Miracles News

September–December, 2024

Miracles News, Sept.–Dec., 2024


I let my
mind be
healed today.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

Who Is My Father?

by Rev. Myron, Jones, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

“Either God or the ego is insane. If you will examine the evidence on both sides fairly, you will realize this must be true. Neither God nor the ego proposes a partial thought system. Each is internally consistent, but they are diametrically opposed in all respects so that partial allegiance is impossible. Remember, too, that their results are as different as their foundations, and their fundamentally irreconcilable natures cannot be reconciled by vacillations between them. Nothing alive is Fatherless, for life is creation. Therefore, your decision is always an answer to the question, “Who is my father?” And you will be faithful to the father you choose.” (T 11.in.1)

Holy cow! Am I choosing the ego to be my father?

This is crazy! I pray to God as my Father, but I see that I also pray to the ego. An example of this is when I feel sick and look to my ego for an answer. I ask the ego what caused this sickness and what I should do about it. The ego says that I caught it from someone, making them not just separate from me but guilty for giving me their sickness.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

You Stand with ME in Light

by Rev. Joyce Peebles, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Those personalities that irritate or annoy you, the ones you choose to become offended over, those that you have perceived as hurting you in the past — it is these people that literally stand with you in the Light.

The reason you cannot see this is because your grievances are hiding the Light. The choice is always between holding grievances or awareness of Light. They are mutually exclusive. It is impossible to awaken from the dream unless you take that person with you. This is where the work comes in.

“I need do nothing” means, I do nothing to change the outer world I perceive. Instead, I change how I see the outer world. This is also called the miracle; your perception changes to gratitude for that soul is your salvation.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

My New Life

by Rev. Dan Strodl, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

My life before A Course in Miracles was so different from how it is now. My days were filled with stress, worry, fear and grievances. I had judgments for many people in my life: work colleagues, neighbors, people in shops, friends. By judging them I’d feel better about myself. I was driven by the need to be successful, intelligent and respected. But underneath these desires I felt not good enough. I wanted people to like me, but I didn’t like myself.

All the things in the world that were supposed to make me happy — money, success, a fancy car, foreign holidays —weren’t working. Happiness would last a little while and then I was down again.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

Holy Spirit, Guide Us to Your Peace and Joy

by Revs. Robert and Mary Stoelting, Founders of Pathways of Light

We have been working with A Course in Miracles for 40 years. Over this time, our willingness to follow Holy Spirit instead of deciding things on our own has increasingly helped us to let go of our thinking about being separate and that it is our job to decide what we want and need in order to be happy.

This practice has also helped us to ask of everything, “What is this for? Is this idea reinforcing the ego’s false values of separation or reinforcing the truth of everyone’s oneness in the Mind of God?” This practice has helped us step back and let the Holy Spirit return us to the truth that everyone is the same extension of God’s Love.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

FEAR in the Mirror Is the Face of Mercy!

by Rev. Vicki Evans, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

I felt inspired to take thoughts about fear and faith and place these thoughts into writing so that I could continue to reflect, revise, and hopefully refocus on insights to shift the balance away from fear and more towards faith. Sometimes my thoughts turn to a rumination session where I cycle and recycle worries that lead to fear and then spiral into the, “What if this happens?”

As fear crept into my being, I realized that I want to stop the train of events that turn thoughts into the reality of being afraid to try new things, giving safety advice to my family, and visualizing danger based scenarios. 

I woke up this week to a situation that fed the worry thoughts as the neighborhood sirens signaling the need to seek indoor shelter due to dangerous weather conditions. While I was debating whether to heed the warning, I felt the house shake and heard a thud sound which triggered me to head for the coat closet. Reality struck with torrential winds and rain and a tree falling into the backyard driveway area that blocked all exit from the gate.  The old “what if” thoughts came tumbling into my being as I imagined the house being smashed in from the tree and then reality hit in the form of loss of electrical power and the result of being unable to leave the house until the storm lessened.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

Spirit Working Through Me

by Rev. Larry Glenz, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

“The ministers of God can never fail, because the love and strength and peace that shine from them to all their brothers come from Him. These are His gifts to you. Defenselessness is all you need to give Him in return.” (W-153.20.4-6)

Lesson 153, “In my defenselessness my safety lies” has always been a great challenge to the ego in my mind. The Holy Spirit in my mind understands the Truth of this statement. Therefore, I don’t want to have resistance to this. On some level, I know it is true. It does, however, seem to violate my human tendency to fight back.

This tendency to fight back seems like an automatic response. My propensity to fight against aggression is encouraged and most often admired in the world. Most people believe defensiveness is natural and expected. But we are taught defensiveness does NOT bring inner peace.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

Old Shoes and the Ego

by Rev. Robin Singler, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

I helped my partner move his belongings into a storage unit recently, and after hours of walking on cement floors and being active, I noticed that my feet hurt. In particular, the side of my left heel was experiencing more pain than the other foot. The next day I noticed that my feet felt better and was grateful that the pain had subsided.

I went to take a walk outside and put on the same old pair of tennis shoes that I had used the day before to help my boyfriend. I soon noticed that my left heel began to hurt again and my mind began to question why. The first reaction I was aware of is that there must be something wrong with my foot. Rather than continue on my walk and tolerate the increasing pain, I stopped and removed my left shoe to inspect it. I found that the left shoe had a defect that was rubbing against my heel and causing the pain. This led me to draw the conclusion that there was nothing wrong with my foot: It was the worn out shoes that I have been hanging onto for some time.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

Dead Ends

by Rev. Krista Kemp, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

Although this title may not evoke inspiration and comfort, bear with me as I travel my latest journey of melding the teaching of the Course with the “realness” of death. Recently, I’ve been faced with the death of close family members while simultaneously involved in the course 909: Wellness Through Mind Healing.

Although it is not after having experienced both that I have uncovered that there is no coincidence that this has been presented to me in this way.

Death was not something I gave much thought to. It was only when I was faced with the death of my father in 2001 that I even allowed in the thoughts of death and dying and what this means. As with any journey, it begins with a question… mine stemming from a great feeling of loss and pain.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

The Illusion of Separation: Finding Unity in a Divided World

by Rev. Maureen L. Yarbrough, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

“Let the Holy Spirit show him to you, and teach you both his love and his call for love. Neither his mind nor yours holds more than these two orders of thought.” (T-14.X.11:5-6)

I typically try to avoid negativity, including all news channels. However, while visiting a sick friend, I was exposed to a strong, contrasting viewpoint which I judged as hostile. This experience sparked a profound question: How can we learn to think differently if we only see one perspective? And how can we condemn others for their belief system, understanding that this is true?

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

Created to Create

by Rev. Ashley Rose Legrand, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

The Course tells us, we were literally created TO create. To extend love. “Unless you create you are unfulfilled, but God does not know unfulfillment and therefore you must create.” (T-7.IX.3:6) Because we are one with God, our souls will long to seek fulfillment. When we don’t pursue our ministry, in whatever form that might be, we feel unfulfilled. Something is missing and not quite right. We can sense that something is just a little off. Our capabilities are lying dormant and our capacity for extension is not being fully utilized.

When we lean into spirit, get still and listen to the voice for God and what He is asking us to do and put out into the world, we feel a sense of restoration. Satisfied in a way beyond what the temporary pleasures of the world can provide. God is asking us to be His eyes, His ears, His hands, His feet and tongue. To bring into creation and into the world of form the unseen promises of His word. To make what seems to be hidden known and to help others see it too. He’s asking us to help our companions believe. To encourage them to feel and to know. Simply by our example. To remember His grace and to follow Him in confidence and in certainty.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

God’s Peace and Joy Really Are Mine!

by Shelly Woods, ACIM Practitioner Student

I have been an ACIM student for 6 years and have been a member of a 12- step Recovery program for almost 24 years. In my first few years in recovery, one of my counselors was a student of the Course. I really liked her calming presence and her patient attitude.

One day, while sitting in her waiting room, I noticed a thick blue book on the shelf. I picked it up, and within five minutes, I put it back. I was not ready. I remember saying to myself, huh? As I read the first Lesson: “Nothing I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] means anything.” (W-1)

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

So Many Opportunities!

by Rev. Barbara Adams, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

While I was studying my Pathways of Light lessons with my mentor, Rev. Maria Felipe,  I expressed my concern about how I could best serve. “What would I do after I was ordained?” 

Rev. Maria kept assuring me that the right opportunity would show up at the right time. Once again, my mentor was right!

Initially, I started my own brand, which I called Peace and Harmony Ministry. With the help of my talented son-in-law, we created a logo; next a website, https://peaceandharmonyministry.org.

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

A First Step in Undoing

by Rev. Joanne Schneider, PhD, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

The Course reminds us more than once that “…the sole responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the Atonement for himself….” (T-5.V.7:8)

It lays the responsibility right back on ourselves. It is our responsibility to accept Atonement. The Course defines atoning as undoing, in particular the undoing of fear. (T-1.I.26.2-3) and that the “first corrective step” toward atonement is undoing fear. (T-2.VI.7.1) The Course “…repeatedly emphasized the need to recognize fear and face it without disguise as a crucial step in the undoing of the ego.” (T-12.I.8:5)

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Sept.-Dec., 2024

The Unreality of the Body

by Rev. Lee Catalano, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

“The unreality of the body” must be an acceptable idea, says Jesus. The body and the entire cosmos was projected from a split mind in fear of God. The idea of bodies automatically puts the mind in deprivation and the ego feels continuously deprived. The moment I see another as a body, I am in a mind that is at war with God buried deeply in the unconscious mind.

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