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It is your Father’s holy Will that you complete Himself, and that your Self shall be His sacred Son, forever pure as He, of love created and in love preserved, extending love, creating in its name, forever one with God and with your Self.
³Forgiveness represents your function here.
…God created One Who has the power to translate in form the wholly formless. ⁶What He makes are dreams, but of a kind so close to waking that the light of day already shines in them, and eyes already opening behold the joyful sights their offerings contain.
Forgiveness gently looks upon all things unknown in Heaven, sees them disappear, and leaves the world a clean and unmarked slate on which the Word of God can now replace the senseless symbols written there before. ²Forgiveness is the means by which the fear of death is overcome, because it holds no fierce attraction now and guilt is gone. ³Forgiveness lets the body be perceived as what it is; a simple teaching aid, to be laid by when learning is complete, but hardly changing him who learns at all. (A Course in Miracles, W-192.1:1;2:3;3:5–4:3. See also ACIM Lesson 192 Insights.)
We have the power in our mind to heal the mistaken beliefs that cause our nightmare experience of conflict, loss, fear and guilt. This power is available to us in every moment. It is God’s gift to His beloved Son, our true Self. When we are willing to reconsider our interpretations of our perceptions, we can call upon this Help to show us how to forgive our mistaken beliefs.
Today, in every now moment, we have the opportunity to accept this help. Today we welcome It by asking our Inner Teacher of everything, “What is this for?” He will use this openness to show us the Reality of Love beyond the dark thoughts of division and isolation. He will help us learn that we are Love and nothing else. In this recognition, we find peace and happiness.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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³The Holy Spirit takes you gently by the hand, and retraces with you your mad journey outside yourself, leading you gently back to the truth and safety within. ⁴He brings all your insane projections and the wild substitutions that you have placed outside you to the truth. ⁵Thus He reverses the course of insanity and restores you to reason.
In your relationship with your brother, where He has taken charge of everything at your request, He has set the course inward to the truth you share. ²In the mad world outside you nothing can be shared but only substituted, and sharing and substituting have nothing in common in reality. ³Within yourself you love your brother with a perfect love. ⁴Here is holy ground, in which no substitution can enter, and where only the truth in your brother can abide. ⁵Here you are joined in God, as much together as you are with Him. ⁶The original error has not entered here, nor ever will. ⁷Here is the radiant truth, to which the Holy Spirit has committed your relationship. ⁸Let Him bring it here, where _you_ would have it be. ⁹Give Him but a little faith in your brother, to help Him show you that no substitute you made for Heaven can keep you from it. (A Course in Miracles, T-18.I.8:3–9:9. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)
Our true Self, along with the Holy Spirit, is committed to the truth that we are one in God’s Love. As we commit to following the Holy Spirit’s lead, He will lead us out of our dream of conflict and loss. We cannot lose our oneness with God’s Love. But we can deny It and dream of a loveless world.
Today we bring every fearful or guilty thought, every thought of judgment, to the Holy Spirit. He will bring it to the truth and show us the truth beyond the veil of denial. With His help, we will see the Light of Love in every brother and dismiss the dream figures that have hidden it in our mind. We want to remember that we are Love and nothing else. With this practice, today will be joyful, peaceful and loving.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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God in His mercy wills that I be saved.
I need but look upon all things that seem to hurt me, and with perfect certainty assure myself, “God wills that I be saved from this,” and merely watch them disappear. ²I need but keep in mind my Father’s Will for me is only happiness, to find that only happiness has come to me. ³And I need but remember that God’s Love surrounds His Son and keeps his sinlessness forever perfect, to be sure that I am saved and safe forever in His Arms. ⁴I am the Son He loves. ⁵And I am saved because God in His mercy wills it so.
Father, Your Holiness is mine. ²Your Love created me, and made my sinlessness forever part of You. ³I have no guilt nor sin in me, for there is none in You. (A Course in Miracles, W-235. See also ACIM Lesson 235 Insights.)
The fact that we remain eternally united in the Love that created us keeps us forever safe in God’s Arms. The dreams of conflict, loss, fear and hate have no effect on our changeless Reality in Love. To be saved from our feverish dreams, we need only awaken to our Reality as God’s Son.
We have been given His Voice in our mind to gently call us to awaken from our nightmares. We only need to answer His Voice with willingness to let go of our judgments and welcome His Judgments. His Judgment is simple: Only Love is Real. What is not Real does not exist. With His help, we learn to recognize our mistaken thoughts as meaningless and accept the thoughts of Love as our own. We are safe. We are loved. We are at Home in the House of Love.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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Father, today I am Your Son again.
Today we will anticipate the time when dreams of sin and guilt are gone, and we have reached the holy peace we never left. ²Merely a tiny instant has elapsed between eternity and timelessness. ³So brief the interval there was no lapse in continuity, nor break in thoughts which are forever unified as one. ⁴Nothing has ever happened to disturb the peace of God the Father and the Son. ⁵This we accept as wholly true today.
We thank You, Father, that we cannot lose the memory of You and of Your Love. ²We recognize our safety, and give thanks for all the gifts You have bestowed on us, for all the loving help we have received, for Your eternal patience, and the Word which You have given us that we are saved. (A Course in Miracles, W-234. See also ACIM Lesson 234 Insights.)
What we experience in nighttime dreams seems very real in the midst of the dream. It helps soften our experience of this world to realize that it is no more real than our sleeping dreams. Today we are given a thought that introduces what we will experience when we awaken from this dream.
In reality we already have all of God’s peace, His joy and His Love. He has given us His Voice to call to us in our dream. It gently calls us to awaken. It assures us that as we awaken, we will find safety. Conflict will fade away. Loss will be experienced no more. Kindness and the eternal giving and receiving of Love will be ours as it always has been. We are grateful for this reminder.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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The world is false perception. ²It is born of error, and it has not left its source. ³It will remain no longer than the thought that gave it birth is cherished. ⁴When the thought of separation has been changed to one of true forgiveness, will the world be seen in quite another light; and one which leads to truth, where all the world must disappear and all its errors vanish. ⁵Now its source has gone, and its effects are gone as well.
The world was made as an attack on God. ²It symbolizes fear. ³And what is fear except love’s absence? ⁴Thus the world was meant to be a place where God could enter not, and where His Son could be apart from Him.
As sight was made to lead away from truth, it can be redirected. ²Sounds become the call for God, and all perception can be given a new purpose by the One Whom God appointed Savior to the world. ³Follow His light, and see the world as He beholds it. ⁴Hear His Voice alone in all that speaks to you. ⁵And let Him give you peace and certainty…. (A Course in Miracles, W-pII.3.1:1–2:4;4:1-5)
There is a Light in us the world cannot extinguish. It is the Light of our true Self — the Light of Love. As we are willing to take all our perceptions to this inner Light, It will shine upon our world. It shows us the Love that surrounds us. It reflects the Light we are.
To see the world with this true perception, we must forgive our judgments that hide the Light with thoughts of separation and fear. Fear is simply the effect of denying Reality. What it sees cannot be real. As we are willing to pause and step back from our perceptions and let peace return to our mind, we make way for the Light of Love to show us our true Home in the oneness of God’s Love.
Today we practice welcoming peace and letting Love show us the way Home.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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It is surely good advice to tell you not to judge what you do not understand. ²No one with a personal investment is a reliable witness, for truth to him has become what he wants it to be. ³If you are unwilling to perceive an appeal for help as what it is, it is because you are unwilling to give help and to receive it. ⁴To fail to recognize a call for help is to refuse help. ⁵Would you maintain that you do not need it? ⁶Yet this is what you are maintaining when you refuse to recognize a brother’s appeal, for only by answering his appeal can you be helped. ⁷Deny him your help and you will not recognize God’s Answer to you. ⁸The Holy Spirit does not need your help in interpreting motivation, but you do need His.
Only appreciation is an appropriate response to your brother. ²Gratitude is due him for both his loving thoughts and his appeals for help, for both are capable of bringing love into your awareness if you perceive them truly. ³And all your sense of strain comes from your attempts not to do just this. ⁴How simple, then, is God’s plan for salvation. ⁵There is but one response to reality, for reality evokes no conflict at all. ⁶There is but one Teacher of reality, Who understands what it is. ⁷He does not change His Mind about reality because reality does not change. ⁸Although your interpretations of reality are meaningless in your divided state, His remain consistently true. ⁹He gives them to you because they are for you. ¹⁰Do not attempt to “help” a brother in your way, for you cannot help yourself. ¹¹But hear his call for the Help of God, and you will recognize your own need for the Father. (A Course in Miracles, T-12.I.5:1–6:11. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)
Our every attempt to judge another or a situation is a call for help. Our judgment is always based on a perception of differences, which are not real. If we are mindful to recognize our judgmental thoughts, we have an opportunity to answer the call for Love. We may perceive it as someone’s else’s call for help, it is also our own. It is an opportunity to let the Holy Spirit show us the truth beyond our perception. We will learn that only Love is there, and that we are only Love as well.
We dedicate today to being mindful to answer calls for help with Love. As we accept the Holy Spirit’s help to answer truly, we learn that we are Love and nothing else. As we bless, we are blessed.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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⁴Peace abides in every mind that quietly accepts the plan God set for its Atonement, relinquishing its own. ⁵You know not of salvation, for you do not understand it. ⁶Make no decisions about what it is or where it lies, but ask the Holy Spirit everything, and leave all decisions to His gentle counsel.
The One Who knows the plan of God that God would have you follow can teach you what it is. ²Only His wisdom is capable of guiding you to follow it. ³Every decision you undertake alone but signifies that you would define what salvation is, and what you would be saved from. ⁴The Holy Spirit knows that all salvation is escape from guilt.
Let Him, therefore, be the only Guide that you would follow to salvation. ²He knows the way, and leads you gladly on it. …⁷Forget Him not and He will make every decision for you, for your salvation and the peace of God in you. (A Course in Miracles, T-14.III.12:4–13:4;14:1-2,7. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)
We have a very simple task that flies in the face of everything the ego asks of us. Our simple task is to ask the Holy Spirit everything. Let Him decide everything on our behalf. He knows what will lead us to awaken from the ego’s dream of conflict and guilt to the full awareness that we are one with our Creator and the Love that unites us with every brother.
This practice will lead us to perfect peace. We will practice frequently today to ask Holy Spirit to decide for us what to say and what to do. We are grateful for His loving presence in our mind.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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