Pathways of Light Store

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251 products found
  • A Course in Miracles, 3rd Edition Hard Cover

    This is the only edition with all of the writings its Scribe authorized to be printed. It contains the complete Preface, Text, Workbook for Students, Manual for Teachers and Clarification of Terms, plus the supplements, Song of Prayer and Psychotherapy — Purpose, Process & Practice.

    Not available for sale for Illinois residents or for delivery in Illinois.

    Score: 0.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $31.00
  • 3-DVD Seminar: How to Break the Cycle of Birth & Death

    by Gary Renard

    In this lively and profound workshop, Gary brings to life the teachings in his book Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death.

    Not rated yet
    • $29.00
  • 3-DVD Workshop: The Art of Advanced Forgiveness

    by Gary Renard

    This inspiring and insightful workshop brings the practical application of forgiveness as described in A Course in Miracles into everyday life.

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    • $29.00
  • Mysticism, Miracles & Metaphysics

    by Jon Mundy, Ph.D.

    Learn three short sentences that will help you apply ACIM in your daily life and how to apply "do not defend" in the world.

    Not rated yet
    • $39.00
  • Mysticism, Miracles & Metaphysics 4-CD Workshop

    by Jon Mundy, Ph.D.

    Learn three short sentences that will help you apply ACIM in your daily life and how to apply "do not defend" in the world.

    Not rated yet
    • $36.00
  • 4-CD Workshop: How to Break the Cycle of Birth & Death

    by Gary Renard

    In this lively and profound workshop, Gary brings to life the teachings in his book Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death.

    Not rated yet
    • $22.00
  • 4-CD Workshop: The Art of Advanced Forgiveness

    by Gary Renard

    This inspiring and insightful workshop brings the practical application of forgiveness as described in A Course in Miracles into everyday life.

    Not rated yet
    • $22.00
  • 3-CD Workshop: The Disappearance of the Universe

    by Gary Renard

    Here Gary tell his story about the fascinating events leading up to and including his experience with visitations in his living room by two ascended masters.

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    • $18.00
  • Step 1: Getting to Know the Real You

    Correspondence 5-Course Discount Package Binders with Facilitator & Certification

    Includes the first five courses of the minister training curriculum. Courses included: 132, 112, 111, 114, 115. 

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    For full descriptions of all the Minister Training courses,  click here.

    Not rated yet
    • $625.00
  • Step 2 Strengthening Your Awareness of Inner Wisdom

    Correspondence 5-Course Discount Package in a Binder with Facilitator & Certification

    Includes the second five courses, 203, 113, 802, 202 and 801, in the Minister Training Curriculum.

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $704.00
  • Step 3: Bringing Inner Guidance to Your Relationships

    Step 3 Correspondence 7-Course Discount Package in binder with Facilitator & Certification

    Includes the seven courses, 301, 401, 210, 201, 805, 901 & 220 in the ministerial training curriculum. 

    Not rated yet
    • $1009.00
  • Step 1, Getting to Know the Real You Self-Study

    Step 1: 5-Course Discount Binder Package — Self-Study Only

    Five self-study courses to accelerate your spiritual growth. Includes courses 132, 112, 111, 114 & 115.

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $300.00
  • Step 2 Strengthening Your Awareness of Inner Wisdom Self-Study

    5-Course Binder Discount Package — Self-Study Only (does not include certification)

    Five self-study courses to help you learn how to receive inspiration from from your Inner Guidance to guide you in daily life.

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $344.00
  • Step 3, Bringing Inner Guidance to Your Relationships Self Study Discount Pkg

    Self-Study 5-Course Discount Package in binder without certification

    Five courses that will help you have a clearer vision of the truth in you and improve your relationships. Includes courses 301, 401, 210, 201 & 805.

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $325.00
  • 132: Self-Image Transformations

    Correspondence Course Binder with Facilitator & Certification

    Learn to retrain your mind to develop new mental habits while releasing old scripts that are limiting and painful. 

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $135.00
  • 112: Knowing Your True Purpose

    Correspondence Course in Binder with Facilitator & Certification

    Learn to access long-held thought patterns you picked up as a child and heal these limited thoughts and beliefs. 

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $135.00
  • 111: Awakening to Your True Self

    Correspondence Course in Binder with Facilitator & Certification

    If you still find yourself sabotaging your innate happiness, this course will give you practice in identifying and healing those self-defeating aspects.

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $135.00
  • 114: The Transforming Power of Trust

    Correspondence Course in Binder with Facilitator & Certification

    This course will help you feel more confident about trusting your Inner Guidance, spiritual intuition and your ability to know what is right for you.

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $135.00
  • 115: How to Be Loving, How to Be Loved

    Correspondence Course in Binder with Facilitator & Certification

    In this course you will practice healing and releasing your barriers to Love and experience the depth of unconditional Love which lies within you.

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $135.00
  • 132: Self-Image Transformations Self-Study

    Course 132 in a Binder — Self-Study Only

    Learn to retrain your mind to develop new mental habits while releasing old "tapes" that are limiting and painful.

    Click the course title above for MP3 audio file download instructions.

    Not rated yet
    • $70.00
Products: 120 of 251