To say that the Pathways of Light ministerial program changed my life hardly begins to express the difference it made for me. I began the courses while in the middle of a divorce, and at first, I felt that I needed to see a therapist to help me navigate that difficult period. However, after seeing her once, I realized that these courses and the Holy Spirit were the only help I needed. My inner work with each course supercharged my study of A Course in Miracles. Now, my life as a minister and spiritual counselor has further enriched my life. The work I do with students and clients has given me a joyous purpose and a peaceful, happy life.
I have been a practicing psychotherapist for many years. I used to think I was really good at it. I wasn’t. I thought I knew the problem and the solution.
My arrogance blinded me and I knew this on some level. I knew I could do better, so I started exploring spiritual philosophies that could give me new perspectives and new tools. Somehow, and I’m not even sure how, I stumbled on ACIM. Then, my real education in healing began and was crystallized in the Pathways of Light Spiritual Counselor Training.
This education had such an effect on me, that I lost my way as a therapist and stopped practicing for a time. As the Course says, an upside down world is at first hard to negotiate. But as I continued to study ACIM, the upside down world became right side up and a new confidence grew in me and continues to grow.
I still utilize the clinical tools I’ve learned over the years, but there is one big difference. Spirit is the expert and I follow His lead. I let Him work through me. Each session is a new learning experience, a holy encounter, for as my clients heal, I am healed as well. Spirit is an equal opportunity healer.
The focus on the experiential through guided meditation and reflection along with the presence of my facilitator was lovely and effective. I experienced visions in meditation beyond what I have experienced before — powerful teaching moments. I so appreciate the wisdom of those who have written the Pathways Courses. It is a gift to have such insight available to me and others. Having an experienced facilitator to accompany me is beautiful. — J.G.
I really liked the focus cards, and the opening and closing preparations. These things help to bring about change of mind for healing, perspective, and self discovery. The course activities helped bring more love, acceptance, and strength to the self. Having a facilitator helped me understand things I was struggling with in myself, which brought about more learning and inner understanding. This course was really well done, and put together in such a inspiring way. — E.L.
This course helped me process layers of negative self-images and self-talk about myself and others. The layers were uncovered gently. Processing through meditations and interaction with my facilitator was vital. My overall experience was exceedingly positive. — D.S.
This course was immensely helpful to me. It made me aware of the love that permeates everything, and allowed me to switch from an ego-based trance to living more frequently in my identity as love. — M.F.
Course 112 felt warm, loving, and inviting. I found deep insights into the way I think and experience life. It unlocked an aspect of myself I haven’t felt in a very long time. — T.R.
I seem to have stopped emotional eating. If I have an emotional upset, I go to my "Haven of Greater Awareness" meditation to receive healing and advice from the Holy Spirit. The "Awakening to Love" meditation also helped me tremendously. I would like to do this meditation every night before bed. — E.F.
This course has been such a deep dive! I feel it has been the most transformational course so far. — J.C.
This was a major life-changing event in my life. I have developed a stronger faith in God as my Source. — R.L.
The power of these courses to somehow alchemize so much growth and change in me so subtly is always a marvel to me. — J.M.
I Loved this course! The decision work really helped me dig deeper into ideas/thoughts I have been contemplating for some time. The emphasis on trust seemed to make Holy Spirit's voice more clear as I learned to listen in trust and not judgment. One of my favorites so far! — P.P.
The meditation exercises helped me accept the power of intent and allowing. I can no longer wake up in the morning without checking in with my Inner Guide to assist me. I really look forward to my day as I trust that things will work out as I connect within. — D.L.
Course 114 opened up new ways of experiencing myself and others. There was a lot of healing followed by lightness, gratitude and laughter. I really appreciated the option to find alternatives to choices I hadn't thought of before. The opportunity to receive messages from my Guide during these meditations were so helpful and healing. It was experiential instead of just an intellectual concept. — C.K.
Course 115 reminded me that I had a choice in the way I see things. I can choose to let peace lead the way back to Love, thus enabling me to see the Love and Light in everyone. If I am willing to forgive the illusion and recognize that I have a choice in every moment to see this Love or recognize the other's call for Love, this is the true path home to Jesus and oneness. — M.C.
I find when I’m doing these modules, manifestations come at lightening speed. Some certainly showed a deep call for Love; others, where I need to provide it more often. When I’m extending Love, I’m much more present. These lessons were a reminder of being exactly that. There isn’t a day that will pass where I won’t return to some of the meditation techniques provided in this course. — S.B.
Congratulations on choosing to guide and join with others on a spiritual journey to reclaiming inner peace and joy!
We invite you to explore the course descriptions, reviews and program testimonials below.
You may still feel plagued with fear, anger, resentment, self-doubt and guilt cropping up here and there. Intellectually you know better, but those old, subconscious scripts still seem to be around.
Self-image transformation means changing the way we perceive ourselves. To transform our self-image, we don't need to change what we do. We need to change who we think we are. What we do comes from who we think we are. In A Course in Miracles we are taught to remind ourselves frequently, "God is but Love, and therefore so am I," and "I am not a body, I am free. For I am still as God created me."
This course will provide practice in becoming aware of the trance formations that make us act like robots, controlled by unconscious, habitual ego belief systems. You will learn to retrain your mind to develop new mental habits while releasing those old mental programs that are limiting and painful.
a sample of E-Course 132 with a link to listen to the guided meditation.
E-Course 132 – Downloadable: US$135.00 (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 132.
Course 132 in a Binder: US$135.00 + shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Course 132 in a Binder.
This course was incredibly helpful in identifying the blockages that I need to heal and release! I feel more connected with my true Self and God! I highly recommend this course for self-healing, to realize the false perception that is the ego self and how to break it down. It has really helped me work through my Imposter Syndrome. - K.G.
This is a great course and I have a wonderful facilitator. The prompts throughout the course have allowed me to go much deeper in my mind training and showing me to be mindful of grievances and victimization.
Many of the questions were quite stimulating in that they made me consider some things I hadn't considered before such as how my self-image changed throughout my school years, etc. It was helpful to dissect and ponder the changes to my self-image over the years. I really liked the final assignment as well when I crafted my "new" self-image.
Many of the questions were quite stimulating in that they made me consider some things I hadn't considered before such as how my self-image changed throughout my school years, etc. It was helpful to dissect and ponder the changes to my self-image over the years. I really liked the final assignment as well when I crafted my "new" self-image.
Doing this work gives me a sense of peace because the thoughts slow down some and allow me to reconnect with my True Self.
I recommend this course for any student of ACIM. As an LCSW, I noticed that for myself and perhaps others who have experienced a disturbance in childhood attachment, this course facilitates healing and wholeness. Thank you!
If you want to begin to know yourself in relationship to your beliefs this is a good beginning.
If you want to begin to know yourself in relationship to your beliefs this is a good beginning.
This course seemed simple on the surface; that was deceptive! It was so much more than I expected. I value hugely what it brought up for me. It has led to better relationships with my loved ones and greater inner peace.
This is a very powerful, invaluable course. It helped me learn to identify false self-image beliefs and transform these false beliefs to truth with the help of Spirit.
I felt that through the readings and visualizations, I made a greater shift to the Light within. My self-image improved. I feel more open to love, joy and peace. I really felt that this was a major shift for me.
I learned to look at how I think about myself and change that image with the help of Inner Guidance.
This course allowed me to stop, and become aware of the gaps and differences between what I have manifested into my life and relationships to date, and what I consciously desire to focus on. I gained valuable insights into how and why I set up limiting relationship patterns.
This course helped me realize at still another, deeper level that I make the trance scripts and I can let them go with the help of Holy Spirit. I also enjoyed the experience of deep peace and feeling connected with my Source in the meditations.
This course brought me clarity and a sense of peace about where I am in my life. I was able to focus more clearly on differentiating between ego and my Higher Self, especially in relation to my own issues of worthiness.
As you open to understanding your true purpose, you enter a new time — a time of looking at the concepts you are holding about yourself and others and letting them be replaced by the awareness of your unlimited True Self.
Understand how the veils of forgetfulness can be lifted to give you a new sense of life purpose. Learn how to change your beliefs about time. Learn to access long-held thought patterns you picked up as a child, and heal these limited thoughts with the help of the Light within you. Find out why it is important to quiet your mind and listen to your Self, and how you can better serve your true identity as Spirit in this life.
Receive insight on new choices, new ideas, and learn how you can extend the qualities of your true Self in your life. Take an inward journey to a Haven of Greater Awareness to connect and identify with qualities of Spirit, such as universal Love, and feeling deep inner peace. Transcend time and communicate with your unlimited Self. Imagine seeing life differently in the years ahead as you dissolve blocks to the greater awareness of Love's Presence. Practice seeing yourself knowing and expressing your true life purpose.
E-Course 112 – Downloadable: US$135.00 (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 112.
Course 112 in a Binder: US$135.00 + shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Course 112 in a Binder.
I enjoyed the meditation and writing prompts. They make me dive into uncovering false beliefs and connecting with my True Self.
Brilliant…. Brought Time Home.
As I was searching for certification for ACIM, I continually discovered places willing to give me their rubber stamp authorization to make me qualified to mentor through ACIM for a certain amount. There were no classes or ways of proving I knew about ACIM. Once I discovered POL, I was excited that I had to learn ACIM to become ordained. POL is a beacon of light for integrity, honesty, and dignity. I am very grateful for POL's work, which shines a light for all to follow. Thank You
Wow. It was such a joyful, elevating experience. The meditations were deep and transforming. It was an enlightening experience, more than I expected.
The exercises were created in such a way that they directly got to important life issues. I felt like I shook hands with myself and my unconscious self. I learned to create a bridge for conscious dialogue with Higher Self.
For the first time in my life I found myself going very deeply into guided meditations. I always brought back some important new information, some new awareness. I was impressed with the gentle and nurturing approach. Growth doesn't have to hurt.
I would recommend this highly as a powerful class for opening to the Higher Self.
I love all the extra benefits of these courses — how they are synchronistic with events in my life. I also love the little jewels in each course — sentences that are profound. I increased my sense of peace.
It made me aware of my issues and my solutions. I gained insight into the changes I need to make to get back to my True Self. The experience was relaxing, rejuvenating, profound and very enjoyable. The materials are simple, direct and precise.
I have the knowledge and the ability to change my present experiences by changing my thoughts and beliefs about the past, and to have a future of Love, peace and joy. It helped me a lot with meditation. The CD’s and the course brought the wisdom I needed to access my Inner Truth.
This course helped remind me why I am in this world and assisted me in remembering/discovering how to return to the reason: My purpose. It has come at an extremely difficult time in life, thus proving extremely beneficial.
I believe that the course opened areas of forgiveness for me to a greater degree than ever before. It allowed me to review and release situations in my life which I still held judgments about. I am aware to a greater extent that my Higher Self is always there to help and comfort me.
In this course you will look at core aspects of your personality which are holding on to ideas that do not come from your true Self. Some of the ways these aspects express themselves include self-righteousness, suffering, victimhood and projecting guilt and blame onto others. If you still find yourself sabotaging your innate happiness, this course will give you practice in identifying and healing those self-defeating aspects. You will learn how to quiet your mind to let your true Self lovingly transform your mind — your thoughts and feelings — to higher levels of awareness.
As you learn to quiet your mind and listen, you awaken to the real you — to your true Self. As you gradually welcome awakening to your inner Spirit, your experience changes to allow in more joy, love and the knowing that you are safe in God. Your true Self is your true nature, the essence of what you are. You will learn to allow in the awareness of your true Self more fully and receive helpful insight. Your true Self is your inner Teacher and will help you transform your thinking to see the outer world differently to live a happier and more purposeful life.
As your thinking increasingly comes from your true Self, you become more gentle with yourself and others. You are able to see past the fearful thinking and resulting behavior in yourself and others, to see the true reality of Love that lies behind all fear. You are able to make choices and decisions from a place of Wisdom and peace.
E-Course 111 – Downloadable: US$135.00 (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 111.
Course 111 in a Binder: US$135.00 + shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Course 111 in a Binder.
Trust that everything is working together for good! I just kept saying this. A lot came up for me to be released. It is a wonderful tool to have in my mind.
Trust that everything is working together for good! I just kept saying this. A lot came up for me to be released. It is a wonderful tool to have in my mind.
This course is more far-reaching in its scope than I anticipated. It facilitated a change that is an ongoing process. My experience can only be described as miraculous. I stand a changed person on the inside, thereby creating a changed perception on the outside. I gained a deep sense of union with myself and an absolute conviction that I am never alone.
By doing one of the exercises and applying the insights to my daily life, I came to a clearer understanding that I was projecting my limiting personality characteristics onto those whom I seemed to get upset with or angry at. With this realization, it became easier to see myself in those people, whom I used to blame for their 'bad' behaviors. I was them and they were me! Seeing oneness with those who seem to upset or hurt me has been a big challenge for me. But this experience helps me move in the right direction.
All the exercises brought me to deeper and deeper levels of my being. The meditations were profound and moving. I was able to see things so clearly.
The meditation CD helped lead me to the Holy Spirit (inner guidance) naturally, to a profound depth of inner insight, with peace and Love.
There were many ah-ha's, such as: All need for "specialness" is a belief in scarcity — a belief that there's not enough goodness or universal abundance to go around.
I realized that my abundance is so incredible that I couldn't even really imagine how great it is. And the Holy Spirit is there to guide my creativity. Each session was so right on. It amazed me how effective they were.
This course helped me clear away the blocks that prevented me from discovering my true Higher Self and has freed me to proceed with my personal growth. It has a helpful, building block approach of recognition, healing, cleansing and awareness. The excellent recorded meditations were so helpful in guiding me through inner explorations.
This course reinforces the work I am doing with A Course in Miracles. The CD’s facilitated getting in touch with my True Self and receiving a vision of the next evolutionary step of my "practice."
By becoming aware of the limiting aspects in my personality, I can more clearly choose to hear my Inner Guidance. Receiving the guiding vision of my True Self was very moving and powerful.
It really helped me look at areas in my life that I wasn't facing. The meditation CD’s are wonderful and I enjoy listening to them more than once or twice. This course reinforced my values and beliefs in my spirituality.
This course will help you feel more confident about trusting your Inner Guidance, spiritual intuition and your ability to know what is right for you. Trust opens the door to living a purposeful life, following Spirit. Trust helps you experience the quiet peace that comes with letting go of fearful thinking. When you trust that your Source is working for you and with you, you relax and allow It to lead you.
Learn how to let go of the doubt that cuts you off from experiencing trust in areas of:
Learn what pushes your buttons, causing you to lose your trust, and how to get back to trusting your true Self as your source of Guidance. Trusting your inner Teacher changes how you see everyone and everything. This trust allows you to see the world from a new perspective of oneness. As you place your trust in your true Self, you see through the false veils of ego thoughts of conflict, limitation and lack. You are unlimited Love and Light. The more you can trust in the Christ within, the more it will be reflected in your life.
E-Course 114 – Downloadable: US$135.00 (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 114.
Course 114 in a Binder: US$135.00 + shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Course 114 in a Binder.
I learned to trust my inner Self, listen to It, and relish the beauty It gives me. Simply amazing!
It helped me let go of doubt and fearful beliefs of separation, and to trust my inner powerful Light and true Self. I can trust in Love to heal all things.
It helped me realize how powerful my thoughts are and how important it is to monitor my thoughts. I was able to release some doubt I had in communicating with my Higher Self.
I gained a renewed trust in Self, extending that trust to everything and everyone. I became aware of areas I want to let go of and areas I want to focus on to make stronger in my life.
The meditations are profound. I play the meditation CD’s over and over, and each time I hear them differently. So I have an actual "physical way" to realize the layers that exist and work with myself at each level.
Trust has been an issue with me in the past. I believe that by doing this course, I attained a new level. The experiential work allowed me to feel trust in a way that is wondrous and new. It is the experiential meditative exercises which made this course come alive for me.
I was reluctant to take a correspondence course, preferring the group sharing environment. I was very pleased with the opportunities and insights I received by doing individual and guided facilitated study. I would now recommend correspondence as a very valuable experience, and I would correspond again in the future.
I learned so much about myself. This has been the best course for me yet. I learned to locate the things that trigger mistrust for me and how to trust Spirit more.
I increased my awareness, commitment and TRUST in Spirit, learning to see that Spirit does the work and I just need to be mindfully connected in a place of peace, allowing it to take place.
Within everyone is a desire to return to Love, our Source. In our search for Love, we may look to someone outside of ourselves to give it to us. In this stage we are not aware of the Love within. We don't recognize our inner worth, our Light, our own perfection. As long as we continue to look outside ourselves to fill this sense of emptiness, we will feel unfulfilled.
When you realize that you have not found Love by looking for it from others, you are ready to go into a new stage of your life. You are ready to walk into an expanded awareness of Love. You are ready to consistently express your true unconditional loving nature. You are ready to wake up to What you are. In this course you will practice healing and releasing your barriers to Love. With the support of others, you will experience the depth of unconditional Love which lies within you. You will learn how to tap into this reservoir and bring Love to situations in your life which need healing.
You will learn to let go and let Love take over, seeing the world from a new perspective. You recognize that Love is giving, not getting. As Love extends from you, the sense of scarcity and lack gently falls away. Extending the Love that you are is your top priority. It is what you are here to learn and teach. You will focus on opening up to that Love and letting It shine through. Love is the healer. It will change your life.
E-Course 115 – Downloadable: US$135.00 (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). E-Course 115.
Course 115 in a Binder: US$135.00 + shipping (includes 2-3 hours with your facilitator). Course 115 in a Binder.
My inner child received a healing and incorporated some new, healthy qualities. I now have a greater desire to love others. It helped me move through resistance to receiving love. It also helped me realize the value of extending love at all times.
The sharing with my inner child experience helped me recognize that I am love and loving.
I realized that I have looked for love outside of myself and do not see myself as a vessel of love. The experience of having the group tell me that I am worthy and deserving of love was profound. I truly value this experience.
This course helped me feel more comfortable in expressing the positive things I feel about other people. It also provided an unusual opportunity to receive positive comments about myself in a comfortable, safe environment, which helped lower my defenses.
It was a very love-filled experience. I absolutely loved the material and exercises. It had a nice balance of meditation, processing and reading material.
This course helped me remember that everyone, including myself, perceives the world based on our fears, feelings of lack and inadequacy, etc.... That we can only allow in the amount of love that we feel we desire. This allows me to see situations in a manner that is more serene for myself and others. This is a course I will definitely repeat for myself.
It helped me remember that love is everywhere and that I can share love without fear or anxiety. The processes were uplifting and inspiring. I feel peaceful all over again.