A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights

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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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Listen to Lesson 50 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 50 Insights

“I am sustained by the Love of God.”

If I look at the “love” experienced in the special relationships of this world, it gives love a shady image. This love is unreliable, changing all the time, seems to take great effort to maintain and can be gone in an instant. If this accurately represented God’s Love, no one could feel sustained by His Love. This ‘love’ is feared because of its unreliability. It is why ego based religions speak of the fear of God. Who could feel safe with a love that is tenuous at best?

Gratefully, the Course is telling me that what we call love in this world is the opposite of God’s Love. It is a false substitute. The ego loves to project its images anywhere it can, including on God. With this lesson it is important for me to recognize the hidden baggage the ego would layer on the Love of God, making it seem tarnished and uncertain. As long as I believe this image, I will resist trusting in the sustenance of God’s Love. It will not feel safe to me. This is not because of what God’s Love is, but because of a false image that the ego projects that interferes with accepting the strength and peace and joy and certainty of God’s Love.

That is why this lesson is so important. That is why I need to repeat the lesson many times through the day to remind myself where my real safety is. Truly I am sustained, supported, strengthened and fulfilled by God’s Love. Only God’s Love can sustain me. No substitutes could ever work, because I was created as part of God. To know that certainty and comfort, I need to let go of the false images I have believed. They have no power over me except from my belief in them. As I can let them go, I can rest in the comfort of God’s peace. Love sustains me because Love is what I am in truth and nothing else.

As I feel the words, “I am sustained by the Love of God,” embrace me I feel as though I just received a letter that has changed my life. In that letter is revealed the truth about me: “You are abundant and you lack nothing. Something happened that you don’t understand and you simply forgot that you are abundant. Your source of fulfillment is always present, but if you do not know it and do not access it, you will continue to experience the illusion of lack.”

That is what this letter says to me. That is what touches me with these words from the lesson today. Love cares so much about each of us and all of us. We are equally endowed. It is only when I access the unlimited Source of Love in me that I can truly experience life and joy and celebration. I am grateful to be touched by the truth these words in this lesson today.

I am sustained by the Love of God because the Love of God is all that is real. Nothing really exists but the Love of God. Everyone is the Love of God, their Source. I am the Love of God. If I think that something else sustains me, I am mistaken. If I think that something else sustains me, I can realize that thought is coming from the false ego mind. I can recognize these thoughts, look at them closely and with the help of the Holy Spirit, see and feel that they are just false ideas. Recognizing that it is only the Love of God that sustains me is my pathway Home.

Where am I placing my trust? Where am I thinking that my true happiness lies? I have thought that my happiness lies in many things, but they never lasted. True happiness does not change. True happiness is eternal. Today I am willing to look at all my replacements for God’s Love and see the truth about them. I am willing to hand over my ideas about everything. I am willing to be retrained. I am willing to open to the Love of God and receive my real sustenance. I am willing to practice today, one step at a time, in recognizing that I am sustained only by the Love of God. I am willing to step back and be taught the truth.

It took me a long time to realize that the love of God is what ultimately sustains me. For so long I would rejoice over the fact that I got the job that I thought I wanted, that my relationship with whoever was working, that my body looked good, etc., etc.

I now realize that there are no guarantees in any of those things and it was only by the grace of God that I was able to obtain those things in the first place. Today I realize that it is faith in my faith of God’s love which ultimately sustains any peace that I may experience in my life; it is the only guarantee I have. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for reminding me of this fact.

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Listen to Lesson 49 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 49 Insights

“God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.”

This lesson is very comforting to me. It assures me that no matter how uncertain or confused I might feel in any circumstance, the calm and loving voice for God is always available to me in every instant. To me this is one of the central thoughts of the Course. I am never alone. God’s help is always available to me. No matter how fearful I may feel in a given moment or guilty or sad or angry, God’s Voice is still available to me, ready to shed His Light to heal my perception. I need only quiet my mind and listen. The Holy Spirit is there, always.

As it says in Chapter 8 of the Text, that His Voice is as loud as my willingness to listen. It is my responsibility to be willing to hear the Voice for God. It is not imposed upon me, for if it were, the equality in which God created me would be broken. I am always free not to listen, but I cannot destroy the Voice for God. His comfort is ever present, waiting to be accepted. His loving message is always available to guide me all through the day.

The more I practice staying in peace, the more I practice taking each unsettling thought to the calm place in my mind where truth resides, the more I will let His Voice guide me all through the day. It really is my will to do so, because my will and God’s Will are truly the same. Resistance comes only from identifying with a false image of myself and wanting it to be real. I cannot defend a separate identity, alone and independent of God, and hear His Voice. But as I recognize that my happiness lies in my union with Love, with God, then my mind is open to the message of Love that His Voice offers me in every moment.

This is my intent. The more I practice, the more I experience His loving, comforting presence. I dedicate today to practice.

In order to hear God’s Voice, I must be willing to turn the ego voice down. When my mind is filled up with the ego’s voice, there is no room left to hear God’s Voice.

Today’s lesson is reminding me to quiet the ego’s voice. This may take some determined practice, because if I am used to the ego’s chatter, it will feel strange when it is quieted. It may feel too quiet. But as I continue to practice this, I will get used to this quietness and the peace that comes with it. I am being asked to open to a new habit of quietness, a new habit of making room for God’s Voice. As I make room by stilling the ego’s voice, the Love and comfort of God is always there. Today is a very important day of practice, making room for God’s Voice.

Help me, Holy Spirit, have the willingness to hear the Voice for God. Help me find and sustain that place of quietness in my mind so I can hear my Heavenly Father speak to me so that I may know of His Will for me today. Help me to remember that my will is in accord with His and that to listen would mean my own salvation and the finding of my real home, that place where I am truly welcome. Thank you. Amen.

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Listen to Lesson 48 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 48 Insights

“There is nothing to fear.”

My true Self knows that there is nothing to fear. My true Self knows that this world is nothing but a dream. When I open to my true Self, this knowing that everything is really all right comes into my awareness. My true Self knows that big deals are never justified. My true Self radiates the peace of God. My true Self remembers that everyone is in Heaven now and never left. My true Self knows that every problem has just been made up by false thinking. My true Self is centered in the truth.

If I think something other than the thoughts of my true Self are real, my only real and lasting solution is to open my mind to the thoughts of my true Self. I am the decision maker. Either I wander in dreams of separation, making them real, or I choose to open my mind to what is real. My true Self knows that if it is not Love, it is a call for Love. If it is not Love, it is an illusion.

As I continue to practice opening to my true Self, I know that all is well. Everything that is real is safe in the Mind of God. There is nothing to fear. “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” It is always my choice. Do I want fear? Do I want conflict? If so, I will choose the ego thought system. Do I want peace and understanding of the truth? If so, I will have an open mind to listen to my true Self.

My study and application of what I am learning from the Course has increased my day-to-day level of peace dramatically. Yet if I look honestly at the thoughts I carry through the day, there is still an underlying level of fear in much of my thinking. Now I call it by a different name. I may call it concern, mild frustration, impatience, minor irritation, planning for the future, ruminating, etc. Occasionally there are more overt flare-ups of fear in which I recognize defensiveness or anger.

The Course tells me that there is no difference between a mild, unsettled feeling and intense rage. I could only experience either of them if I believed myself to be separate from the strength and Love of God. The Course offers no exceptions. It does not say there is nothing to fear except (fill in the blank). The fact that I still make exceptions means that I still need to be reminded again and again that there is nothing to fear. Period. No exceptions, no qualifiers.

One simple fact: There is nothing to fear. The ego brings up all kinds of “Yes but what about…” That is only its attempt to maintain its illusion of reality. That question “What about…” is best directed to the Holy Spirit. Offered to the Holy Spirit, He will respond with an answer that shows me there is no foundation for fear. To receive that answer, I must have an open mind. I must be willing to acknowledge that I of myself do not know what anything means. If I think I know what anything means the Holy Spirit’s answer will be invisible to me, even though it is right in front of my nose.

The Holy Spirit’s voice is as loud as my willingness to listen. My prayer is, “I am willing to listen. Help me with my unwillingness, Holy Spirit. Help me feel your peace so that I may receive your understanding.” This is my heart’s desire. I know in my heart that this is the way to release from hell and return to Heaven.

What an excellent time to practice this lesson with talk of war and terrorist attacks. Not that I need huge temptations to wander into fear. I too find an underlying current of fear running through my life. At least now I am aware of it when it happens. At one time in my life, I did not even know I was living in fear. It just seemed natural and normal and I had no idea that I could escape from it. I look forward to today’s practice because I know I will be taking another step forward into a better life.

I, too, have had more peace in my life since beginning the practice of these lessons; however, all of the “minor” forms of fear have still hung around. Overly concern for others; planning for the future; impatience, etc. Today I release all outcomes, all attempts to control, all “theories” on what others should be doing, to Holy Spirit. I am in charge of my thoughts. The outcome is certain. Today I choose to think lovingly on everyone that crosses my mind. There is nothing to fear.

This instant I rest in God because my true Self knows there is nothing to fear. Too many times I forget this because too often I forget my true Self, but today I will do as the lesson suggests in practicing these words frequently. These words mean the difference between life and death for me, the difference between hope and despair, the difference between sadness and joy. These words are truly powerful and “feed” my being, my state of mind, my existence. Thank you Father for these words; thank you for your Love.

What a simple, powerful sentence: “There is nothing to fear.” I too find an undercurrent of fear in my life now — no doubt related to the Orange Alert, and also to personal things, fears I have about people I care for. And yet… have I meditated much in the past week? No. Today I will go back to my meditation, and find that quiet place where God is, and there truly is no fear. I will try, again, to believe that with all my heart, with no exceptions.

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Listen to Lesson 47 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 47 Insights

“God is the strength in which I trust.”

Remembering that God is the strength in which I trust is the same as putting my trust in Reality instead of illusions. Illusions are unstable and constantly change. God is eternal and changeless. Placing my trust in a world of illusions is like placing my trust in quicksand. It will always fail. God is the only place of real trust. Only God is invulnerable. Only God can be relied upon in every situation. We all have our foundation in God. God is the Tree of real, everlasting Life. Trusting in anything but God is just a silly idea.

God, I hand over every concern to You. Only in You is there true meaning. Returning to Love is my one function. Extending Love is my only joy. This is my strength. This is my security. This where my true happiness lies. I cannot do anything on my own, for on my own I am nothing. “God is the strength in which I trust.”

This lesson speaks to us as we perceive ourselves in this world — as separate, alone, weak and with every reason to apprehensive and fearful because we trust in the “strength” of this limited self. But if we look at the lesson as a whole, it is clear that Jesus does not see this as the truth about us. The strength of God is in us because God is in our mind, as we learned in an earlier lesson. The peace of God is there to be found in us because God is in our mind. It is only our belief in a false image of ourselves as alone and separate from God that leads us to feel weak, apprehensive, fearful and out of control. It is this false image that leads us to feel we must defend ourselves.

Remembering that God is in our mind can help us remember that God’s strength is ours. Love’s strength is ours. If only Love is real, which the Course tells us in the introduction to the Text, then harm is impossible. There can be nothing to fear.

There is another aspect of this lesson that is very important to me. Not only does it assure me that I can trust in the strength of Love, but it assures me that I can rely on this Love to guide me in every aspect of my doing. It is another way of assuring me that I am never alone. I have everything I need to safely and lovingly move through every situation, harmlessly and in perfect peace. I need only place my trust in Love, in God. Love is the strength in which I trust.

My son was expressing to me the uncertainty he feels about everything in life. There seems always to be more than one way to judge everything and how do you know what to believe and what is the best way to act on it. He said that he can’t feel certain about anything and that he realizes he doesn’t know anything. He was feeling like he was standing over an abyss with no bridge, no net under him.

I congratulated him on reaching a Truth at age 17 most people don’t reach for many years in their life, if ever. I assured him the answers were there in him and that realizing his ego didn’t have the answers made it possible to get there. Today’s lesson was great place to continue our conversation.

I find it a great relief to be able to let go of any residual in my belief that I have the answers and that I can successfully act on my own. It is a comfort to know that I don’t have to, and that I have the strength of God within me. I am not left to flounder on my own, but have certain direction that I can’t lose because it is in me.

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Listen to Lesson 46 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 46 Insights

“God is the Love in which I forgive.”

In yesterday’s lesson, we practiced moving through the clouds with the Holy Spirit and coming to the Light that we all are. I have the choice to focus on the clouds and stay there, or move through the clouds. When I am willing to move through the clouds, then I am always brought to the Light. In the Light is peace and understanding. The Light holds no grievances. The Light remembers that the clouds are illusions of separation and are not real. Forgiveness does not mean sacrifice or being a doormat, but forgiveness comes from letting go of what is not real, letting go of separation. Forgiveness IS letting go of separation.

In the world of separation, there will always be grievances. There will always be differences, distinctions that are without end. With forgiveness I take every cloud to the Holy Spirit and ask to see it differently. I ask to be brought to the Love that is behind the barrier, the cloud. The Holy Spirit is awesome at dissolving the clouds. It makes things that seem so complicated so simple. Love is the answer. Love is what is real. Simple, uncomplicated Love brings the peace of God. Today I am willing to practice moving through the clouds and find the Love that is always there.

God is the Love in which I forgive. God is the love in which I forgive myself. Myself is the one that I really need to forgive. My response to my ego when it tells me I must do this or I must do that in order to be worthy is God is the Love in which I forgive myself. The Self that’s always been there needs no forgiveness but what I really need to understand is that the ego is nothing and is not me. And therefore I need no forgiveness, because I have never been condemned. Only the ego condemns and is condemned. So God is the Love in which I find forgiveness, in which my heart can begin to open again and again and again to Love and clarity and benevolence and peace and joy.

As I allow today’s idea to sink into my heart, what stands out to me is the importance of defining the motive behind my forgiveness. Am I forgiving out of fear or am I forgiving out of Love? Honestly, true forgiveness can only be in Love.

As I look upon my life, I notice the times I pretended to forgive. I forgave out of obligation, and always with expectations. I forgave someone because I believed it is the only way the relationship could work. I forgave someone because maybe they will love me more, I will be more accepted, or maybe they will change. This expectation was always a sign that the attempt of forgiveness was incomplete.

When I truly step into a space of true forgiveness, then I can forgive without obligation. Accepting this is the same as accepting that my brother cannot truly hurt me. Then I find myself in a space in which I am truly loving my brother.

Forgiveness is allowing the Love to flow. If I am in a situation that is a call for love, then forgiveness isn’t an obligation, it is an opportunity for joy. I can say to myself, “I do not want to limit my life and decide what this situation is for. That’s what got me here in the first place. Now I decide to let the miracles in.” Forgiving my brother means I don’t fear anyone can hurt me. I have the freedom to be whole and I can do so simply by allowing the LOVE to show me what anything is for.

Much of my life I lived with the ‘doormat’ syndrome. If I felt a need to express what I believed to be true, I would hold back because I thought it might not be accepted by others,. This pattern has brought me great discomfort over the years and kept me in situations that weren’t healthy. If Jesus had had this attitude, we wouldn’t have A Course in Miracles. Clearly much of what is written in the book is rejected by much of the world and probably parts of it by most of the students who read it.

If I am unwilling to express what others might disagree with, then I am limiting my willingness to follow Holy Spirit’s lead. This does not mean I go around confronting people and telling them where they are wrong. But if I have a predisposition not to make waves, then I will not be open to Spirit’s guidance that may lead me on a path less traveled.

All this comes out of fear of condemnation. Today’s lesson that tells me that God never condemned me. It also tells me that all condemnation is self condemnation. So this fear of condemnation is fear of my own condemnation. That is why I need to forgive myself. That is why I need to accept that God is the Love in which I forgive. If I have condemned myself, I can’t look to my little self as the means to forgive. But I do have the Means and It is God.

Gratitude fills my heart. Along with it comes great relief. I am not alone. God is with me. It is His Love that helps me let go of my self condemnation. It is His message through His voice that teaches me I am innocent and the world is innocent. There is nothing to fear because condemnation is not real. It is just an ego ploy to make illusions seem immutable, yet that is an oxymoron. God is the Love in which I forgive is another way of saying I am blessed as a Son of God.

The lesson asks us to think of those we need to forgive. They suggest that anyone we do not like would be a suitable subject. I can think of a couple of people who fit that category, but I find the ones I most need to forgive are the people closest to me. It is the sense of betrayal that you can only experience with someone you care about that is the hardest to forgive.

I understand that I cannot be betrayed and I understand that no one has actually done anything to me. I understand that I am projecting all this stuff onto them. But my understanding is still mostly intellectual. The truth is, I still have many special relationships and I expect those people I have designated as special to live up to certain expectations. When they don’t, I feel hurt and betrayed.

Writing this out and looking at it like this I can see what I am doing to myself. I can also see how forgiving them is really all about forgiving myself. I have taken some pretty big steps in this direction: I see pretty clearly what I am doing,I know that I want to do this differently,this is important to me. I look forward to spending today taking another step forward as I accept healing in this area of my life. How wonderfully lucky I am to have the Course!

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Listen to Lesson 45 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 45 Insights

“God is the Mind with which I think.”

Many times when I go into meditation, I ask Jesus to help me move through the clouds. If a particular cloud seems to attract me, I ask Jesus to help me see it differently. It happens differently in different situations. Sometimes we talk about it together and I am given a new perspective in how to view the situation. Sometimes I am given insight into what would be most helpful. Sometimes the cloud just seems to disappear. It’s just gone. And then we continue through the clouds. Jesus always leads me to deeper layers of peace.

Sometimes he gives me images where we come to a beautiful, inviting, warm pool of peace and we step in together gradually going deeper, allowing ourselves to feel the presence of God’s peace a little more and then a little more. I find that Jesus or the Holy Spirit is very gentle in leading me into the truth of my Being. Jesus knows that we have all the time we need. He asks a little willingness of me and then he takes over. I have learned to trust his lead. He brings me to deep layers of happiness. All sense of problems disappear. He knows me better than I know myself. I can trust him.

When I get involved in the world of form, I lose all sense of what is eternal, what is real. I need these times of following Jesus. Jesus leads me to the place in my mind where truth resides. It is a place past form and cannot be described. This place in my mind is always there. It never changes. I am nurtured and sustained here. I feel loved and loving in this place. This is what true sharing is. We share one mind. There are no differences. We are one Light. There is no distance between us.

By taking time to rest with Jesus, I can then return to my job in the world being refreshed and reminded of what is real. I can take the peace that I feel with me and practice receiving and extending the peace that is real. I need this practice of diving into that pool of peace often. It brings me the stability and strength. It brings me consistency. It brings me what I need. As I continue on in this “life,” I am so grateful for the help I receive each day and for the pool of peace that is always there to join with each day. There is nothing more important than this. This is real mind healing training, and I need it every day.

This lesson shakes up all of my ideas about the reality of my thoughts. It is telling me all the thoughts that I have thought were real are not real. If God is the Mind with which I think, then the thoughts of that Mind must be holy. They must see only oneness, only innocence and offer only Love. I have to admit that except for momentary flashes of holy instants, my thoughts do not fit this description.

Yet I am assured that my mind is part of God’s. So beneath the thoughts I am aware of are my holy thoughts. Just because I have covered them over with unreal thoughts doesn’t mean that they are not there. It just means I am not aware of them. Lack of awareness is not justification for guilt, although the ego will tell me it is. It just means I need to learn to be aware. That is what these lessons are here to teach me, and I am deeply grateful for them.

I want the peace of God and that peace is found in the thoughts I share with God. I want to reach those thoughts and so I am dedicated to practicing these lessons as much as I can. Each time I encounter resistance, I acknowledge it and step past it and keep on practicing. That is my job, my purpose. I am assured that it is God’s will that I receive His peace and so it is inevitable that I will succeed. Thank you God.

I continue to see the depths of my guilt. I see all the horrible things that I can imagine happening to me as another form of punishment that my ego creates to show how bad I am and how much I should be punished. But my real thoughts are in my mind. I would like to find them. And so I sit with this lead ball in my mind and I know that just beyond the cloud is the sunshine and all of the Love and the peace and the clarity and the benevolence of the mind of God. These lessons are very powerful. They bring up all of what’s in the way of thinking with the mind of God. Thank God for the Holy Spirit. He shows us the way. He takes our hand and walks us through the clouds. All we need do is ask.

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Listen to Lesson 44 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 44 Insights

“God is the light in which I see.”

The Light of God is always there in our minds. It is not outside. We may not be aware of It, but It never really goes away. In truth, the Light of God is all there is to see. If we choose to hide from it, we will not experience it. Today’s lesson involves accepting the Light that is always there, accepting the Love that is always there.

There is never any coercion to make us accept the Light. It is there when we choose it. When we deny the Light through dissociation, we do not experience It. It is all about willingness. As I practice today, I expand my willingness to accept the Light of God a little bit more. Jesus asks me to consistently practice this lesson. He knows that it is one of the most important things I can do.

Accepting the Light I am helps me see that the Light of God is all there is to see. There are no problems in the Light, only peace, joy and happiness. I can relax now. I accept the means to return to the Light as I practice it with willingness today.

Today’s lesson is teaching me a new way of seeing. Its pointing out that what I have called seeing is not really seeing at all. By telling me that the Light for seeing is not outside me, it tells me that all the things I think I see with the body’s eyes are not really seeing. In fact, by saying the equipment for seeing is not outside me, its telling me that the body’s eyes are not the means for seeing that it is talking about here. So it must be talking about an inner seeing, a metaphysical seeing, beyond the physical.

In other parts of the course it tells me that the body was made as a fence to keep God and ‘others’ out, to wall off a private domain I could call my own. Yet this private domain is achieved at the cost of seeing. I cannot believe that a private domain with private thoughts and a unique identity is real and experience the unity of God’s Love.

This lesson is the beginning of practice in sinking past the fence to allow a taste of the freedom that comes with accepting God’s unifying Love. It is always there. My only job is to let go of trying to use the wrong equipment and choose the Light of God as my source of seeing. It is a process of letting go of what I have valued in error and accepting that the most important thing I can do is to accept the Light of God that is already in me, is me. God is the Light in which I see. In God’s Light I see only innocence, only safety, only Love and unity. That is my one goal.

As I set my intention to connect with the Light within, I begin to watch the thoughts my mind produces. I watch the parade of thoughts come and go, rise and fall, and I simply let it be. As I allow my mind to detach itself from these thoughts, the natural state of my inner peace begins to emerge. The Light of my Beingness begins to grow and expand and fill my awareness. Within this inner Light there is only perfect peace, perfect holiness, perfect serenity. This is the peace that passeth all understanding. In this place I am perfect, whole and complete. I choose today to go to this place of my inner peace often to remind me of the truth of my Self and my brother’s. “God is the Light in which I see.”

As I choose to remember that God lives within me and I am an extension of His, I realize that I need to allow His sight from within me to light my way and look through the eyes of Love rather than my physical eyes for all my decisions in life that I make. When I choose to see only Love through my eyes and really be conscious of His presence within me to lead the way in all I do and say I will be seeing through the eyes of God and not my own. To see through the eyes of God is to only see Love in all I do and only see patience and grace in everything I say and do. To see through the eyes of God and allow Him to light my way I am living in a state of grace and peace! What a way to live!!

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Listen to Lesson 43 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 43 Insights

“God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him.”

The Course makes it clear that God is Love and nothing else. In the introduction to the Text, it says that only Love is real. Thus, nothing else exists. Since only Love is real, Love is one. There can be no other. It helps me to rephrase this lesson by saying, “Love is my Source. I cannot see apart from Love.” To me a key word in this lesson is “apart.” If only Love is real, there is nothing apart from Love. And since Love is my Source, there is nothing apart from me. If I see anything that is not part of me, then I am not seeing it truly. I cannot see apart from Love because nothing is apart.

This lesson is helping me open my mind first to recognize that the seeing I have called seeing is not really seeing anything. When I look at something through the body’s eyes and believe it, rarely do I perceive it as part of me. Second, this lesson is helping me to remember to open to receive Holy Spirit’s meaning. Holy Spirit’s meaning will show me my unity with all that is. That is what will prepare me for knowledge.

My habitual way of seeing or perceiving involves at the very least, labeling and categorizing. That shape I’m looking at is a table. Hidden beneath that label are all kinds of meanings based on my history with tables. Maybe I associate it with security, a place I could hide under when I was a child. Maybe it reminds me of anger, because of arguments that occurred around the table when I was growing up. Maybe it carries the meaning of warmth and affection because of memories of happy family moments around the table, a birthday party for example.

All this I bring unconsciously to all the forms I look upon when I attempt to see without the Holy Spirit’s guidance. This is not seeing clearly. Its really seeing only the past. So when I remind myself that I cannot see apart from Love, it reminds me not to rely on my own perception and interpretation. It reminds me to step back and let the Holy Spirit give His meaning to it. With His help, I will see Love and only Love, everywhere, all the time. Here I will find peace.

I feel my ego being confused and resistant to today’s idea. This lesson is saying the ego is not my source. God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him. My ego shows me nothing but its capriciousness, its pain, its anxiety, its depression, etc., etc., etc. I am truly blessed to have Holy Spirit as my Guide as He takes my hand and leads me to God, to joy, to comfort, to Love and peace. God is the Source and I follow. I cannot see joy apart from Him.

The source of anything is its essence. This means God is my Essence. This means I cannot see apart from my Essence. God only extends Itself. This means what is real about me is a part of God and what is real about everything is a part of God. If I am seeing something other than God, I am not seeing. I am hallucinating something that is not real. Because there is no duality, there is no ‘outside,’ there is no ‘other,’ there is nothing ‘different’ from God or Love. This means that all that is real is Love. This is my mind healing training today. To take this in, to soak in it, to receive it and give it. God is the essence of All. There is no seeing apart from this Essence of Love. Thank goodness only this is true.

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Listen to Lesson 42 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 42 Insights

“God is my strength. Vision is His gift.”

Remembering the earlier lesson that God goes with me wherever I go, this lesson tells me that I always have His strength and His vision. I can never be without them. I am always safe, invulnerable and have the ability to see the innocence, the wholeness, the holiness that God sees. If I am feeling vulnerable in any way, if I am not seeing innocence, then I am believing in a false image of what I am. That is all. It is simply a false belief that needs to be undone.

I am grateful to know this because beliefs can be changed. This is my salvation. If beliefs could not be changed, I would be stuck forever in this hellish world of conflict, fear, pain and death. Yet all this that I perceive is only the effect of a false belief. The strength of God is in me to help me let it go. I do not have to do it by sheer determination, relying on my own strength. As it says in another lesson, “If you believe you must rely on your own strength, you have every reason to be fearful.”

Gratefully this lesson reminds me that God is my strength. I am not on my own. He has never left me. His strength has never left me. Any time a problem appears to be insurmountable, it is not because I don’t have the strength to pass through it. It is because I am unwilling to accept God’s strength. This unwillingness may be because I believe I am unworthy of His strength or it may be like a teenage temper tantrum saying, “I’d rather do it myself.” Perhaps it is some kind of masochistic pride in thinking I have the ability to work this out without God’s help. I can be independent. This pride is masochistic because it insists on being separate from my Source of strength and thus vulnerable, weak and the victim of all kinds of dire circumstances.

I can choose differently. I can choose to remember that God is my strength and vision is His gift. His vision shows me my invulnerability and my holiness. It shows me the holiness of everything I look upon. With His vision, I can see the gates of Heaven. His vision brings me to the threshold and His strength takes me in and holds me safely in God’s arms. Whether or not I feel God’s strength in any particular moment does not matter. His strength is still with me. Each time I remind myself of this today, it becomes a little easier to feel his strength working in me, to feel His peace. I am truly grateful.

God is my strength. Vision is His gift. This vision opens me to the truth. I can apply opening to God’s vision and God’s strength to every experience I have today. It helps me step back and remember I do not know on my own. Why would I use the weakness of the ego, when I have the strength of God available to apply to every circumstance? The strength and vision of God is available to me if I am willing to step back and open up to it. I am willing to practice today.

I have just one thing to practice, opening up to the strength and vision of God. I can let the light be turned on in my mind. It will help me see clearly. It will help me be of service in a way that is most appropriate. I do not know on my own, but with God, true vision is mine. It is His gift. I will receive hundreds of opportunities today to accept His gift. This is my practice. This is the means of my awakening. Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. I can open to the truth today. I can receive God’s peace. God is my strength. Vision is His gift.

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Listen to Lesson 41 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 41 Insights

“God goes with me wherever I go.”

The peace of God is within me, ready to be found in every instant. It is only my unwillingness to sink past all the images and appearances of the world that keeps me from knowing the peace of God in every moment. It is my belief in the reality of the appearances of the world that blocks my awareness of God’s peace in me.

As I was doing the exercise, I observed how I seemed to oscillate up and down as I sought to sink past the thoughts of the world and go inward. It was almost as if the ego was frantically bating fishing lines with ideas to see which ones I might bite on so that I could be reeled back into the world of illusions. I was dumbfounded by some of the off the wall thoughts that I hooked on to and followed for awhile before I realized I had pulled back from going deep within. So I “spit out the hook” and resumed my focus on going down and within.

It clearly demonstrated that more mind training is needed. I still need these exercises and lessons, even though I have been through them many times. I do want to know the peace of God in every moment. I do want to know Him as my companion and my strength. I do want to know the Love that He gives eternally. Doing the exercises has had an effect and I am willing to keep on practicing, because I want more.

The peace of God is my natural state. This gives new meaning to “returning to nature.” It is not about returning to anything in the world. It is about returning Home and accepting my Self as I was created. There is great security in knowing that God goes with me wherever I go.

In my journey inward, I asked Jesus to guide me, to lead the way. He asked me to see what looked like many as one. As one, we jumped into a pool of Love. I experienced a movement, like a rush, that was blowing away the form that I was still trying to bring with me. He asked me to quiet my mind and go even deeper to remember the truth that only Love is real. As I followed his lead, the blowing, the rush, gradually faded away. I then experienced a feeling of peace, a sense of well being that I knew was eternal. The forms were gone.

This Presence is what Jesus means when he says it will cure all sorrow, all loss, all depression. This Presence is what is real. This is what goes with me wherever I go. This is what helps me laugh at fear thoughts. This is what heals my mind when I believe in foolish dreams. This is what cures me when I experience the effects of a sick mind. This is my answer to every problem. I don’t go Home alone. I never am alone. This Presence is everywhere. It is in everyone and every thing. It is the only Presence that is real.

I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to open the body’s eyes. I don’t want to make the world of form real again.… I am reminded again that God goes with me wherever I go. I am reminded that through practice I can remember while looking through the body’s eyes that only the Christ mind is real. This awareness of peace and Love is real. I can learn to see past form to the truth of Love’s Presence, which is everywhere. I need to practice. That is my job, remembering that God goes with me wherever I go. I practice this now. I practice this today.

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Listen to Lesson 40 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 40 Insights

“I am blessed as a Son of God.”

Today’s lesson once more asks us to accept the truth about ourselves. In truth, everyone is blessed as a Son of God. In truth, everyone is an extension of God — an extension of God’s Love. Because we all are God’s Love, we bless and are blessed. Because we are God’s Love, we extend Love as God does. All are in holy union with God. We cannot be without Love’s blessing, because we all are Love. And Love, to be Love, extends Love. Love sees all as Itself. Love sees all is Itself.

Affirming “I am blessed as a Son of God” every 10 minutes is important mind training. It helps me return to accepting the truth about myself and about everyone. If I really want to return to the truth and accept the blessings of my true inheritance, I will practice consistently today. I will do as Jesus instructs, for he does know how to lead me Home. He is our elder brother. He knows that our minds are still undisciplined. I am determined to follow Jesus’ instructions today. I am determined to accept the truth that I am blessed as a Son of God.

In Chapter 4, Section IV, paragraph 7 of the Text, it says that the reason we lack consistency in focusing our attention on the Love of God is not because it is hard, but because we do not believe we are worthy of it. In today’s lesson, Jesus clearly recognizes that we may miss some practice periods, maybe even for long periods. But he urges us not to let that discourage us or to use it as an excuse to stop practicing. He simply says, “Try again.” No guilt, just try again.

One of the things that has struck me over the years as I have worked with the Course is that it is gentle. There is no coercion, only loving encouragement. Never does it shame or judge us for our insanity. It just patiently, repeatedly encourages us, reminding us of what is true and helping us to recognize illusions for what they are. Sometimes we may take offense at what it says, because we have identified with a false image of ourselves and perceive the words as an attack on who we are. But that is simply the ego trying to hold its ground.

No matter what we believe about ourselves, no matter how much we deny God’s Love for us, He continues to give all of His Love, eternally. He gives His Love without consideration of whether or not we accept it. He is always giving. If we are not aware of His blessing, it is simply because we have chosen not to accept it. But His blessing remains there for us to receive the instant we are willing. If I am blessed as a Son of God, then God must want me to be happy. If I am not happy, I am not accepting God’s will for me. Today I will practice remembering I am blessed as a Son of God because I want to be happy.

I love that I am not judged for my lapses. I love the gentleness of the Course. I often think of this when I am tempted to judgment or anger over another person’s actions. Gentleness and forgiveness is not always my first choice, but more and more I am stepping out of the destructive cycle of blame and fear, and choosing gentleness instead.

I am so grateful for this change in myself. I know it is a direct result of these lessons. I keep working on the lessons because I want a gentle life without excursions into fear, anger, guilt and judgment.

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Listen to Lesson 39 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 39 Insights

“My holiness is my salvation.”

In the Text we learn that the guilt that comes with wanting to have a separate identity is the foundation for the projected world of separation we see. With the belief that we really did separate from our Source came guilt and fear of God’s reprisal. We tried to hide from the guilt we secretly believed was ours by projecting this guilt onto a made up world that we believed was separate from us.

We are now learning to recognize that the physical world we see is just the effect of projected guilt. The guilt now looks like it has been hurled outside of us, but the truth is it has not left the split mind that is its source. The more we try to see guilt “out there,” the more we are reinforcing it in our minds.

The truth is that this guilt that comes with our continued belief in separation is the real source of all our problems — It is the source of our belief in limitation, all our worry, stress, illness and lack of any kind. Guilt is hell. In this lesson Jesus tells us, “Your holiness means the end of guilt, and therefore the end of hell.”

As I look at the script of my life, I can see the many forms of limitation and guilt that I have believed in. I see that this ‘life’ script came from unloving thoughts. I am seeing that I need to look closely at every unloving thought: every apprehension, every form of suffering I am making real through my belief and hand it over to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will reverse this belief and show me that the truth of my holiness is my salvation.

This practice today helps me to heal all the false ideas that have guilt as their foundation. I am open to healing my mind today by looking at all the barriers to my holiness, all the thoughts that are unlike universal Love. Love is one. Love is universal. I let myself today be aware of the unloving thoughts that I am holding on to.

Guilt is hell. How long do I want to stay in hell? It is my choice. Today I am willing to recognize the thoughts that keep me in hell, keep me in limitation. I am ready to be brought back to wholeness, holiness. I am ready to let go of believing in separation, of believing that I am a separate person, unique and different from universal Love. I am ready to return to happiness.

My holiness is God’s holiness because He created me as an extension of Himself. If I share His holiness, I must also share His strength. So today’s idea could also be phrased, the strength of God is my salvation. With this idea, I feel great relief. Today’s lesson lists many of the kinds of unloving thoughts that we experience daily — anger, worry, fear, etc. In looking at these, I realize that they all stem from a belief in weakness, which is another way of saying unworthiness.

When I think of myself as weak, I think of myself as unable to do what God would have me do, which in essence is saying unable to Love. If I believe I am unable to Love, guilt is inevitable. Yet the strength of God is in me, so that must be a mistaken idea. God is Love. The strength of God in me enables me to Love. It cannot be that I am unable to Love. God is only Love, so in truth I must only be Love. Thus there can be no justification for guilt. Wow! That shoots holes in every justification there seems to be for guilt. It’s over. It never was. Truly, my holiness is my salvation. Thank you God.

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Listen to Lesson 38 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 38 Insights

“There is nothing my holiness cannot do.”

This lesson reminds me of the opening statement of the Course, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” I equate holiness with remembering the truth of our wholeness or oneness. This world of separation is a dream. In truth, in reality, there are no problems. Nothing real can be threatened. Love cannot be threatened. What is not Love is a dream and is coming from the false mind that makes up dreams.

When put in Holy Spirit’s hands, any dream can change. Lemons will be turned to lemonade when put in Holy Spirit’s hands. Once I put a problem in Holy Spirit’s hands I can confidently say, “I can hardly wait to see the good that comes from this.” The Holy Spirit can bring peace to my mind with any perceived problem, if I let It. The Holy Spirit brings me a reversal in thinking. I see the whole situation differently. I see that every perceived problem comes from false thinking, and false thinking can be changed.

I can be taught to bless instead of curse. I can be taught to see peace instead of conflict and fear. I can be taught to see past every form the ego mind makes up to the constant, eternal Light of truth that is always there behind the dream story. I can be trained to open up to the truth behind every dream, behind every problem. I can be taught to hold to the truth. The truth is true and nothing else is true. Herein lies the peace of God. Herein lies the Love of God and herein lies the healing idea that I can extend Love instead of the ego’s lies in every situation There is nothing my holiness cannot do.

For me, the most remarkable statement Jesus makes in regard to today’s lesson is that I have dominion over all things. It is a statement of freedom and a release of the need to control. For me, dominion means to be that which is whole, and all circumstances and events and relationships are experienced accordingly. It seems that every lesson weaves a powerful thread of inspiration to be aware of my wholeness, to be in the moment, to be Love as I was created.

What a tremendous burden is lifted from my mind when I accept that peace and joy are not dependent upon my outer circumstances, but that how I perceive my outer circumstances are the effect of whether I am being peace and joy or not. What a sense of freedom to be in a moment where I truly accept and need not control anything to be fulfilled. It occurs naturally if I just make the choice to be in Love and allow it to flow.

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Listen to Lesson 37 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 37 Insights

“My holiness blesses the world.”

This lesson reminds me of the greeting, Namaste, which means the Christ in me sees the Christ in you. My job today is to see the Christ beyond the form, to see the holiness that is everywhere. This holiness is seen through the Christ mind. This holiness sees only oneness. This holiness recognizes the eternal truth, which is beyond time and space. As I practice through the day remembering holiness, or wholeness, I am brought to remember we are one Son, one Light, and there is no distance between us. My function here is to remove the barriers to remembering this. Remembering this is a blessing to the world and to myself, which are one.

In truth, my holiness is always blessing all that is. If I’m not aware of this, it is because I have separated myself from my Self. To me this exercise is about remembering what has always been true. As I remember this, I bring this awareness to everything I see. And in that vision I support everyone in holding that vision. That is my job here. Another way of saying it is my job is to awaken and to see everyone awaken.

So this practice is a way of reminding me What I am, that I am Love and nothing else and only Love is real. I cannot do this if I focus on what bodies do, what they say, how they behave. It is not what bodies do that determines their holiness. Everyone is holy, because that is how God created them. If I don’t see myself as holy or anyone else as holy, I am not seeing them as God created them.

True to the Course, this lesson is guiding me back to awareness of my true Identity. As I can see It in myself, I will see It everywhere, for that is the law of perception. When I see it without exception, I will have prepared myself to accept my Self as God created me and return Home to the Heart of God. My holiness blesses the world because God’s holiness blesses the world. They are the same.

Today I relax. I release another shroud of need to measure up to my unholy standards. I let myself be touched by the gentle, loving essence of my true state of Being, my holiness. Today I devote myself to feeling the support, to being intimate with it. And I rejoice that this gift to myself, relaxing in holiness, is a gift to everyone.

My holiness blesses the world. I saw a picture as I repeated this to myself in meditation. As I turn to one of my brothers and say in my mind to him, “My holiness blesses you,” the light in my brother’s mind ignites and is a full flame. In turn, my brother turns to another and as he blesses him, this mind is also filled with Divine Light. This is a never-ending chain of Divine Light and Love that continues to fan out and spread through each mind within the one Mind. This Light of Love leads the way Home. As I bless my brother and myself, we bless the world.

I remember as a young woman sitting at my bedroom window looking at the moonlight on the waves, seeing the beauty that I felt was God’s gift. And I wished that I had a magic wand that I could use to sprinkle Love dust on people, and lo and behold, here it is. My holiness blesses the world.

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Listen to Lesson 36 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 36 Insights

“My holiness envelops everything I see.”

I see this lesson as not only an extension of yesterday’s, but also of the earlier lessons, “God is in everything I see, because God is in my mind.” In this world, the idea that God is in my mind and I am part of God and I share His holiness, His innocence, is totally alien. Every day there seems to be proof that I am anything but holy. I do not spend the day in perfect peace. I am sometimes upset with no rational reason, let alone the reasons that seem to be rational. I certainly don’t seem to share God’s strength and oneness is a concept that seems out of reach to really experience.

Yet the Course is telling me that it is all this that I seem to experience and perceive that is really what is alien. What makes it seem real to me is only my belief in it, and belief can be changed. Thank God! What a relief! I am grateful for the Course and its lesson that I do not have to continue with my experience of the world as it has been. There is another way of seeing, not with the body’s eyes, but in my mind. It is here that real change happens. And it is here that the Course focuses its lessons.

As I do today’s exercises, it may seem as though I am saying words that I do not mean and are almost unbelievable. But they are part of training my mind in a new way of seeing, a new perception of myself and the world. It isn’t important that I believe it now. Belief will come of itself. I need only practice the lessons. They are designed to open the door to the change of mind I need to let go of this alien world. Once again, my heart is filled with gratitude that I have the means to change my mind and accept the peace of God.

There are only two ways of seeing. I am either seeing through the eyes of Christ or I am seeing through the eyes of the ego. The eyes of the ego see only ego. The eyes of Christ see only holiness. And which I choose to see I will see. Today’s lesson helps me to open up to the idea that I can see through the eyes of holiness because I am holy. This lesson is helping me remember what I am and where I am. This lesson is encouraging me to practice seeing through the eyes of holiness.

It is only through consistent practice that my mind will be transformed. I have been used to seeing through the eyes of ego. I have been used to seeing separation and thinking it is real. I need much practice in seeing differently. Today’s lesson gives me that practice. Today’s lesson teaches me to see through the eyes of holiness. Yesterday’s lesson reminded me that I am holy. Today’s lesson reminds me that holiness sees only holiness. Through practice I change my habitual thinking, I change my mind.

As I see through the eyes of holiness, I see clearly that everything is holy. Everything is Love. Through consistent practice, the ego thought system gently falls away by my not giving it support. It falls away from lack of attention. I get what I focus on. As I focus on remembering my holiness, as I focus on seeing through the eyes of holiness, it becomes easier and easier to see only holiness and realize that anything is just false ideas, just nothing. When I don’t try to make something out of nothing, that nothing disappears. What a wonderful opportunity I have today — to practice seeing through the eyes of holiness. I can’t think of anything that is more important. I can’t think of anything that would bring me more happiness.

As I respond to the essence of today’s lesson, it seems to me that holiness is the effect of being whole. And being whole is accepting without condition that my thoughts and feelings are the cause of any effect. When I truly accept that I am whole, then I can know that nothing is holy without me and it cannot be holy without me because it is all the same. If I say that I am holy and that table is not, then I have chained myself to it. I have taken its power away and robbed it in my mind. And if I say that table is holy, and I am not, then I have given away my power and chained myself to the table. As long as inequality exists between cause and effect, I am seeing myself as unholy.

I surrender my arrogance and accept that I am whole and devote myself to the responsibility and care and joy of that relationships with myself. I surrender my arrogance and accept my brother as whole and free and willing to acknowledge himself as such. From this perspective, there is no condition from which my freedom is limited or restrained. I love for the mere joy of it and only that.

My holiness envelops everything I see. As I allow these words to wash over my mind, I enter a deep state of peace. This place completely erases any thought of separation, any thought of illusion about “other.” If my holiness envelops everything I see, there can only be one holiness. It is all that is. It is me. I take time today to come back to this state of awareness, this eternal moment in which I remember my holiness envelops everything I see.

I was reminded of a quote from the text that says,“You need offer only your undivided attention. Everything else will be given you.” Seems simple enough, yet how hard it has proven to be! Today’s lesson was a perfect practicing ground because I had to remind myself with each effort why my holiness envelopes everything I see. I would have to say to myself that my mind is part of God’s and so I am very holy. Otherwise, the lesson made no sense to me and I was just mouthing the words. I guess that means I really need these lessons.

Once I started being aware of my level of attention as I did this lesson, I realized that sometimes I wasn’t even getting through 30 seconds of undivided attention before my mind wandered. No wonder some of these lessons seem brand new to me as if I have never done them before. In a way, I haven’t because I have never given them my full attention. I think some appeal to me and I do them well, while others I passively resist through inattention.

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How to Read References for Quotes from A Course in Miracles

Below are example references to specific sentences using the notation of the Second & Third Editions of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace:

T-26.IV.4:7 = Text, Chapt. 26, Section IV, paragraph 4, sentence 7.

W-pI.169.5:2 = Workbook, Part I, Lesson 169, paragraph 5, sentence 2.

M-13.3:2 = Manual for Teachers, Question 13, paragraph 3, sentence 2.

C-6.4:6 = Clarification of Terms, Term 6, paragraph 4, sentence 6

The above numbering system of the Second & Third Editions is © Copyright 1992, The Foundation for A Course in Miracles.

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Hey, Holy Spirit, It's Me Again by Rev. Myron Jones. An indispensible guide for anyone on the path of ACIM with insights on the 1st 90 lessons. More…

True Forgiveness True Forgiveness by Rev. Jennifer McSween. The Proven Path from Pain to Power and personal happiness in 5 Simple Steps. Learn more.

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Forgiving KevinForgiving Kevin Audio book by Rev. Larry Glenz. A moving and inspiring true story of a father/son relationship that withstood seven years of addiction, recovery, and relapse. More….

Healing Family RelationshipsHealing Family Relationships Applying the Principles of A Course in Miracles 6 CD audio book by Rev. Myron Jones. Learn how family relationships offer fertile grounds for forgiveness and healing your judgments of the world. More.


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