A New Way to See

Snob Appeal

I recently became aware of an attitude in my mind, which was coming from the ego system of thought. It was the idea that “others” that do not study ACIM are “different” from me, or that “I” have the better way and they do not. Big time comparisons coming from the fragmented mind. 

I wrote out the thoughts that were coming to my mind:
I have to stop thinking (with ego) that I am “above it all.” That’s the attempt to keep guilt and separation real by making me “better than” someone who doesn’t read or interpret the Course like I do.  (Wouldn’t that encompass everybody??) That is lie, to maintain differences.

The ego looks only at the outer image and does not look to the Inner Light that is part of All That Is. If I keep looking at others as different, then I’m keeping the belief that I’m alone, for no other is like me. The belief that I’m alone, upholds the core belief of separation, and that is a lie. So, do I want the false or do I want the truth? Real or unreal?

With either choice of the ego system, that I’m “less than or better than,” will bring feelings of aloneness. It makes “alone” seem real. Do I want to keep the witnesses to fear? Is that what I really want? Any choice I make with the ego system, is only a choice for fear. I have been fooling myself, trying to find happiness in a system that does not recognize happiness.

I have unlimited opportunities, then, to choose again. To make choices that use a system based on Love. Any time I feel anger, pain, or fear, I can choose again. I ask to give up my mistaken, hurtful thoughts for thoughts that purify my mind. I ask for hurtful thinking to be washed out of my mind and allow in the light and love of True Thoughts from Love.
As I release the fear thoughts, I release my brothers and myself.

I give the fear thoughts to H. Spirit Whose purpose and goal is sure. He never fails me. When I am willing to be taught, His Voice always gives me peace. In fact, His peace is with me all the time, I need only let go of the blocks that prevent my awareness of the peace. He is always happy to take my broken thoughts, replacing them with the loving thoughts of my Source.
I am willing to choose again. I am willing to have the truth replace the false images in my mind.
I am willing to give up the fear thoughts that hurt me and only me. I accept the Help that is
within me, and accept the truth of What I am. 

© 2004, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Games in Fear

I have felt so scattered the past week…. and lonely. I know these feelings come from the ego system, but the thought behind the feelings, is still trying to hide. The ego wants me to believe that I am powerless, that I have no options to choose in healing. It wants me to believe that I am powerless…. that way it can keep playing its game, keep its “control” over the dream.

The ego mind keeps looking at the past to see what I had and what I left behind. It keeps looking for happiness wherever it thinks happiness is, but denying that happiness is here now. It wants to make time real.
It looks at the past and tells me what I’ve “lost.” It is programed to find loss, lack, scarcity, just the forms of fear. It is not programed to find happiness, truth or peace. It does not want to find those things at all, it merely wants to keep me preoccupied with the search so I will not stop to question where and why I am looking.
For if I question the where and the why, it means that I will change my mind about what is valuable to me and I will accept the perception and help from the place in my mind where peace and truth abide. I am learning to question the values of the ego mind, it’s pursuit of happiness is meaningless.

The truth is that the peace of God is shining in me now, I have the peace within me. This fact the ego would not let me know. As long as I keep choosing again, asking for correction from H.S. I will be released from the false thoughts. It is a daily, minute to minute process…
and the ego would like to have me think that it is too hard, that I’ll never succeed. It uses illusory time to keep the illusion of failure or future success in my mind. In each instant I need to turn to H.S. for help, to see past the illusion. I need help because I cannot get outside of the “box” by using the same system that made the box. I need the thought system that I did not dream up, I need guidance from the system that comes only from Love, and I need to follow that Voice, to use the information that comes from Love.

As I learn to let go of the thoughts and definitions that I wanted to have my meaning on them,
I learn that the Peace and Love that I thought I threw away, are still within me. I learn that
I have not abandoned Love, nor has Love left me. I learn that God’s Will is perfect happiness for me, and that I share that Will. I learn there is one Life, and that I share with God. I am surrounded by the Love of God. I can “see” again, with the eyes of Love, not the eyes of fear.
I choose again, and again, and again. I am willing to learn that I remain as Love created me.
Thank You God, I love You God!


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A Love Letter

Last week I found I was following the ego path once again. If I am really honest with myself, I am usually sleep walking along the dream path, and that part of the mind (imaginary as it is) does its best to ignore and deny the Spiritual part of me, that is real.

I had uncovered some deeply rooted beliefs, and as I sat at work, I asked Jesus to take these errant thoughts, that were not new to my awareness. As I finally allowed my willingness to come forward, this is what I received:

“My dear Child,
It is always your choice, and there is no valid reason to listen to the many voices of the ego mind. You know that it misleads you, but you mistakenly hope yet, that somehow it will give you some help or some bit of value. You need only continue to practice on listening to the
“new kid”. Practice on tuning into the quiet place and let the true Voice speak to you of what you are. You need never be afraid of what the true Voice tells you. You need never remain hostage to the clatter and insane images of the ego system. It is really only another thought, but one that you have mistakenly believed as real.

“Listen and trust that what I tell you is far more real than any image in your world. Trust that I will never hurt you, nor abandon you. My words will heal all sense of loss, all sense of homelessness, and all sense of guilt. It will be done as your will is truly the same as Love. Let this come to your mind and let it be healed with the memory of Love. I cannot leave you, that is impossible. What is real is forever true and nothing can change your true Self, the holy Child of God. The uncorrupted Thought that belongs forever with Him. You are Love and nothing else.
Dear Child, take my words to heart—-I am here.”

I had written these words down, and reread them throughout the day. It is so healing to receive a “love letter” from the Self or Source that knows the truth about you. I hope that it may find a place in your heart as well, to nourish the healing and waking that we aspire to.

© 2004, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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A Mission “Busted”

Recently it became apparent that something needed to be healed in my mind. I was experiencing problems with the body again. It is interesting to me, that on some days, I will sit with mental discomfort for long periods and not seek relief, but when it comes to body discomfort, then I take ‘action’. It would be much simpler to go to Holy Spirit with the mental problem, rather then waiting till it appears in form in the dream body.

I participated in the Inner Widsom counseling process, and what follows is what I can remember about the counseling.

Some of the thought cluster beliefs: I came “here” on a mission, like I was to conqueror something. I accepted the idea and burden of being a conqueror, a “winner”, a peace maker, an artist, a worker or employee. I felt alone, overwhelmed, and hopeless in the scope of not being able to accomplish my “mission”.

In the meditation of going up the steps, I joined with Jesus, in which he showed me, that it was not bodies joining, but our light joining. We sent light to the thought cluster, and it shrunk till it disappeared.

Message: I am a Being of Light. I am Light, my Source is Light. I am never apart from Light, I am never alone.

I can take everything to the Light, take each illusion to the Light; my only purpose here is to remember the Light. I need only let go of fear, let go of dream images, take them to the Light and lay them down. The idea of being here to “fix” things is a false premise and I can let it go. There is nothing here to “fix”. The false mind made up the idea so that I would “fail” (adding more guilt to the dream picture.) Being a “success” is not necessary. I need only remember that I am Light. Everything I touch is filled with and becomes Light. My wholeness and holiness is Light.
I am forever Light and nothing else.
I lay down the false burden of being a conqueror, a “winner” a peace maker, an artist, a worker or employee.
I lay down the expectations of the way “things should be”. I lay down the expectations of what would make me happy or what I “should” be doing.

I am only Light and nothing else. When I remember I am Light, then all else falls into place. Obstacles disappear. (I was given a picture of seeing my neck bones in perfect alignment. And that I am perfectly aligned in and with the Light.)
There is only Light and I am forever and forever one in the One Light.

I join with you all in remembering that we are Light and only Light. May your day be filled with the Light that you are. May we extend the Light in every doing and in our thoughts.
Thank you!

© 2004, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Defense Against the Truth

The insane mind tries to keep its illusions. It defends against the truth, with intensity, ferocity and with guile. It will “do” anything to keep truth from entering its abode, and makes the false appear to take the place of truth.

This is only foolishness, not to be taken seriously. This is the desire to see special wishes come true. The faith or belief in these wishes makes this world appear very solid and real. The insane mind does not want to wake, yet beneath all it’s noise and magic, it’s grandiosity and pride, there is the truth. And the truth calls to you again and again to be Itself. The truth is hidden by layers of clouds and screens of smoke. It waits eternally patient for your awareness, for your change of mind. Truth holds no grievances, because there is nothing in the clouds or smoke to fight against. It knows you will wake and return to the only Home you’ve ever known. It knows that your true will cannot be denied, and this true will will bring you Home with Light shining everywhere and at once.

The good new is that you are not the insane mind, though it seems often to be the one part that you are aware of and place your focus on.
There is a part of you that knows and accepts the truth. There is a part of you that holds every answer to any question, that lays the truth before you in any circumstance. There is a part of you where peace is welcomed and love is given room. This part of you has never been away or disconnected from you. You may choose dreams in place of the awareness of this eternal part of you, but dreams cannot touch or change it.

You can learn to choose again. To choose for awareness of this part that seemed so distant to you. You can learn that this part can only help you and not deliver punishment, pain or death to you. You can learn that what was hidden was only your perfect innocence and love. The part of you that was denied, asks only that you open and receive the gift of truth. This part of you that can never depart, must be one with you. It has never been separate from you, and what is part of something must be in the whole. What appears to be part of you, in reality is the only Part, the only “you”.

This loving Self that you seem to connect with on “certain” occasions, is what you really are. The loving Self IS you, not the fragmented fantasy image that you dreamed.
The loving Self is your one Identity. As you allow the truth to be remembered more and more, you will find all fear removed in accepting this Identity. All the fear-generated ideas around the body will be released.

The practice to remember the truth, to welcome the truth, seems to take time. But with every instant of practice, you shorten time. In each instant of accepting truth, you move closer to Home, saving eons of time in the dream.

© 2004, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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A Dream Life Like…..

I’d like to mention, that this anology came to me from Spirit, shortly before rising this morning.

The dream life is like a wheel chair. It is a place of limitation, restriction, self imposed trials. You mistakenly think that this is what you deserve; it is the place you are “put” because of your “attack” on your Father. The hidden belief that you must pay for your transgression plays out on a endless loop of video tape.

How do you leave such a wheelchair??

In some cases, little by little, some cases you have assistance to stand, some cases you leap up in one bound, totally uninhibited. The manner in which you leave is your choice. It is made by the decision of which style of living you would rather have.

The “security” of the wheelchair can seem very good, as safe and comfortable space. You appear to be out of harms way. Yet, this appearance hides the fact of your true security, your true harmlessness and invulnerability.

In leaving the wheelchair little by little, it appears to take much time and effort. It appears to take another “body” to give directions, to train the weak one how to stand, how to take steps, how to move, walk. The trainer builds strength in the weak one, so that eventually the strength is built back to free movement.

In cases where there is assistance to stand, sometimes it is enough to fill the weak one with inspiration and determination to be free from the chair. The choice for freedom cannot be denied and this “energy” fuels the body into action.

The leap out of the wheelchair is like a leap of faith. The choice for freedom is made without qualifiers, without compromise. There is an inner conviction inspired by a deep knowing and acceptance of the truth. The deep inner knowing transforms the little beliefs of specialness. The shift or mind correction occurs without effort. The limited thoughts are released. It is effortless to rise, walk or even fly.

In the dream life, you need the Trainer to give you certain direction, that will build your inner strength, that will develop the habit of asking the Trainer within for help. A new thought becomes strong with practice, with practice it becomes habit, until from habit it becomes the natural thing to do.

In the dream life, you have constant assistance, which is often denied. Or you think that you have a better outcome, then what is being offered you. You think you can know what makes for your happiness. Here is the choice of not deciding on your own, to take the assistance, and then appreciate the outcome and advance that you receive by accepting the assistance from the One Who knows.

In the dream life it seems to be impossible to have a leap of faith. This again is nothing more then choice. You could be instantly free of your limiting thoughts and restricting beliefs. You deny the power of your choice, the power of your mind, because accepting Love, you would have to deny that the dream world is real. You have limited yourself in the dream life, and are filled with anxiety at the idea of letting this life “go.” Still, when you reach your limit of pain, you decide that there must be something more then the endless circle of giving to take, defend and attack, hide and seek.

You have within you the place that you seek, the safety that seems to elude you, and the love that is beyond understanding. Within you is the key, the door and the Home that you search for while in the dream. A small taste of the truth, a sample of the peace, an inkling of the Love that abides within you, is all that you need to not find value in the dream as before. This truth, this peace and Love is biding within and calling you to return. Behind all the noise of the dream world, that Calling is there, the gentle urging, the quiet feelings of another way.
Choose to listen. Choose to receive. Choose to practice.

The better way is within you. The freedom is within you. The Love is within you. Always, Always, Always.

© 2004, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Voice for Love

I recently had the room to join in the Saturday morning service offered via a phone conference line with Pathways of Light. It was perfect timing for me, to be refreshed with Spirit’s messages.  In the following thoughts, to lessen any confusion for the reader, Spirit often calls me “Sara.”

Spirit said to me: “You are part of your Source, Sara. You are a thought in the Mind of Love.
“The only Voice there is, is the Voice of Love—-all other voices are hallucinations; a made up script from a delusional mind.
You always have the choice of to listen to the true Voice, or the the voice of illusion. You have the choice, to join in happiness, with the correction of the loving Voice. You are never without the Voice, for It came with you into the dream.”

So, the Voice for Love is still with me. It never leaves. I need only be willing, I need only open and listen. I know how to do that, I have not forgotten or “lost the touch.” The ego idea would rather have me believe that I am alone, and cannot reach my Inner Voice. It would like me to stop listening, so it tries to convince me that I have failed, and cannot bring back the Inner Voice that corrects all error in my mind.

I have noticed lately how much the little voice sounds like a spoiled child. It wants what it wants; it does not like to wait; it demands attention; it demands that it’s needs are met instantly. It demands that it is right in whatever it is choosing.

It is a good thing to notice how this little voice is in every thought,  making comparisons, making judgments. It tells me daily of the (seeming) flaws it sees in me, trying to get me to follow it’s direction. It is good for me to be aware of this “child” so that I can turn to my Inner Teacher for the new perspective, the perspective of Love. Since I made up the little voice, I can now be responsible in turning a “deaf ear” to it’s demands and judgments. To me, it is like walking away from a child that is throwing a tantrum. You see that it can’t harm itself, then walk away.

In turning away, I seek the silence so that I may hear the Voice for Love. I seek for correction of my errors in thinking or non-thinking. I turn inward, going to the silent, warm, loving space that waits for me. It is always there, it is the place I find the Holy Spirit. It is the place where I find comfort, and with openess, my release from fear.

I want to make this turning inward such a habit, that is is second nature for me; that it will be the instant response to my feelings of despair or the thoughts of judgment. I need to practice, and practice and practice, to let this new way become a habit. I need not condemn myself when I see that I have slipped and mistakenly followed that little voice again. I can accept that it was another mistake, and be open to receive the correction of the Voice of Love, that brings certain relief from any pain. I simply ask for help in my practicing, I ask and receive the certainty that Love heals all things, and mends every piece of my mind.
“Truth corrects all error in my mind.”
How blessed are we, how very loved are we, as we accept the Help that is part of us.

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