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ACIM Workbook Lesson 362 Insights

“This holy instant would I give to You.
Be You in charge. For I would follow You,
Certain that Your direction gives me peace.”

This year of lessons has been preparing us to live what has been called the “mystic’s” life. It is a life directed by the Holy Spirit instead of the ego’s dictates. Because the Holy Spirit’s direction is always towards peace, it is a life of increasing peace and happiness. The form of our doing in the world may not change, but the meaning we give it does. Less and less of our doing is motivated by a sense of needing to protect ourselves against some unknown or imagined pending danger. Rather our doing is motivated by the heartfelt desire to extend Love, to see the face of Christ in all our brothers, to bring the miracle of forgiveness to the world.

If we will let Him, the Holy Spirit will guide all our doing and it will bring us great joy. Our judgments diminish as we turn them over to Him. More and more each moment is recognized as a gift, an opportunity to extend forgiveness and Love. It may be someone we meet at the grocery store. It may be someone we talk to on the phone, a co-worker, a supervisor, a friend or someone we have not even met who shares in the blessing of forgiveness. Our minds are joined and the forgiveness of one is the forgiveness of all.

Perhaps we may not feel ready yet to let the Holy Spirit guide us in all our ways. Perhaps there are some areas of our life that we still want to reserve as our own. We fear we may be asked to make changes we don’t feel ready to make. It does not matter. The Holy Spirit forever offers His gifts. As we learn to accept them and experience their blessing, their healing, their peace and joy, we will naturally want more.

The appeal of peace becomes stronger than the appeal of specialness. Gradually we begin to see that those areas of our lives we reserve for ourselves no longer have the attraction they once had. Gradually we offer them also to the Holy Spirit and He gives us the gift of peace and eternal happiness in exchange. The Holy Spirit does not coerce or demand. He simply holds out His gifts to us and judges not. We take them when we are ready.

A Course in Miracles offers us a means to accelerate our willingness to receive the gift of God’s peace and joy. We each use what’s available to us for healing according to our willingness.

Holy Spirit, today I offer You my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my hands, my feet to serve Your Will, which I know to be my own in truth. I would not lead but only follow Your sure direction to the Home of my Source and Creator. I give thanks for Your friendship and Your comfort. I rest in Your sure direction.

Even though we may be dreaming about something else, we cannot stop being the Light of God That we are. Behind the form, everyone and everything in this world is the Light of God — the same Light of God. That is the lesson we are to ultimately learn.

That is why I must follow and not lead. The Holy Spirit teaches me to see as He does, to see the truth behind every form of separation. My job is to let the Holy Spirit in, to give the Holy Spirit the chance to do Its healing work in my mind.

I may rise and fall and rise and fall again, but one thing is certain. In reality dreams do not matter, for they are merely dreams. The truth remains that we are all still the Light of God. We cannot change that through dreaming. We cannot effect a change in What we are in any way. We are safe in the Mind of God because we cannot leave the Mind of God. Our dreams may appear very real to us, but in fact they mean nothing because they are nothing.

Letting the Holy Spirit into my mind is my job right now. Being open to Holy Spirit’s healing perspectives is my job right now. “Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.”

I had a lesson in following the Holy Spirit in a dream last night. I woke in the night thinking about an area of my life that I had given over to the Holy Spirit, but that I keep taking back or experiencing doubts about (mainly, I think, because it seems to be working so well and so quickly and I just can’t believe it). I keep wondering if I am following Guidance, or if I am just kidding myself and doing what I want to do, not what I should. Pretty soon I’ve talked myself into circles and am feeling a lot of anxiety. So, I put on a recorded meditation from the Pathways of Light ACIM Practitioner Course 905 that helps me to move from specialness to holiness. In this meditation I am able to look at what I want to turn over to the Holy Spirit with Him and receive guidance. I was helped by this meditation and quickly fell asleep.

I woke later from a dream in which I found myself crossing a tall bridge in a car. I am riding along at an exhilarating speed in the passengers seat and decide to get more comfortable by reclining the seat somewhat. I can’t get it to catch and it seems to be trying to lay flat. This makes me nervous and the mood is broken. I look at the drivers seat and realize I should be there because it seems no one is driving. Strange that the ride has been so good without me at the control. In a panic I climb into the drivers seat and see myself coming up on other vehicles and try to put on the brakes but it seems I have cloth or something tangling my feet and I can’t find the brakes. Nevertheless, I make it (miraculously, it seems) to the other side of the bridge and to where I am going with no mishap.

When I woke up, the dream came back to me and I realized that it mirrored what I am doing in my “waking” life. I gave the controls over to the Holy Spirit and was moving toward our destination at a fast clip until I started feeling nervous about no longer being in control and tried to take over again.

Then I felt anxiety as I tried to do something on my own that I have already proven myself incapable of completing successfully. Even as, in my anxiety, I felt doomed to crash and burn, I realized that the Holy Spirit can guide me safely to where I need to be. As I reached this conclusion, I relaxed my need to control and gave it back to the Holy Spirit’s capable hands.

I often give my dreams to the Holy Spirit to use to teach me. I am so glad I do that because this allowed the Holy Spirit to use a very dramatic event to get the point across in a way I couldn’t miss. I understand something now that I was wrestling with in my “day life.”

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Reference Keys for
A Course in Miracles Quotes

How to Read References for Quotes from A Course in Miracles

Below are example references to specific sentences using the notation of the Second & Third Editions of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace:

T-26.IV.4:7 = Text, Chapt. 26, Section IV, paragraph 4, sentence 7.

W-pI.169.5:2 = Workbook, Part I, Lesson 169, paragraph 5, sentence 2.

M-13.3:2 = Manual for Teachers, Question 13, paragraph 3, sentence 2.

C-6.4:6 = Clarification of Terms, Term 6, paragraph 4, sentence 6

The above numbering system of the Second & Third Editions is © Copyright 1992, The Foundation for A Course in Miracles.

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