of others. Feel the fulfillment of releasing limiting fears and returning to Love. The shared experiences and activities provide a rich opportunity to release limiting fears and bring more unconditional love into your life.
Topics covered: 1. Nurturing Your Inner Child 2. The Inner Critical Parent 3. Inner Child Baggage 4. Connecting with Higher Self 5. Transforming Fear 6. Stop, Look & Listen 7. Healing Relationships 8. Simple, Uncomplicated Love
Prerequisite: Courses 1101 and 1001.
This course includes all materials needed to facilitate this 8-week program including Program Facilitator Materials: A binder with Program Facilitator Manual, Program Workbook, Healing Your Inner Child with Love Meditation CD and promotional materials.
This course helped me focus, in a loving way, on the things I have said and done while under the influence of my wounded inner child. This course has helped me identify what I need to let go of.
I found answers to life-long questions — simple uncomplicated love answers to painful trance habitual thoughts. What a relief to finally know where those insane emotional drivers were coming from. How wonderful to know and practice, moment by moment, connecting to Source to shift focus and thought away from those 'ghosts' to Christ Consciousness.
In addition to the helpful facilitating experience, I had a very valuable breakthrough in experiencing the healing sessions for my own growth.
All the materials were very moving and so clearly stated. I loved the inner child chair exercise and the inner child drawing exercises.
I am profoundly grateful for the structure this course provides to present this important material in such a beautiful way. The logical sequence and wording of these concepts is fantastic. It covers so much valuable information in such an easily digestible way. WOW!
The training for this one-on-one spiritual counseling process helps a person look at a perceived problem, apprehension, distress, or painful feeling, and take it to Inner Wisdom (the Holy Spirit) for a new perspective. The purpose of the spiritual counseling is to help us change our minds about how we see or experience the world, and to receive the vision of our true Self. Thus, we do not try to change the "outside" world, but rather, we recognize that what we focus on in the world is giving us a clue to the unconscious guilt hiding within our mind. As we are guided to let go of our projections, we get in touch with our innate innocence.
There are two stages to this process. First, we need to recognize the thought cluster (or confused thinking) that is the basis for the problem. This thought cluster may manifest in many forms: We may feel we are the victim of attack from others; we may feel a lack of love or self-worth; we may feel unfulfilled in a relationship or job; we may feel angry or defensive; we may feel guilty or depressed, or we may feel sick and tired.
Once we have recognized the confused thought cluster, we must be willing to take these thoughts to the Light within, our true Self. As we are ready and willing, we will be helped to see a new way of thinking. Gradually, our true Self will help us make the transition in our mind from thinking we are isolated and alone, to recognizing our unity and oneness with our Source — our true Self.
Prerequisite: You must experience the counseling and be certified in all other courses in the ministerial curriculum.
This course is done in teleconference with other students and facilitators to provide the opportunity to experience and practice the Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling.
Prior to beginning this course, I was terrified of having to give consultations to others, but now, after having completed the course, I will lovingly offer the consultations to all who are interested, because it is all about trusting the process, and allowing Holy Spirit to be in charge.
I have truly learned a new way of being helpful in this world. What was particularly helpful was learning how to fully and completely trust the Holy Spirit through the entire process, to trust that everything falls in place at the perfect time.
After taking this course I feel like a polished apple. The facilitators of this course were significantly expert in their fields and the group participation was wonderful.
This course has been tremendously helpful. I feel that I learned a deeply transforming process that I will be happy to share to bring others to their healing. I loved the hands on experience.
My experience was perfect. I learned to let Spirit lead, to hold the space for my client, and to let go. I have been searching for this for a long time. It is the perfect counseling model for me in my work.
This course was one of the most profound experiences of my life. This was the reason I came to Pathways of Light — to really learn to do spiritual counseling. The experience of both facilitating the counseling to another and experiencing the awakening process myself was fantastic. Plus the course materials were very insightful.
I found that I can have my own pain healed by going through this process and that my Inner Guidance knows exactly what I need and that it is all inside me!!! Being able to help someone experience this form of healing is unbelievably gratifying.
The course materials were very thorough. It gave me an increased awareness and understanding of what the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling is all about. It was a very growth producing experience for me on all levels.
This course was excellent. I feel I've gained invaluable experience when working with clients — patience, compassion, love, and insight. It prepared me to be a Spiritual Counselor through giving me a lot of background and then the opportunity to experience how it works through practice.
This counseling process gave me a flowing structure to facilitate another to access their Inner Wisdom for self-healing. I experienced an opening to shine more Light as thought clusters were dissolved in Love's Light.
(Includes facilitator fees.)
Step 1 5-Course Package (courses 132, 112, 111, 114, 115): $625 ($50 savings)
Step 2 5-Course Package (courses 203, 113, 802, 202, 801): $704 ($50 savings)
Step 3 7-Course Package (courses 301, 401, 210, 201, 805, 901, 220): $1009 ($70 savings)
Step 4 5-Course Package (courses 1001, 1002, 1101, 1102, 2000): $1740 ($50 savings)
Steps 1-4 Combined (additional $50 discount): $4028 ($270 savings)
Individual Course Fees (including facilitator fees):
Courses may be purchased individually.
132: Self-Image Transformations — $135
112: Knowing Your True Purpose — $135
111: Awakening to Your True Self — $135
114: The Transforming Power of Trust — $135
115: How to Be Loving, How to Be Loved — $135
203: Introduction to A Course in Miracles — $159
113: Empowering Yourself by Changing Limiting Mental Habits — $135
802: Oneness Awareness — $190
202: The Healing Bridge of Symbols and Rituals — $135
801: Receiving Inner Wisdom — Tool for Self-Transformation — $135
301: Christ Vision — $135
401: The Synergy of Intimate Relationships — $135
210: Star Child — Seeing the Innocence Within — $135
201: Adventure into the Sacred Life — Introduction to Spiritual Ministry — $135
805: Attracting Nurturing Personal Relationships — $190
220: Spiritual Ceremonies — $190
901: Introduction to Miracles Practice — $159
This in-depth training provides understanding of the procedures and processes used in effective Spiritual Relationship Counseling.
You will learn tools you can use to help the partners: • Identify the key areas which need attention in the relationship. • Set achievable goals for the kind of relationship they would like to have. • Develop effective listening and communication skills. • Recognize defensive thoughts which become barriers to love and lead to conflict in the relationship. • Dedicate ample time to the relationship to share with and listen to the needs of both partners. • Become nurturing and supportive to each other in their process of awakening to their true potential.
Included in this course is an in-depth program to guide your clients into a spiritual relationship.
Reports on 11 texts are required to receive your certification as a Spiritual Relationships Counselor. These 11 texts are purchased separately and are not included in the course fee.
Prerequisite: Current Ordained Ministerial Counselor.
This course helped me in so many ways. Probably areas I am not even aware of yet. Specifically helping me to stay "conscious" in my relationships and really view them from a spiritual perspective vs. a physical perspective. The other area that I noticed was in communication techniques. Understanding different ways that I might effectively communicate and also areas that may be poor choices for communication styles. I found this course very practical and full of real ideas that anyone can implement. Also the inner work and becoming aware of the "stuff" inside that I bring into my relationships is very powerful.
I would like to give this course an infinite number of stars as a rating, as I feel transformed by the teachings, sharing and learning that I gratefully received as a minister and student! Each week brought new insights, and I loved the opportunity to read together as a group and to share our perspectives on the material. I felt that the class was an excellent model for healthy ways to navigate relationships and I was enriched by practicing the learning after class also! I recommend this class as a roadmap to life, and I will carry my learning in my heart forever!
This course was the most informative course I have taken. It covers everything anyone would ever need to learn for healing. The concentrated 12 easy lessons are understandable and applicable to healing any relationship. I learned that the key ingredient to healing relationships is understanding that anger, blame and judgment, any thought that separates, comes from fear.
This was an extremely helpful course — so many useful keys and techniques for improving relationships! I am very excited about working with others with these materials. I cannot sing my praises of this course enough. Every Ordained Ministerial Counselor should take it.
I have truly learned a new way of being helpful in this world. Thank you for the fantastic experience of all the courses, especially the Relationship course. The first relationship is always with myself and by practicing these principles with others, I heal my relationship with myself.
This course was life transforming for me as I learned so many helpful skills and processes that were so healing for me and that I can share as a minister to guide and facilitate the healing of others. Every session of this course provided me with learning and new insights that I will use when counseling clients and also in all of my own relationships! I feel awakened to the healing power of being a nurturing and loving role model and am grateful for my eternal bond with Holy Spirit to receive guidance, peace, and trust to connect with others and to pass on this light!
This spiritual counselor training curriculum is facilitated by Pathways of Light trained facilitators who have personally experienced the courses and completed facilitator training so they can effectively assist you on your journey of awakening. Most students communicate with their facilitators by phone. You may also use voice over the Internet such as Zoom or Skype.
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ACIM tells us we all "…are among the ministers of God." Our role "…was selected by the Voice for God…." (W-154.2:1) In the world, ordained minister status offers permission to provide spiritual counseling without requiring government licensing. It also offers legal authorization to officiate weddings in the US and many other countries. Pathways of Light Ordained Ministerial Counselors (OMC) also have options to serve as chaplains, provide hospice support, and offer prison ministries. They may also officiate baptisms, funerals, memorial services and other ceremonies of transition.
Inspired by the principles presented in A Course in Miracles, this ministry training focuses on accepting the mind healing that is guided by the Teacher within, the Holy Spirit. Allowing our minds to be healed supports our spiritual transformation. It is an ongoing process that empowers us to release blocks that interfere with knowing our true Source of Love within. As our minds are healed, we become Holy Spirit’s instruments of healing.
The training helps to remove the blocks to your inner Teacher’s guidance, making it possible for you to assist others on their journey. Rather than needing to dispense advice and provide answers, the Holy Spirit uses you as a communicator of His wisdom to help the student strengthen their own connection to their Teacher within. The Holy Spirit’s guidance will always be loving and helpful.
Click here to listen to recordings of the ordination ceremonies that conclude the spiritual counselor training. New ministers share about the training experience and what ordination as a Pathways of Light Ordained Ministerial Counselor means to them.
Through an affiliation with the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry, Canadian Pathways of Light ministers can register to officiate weddings in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. Ontario residents may also register through the Bancroft Spiritual Centre. Click here to email the Bancroft Spiritual Centre for more information.
After your ordination, you may take the Relationship Enhancement Counselor Training to expand your ministry. View more information about this counseling click here.
Each course is available in either binder or downloadable e-course format.
This ministerial training is a commitment to your true Self. The curriculum is for your ongoing awakening to the truth about yourself and others. It means letting go of the idea that ministers are preachers and replacing that with ministers as people acknowledging their continuing process of strengthening their connection with Inner Wisdom, and helping others do the same.
The Counselor/Minister training provides tools for your own deepening communication with Inner Wisdom so that you can be Spirit’s mirror reflecting the innate innocence of everyone.
As a Pathways of Light facilitator, a minister does not “teach” the courses, but rather guides the participants in discovering the Holy Spirit — the Teacher within them. This involves leading participants through reading and discussion, and facilitating experiential processes. The minister/counselor develops such qualities as unconditional love, trust, patience, defenselessness and following the guidance of the Christ Mind within. Developing these qualities empowers others by demonstration.
After you have completed the courses in Step 4, you are certified to facilitate most of the spiritual counselor training courses to others, offer the Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling as well as offer the Spiritual Awakening and Healing Inner Child 8-week programs.
Ministers have the option to be included on the Pathways of Light website with a photo and the services they offer. Pathways also provides professionally designed and personalized fliers, brochures and other materials to help you inform others about your services as a minister.
Our extensive website with over 2000 pages attracts thousands of visitors every day who are interested in spiritual growth, learning more about A Course in Miracles, or looking for services such as counseling or wedding officiating.
Pathways ministers who facilitate courses receive payment for their services. For example, with correspondence course 132, which requires 2-3 hours of facilitation time, the minister receives $70 (total course cost is $135). If the student wants additional time, compensation is arranged directly with the minister.
After you have completed the credentialed courses in Steps 1-4, you will have fulfilled the requirements for ordination as a Pathways of Light Ordained Ministerial Counselor. This status allows you to legally offer Accessing Inner Wisdom counseling and officiate weddings as an ordained minister of Pathways of Light.
Many people take about a year to complete the 22 courses. Since you set your own pace, you can take as long as you wish. There is no requirement to complete the courses within a set time.
Yes. The spiritual counselor training curriculum courses are taken through correspondence. You communicate with your minister by telephone or by video conference (e.g Zoom or Skype).
Step 4 courses are offered through group teleconference with other students.
The following statements may resonate with you: I have a great desire to experience more peace and joy in my life. I am willing to look at my limited thinking and let myself be led to the awareness of my True Self. I know that when I share what I am learning with others, I strengthen it in myself. I want to teach what I need to learn. I feel drawn to Pathways of Light courses by my Inner Guidance.
Pathways of Light courses help you get in touch with your Inner Guidance. As you do the experiential processes in each course, you are led to:
The Pathways of Light courses, if taken with a facilitator, include certification which applies toward satisfying the prerequisites for the Minister Training Curriculum.
Yes, the material and processes presented in the courses are designed to help each person awaken to the truth about themselves and become aware of their Source of Love within. The courses are taken by people new to a spiritual focus as well as people who have spent years with meditation, metaphysical study or A Course in Miracles. The courses are experiential and the focus is on allowing Inner Guidance to lead the way.
Most people take the Minister/Spiritual Counselor Training first. This training focuses on strengthening your connection with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and helps you remove the blocks to the awareness of Love's Presence, as well as training you to facilitate most of the minister training courses. In addition it also leads to ordination which qualifies you to officiate weddings.
After your ordination, you are eligible to take the Relationship Enhancement Counselor Training.
The Miracles Practitioner training offers in-depth study of key principles of A Course in Miracles with many experiential exercises plus guided meditations, a laminated poster and laminated reminder cards to use to help you apply these principles in your daily life. It does not lead to ordination. Minister Training is not required to take any of the Miracles Practitioner courses.
Click here for more information about the Miracles Practitioner courses and frequently asked questions.
Yes, although you will not receive the certification needed to meet requirements for spiritual counselor training or ordination.
Many have found that upgrading to facilitated correspondence brings their experience of the courses to a much deeper level. A student who worked with a facilitator said:
The guidance and insight of my facilitator is very motivational. Having a facilitator really makes these courses meaningful. It would be challenging to have the same benefit without one. — P.B.
If you later decide that you would like the added support of facilitation to your course experience and to receive course certification, you can upgrade at any time. Simply call the Pathways of Light office to upgrade. Order Self-Study Courses.
The processes contained in these courses are greatly enhanced when shared with a trained minister. Because the courses lead you into sincere self-evaluation of beliefs, fears and seeing your barriers to Love, it can be helpful to have a trained professional to guide you through this process. They have already personally experienced the course, and are trained to help you gain the most from the material and processes. Because this interaction is omitted in self-study, you will find the course is greatly enriched with facilitation. As you join together with Spirit, a wonderful synergy occurs.
Many find when working on their own that there is a tendency to delay or put off working with the material. The “to do” list becomes too long. These are forms of resistance that the ego uses to keep us locked in our old, unhealthy patterns. It is helpful to recognize these forms of resistance and know that moving through the resistance will take you to great healing. When resistance comes, it is wonderful to have a trained partner who can help you walk through it to the light on the other side.
Before you order your course(s), you need to select your facilitator. Click here to view a list of ministers with contact information, who are available to facilitate courses. Let yourself be guided as you browse the directory to select a facilitator you feel drawn to. We recommend that you contact them to confirm they are available to facilitate you.
When you order your courses, you indicate the facilitator you have chosen. (e.g. To order the first package of courses, click the link “Step 1 Discount” in the column at right.) Throughout the course, you contact your facilitator to share on the processes and the course material you have completed.
The correspondence courses allow for 2-3 hours of one-on-one facilitated time. For details, see the course descriptions by clicking on the course titles at right.
Yes, you may take any course that does not have a prerequisite, whether or not you plan to take the full curriculum. Many of the courses offer practical skills you can apply immediately in your life that will help you improve your relationships and live more peacefully. (Prerequisites are listed with the course descriptions at right.)
Many have found that the best way to accelerate their spiritual growth is to pass it on. Not only does sharing it remind you of what you are wanting to reinforce in your life, but you have the joy of connecting with others who also want to wake up to awareness of their true Self. The joy and fulfillment that comes with training yourself to be a vehicle for spiritual awakening is beyond words.
If you are not completely satisfied with any Pathways of Light course, home study, self-study program, or product, return it within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price (shipping not included).
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