A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights

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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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Listen to Lesson 95 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 95 Insights

“I am one Self, united with my Creator.”

Jesus knows that we can’t be aware of our one Self and make illusions real at the same time. We have to let go of one to have the other. In this lesson he guides us to focus on the truth about ourselves and our brothers. To do this, we must let go of our illusions about ourselves and our brothers.

As we allow in the awareness of the truth that we are one Self united with our Creator, we are able to feel our Identity as peace and joy and Love. It fills up our mind and relaxes every concern. We realize that the truth is true and nothing else is true. We realize that only Love matters. We realize that all the craziness of the world is just a reflection of the ego’s madness and it doesn’t matter because it is an illusion.

Behind all the conflict is the truth. Behind all the conflict is the peace of God. Behind all the conflict is our one true Identity. We have never left our Creator. We are one Light and there is no distance between us. This remembering carries a feeling. It is a feeling of safety and joy and peace.

Let me practice opening up to this feeling today. Let me remember the truth. Let me lay all illusions aside. Let me practice this again and again and still again today. I will to be happy. I will to remember the truth that we are one Self, united with our Creator, and nothing else is true.

As I repeat slowly to myself, “I am one Self,” I feel myself moving into deeper and deeper levels of peace. I am one Self. I include more and more in my awareness of What is my one Self. Exclusions and exceptions diminish. I feel more deeply that you and I are one Self, united with our Creator. As I move toward including all and excluding nothing, my experience of peace deepens. Joy grows as gratitude fills my heart. Everywhere I look, I see my one Self. I see past words and behavior and forms of many kinds.

As the Light of my one Self grows stronger and stronger in my awareness, I see that there is no loss in my one Self, for It remains one with my Creator, one with all Love. As I remind myself throughout the day that I am one Self, united with my Creator, I move closer and closer to identifying with the truth of What I am instead of a false image of weakness, fear and guilt. This is my goal today, to remember my one Self.

I am grateful for these practice sessions, which redirect my attention from a false image to the truth about me and everyone. “I am one Self, united with my Creator.”

This morning as I sat down to meditate, I had to stop and complain. I told Spirit, “How could I possibly stop at the top of every hour and close my eyes for five minutes to think of the lesson” I have too much to do! And I don’t feel good if I reach the end of the day without getting my stuff done.” Etc, etc. Oh my.

I think I know so much about how to be happy. I think if my house is clean and the paperwork done that I will be happy. And when I’m at work, I think that if I keep my thoughts focused on the tasks required that I will be happy. I think to please my ego and this ego is my cruel dictator that I have come to think I love.

I need to understand how brainwashed I have become. This lesson tells me the only way I can do this right now is to give five minutes of every hour to remembering how to Think. I will try.

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Listen to Lesson 94 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 94 Insights

“I am as God created me.”

It seems surprising that it would be so difficult to accept that we all are extensions of God’s Love. The power and strength of God’s Love is ours eternally. We cannot give this power away, even if we wanted to. We are God’s Son eternally. God’s Son is One, and is all inclusive. God’s Son is what we all are, forever. We cannot change that. No matter what wild and crazy stories we may choose to believe in for a while, the stories are really nothing, just foolish tales of aloneness, of separation from our eternal connection with God. I cannot be God’s Son alone. God’s Son includes everyone. God’s Light includes everyone.

As I watch TV and see the maneuvering and gyrations of the war, I can remember that all are God’s Son, complete and healed and whole eternally. The dreams of being on one side or another, of a conflict, are seen as silly ideas to be laid aside.

I am so grateful for the Course because it is a helpful path that brings me to the consistent truth that the physical world is a dream and could never be the truth. Separation from God is a dream and could never be the truth. Everyone is still as God created them. Nothing has changed.

Love is. God is. I am so grateful that this is the only truth. I am so grateful to be reminded today that my hallucinations of separation are not real. I will do my best today to devote the first five minutes of every hour to remembering the truth. The Course does such a wonderful job of encouraging me to let go of illusions and return to the truth. I give thanks.

To really accept that I am as God created me and I am His Son eternally is to accept complete freedom from guilt. Since God is Love and nothing else, His Son must be Love and nothing else. Today’s Lesson could be rephrased, I am as Love created me. I am Love’s extension eternally. I am changeless Love. And that applies equally to all. If someone irritates me, when I remember that person is as Love created them and Love’s extension eternally, all sense of irritation or upset disappears.

Because Love is changeless, It cannot be harmed. And because Love is all that is real, no harm is possible. This world seems to demonstrate the opposite because it was made to make the impossible appear possible. It is only our belief in separation as real that makes it seem real to us. Today’s lesson is telling us that remembering that we remain as God created us is complete salvation from this make-believe world of impossibilities.

I dedicate today to reinforcing in my mind the idea that I remain as God created me. I am His Son eternally, whole, changeless Love and nothing else. God created me in His innocence. That has not changed. That is true of everyone without exception. Today I practice remembering that all through the day.

There are times when my self esteem is so low that I wonder what God was thinking when he created me. I keep thinking that God sees me the way I so often see myself. Even now, I still don’t know where I’m going and I still don’t understand why I’m here but the Course and these lessons continue to give me hope and willingness to reach the goal God wants me to reach.

I often think of how much I love my daughter and how it hurts me to see her struggle and I think God feels the same way. He sends us these messages and wants us to remember who we are in hopes that this thought will give us strength and shed some light on our troubled times.

Most Holy Spirit, help me have the willingness to remember this thought today for this thought will sustain me, especially in difficult times. Amen

Drinking my coffee this morning in the hotel lobby, I heard a war broadcast calling this conflict the beginning of a world war. It was very frightening. I found myself afraid for our world and for my son who is turning 18 in June. I was also becoming angry at the politician who thought this was a great idea, at Saddam and at George. As I took my walk, I asked Holy Spirit to show me a different way to see this.

I’ve been seeing my true Self as Light and seeing that Light join with the Light of others, particularly those I have trouble dealing with. I thought that I should do this with Saddam and the president now, but I was surprised that the idea repelled me and scared me a little.

As I continued my walk, I opened my mind to Holy Spirit and soon the thought came to me that this was just the ego way of viewing it and I asked Holy Spirit for another way to see this. I was reminded that their reality is Light just as mine is. I started to visualize them as Light. It was so beautiful and so bright I could barely see their ego selves. I saw that their Light was completely undiminished by anything their egos imagined in this illusion. I was glad to join my Light with theirs.

When I went back to my room, I did my lesson for this morning. I could do so easily. If I could see that Saddam’s true Self was unaffected by the egos imaginings, then all my dark thoughts and mistakes and all the wrong turns my life has taken cannot possibly affect my true Self. I understood, for that moment at least, that my true Self stands completely untarnished by my dark self. There is nothing my ego can imagine that can extinguish my Light or even dim it.

Suddenly I could laugh at the idea that my ego has been steadily diminishing my true Self with every cruel act it imagined itself doing. And surely, this is what I’ve been thinking. What grandiose power I have been giving the ego, that it could image itself undoing what God created and creating me anew not in the Light of God but in the darkness of ego. What foolishness! Not something to be afraid of, but something to laugh at.

All day today as I practiced my lesson my vision of my true Self has changed. I used to see my body as all there was to me. Then I learned to see it filled with Light and then a halo of Light around it that could join with other Lights. Today I began to see that I was so narrowly focused on the ego that I had failed to see I was surrounded by a brilliant and beautiful Light that extended on and on. My ego was just a small shadow next to this Light. Later in the day, it appeared to me that the ego/body was nearly translucent, unreal- as truly it is.

I have felt so blessed all day. How fortunate we are that when we focus our energies for God, we are so completely supported.

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Listen to Lesson 93 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 93 Insights

“Light and joy and peace abide in me.”

In today’s lesson, Jesus is helping me distinguish between the real and unreal. He reminds me that the individual self image I made is not the the Son of God. The individual self image my brother made is not the Son of God, therefore all these images do not exist at all. What these images seem to do mean nothing. This helps me when I watch the images of war on television or the images of harm made by a new virus they are calling SARS. Jesus is helping me remember these images are not bad or good, they are merely unreal. The truth is light and joy and peace are what we all are and nothing else.

This lesson helps me see the unreality of the images, which helps me loosen my grip on them. I see the practice of today’s lesson of repeating the idea for the day at the top of every hour and then giving five minutes to let the experience of this truth soak in as very helpful for me today. Jesus uses repetition often to help me learn to distinguish the difference between the real and the unreal and wake up to the truth. I still identify with the self I have made as my identity. I need this practice. It is worth the effort. I need the practice of recognizing the truth in my brothers. It is worth the effort.

I want to come to the point where I automatically recognize that light and joy and peace abide in everyone, and that everyone’s sinlessness is guaranteed by God. This lesson is pivotal in my awakening. I recognize how important it is and I am determined to practice it every hour today. In this is my salvation and the salvation of the world.

If we simply accepted ourselves as God created us, this lesson and the entire Course would be unnecessary. But as the first paragraph spells out in vivid detail, we have very clearly made up an image of ourselves that is very different from what God created. It is this that must be undone. Whenever I feel sad or tired or irritated or guilty or angry or anything other than love and joy and peace, I am believing in an image of myself that is not true. It is time to remind myself that Love and joy and peace abide in me. I remain as God created me and He has guaranteed my sinlessness. There can be no exceptions to this in my thinking. If I attempt to hold out exceptions, I am attempting to deny the Will of God.

In the moments when I have felt firmly rooted in Love, I have experienced the reality of peace and joy and Love abiding in me. I have experienced the truth of this statement. My job now is to dismiss the other image of myself that I made up that denies this reality. That is what this lesson is here to help me do. I am grateful for this exercise, which will help me strengthen my acceptance of the reality of What I am, my acceptance of my Self. Here is my safety and my strength.

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Listen to Lesson 92 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 92 Insights

“Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.”

It seems right now that the darkness of the ego thought system is being acted out on a grand scale. We are seeing that attack begets attack begets attack. Graphic images of death and destruction make it seem very real. It seems to confirm that the ego thought system is firmly established, never to be undone. This of course is the goal of the ego. Like a puffer fish that swells up to look larger and more menacing, the ego makes fearsome images to make itself look real. Yet this ‘show of strength’ is just an attempt to hide the underlying sense of weakness.

Remembering that light and strength are one and another lesson which says, God is the light in which I see, we remember that our strength comes from our complete dependence on God, our Source. The ego is the idea of independence — being different, unique, special. Yet to establish this independence, the ego must cut itself off from the Source of strength. Now perceiving itself as weak, it must find ways to hide its weakness.

Attack is its chief mechanism for hiding its sense of weakness. Attack always comes out of weakness. Strength sees no need for attack, for It knows Itself as invulnerable. Judgment can only come out of a sense of weakness. The ego, perceiving itself as weak, projects that weakness onto an outside world and judges that weakness in an attempt to make itself look strong. Thus any time I judge, I am doing the same thing as sending an army into battle or making weapons of mass destruction. It is all the same error.

I cannot personally go to Iraq or any other place of military conflict and stop the battle. But with the help of the Holy Spirit, I can rise above the battleground in my mind, let go of my insistence on specialness and let the Holy Spirit shine His light that I might see the strength I share with God. Here I find peace. Here I find safety. Here I see innocence and there is no need to judge. Here, in this place of Light, I remember my Source and my strength. From this place I offer the peace of God to all. I see innocence everywhere and I remember only Love is real.

This is how I bring peace to conflict and shine the conflict away. What happens between bodies has no effect on the Son of God. As I remember my unity with my Source and my strength, I help all God’s Sons remember too. This is how I can help. I call upon the strength of God in me today to help me bring this Light and strength with me in every moment, that I may always bless with my thoughts and deeds.

Today my job is to let myself be brought unto my Self. I do this by being willing to open my mind to the Light, to the strength of my true Self. This Light and strength is always there, waiting to give all of Itself to Itself. In the Light, all the little self personalities disappear. All the false masks of differences and individuality disappear. All the false stories disappear. All sense of conflict disappears. All sense of weakness and vulnerability disappears. What remains is the peace of God, the Love of God and the joy of God.

God’s strength is constant because it is changeless. It is always there eternally. If I want to think that I am separate from it, I can experience that illusion. But the truth is I am still one with the Light and strength of God. This can never change. I can believe in stories or I can believe in the Truth. It is always my choice.

I let the stories go as I let myself be brought unto my Self. This is my answer to every sense of weakness, every problem I may perceive. This is the only answer that works. This is where my strength lies. Opening up my mind to the quiet, eternal Love of God is where my happiness lies. It is all I want. It is all I need.

I am slowly but surely finding true strength in myself by committing to these lessons and the Course. I can’t begin to understand what the lesson means when it says my body’s brain cannot think, but the mere fact that I am willing to believe there is something other than this gives me much hope.

I have perceived much darkness in my life, but the tiny specks of light I have experienced give me enough strength and willingness to carry me. I would guess that is the strength of God in me this lesson refers to because it is the only logical explanation I have.

Although I probably can’t begin to even fathom what my Heavenly Father’s strength can do for me, these lessons help me stay focused on thoughts that steer me toward my goal.

Holy Spirit, please place my gratitude for these lessons at my Father’s altar for me and thank you for your constant guidance. Amen

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Listen to Lesson 91 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 91 Insights

“Miracles are seen in light.”

The part of my mind that remembers the truth is the strength in me. The part of my mind that makes illusions real is the part that feels weak, helpless, limited and doubtful. My faith goes to what I want and instructs my mind accordingly.

With this lesson I am going through the process of putting my faith in the strength in me, the Light in me. When I put my faith in the light, I see miracles. The miracle is always there, but I will only see it when I put my faith in the strength in me, in the Light in me. The Holy Spirit in my mind leads me to the Light I am, leads me to the strength that I am. As I open my willingness to be led by the Holy Spirit, I am able to feel this strength. I am able to feel the power of God’s Love. I am able to feel that I am not a body.

At this point, this takes determined focus and determined practice. Right now it seems all too easy to join with the weakness rather than the strength. This is a perfect lesson for me today. This lesson leads me very gently to a change of mind. This lesson helps me change my mind about what I put my faith in, about what I want to see and feel.

The world is an illusion. There is no outside world. I am mind in the Mind of God. This Mind is stable and strong and invulnerable. This Mind is all inclusive. This Mind is what everyone is. Today I am willing to practice putting my faith in this Mind. I am willing to practice remembering the strength in me, remembering the Light that I am. In the Light, I see through the eyes of Christ. I see miracles where I once saw weakness. I see the truth where I once saw illusions.

This lesson tells me that the Light that shows me miracles is not the light that my body’s eyes see. The Light in which miracles are seen does not come from a finite source like the sun or a light bulb. This Light is all encompassing, for It is the Light of Love.

In the first chapter of the Text, it tells us that miracles are extensions of Love. So of course miracles are seen in the Light of Love. So I am learning here to not rely on the body’s eyes to show me miracles. The body’s eyes cannot see in the Light of miracles. Yet I am assured that I am entitled to miracles. Therefore I must not be limited by the body and its abilities to perceive. I must not be a body. What am I?

Asking this question is an important step in letting go of identification with a false image. If I believe I already know what I am, I am not open to instruction or learning. I am not open to another perception. Of my little self, thinking I am separate and identified with a body, I cannot answer this question. But there is a part of my mind that already knows the answer. By asking the question I open my mind to be taught.

Today I would let go of the uncertainties that come with believing I am a body. I am willing to open to a new perception of what I am. I have experienced moments of feeling deep Love and offering It to others. It is a feeling of power and safety. It is this strength that I would accept as my own. Today I will practice walking with the awareness of the Light that surrounds me that I may see the miracles of Love’s extension wherever I look.

Sometimes I feel so far from my true Self that I cannot imagine how I will get back to it. I think to myself, “What am I?” and I just draw a blank. I felt very encouraged to read the line that says that doing this alone would be impossible. Wow! What a relief to know it is not just me, evidently everyone needs help and what wonderful news that we have strong support in our efforts.

I also appreciate the emphasis on my strength. I don’t feel very strong and this is a great excuse for my ego to use to discourage me from trying. It is my intention to experience the strength of my will today and not the weakness that I have believed in for so long.

I have been thinking I am struggling with a chronic health problem lately. As I worked my way through this lesson today I realized why I don’t think I am seeing the miraculous healing. I am not seeing truly. I’m going to try to put faith in the Light, because miracles are seen only in Light.

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Listen to Lesson 90 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 90 Insights

Review: “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.”
and “Let me recognize my problems have been solved.”

This world was made to disguise the source of all problems. It appears that the cause of problems is external to me. And as long as I believe that, they cannot be solved. This supports the ego’s main agenda, which is to seek not find. It seems as though others attack me without me having anything to do with it. It seems as though a virus can give me a cold. All through the day it appears that things happen which I had nothing to do with causing. It is important to the ego that I believe this because as long as I do, I will not accept the solution to all problems and the ego’s “existence” is held in place. Were this true, there would be no resolution to the problems I seem to experience.

But by the grace of God it cannot be true. What God did not create cannot exist. Since God did not create separation, it does not exist. Because God did not create separation, the solution is always present with the belief in separation. God’s Answer is called the Holy Spirit. It is the part of our mind that remembers separation is impossible and therefore problems are also impossible. All the things that seem to happen to me are the effect of believing that separation is real.

The solution is not in trying to control what happens to me. The solution is in letting go of the belief in separation, letting go of the wish to separate from my Identity as Love. This wish is deeply hidden and well forgotten so it does not appear to be the cause of all my ‘problems.’ Yet if I look at what I would experience, were I to accept my oneness with Love as God created me, the wish for separation would disappear and all problems with it.

In the oneness of God, there is only perfect safety, perfect happiness and perfect peace. This state of being is my inheritance. Is it not more appealing than conflict, loss and a constant sense of vulnerability? Today I am willing to recognize the real cause of my problem and accept that it has been solved. I remain safe in the loving Arms of God.

Jesus, help me rise above the battlefield. Help me see as you see. Through the ego’s eyes, things look dark and grim. As I look through your eyes, I see that there is no reason for any grievance. Nothing has happened to the Son of God. He has not changed. He is still the one extension of God. He is still the Light of God.

The ego thought system never could make separation real. I am still one with my brother and Love is still our one Identity. The dream of separate identities has affected nothing. The problem, which was holding a grievance against God, did nothing and was nothing. In the dream the problem may take many different forms, but every problem is the same. It is ultimately a grievance against our one Identity. It is a grievance against Love’s Oneness.

As I forgive, or let go of the grievance, I see that nothing happened. I see that the problem has already been solved. I am in a state of peace and extend peace to every brother. I remember that only Love is real. I remember that what I perceive through the body’s senses is only illusion and these illusions threaten nothing that is real. “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” Let me recognize my problems have been solved.

Recently my elderly mother moved in with me and to say the experience has been a challenge is an understatement. Even though I asked my Heavenly Father to give me the opportunity to bond with my Mom and attempt to undo some of the harm, I feel, was done in the past, it’s been extremely difficult to forgive myself, my Mom, the past, and on and on…..

With today’s lesson I am reminded that what God did not create cannot exist. This seeming “problem” is undeniably the ego’s way of keeping me imprisoned; it surfaces as one of the many forms of fear.

As a student of the Course, I sometimes feel I should have “gotten this” by now, but the author of the course knew the ego would never let up on us and that’s why these lessons are so important to me. I actually am grateful for these difficult situations now because it is then when I remember that I don’t have to live the way I used to anymore. Today, I can look to the Holy Spirit and be set free from my illusions.

Holy Spirit, my Divine Guidance, please help me to have the willingness to recognize that this problem and all my problems have been solved. Help me to have faith in myself, in my Mom, in You and in God. Help me see this situation through my Heavenly Father’s eyes and accept it, knowing that His power is with me.

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Listen to Lesson 89 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 89 Insights

Review: “I am entitled to miracles.”
and “Let miracles replace all grievances.”

Being willing to unite my will with the Holy Spirit’s is what gives me a transformed perception, or a miracle. This takes my willingness to let go of grievances. This takes my willingness to let go of the belief in separate identities. It is my holding on to this belief that gives me the experience of separate identities. I am entitled to a healed mind because my real mind is one with the Mind of God.

It is helpful for me to recognize that I am ‘out of my mind’ when I perceive separate identities. This gives me the humility to have an open mind and step back and let myself be taught a new perception. This prayer helps me with this: “I open my mind to your healing Light, Holy Spirit. Right now, my mind is sick. It is perceiving separation. This does not bring me happiness. I am willing to see differently. I am willing to let go of my preconceived ideas.”

I then imagine the Holy Spirit bringing healing Light into my confused mind. Because ideas do not leave their source, the world I think I am in is immersed in Light. This is the same as saying that my projections are immersed in Light. I remember that the whole world that seems outside me was made up to project the guilt for wanting separation from God’s Oneness. I remember that the whole world of separate bodies is an illusion, coming from the ego split mind. Do I want to continue identifying with this illusion of separation? Do I want to continue playing the ego game of projecting the guilt in my mind on to a perceived world outside me?

I now see that when I think that separation is real, no matter what form it takes, I am joining with the ego thought system. I remember that the ego has one vocation — to project guilt and hold grievances. This puts me in hell. This is the barrier that holds the truth that only God’s laws are real from my awareness. This is what I am using to replace God’s all encompassing Love. This recognition helps me loosen my grip on wanting to continue seeing separation.

As I let the Holy Spirit replace these thoughts of being different from my brothers, I feel comforted. I recognize the insane thinking for what it is. I let the stories I have been accepting as real be dissolved in Love’s healing Light. The Light has come. I let miracles replace all grievances. I let holiness extend to include everyone. I am entitled to miracles.

I recently heard a news report about what is happening in Iraq. It said that some villagers were trying to run from the village to go to the coalition forces for safety. Some of their fellow citizens shot at them in an attempt to prevent their running away. The first thought that came to me was that this represented a mindset that “If you won’t be my friend, I’ll kill you.” I asked Holy Spirit for further insight. I saw that this is the same as the mindset that holds expectations for a friend or partner and judges the person for not living up to the expectations. In both situations there must be an underlying belief that separation is real in order for the judgment or “killing” to seem like a possible option.

So whenever I judge anyone, I do the same thing as shooting someone in the back. They are both forms of expressing grievances. The only difference is in the appearance of the form of the acting out of the grievance. But since form is an illusion, there is in truth no difference. The problem in both cases is believing separation is real, which is the “mother of all grievances.” For miracles to replace all grievances, I must be willing to accept and extend Love and let go of all belief in separation.

Picture an alternate scenario. I see someone appearing to run in fear. I see that person as part of me. Pure light and innocence. Love flows through me and embraces that person and I see that we are one. Fear is unreal. Only Love matters. There is nothing to run from; only Love to be accepted. As the Love flows through me, I feel its blessing and as I offer It to others, I am in deep gratitude. This in essence, is how miracles replace grievances.

Were we all to remember this in every moment, peace would reign, for all grievances would be replaced by miracles. I can hold that vision, both for the one in Iraq, who believes he must shoot someone who is running away and for the one who appears to be running away. I can hold this thought for the coalition forces, who believe they must kill in order to save. And I can hold this thought for myself whenever I have any perception of harm or loss or any temptation to judge. Love is always the answer to every grievance, to every perception of separation. I am willing to let miracles replace all grievances.

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Listen to Lesson 88 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 88 Insights

Review: “The light has come.” and
“I am under no laws but God’s.”

Today’s lesson helps me distinguish between the real and the unreal. This lesson helps me let go of the arrogance of the ego in thinking that it knows anything or that its laws are real. This lesson helps me recognize where I need help in changing my mind.

I obviously need practice in this. I have believed that the effects of the ego thought system were real. And because of this, I have felt limited and alone. I have felt separated from God.

Today’s lesson reminds me that it is over. The Light has come. As I am willing, the Light is all there is to see because the Light is all that is there. Forms of separation are illusions. I really am under no laws but God’s because if it is not of God, it is not real and does not exist.

Today’s lesson is a very important lesson for me to practice. Because I am part of God, I am only under God’s laws. I am willing to look today at the thoughts in my mind that try to deny God’s laws. I am willing to look today at what is really there. The Light has come. It is only my holding on to false ideas that brings me the effect of seeing something else.

Let me allow God’s laws to work in each project I work on today and not my own. I would step back and follow and let go of the idea that I know anything on my own. I would open my mind to Love’s comfort and support. I would not reject God today. This is my practice for today.

The ego makes up a million stories that seem to make its thought system appear real. The stories all revolve around the body—what it can do, what it cannot do, what can happen to it. The body appears to be vulnerable and needs constant protection.

Associated with the body is a personality. Being an extension of the idea of a separate identity, like the body, this personality is vulnerable and needs constant protection. One or two words can bring intense pain to this personality identity. A few other words can seem to bring it to heights of happiness. But consistency is unknown to this identity.

All this is characteristic of the stories of the ego thought system. It is characteristic of the ego’s made up laws. The laws themselves are inconsistent, for they seem to apply in some situations and not others. Believing in this unreliable, capricious and constantly changing system of “laws” brings great stress. There can be no certainty here.

Accepting that the Light has come and there is in reality nothing else to choose brings the end of the stress that comes with uncertainty. The Light is certain and unchanging because the Light is God, Love. This Light is all there is, and because It is God, only His laws prevail in this Light.

The instability of the ego thought system is inevitable because it is all illusion. Illusion by its nature cannot be stable. If I choose the illusion of the ego, I choose an unstable, unreliable world. If I choose the consistency of the Light, I choose the safety and peace of God.

My prayer today is, “Holy Spirit, help me to recognize the illusions of the ego thought systems for what they are. I am willing to let the Light replace the darkness I have made up. I am willing to be under no laws but God’s. I am willing to be Love and nothing else.”

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Listen to Lesson 87 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 87 Insights

Review: “I will there be light.”
and “There is no will but God’s.”

I really find the consistency of the Course’s sticking to the truth very helpful in my process of awakening. I still find it easy to make what bodies say and do real in my mind. The Course helps me by jarring these perceptions loose and giving me a handrail by which to accept true perception. The world of bodies is an illusion. What bodies say and do within the realm of time and space is really meaningless when I remember there is no will but God’s. “There is no will but God’s” means all is still as God created it. God is. Love is.

I need this consistent practice day in and day out to return my mind to the truth. The light that is within us all is still there and I will to find this and only this. As I go through the day, I still find my mind joining with the ego’s dream of separate bodies. Again today, I am willing to practice seeing through the lens of God’s Will. I am willing to step back and let go of my perceptions. They really do mean nothing. There is no will but God’s. As I accept this, the Light of God shines every false image away. This is my practice today. I will there be light and there is no will but God’s.

The two review ideas today are key ideas in the reversal of the thought system of the world. In our identification with the ego thought system, it seems that our will is everything but Light. We walk in fear and defensiveness poised for attack lest we be vulnerable to attack. These thoughts of attack bring with them a burden of guilt that darkens our world. Believing we are creatures of attack we believe our Creator is like us and would attack us as capriciously as we would attack another.

With this belief the idea that there is no will but God’s is terrifying. It means that we carry an unconscious terror that in any moment God will attack and inflict great pain or death. In this thought system guilt and fear preside and there appears to be no end to it except through death. Death seems like it would be a welcome relief from this terrible and dark world.

The thought, “I will there be light,” reverses this whole scenario. If it is true that I will there be Light, then attack, defense, fear and guilt are not my will. In the acceptance that I will there be Light, darkness disappears. Attack becomes meaningless and holds no attraction. There is no darkness and in the Light I see nothing to fear. i see only Light sharing of Itself with all Light.

If I will there be Light, I must be Light. And if I will there be Light, my Creator, Who must be like me, must also will there be Light. Now the idea that there is no will but God’s is accepted with gratitude, for it is recognized as not something to be feared but welcomed. God’s will becomes my comfort, my safety, my place of rest and peace.

With the acceptance of these two ideas, fear and guilt disappear, for they are meaningless. And I can rest in the perfect safety of knowing that only Love is real and I am Home in that Love.

I brought to mind this morning as many of my dark thoughts as I could so that I could shine them away with the Light that is my being.

As I did this, I chose a couple of them to really examine. One of the thoughts I chose had to do with weight loss. I went way off my diet yesterday and when I do this, I always punish myself for it. I thought about how wonderful it would be to give up this behavior. I asked for another way to see this part of my life.

As I let thoughts come to my mind, I thought about how I was choosing to let a body type be my salvation. I don’t want to do this anymore. I have made different diets my salvation. I don’t want to do this anymore. I recognized my reactions as my inner child listening to old tapes, living by past lessons that I learned from other people’s inner child. It makes sense to let that go and choose another guide.

I realized that it is at this point I feel like backing off. I feel threatened somehow and start to feel confused. Then I understood that I have used this form of salvation as my guide to behavior for so long that I am afraid to let it go even though it is no longer serving me. A thought came to mind,“What do I use instead?” And then I understood my fear and the reluctance to let go.

I don’t know what to use instead. So I asked Holy Spirit for a new beacon. I need a new savior, an Idea to follow instead of the one that tells me if my body can achieve a preconceived idea of perfection then I will be saved.

Now I start feeling that the Light of God is shining away these dark shadows that have been clouding my mind for so long. When the shadows have cleared, the answer will be obvious. Since my meditation I have had the old thoughts try to reestablish themselves, but I don’t think they can ever come back in the way they had before because now I no longer entirely believe in them. Each time I choose to see it differently, they fade a little more.

I will there be light. This course has taught me that light is truth and the thought that I have the power in me to see truth gives me a sense of closeness with my Heavenly Father. The course has also made me realize that my will is in accord with God’s, which also gives me a sense of unity with Him.

This day, if nothing else, I will try to have the awareness of that will and that light as this is a beginning for a new way of life for me. It is the awareness of the fact that I will be able to see my brothers in a different light that gives me hope and the willingness to commit to this course and to stay focused on the will of God/my will.

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Listen to Lesson 86 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 86 Insights

Review: “Only God’s plan for salvation will work.” and
“Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.”

These lessons about grievances are for me lessons about patience. When the ego latches on to a grievance it is like a dog with a bone. I watch the grievance come up again and again, and I know that’s not who I am. And through patience and following Guidance eventually I walk through the cloud and back into the sunlight.

If I perceive a friend appearing to become distant, this calls for salvation, not grievance (attack). In truth, we are joined in Love and there is no distance between us. I could only perceive distance if I perceived separation. If I am looking for some behavior or some signal in form to indicate friendship, I am forgetting the true Friend that we share and are together. Bodies being together in the same room or talking on the phone or writing letters does not make joining. If I look to those forms for indication of connection, I have forgotten what truly joins us. I am looking for unity where unity cannot be found.

This perception of distance I take to the Holy Spirit. As He shines His Light on it, the form fades away and I see the Light we share. I feel the Love that we are. It extends from me to my friend and from my friend to me, for Love is always extending Itself. My heart overflows with joy and gratitude. There is no separation. There is no lack. There is only the sheer joy of remembering the Love we share in God. Love’s song sings in my heart and I remember we are one. Together we are God’s Son. We are one Light. There is no distance between us. No longer do I seek for empty symbols in place of the fullness of Love that we share and are. Grievances have disappeared and only the joy of unity remains. And I thank God.

If I think I have a problem, or if I think I have a grievance, the only way out of this grievance or problem is to return to Love. I must be willing to open to my true Self for the answer, not my projections of a world outside me. As I am willing to quiet my mind and open up to the truth of my reality and everyone’s reality, I receive a change of mind that truly works. When I receive this change of mind, I recognize the Love behind all perceived forms of separation. As I am willing to focus on the Love, the changeless truth, I see that there is nothing to do to change something in the outside world. It has all been in my mind.

As I am willing to open to the truth, I see what is really eternally true. What a body does or says becomes meaningless. What I receive from the one Christ mind becomes all that is meaningful. The problem or the grievance disappears. It was only in my mind and I let it go because it doesn’t mean anything. It was just a false idea I carried for a while. Only God’s plan for salvation will work. It is only as I am willing to open to God’s Love that I receive the real answer to every problem, every grievance, that appears as outside my mind.

This process of going to God with every grievance really does work every time. My misperceptions of a world outside will never bring me peace, will never bring me happiness. My expectations of any behavior from anyone in the outside world mean nothing. It’s just a silly idea. And the only thing to do in God’s plan is to let go of that silly idea. Let it go! It’s nothing. Remembering the truth about everything and everyone brings me happiness. That’s the only thing that will bring me happiness.

Only God’s plan for salvation will work. All real power lies in God’s universal Love. Holding a grievance is a denial of the power of Love, of the power of my one Self. The power of Love is always there in my mind waiting for my return, waiting for my acceptance. Today I choose to accept the power of Love.

Today’s lesson has been a wonderful help to me. I started by just listing all of the many ways I attempt to save myself and forgiving each one before going onto the next. I thought it might help to just get them out there and look at them, and yes, it did help.

Then all through the day as I went back to some of those false saviors, I would use one of the forms of help suggested in the lesson and would bring myself back to sanity. I feel so good!

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Listen to Lesson 85 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 85 Insights

Review: “My grievances hide the light of the world in me.”
and “My salvation comes from me.”

“My salvation comes from me” means that within my mind is the Source of Love That is the real Me. As I am willing to return to that Source of Love, my grievances disappear. Thinking that there is anything other than Love disappears. Thinking that there is something outside me is a grievance against the Oneness of God’s Love. Thinking that someone is separate or different from Love is a grievance. Trying to make separation real is a grievance. My salvation comes with giving this up, letting this go, laying it down. That is how I set myself free.

The temptation to make a world outside of me real seems very strong at times. My job now is to go to the Source of Love in my mind and let the false mind, the ego mind, be undone as the inner Light shines it away.

The world of separation is so complicated, so full of conflict, so filled with guilt and blame. I do not try to fix it. I do not try to change it. Instead, I go to the Source of Love and practice seeing through the eyes of Love. Through the eyes of Love I see that all the separate forms are really hallucinations. They are not real. God created All That is from Himself, as Himself. Nothing could ever be real that is not Love.

I am recognizing that making separate forms real is a grievance holding the awareness of God’s oneness from my sight. I am willing to practice letting that go today. I am willing to practice returning to Love, my Source, again and again today. I am willing to practice remembering that only Love is real. My projections of an outside world mean nothing. I am willing to remember that it is only through the ego mind that I see the ego. It is through Love’s One Mind that I see Love. Which will I choose to see today? My salvation comes from me.

Expectations are a form of grievance. They are an attempt to find salvation outside of me. By expecting events to happen a certain way or expecting someone to say the “right” thing or do the “right” thing, I am putting a condition on the outer world that determines whether or not I will be happy or saved. This makes the Light of the world that is in me invisible to me because my attention is focused outside. I have turned my back on the Light and denied Its Presence. It leaves me thinking I am a victim to the outside world. My safety or my happiness is now dependent upon what others, who I do not perceive as part of me, do or say. Thus expectations are a denial of Oneness, a denial of my Self as God created me.

I can never experience lasting peace as long a I hang on to expectations. Today I ask the Holy Spirit to help me be aware of how I am looking to a world outside to make me happy and safe, to be my salvation. With His help and strength I will let these go and look within to the Light of innocence and Love, my Source. With the Holy Spirit’s help, I will be able to see that same Light everywhere I look, for I will recognize everyone as part of me as I am part of my Creator.

As I learn to see the Light within and in all things, I walk in peace. In this place of peace, I am able to be truly helpful in every circumstance because I am open to Holy Spirit’s lead. His lead always takes me away from fear and guilt an toward peace and the Love of God. Today let me accept my brother as he Is and my Self as I was created and still am.

With this lesson I received the following message:

Let your mind be free of all worry or concern. Be in the state of allowing. Love holds onto no thing. Love only extends Itself. Hold onto no thing, no perception, no feeling, no thought, no vision, no voice, no state of mind. Let go of all.

There is only Love, Love extending. Holding onto any thing blocks the awareness of Love’s presence. Let go of thinking there are divisions, separations — something to hold onto. Holding on is a thought of separation, no matter where its found. There is no separation except in the ego mind. Holding thoughts of separation, grievances, hide of Light of Love in you. Your salvation comes from letting go of thoughts of separation in your mind. This comes from letting go of blocks of Love’s presence, letting go of holding on. Your practice today is to hold onto no thing, to let go of any thing.

I practice letting go with the help of Holy Spirit. I let go of the idea that it must all be done today. Being only an extension of Love is eternal, constant, unchanging. It is Who I Am. I come to this one step at a time, gently, gradually, and purposefully. I let go of demands and judgments about how I think it should be. I look to Holy Spirit for direction and guidance. I look to the loving arms of Christ to envelop me with His tenderness and compassion. I am Allowing.

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Listen to Lesson 84 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 84 Insights

Review: “Love created me like Itself.”
and “Love holds no grievances.”

With every situation, it is helpful that I remember that I am Love. With every situation, it is helpful to remember that everyone else is Love. With every situation, it is helpful to remember that only Love is real. Illusions of separation are meaningless and I do not have to give them meaning. It is when I give them meaning that I forget my Self and the Self in others.

I am here to be truly helpful. I can only be truly helpful when I allow my perceptions of distinct bodies with distinct minds to be undone by the Holy Spirit. If I am not at peace, let me remember that I am holding a grievance against the truth. Let me take that grievance to the Source of Love That shines a light on it and shows me that it is not real.

Love holds no grievances. When I hold a grievance, I am forgetting What I am. I am attacking my Self. Today I am willing to practice recognizing grievances for what they are and handing them over to the Light so that they can be undone. I am willing to focus on this practice today.

Since Love created me like Itself, and Love holds no grievances, judgment is never justified. Any time I judge, it is because I have denied What I am. I have denied my Self. It is only by Self denial that I could believe that it is possible to judge. The body’s eyes were made as instruments of judgment. They show me only differences and I have learned to label these differences. I see a shape defined by differences and I call it a piano or a tree. This instrument, designed to show me differences, was made to make the illusion of separation appear real. This is denial of my Self as Love created me.

Yet even in this world of denial it is possible to let the denial go. While it is possible to simply cease the denial, in practice the denial is let go of gradually. The sudden and complete release from the image I have made of myself would be terrifying because it would appear that I am sacrificing my identity. And so the Holy Spirit is present in my mind to teach me in every moment as I am willing to be taught.

Today I would practice, with the Holy Spirit’s help, recognizing the little grievances, the little judgments that run through my mind. I am willing to turn each of them over to the Holy Spirit for Him to shine His Light upon them and show me the truth beyond the illusion, show me the unity beyond the perception of separation and differences.

Here is peace. Here I experience the joy of connecting in Love with all that is. All conflict disappears. I see that I am one with all my brothers and our interests are the same. We are all Love and our only function is to extend that Love.

“As I look on this, let me remember my Creator.”

This morning, I was doing the stair-master at the gym while watching the images on the television monitors. The images I saw brought great distress to my mind. I found myself in a time of prayer, which turned out to be threefold.

I prayed for the two men being held hostage, that they may feel the great outpouring of love extending to them and that a Comfort greater than anything found within this world will make Himself known to them.

I prayed for the captors, that they may receive so much as a glimpse of their own Divinity and know (no matter how deeply hidden) they desire not these two men any harm.

And I prayed for my own desire to hate, that I may remember it be only myself I crucify with such hate.

“I will not use this to attack love.”

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Listen to Lesson 83 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 83 Insights

Review: “My only function is the one God gave me.”
and “My happiness and my function are one.”

God’s Love is constant and changeless. As I was created by God’s Love as Love, I am constant and changeless. The Love I am is my function. My true Identity is my happiness. In reality there can be no conflicting goals. If I think I have another goal, that goal is meaningless and an illusion. There is no other goal than God’s Love because there can be nothing besides God’s Love. My remembering this is my salvation.

It is my job to recognize empty goals and let them go. It is only when I stick to my true function that I can be truly happy. This is my practice today. My only function is the one God gave me. My happiness and my function are one.

If I was created by Love as Love, then my only function can be to Love. Love is changeless, always giving. And because giving and receiving are the same, Love is always receiving what it gives. To attempt to stop Love or limit Love in any way is to reject Love as It is and try to make It something It is not. Since I am Love, to reject Love is to reject my Self.

This world was made as an attempt to change Love, to make Love different, unequal, special. In this world of limitation, it is not possible to fully experience Love, but we can prepare the way to that experience through forgiveness.

In this world, forgiveness is Love’s reflection. So while I believe in this world, my only function is forgiveness, letting go of all attempts to change Love. Forgiveness is letting go of conflicting goals. All judgment is an attempt to impose goals other than Love.

Love makes no demands. It holds no grievances. Through forgiveness, I release demands and grievances. This is how I open the door to the true happiness that comes with singleness of purpose, having one goal and no other. Peace comes with accepting my function of always offering Love and nothing else.

Holy Spirit, help me today to maintain this singleness of purpose, to see only Love and offer only Love. In deepest gratitude I accept my only function.

I bought my son his first car this weekend. It cost a bit more than I had planned to pay and I was worried about making the notes. As I did my lesson for the day I decided that this was a wonderful opportunity to practice it.

I realized that my goal was not to make more money to pay this higher note or anything else about the money. My goal was to release the fear and embrace the love. I didn’t ask God for anything to do with fixing the problem. I asked Holy Spirit for another way to see this situation. I think that this is how I can learn to stick to my true function; by not allowing myself to get distracted by a myriad of perceived problems.

Let me know only You, God. Let me be only as You created me to be. I am content with this. I need nothing else. I want to be only as I was created to be. I am one with You in this. You created me from Yourself. This is what I am. Being this is my greatest happiness, my true joy. Being anything else is pretense, a sham, a false image built on nothingness. My reality is what I am, that comes from You.

I sit in this awareness. I sit in willingness to acknowledge and extend this true Self. I know Holy Spirit can bring this to me. I trust that my true Self is knowable and that I can come to know my Self with the guidance of Holy Spirit. What could be more natural and satisfying than to be my Real Self? Being my Real Self is my function, my only function. This is also my happiness. They are joined as one inseparable breath of God’s Life. I live because God lives in me.

Each breath of God’s awareness enlivens me, fills me with quickening energy that radiates through me. My being lives. I am resurrected from the body and feel the breath of True Life once more. This is Heaven. I am free to breathe Love, only Love. There is no greater happiness, no greater joy than this. I am complete and whole in God as I Am. My only function and only happiness is to be I Am. I am filled with gratitude to be Who I Am.

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Listen to Lesson 82 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 82 Insights

Review: “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.”
and “Let me not forget my function.”

My function is to stay in tune with the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit, I am able to see through the eyes of Christ. Christ is One and includes the whole Sonship. As I am able to see the Christ, I am remembering the truth. When I remember the truth, I extend peace to the whole Sonship. This is my one true function. This is why I am here. Nothing else matters.

Let me remember my function. Let me feel the happiness that comes with joining with my true Nature and the true Nature of everyone. Today is the day of practicing this.

When I let go of judgment or forgive, I open the door to seeing the Light in my brother, the same Light that is in me. As I see this, I recognize our unity and conflict disappears. This is how I accept my Self and experience the joy that God wills be mine.

Judgment blinds me to the Light. The Light is always there, but if I insist on seeing others as different from me, which is what judgment does, I cannot see the Light that I share with everyone. It’s like walking around in a well lit room with my eyes closed, wondering why I can’t see. Forgiveness is how I open my eyes to see the Light.

Today if I notice even a twinge of irritation or discontent with someone’s words or behavior, let me remind myself that this is an opportunity for me to let go of judgment and see the Light that we share. This is how I fulfill my function. This is how I experience the joy of being the Love that joins me with all that Is. This is how I experience everyone as my Friend. This is how I bring peace to the world. Let me see everyone as my brother and my friend. Let the Love that I am embrace them all.

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Listen to Lesson 81 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 81 Insights

Review II: “I am the light of the world.” and
“Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.”

The truth is I am still as God created me. Nothing has changed. God’s Light is One. It includes all that Is. This is reality. This is the one Life that is real. Anything outside of the one Life we all live in the Mind of God are just hallucinations that are trying to replace God. These hallucinations come from a conflicted mind, so conflict shows up in the false stories of individual bodies. These individual bodies are perpetually in conflict. These stories make up one problem after another in order to keep the mind preoccupied with the stories of bodies.

Forgiveness means letting go of the false stories of conflict and bodies. Forgiveness means seeing the false stories for what they are. They are ultimately grievances against God, Who created all as one Light, one extension of Love.

Today I am willing to practice seeing past the stories to the Light, seeing past the stories to the peace of God. Today I am willing to practice listening to the Holy Spirit, Who shows me a new perception, one that leads me Home. Today I am willing to practice opening to the quiet mind and, recognizing the truth, extend peace to all my brothers.

Forgiveness is letting go of identification with and belief in separation. It is letting go of the refusal to accept my Self as God created me. It is letting go of insisting on having a special, unique identity that is different from all others.

The desire for specialness casts a shadow over the light of the world and makes it appear to be dark and menacing. Conflict is innate in specialness. It requires a constant ‘battle’ to maintain the illusion of differences, an attempt to make my identity more special by making another identity less. This is the story of the world. We see it played out in disagreements among friends or spouses and we see it played out between nations. All the conflict simply comes from the desire for specialness. It is all grasping at illusions, trying to make them real.

In our Creation, God gave us all His Love equally. Being one, and always the same, He could not give Love partially to one and more to another. Thus, specialness is illusion. All the conflicts in the world we perceive are conflicts between illusions.

The ego loves to focus on conflicts ‘out there’ and ignore the conflicts in our minds. Peace does not come by looking outside. Peace comes through forgiveness within through letting go of identification with separation. That is our function here, now.

No matter where we see conflict, our function is to see our Self in all our brothers and thereby recognize it in ourselves. Here we see the sameness we share, the one Identity in Love.

As I can let go of the conflict in my mind, as I can let go of the determination to maintain a separate identity and accept myself as God created me, I bring peace to the world. This is how I am the savior of the world. Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

The form I like to use for the first part of this lesson is, “This shadow will vanish before the light.” It is easy for me to visualize this happening and when I can visualize something. It helps me to accept it in my mind. I have already had occasion to try this and I like how it feels.

It is amazing to me how addicted to conflict my ego is and even more amazing that I never noticed before. It takes constant vigilance not to fall back into that way of living and thinking.

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Reference Keys for
A Course in Miracles Quotes

How to Read References for Quotes from A Course in Miracles

Below are example references to specific sentences using the notation of the Second & Third Editions of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace:

T-26.IV.4:7 = Text, Chapt. 26, Section IV, paragraph 4, sentence 7.

W-pI.169.5:2 = Workbook, Part I, Lesson 169, paragraph 5, sentence 2.

M-13.3:2 = Manual for Teachers, Question 13, paragraph 3, sentence 2.

C-6.4:6 = Clarification of Terms, Term 6, paragraph 4, sentence 6

The above numbering system of the Second & Third Editions is © Copyright 1992, The Foundation for A Course in Miracles.

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Healing Family RelationshipsHealing Family Relationships Applying the Principles of A Course in Miracles 6 CD audio book by Rev. Myron Jones. Learn how family relationships offer fertile grounds for forgiveness and healing your judgments of the world. More.


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