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Chapter 20: The Vision of Holiness

Section V: Heralds of Eternity

Read ACIM Chapter 20, Section V (pages 434-36)

Why does Jesus call every holy relationship a ‘herald of eternity’?

It is through ‘each miracle of joining’ that we return to recognize our Self in every brother. Every holy relationship is a relationship that recognizes our unity, the fact that we are joined as one. Every holy relationship brings with it the remembrance of our Father’s laws. Jesus tells us, “In this world, God’s Son comes closest to himself in a holy relationship. There he begins to find the certainty his Father has in him. And there he finds his function of restoring his Father’s laws to what was held outside them, finding what was lost.” (1:1-3)

What was lost when we accepted the ego thought system of separation was our Identity as as extension of God’s Love. As we are willing to return to the truth of God’s wholeness, and see this same wholeness in every brother, we see again that we are all still joined in the one Mind of our Creator. We see that we never left God’s Mind in truth. As we join as one rather than separate, we accept God’s laws and we restore God’s laws to the Sonship. Jesus tells us, “So do the parts of God’s Son gradually join in time, and with each joining is the end of time brought nearer. Each miracle of joining is a mighty herald of eternity.” (1:5-6)

How does ‘each miracle of joining’ bring the end of sin and fear?

Because in reality we are joined as one, we are merely recognizing what already is when we recognize oneness rather than clinging to illusions of separation. Recognizing oneness brings the end of the belief in sin and therefore there is no need to fear what never was real. The ‘miracle of joining’ acknowledges that we all have one united purpose, whether we realize it or not. And that purpose is to extend God’s Love — to extend what we Are. That is how we know that we are God’s Love. And when we know that we are God’s Love, we also know that there is no sin and there is nothing to fear.

How does ‘each miracle of joining’ help the whole Sonship awaken?

Jesus tells us, “Two voices raised together call to the hearts of everyone, to let them beat as one. And in that single heartbeat is the unity of love proclaimed and given welcome. Peace to your holy relationship, which has the power to hold the unity of the Son of God together. You give to your brother for everyone, and in your gift is everyone made glad.” (2:3-6) Because in reality we are one and not many, when we give to any part of the Sonship, we are giving to the whole. Each time we see that we are joined rather than separated, we are giving the gift of inestimable value to everyone. We are doing our part in helping the whole Sonship awaken.

How do we offer peace to our brothers?

We offer peace when we are willing to accept Holy Spirit’s peace into our minds. Part of receiving peace is receiving Christ’s vision. When we allow Holy Spirit’s peace into our minds, it is helpful to understand that we are also allowing in Holy Spirit’s understanding or healed perception. We are allowing in the miracle, which bears witness to the truth about yourself and your brother. In the section called, The Test of Truth, Jesus tells us that peace and understanding go together and are never found alone. (See T-14.XI on pages 296-300) When we see our brother as he truly is right now, we are receiving our Father’s gift through him. Jesus tells us, “What is in him will shine so brightly in your grateful vision that you will merely love him and be glad. You will not think to judge him, for who would see the face of Christ and yet insist that judgment still has meaning?” (4:4-5) This is how we offer peace to our brothers.

What does Jesus say is the only choice we have to choose between?

Jesus answers this when he tells us, “Vision or judgment is your choice, but never both of these.” (4:7) When we choose judgment, we are believing in what our body’s eyes are showing us. When we choose vision, we see as the Holy Spirit sees. We recognize the Light and Love of God in our brother rather than the ego’s story of separate bodies with separate minds. Jesus reaffirms this when he says, “The sight that sees the body has no use which serves the purpose of a holy relationship.” (5:4)

What the body’s eyes show us is separation. What the Holy Spirit shows us from a place of peace is the holy instant, which is eternally true. In the holy instant, the sight of Christ is all there is to see. This is our choice every moment and we can tell what we have chosen by what we see. The world we see is just an effect of what we have chosen to believe in. When we change what we want to see, we will see it. This is why choosing peace is so important. When we choose peace, Christ’s vision comes with it. When we choose judgment, which comes from the ego, separate bodies with separate minds is what we will see.

What does Jesus mean when he says that the holy instant is everything?

Awareness of the holy instant brings us a touch of Heaven, which is eternal and never changes. It is not affected by the changing winds of time found in this world of time and space. In the holy instant, we see what is forever true now. We see that the Son of God is forever like the Father and can never change into something that is separate, weak and vulnerable. Jesus tells us, “All that [the holy instant] ever held or will ever hold is here right now. The past takes nothing from it, and the future will add no more. Here, then, is everything. Here is the loveliness of your relationship, with means and end in perfect harmony already.” (3-6) When we choose to accept Holy Spirit’s peace, we are choosing to receive awareness of the holy instant and remember that our oneness in the Mind of God is the only truth, now.

When we choose Holy Spirit’s peace, what gets forgotten?

When we choose peace, the laws of God return to our tortured minds. When we choose peace, we evaluate our brother correctly, and this becomes a gift to us to help us awaken from this world of separate bodies. In the last section Jesus reminded us, “The ark of peace is entered two by two, yet the beginning of another world goes with them.” (T-20.IV.6:5) This world that is entered is the real world, which remembers the laws of God. Jesus tells us here, “And merely by remembering [the laws of God], the laws that held you prisoner to pain and death must be forgotten. This is no gift your brother’s body offers you. The veil that hides the gift hides him as well. He is the gift, and yet he knows it not. No more do you. And yet, have faith that He Who sees the gift in you and your brother will offer and receive it for you both. And through His vision will you see it, and through His understanding recognize it and love it as your own.” (7:4-10)

When we let ourselves be comforted by the Holy Spirit, what do we feel?

Jesus tells us, “Be comforted, and feel the Holy Spirit watching over you in love and perfect confidence in what He sees. He knows the Son of God, and shares his Father’s certainty the universe rests in his gentle hands in safety and in peace.” (8:1-2, italics added.)

How would your life experience change if you spent more time letting yourself feel the comfort the Holy Spirit brings you and letting yourself become aware that the Holy Spirit is watching over you and sees you as the perfect Son of God that you are in eternity? Aren’t you worthy and deserving of letting yourself remember this about yourself now? What are you waiting for?

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Chapter 20: The Vision of Holiness

Section IV: Entering the Ark

Read ACIM Chapter 20, Section IV (pages 432-34)

What is the difference between the laws of the world and the laws of God?

Regarding God’s laws Jesus tells us, “Power is of God, given by Him and reawakened by the Holy Spirit, Who knows that as you give you gain. He gives no power to sin, and therefore it has none; nor to its results as this world sees them, — sickness and death and misery and pain. These things have not occurred because the Holy Spirit sees them not, and gives no power to their seeming source. Thus would He keep you free of them.” (1:4-7, italics added)

The world’s laws reflect just the opposite — the belief that what we give we lose. Think about how this works in the ego’s world. The ego only recognizes its own false images of what is real because the ego literally is the idea of separation from God’s laws. Because it is the idea of separation, it only acknowledges images that are based on separation and sin. It only recognizes separate forms and does not even see the one eternal Spirit that is the truth of every brother. This means that the ego’s world does not recognize all true power, which is only of God. To the ego, what is not separate and therefore full of sin and guilt does not exist. To the ego, God does not exist.

The Holy Spirit, on the other hand, knows that all power is of God. That is why He gives no reality to the false images of sickness and death, misery and pain. When we are willing to return to the way the Holy Spirit thinks, we are freed of these false images. We see that they have no validity and could never be real.

Why do we need to see our brother as sinless to free ourselves?

As we see our brother sinless, we are letting go of the world’s laws, and thus we are freeing ourselves from the misery and pain that are inherent in these laws. Jesus tells us, “Sin has no place in Heaven, where its results are alien and can no more enter than can their source. And therein lies your need to see your brother sinless. In him is Heaven. See sin in him instead, and Heaven is lost to you. But see him as he is, and what is yours shines from him to you. Your savior gives you only love, but what you would receive of him is up to you.” (2:1-6) This is why Jesus calls every brother we meet our savior. As we see him we will look upon ourselves. What we give we gain under God’s laws, which means that as we give the truth, we receive the truth. As we give Heaven, we receive Heaven.

Why does Jesus say that salvation is a lesson in giving?

As we reawaken to the laws of God through joining with the Holy Spirit, we give up the world’s laws. We give them up, not out of sacrifice, but we see that they are worthless and only bring us experiences of weakness, suffering and death. As we learn from the Holy Spirit to overlook our brother’s mistakes, we give as the Holy Spirit gives to us. “Salvation is a lesson in giving, as the Holy Spirit interprets it. It is the reawakening of the laws of God in the minds that have established other laws, and given them power to enforce what God created not.” (2:9-10) Here we see the key to our salvation — to learn to give as the Holy Spirit gives. As we learn to focus our attention only on this, the ego’s laws fall away and disappear from our sight.

Why are mistakes inevitable once we place ourselves under the ego’s laws?

Joining with the ego’s laws is the same as joining with the belief that we are guilty sinners who are unworthy and deserve punishment. Jesus tells us, “Your insane laws were made to guarantee that you would make mistakes, and give them power over you by accepting their results as your just due.” (3:1) Choosing to believe in separation and sin is a mistake because separation from God comes from madness and could never be real. God created His one Son as one with Him and what God creates cannot be changed by belief in insane ideas.

What happens once we see that our brothers have never changed, and are, in reality, still as God created them?

As we see that our brothers are still as God created them and that nothing has really changed him, we will see that we also have never changed and are, in truth, free of the ego’s mistaken idea. Jesus tells us, “He is as free from this as you are, and in the freedom that you see in him you see your own. For this you share. What God has given follows His laws and His alone. Nor is it possible for those who follow [God’s laws] to suffer the results of any other source.” (3:4-7)

This means that we are under no laws but God’s and we do not experience the ego’s laws once we no longer believe in them. This is why Jesus tells us in the first sentence of this section, “Nothing can hurt you unless you give it the power to do so.” (1:1) Once we stop giving power to the ego’s laws through believing in them, we see that we are free of them. We see that the ego’s world is just a dream and could never be true.

Because we are joined as one mind and not separate, we see that our brother is free of the ego’s laws also. We choose freedom as we recognize that our brother is not a body, and he is not what he thinks he has made of himself. In truth he is still an extension of the infinite Mind of Love. He has not changed himself by dreaming. Jesus says, “Those who choose freedom will experience only its results. Their power is of God, and they will give it only to what God has given, to share with them. Nothing but this can touch them, for they see only this, sharing their power according to the Will of God. And thus their freedom is established and maintained.” (4:1-4, italics added) We establish and maintain our freedom by only accepting the truth from the Spirit of Wholeness within our mind. We stop believing that a world of separation and limitation is possible. We start seeing past what we are seeing through the body’s eyes to the truth that can never change.

Why does Jesus say that the ark of peace is entered two by two?

Here we are told of the Holy Spirit’s plan of awakening the Sonship: As we see the face of Christ in every brother we meet, we awaken and we help our brothers awaken. “The ark of peace is entered two by two, yet the beginning of another world goes with them. Each holy relationship must enter here, to learn its special function in the Holy Spirit’s plan, now that it shares His purpose. And as this purpose is fulfilled, a new world rises in which sin can enter not, and where the Son of God can enter without fear and where he rests a while, to forget imprisonment and to remember freedom.” (6:5-7)

Is the Holy Spirit’s plan incomplete without our part?

We are learning that everyone in the Sonship must eventually play his part. As we open to the fact that that nothing can happen to change God’s Son, we see everyone’s innocence and that is how we help our brother and it is how we maintain our awareness of our innate freedom. Jesus tells us here, “How can he enter, to rest and to remember, without you? Except you be there, he is not complete. And it is his completion that he remembers there.” (6:8-10) Through the Holy Spirit, Who is the universal Comforter in everyone’s mind, we learn our part in the Atonement. Our part is to see the Christ in everyone the Holy Spirit sends to us. Together, we remember the laws of God and forget the insanity of the world’s false stories. We all go Home together. Jesus tells us here, “Think you when this [remembering God’s laws] has been achieved that you will rest without [your brothers]? You could no more leave one of them outside than I could leave you, and forget part of myself.” (7:5-6)

What happens as we accept our part in the Holy Spirit’s plan?

In paragraph 8 of this section, Jesus gives us one of the most helpful and hopeful messages in helping us understand and trust that whatever we need will be given us as we make His plan the only plan that we want and accept. Jesus tells us, “Once you accept His plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you without your effort. He will go before you making straight your path, and leaving in your way no stones to trip on, and no obstacles to bar your way. Nothing you need will be denied you. Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it. You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfill. As that was given you, so will its fulfillment be. God’s guarantee will hold against all obstacles, for it rests on certainty and not contingency. It rests on you. And what can be more certain than a Son of God?” (8:4-12)

How peaceful and happy our part is in Holy Spirit’s plan! Our job is to see the Christ in every brother that shows up in our dream! And this requires no sacrifice, but only the end of sacrifice. As as we accept our part, we can be assured that everything we need will be provided for us. How great is that?

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Chapter 20: The Vision of Holiness

Section III: Sin as an Adjustment

Read ACIM Chapter 20, Section III (pages 429-31)

Why does Jesus say that relationships in this world depend upon adjustments?

There is only one true relationship and that is our relationship with God. Any other relationship is coming from our ideas of what we want to be true. Just because we want to make up images of separate bodies does not make it real. Jesus tells us, “The belief in sin is an adjustment. And an adjustment is a change; a shift in perception, or a belief that what was so before has been made different. Every adjustment is therefore a distortion, and calls upon defenses to uphold it against reality.” (1:1-3) Because of the power of our minds, we can choose to see illusions of differences, but then we lose awareness of God’s oneness as our only reality. We become lost in our adjustments.

Why is the ego the self-appointed mediator of all relationships in its world?

The ego, in order to keep all relationships separate and prevent the intrusion of union, must dictate how we see anyone in the dream. If we stopped listening to the ego’s dictates, we would see only holiness. We would see only Love’s oneness. The ego’s adjustments would be lost to us because there would be no interference with the truth. If the ego loses its role as the self-appointed mediator to all our relationships, we would be free of its perceptions.

Do we have a choice to let go of the ego’s adjustments?

Jesus wants us to understand that the choice is up to us. We are not a slave to the ego’s adjustments. The ego’s adjustments are only there to see as long as we want to see it. Jesus tells us, “You made this up. It is a picture of what you think you are; of how you see yourself. A murderer is frightened, and those who kill fear death. All these are but the fearful thoughts of those who would adjust themselves to a world made fearful by their adjustments. And they look out in sorrow from what is sad within, and see the sadness there.” (4:3-7)

We don’t have to keep seeing through the ego’s adjustments, which always wants to see guilt in others in an attempt to get rid of it. Hurling guilt and the experience of punishing dreams are not a happy sight. To this Jesus tells us, “Have you wondered what the world is really like; how it would look through happy eyes? The world you see is but a judgment on yourself. It is not there at all. Yet judgment lays a sentence on it, justifies it and makes it real. Such is the world you see; a judgment on yourself, and made by you. This sickly picture of yourself is carefully preserved by the ego, whose image it is and which it loves, and placed outside you in the world. And to this world must you adjust as long as you believe this picture is outside, and has you at its mercy.” (5:2-7)

Thank goodness we now realize that we have a choice. We do not have to continue believing in the ego’s adjustments. We can choose to see innocence rather than guilt. We can see that there is no outside world and that it has been merely a false judgment on ourselves. We can let go of our defenses against reality. We can look through happy eyes. We can return to the truth and see that all these adjustments never happened in truth.

How is the choice for holiness made day by day?

Jesus tells us to be careful who we ask, “How shall I look upon the Son of God?” If we ask the ego to be our guide, we will continue to see the ego’s adjustment instead of the truth. As we learn instead to see our brother’s holiness day by day, we bless and see that we are blessed. “You and your brother now will lead the other to the Father as surely as God created His Son holy, and kept him so. In your brother is the light of God’s eternal promise of your immortality. See him as sinless, and there can be no fear in you.” (11:7-9)

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Chapter 20: The Vision of Holiness

Section II: The Gift of Lilies

Read ACIM Chapter 20, Section II (pages 426-28)

Why does the ego want the body for the pleasure it brings but hate the body at the same time?

In paragraph one Jesus reveals how the insane ego thought system is: The ego made the body to be the vehicle to see separation as real, but at the same time it hates the body because it projects the guilt that goes with belief in separation onto the body. The ego sees the body as guilty of the sin of separating from God and consequently punishes it with dreams of suffering and death. The ego sees this as a small price to pay in order to maintain the fantasy of separation. The ego uses the body to obtain its idea of pleasure, but at the same time it believes the body is an unworthy and hateful thing.

What is the ego’s answer to its belief that the body is an unworthy and hateful thing?

To try to counteract this belief in unworthiness, the ego tries to make the body attractive to other bodies in the attempt to make it more worthy and acceptable for its purposes. Jesus tells us, “Would you employ this hated thing to draw your brother to you and to attract his body’s eyes? Learn you but offer him a crown of thorns, not recognizing [the body] for what it is, and trying to justify your own interpretation of [the body’s] value by his acceptance. Yet still the gift [of the adorned body] proclaims his worthlessness to you, as his acceptance and delight acknowledges the lack of value he places on himself.” (1:4-6) With these conflicting and insane thoughts within the ego thought system, no wonder the body always ultimately fails to bring us the happiness we are seeking.

What choices do we have in our valuing — what we want to receive and give?

In paragraph two Jesus emphasizes that we have a choice of what we want to value and therefore of what gifts we want to give and receive. “Only the mind can value, and only the mind decides on what it would receive and give.” (2:3) We have the choice of valuing the body or valuing the eternal Spirit in every brother. What we value is what we will want to give and receive. “And every gift [the mind] offers depends on what it wants. It will adorn its chosen home most carefully, making it ready to receive the gift it wants by offering them to those who come unto its chosen home, or those it would attract to it. And they will exchange their gifts [of body or Spirit], offering and receiving what their minds judge to be worthy of them.” (2:4-6)

Jesus helps us see how we can be mistaken in our valuing and therefore what we would give and receive. “Gifts are not made through bodies, if they be truly given and received. For bodies can neither offer nor accept; hold out nor take.” (2:1-2) Our chosen home (or where our mind chooses to reside) is either with the ego’s values (valuing the sight of separate bodies) or the Holy Spirit’s values (remembering Love’s wholeness).

What we want to give and receive is what we will identify with as what we are. “Here is the value that you lay upon your brother and on yourself. Here is your gift to both; your judgment on the Son of God for what he is. Forget not that it is your savior to whom the gift is offered. Offer him thorns and you are crucified. Offer him lilies and it is yourself you free.” (3:5-9) Because lilies are the symbol for the Holy Spirit’s vision, we set ourselves free by seeing through the Holy Spirit’s eyes. The Holy Spirit sees no strangers and no one is outside of His loving sight.

We have learned to believe in what the body’s eyes show us, but the good news is that we can choose a different kind of sight. “You look still with the body’s eyes, and they can see but thorns. Yet you have asked for and received another sight. Those who accept the Holy Spirit’s purpose as their own share also His vision. And what enables Him to see His purpose shine forth from every altar now is yours as well as His. He sees no strangers; only dearly loved and loving friends. He sees no thorns [bodies] but only lilies [the Spirit of Love], gleaming in the gentle glow of peace that shines on everything He looks upon and loves.” (5:1-6)

What do we receive as we accept Holy Spirit’s vision?

Easter and lilies are symbols for seeing each brother as he truly is. They are symbols for recognizing the innocence and radiance of the risen Christ that is the truth of every brother. When seeing through the eyes of the Holy Spirit is all we want to see, it is given us. “The Holy Spirit’s vision is no idle gift, no plaything to be tossed about a while and laid aside.” (6:5)

As we accept Holy Spirit’s vision, this is what we will receive: “You have the vision now to look past all illusions. It has been given you to see no thorns, no strangers and no obstacles to peace. The fear of God is nothing to you now. Who is afraid to look upon illusions, knowing his savior [your brother as the risen Christ] stands beside him? With him [every brother] your vision has become the greatest power for the undoing of illusion that God Himself could give.” (7:1-5)

How could Jesus be more clear about how to free ourselves from the illusion of ego’s crucifixion of God’s one Son? And because the Holy Spirit is always in our mind, waiting to give us His vision, we always have what we need available to us. And it is free for the taking. All we need do is accept the truth that the Holy Spirit brings to our crucified mind. Jesus reinforces this when he says, “Yet all you need you have. Your home has called to you since time began, nor have you ever failed entirely to hear. You heard, but knew not how to look, nor where. And now you know.” (8:4-7)

We are learning to accept Love as Love is and not try to change it into something else. Accepting Holy Spirit’s vision is how we see that we never really left Home. We have seen illusions of separation for awhile, but now we see that it is not true. “And there will be no fear in us, for in our vision will be no illusions; only a pathway to the open door of Heaven, the home we share in quietness and where we live in gentleness and peace, as one together.” (8:12)

What is the easiest way to let Holy Spirit’s vision enter our mind?

All this comes with making the Holy Spirit’s vision our highest priority. We do this by stepping back and letting the Holy Spirit take the lead… We soften and quiet our troubled mind… We stop making up the world or deciding what anything in this world means… We hand over the reins… We hand over control… We let peace in because our mind is open to receiving it… In this peaceful state of mind, we listen in a state of quietness and openness to the Holy Spirit’s way of seeing the world… We allow ourselves to be filled with the peace and contentment that the Holy Spirit brings…

We can relax now… We know we are being carried… We follow… We would not make decisions about what is real on our own… We let the veil of fear be lifted… We let the Holy Spirit show us our brother’s innocence… We would give lilies instead of thorns…

With Holy Spirit’s vision, what is our one gift to give?

Instead of the crucifixion of duality, we now have only the resurrection of oneness. As one together, there are no ‘others.’ There are no strangers — only our dearest friends to walk with together as we welcome forgiveness — the last illusion of returning Home to where we never really left. Here is the journey’s end. Here is our resurrection. “Would you not have your holy brother lead you there? His innocence will light your way, offering you its guiding light and sure protection, and shining from the holy altar within him where you laid the lilies of forgiveness. Let him be to you the savior from illusions, and look on him with the new vision that looks upon the lilies and brings you joy.” (9:1-3)

We have only one gift to give because that is what we value, and that is what we would receive. “Each gift is an evaluation of the receiver and the giver.” (3:1) We would recognize our worthiness as God’s Son by recognizing our brother’s worthiness as he is the same Son of God.

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Chapter 20: The Vision of Holiness

Section I: Holy Week

Read ACIM Chapter 20, Section I (pages 425-26)

What is holy week a symbol of?

Jesus describes holy week as symbolic of the journey into hell (separation from God) the Son of God has undertaken. He began as a Thought in the Mind of God, tried to separate from his Source and then forgave, or let go of the false idea of separation, where he found that he never really left his home in Heaven. He only dreamed that he had crucified God’s Son.

Jesus tells us, “A week is short, and yet this holy week is the symbol of the whole journey the Son of God has undertaken.” (3:1)

Holy week begins with palms — “the sign of victory, the promise of the resurrection, already given him.” (3:2)

The crucifixion of the Son of God is the symbol of the whole thought system of the ego — the dreams of guilt, attack, suffering and death.

The resurrection is “the symbol of the Son of God’s forgiveness on himself; the sign he looks upon himself as healed and whole.” (1:5)

How do we join Jesus in the resurrection?

Jesus asks us to join him in the resurrection by letting go of dreams of guilt and judgment and helping every brother accept his resurrection: “Let him not wander into the temptation of crucifixion, and delay him there. Help him to go in peace beyond it, with the light of his own innocence lighting his way to his redemption and release. Hold him not back with thorns and nails when his redemption is so near. But let the whiteness of your shining gift of lilies speed him on his way to resurrection.” (3-6)

The more we see through Christ’s vision instead of through the ego’s eyes, the more we are contributing to the resurrection instead of the crucifixion. “If you see glimpses of the face of Christ behind the veil, looking between the snow white petals of the lilies you have received and given as your gift, you will behold your brother’s face and recognize it. I was a stranger and you took me in, not knowing who I was. Yet for your gift of lilies you will know. In your forgiveness of this stranger, alien to you and yet your ancient Friend, lies his release and your redemption with him.” (4:2-5)

How do we make every week a holy week?

As we become willing to see the face of Christ in every brother, we see that every brother in this world of separation never left Heaven and that we are one with every brother in Christ. This is how we make this week and every week holy. This is how we transform the illusion of the crucifixion into the truth of our resurrection — the truth of the one Christ Mind. “Look on your risen Friend, and celebrate his holiness along with me. For Easter is the time of your salvation, along with mine.” (4:7-8)

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section IV-D-i: The Lifting of the Veil

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section IV-D-i (pages 421-24)

What does Jesus mean when he talks about lifting the veil?

In this insightful section, Jesus tells us that lifting the veil to see the Christ in every brother is our only meaningful purpose on our journey of returning to the truth. Again and again in the Course, Jesus reminds us not to make the error of separation real or we will remain in hell, along with our brother. “No one can look upon the fear of God unterrified, unless he has accepted the Atonement and learned illusions are not real.” (9:1)

Again and again Jesus reminds us that we do not go Home alone. The reason we cannot go Home alone is that in truth, we could never really be alone. The truth is we are united with every brother in the Christ Mind as the one Son of God. We are joined in the one Mind of Love. “Let him be what he is, and seek not to make of Love an enemy.” (13:8)

Why is forgiveness such an important part of lifting the veil?

Throughout the Course Jesus talks about forgiveness and how important it is for us to look past error to the truth in every brother. “Here is the holy place of resurrection, to which we come again; to which we will return until redemption is accomplished and received. Think who your brother is, before you would condemn him. And offer thanks to God that he is holy, and has been given the gift of holiness for you. Join him in gladness, and remove all trace of guilt from his disturbed and tortured mind. Help him to lift the heavy burden of sin you laid upon him and he accepted as his own, and toss it lightly and with happy laughter away from him. Press it not like thorns against his brow, nor nail him to it, unredeemed and hopeless.” (16:1-6)

The way out of madness is not to join with it. The way out of madness is to be willing to look past illusions of differences to the real Spirit of Wholeness in every brother. This is how we heal together. Jesus tells us, “You see his madness, which you hate because you share it. ... Brother, you need forgiveness of your brother, for you will share in madness or in Heaven together. And you and he will raise your eyes in faith together, or not at all.” (12:5,6-8)

How do we practice lifting the veil?

Because lifting the veil is such an important part of our returning to sanity, we will focus on practicing this in our daily life. The following is a way to practice what Jesus is teaching us in this section. To get the most out of it, pause to do each step as you read each paragraph below:

Think of someone you consider close to you, someone who is in your life a lot, whom you see frequently. Because you see them with your body’s eyes so frequently, it is easy to imagine them as you see them through the body’s eyes….

Now we’re going to practice letting the Holy Spirit lift the veil of separation and show you the truth about them behind the body façade… The Holy Spirit lifts the veil and shows you that they are still God’s Light, God’s Love… And you become aware of and feel the essence of peace and Love that they are…

You become aware of the constancy of the truth about them… You see that it never changes… Your friend is still as God created them… Nothing has happened to change the truth about them…

Now move into this Love, join with this Love… Blend with this Love… Because you are the same Love, there are no differences to separate you… You are aware of your holy union… your wholeness… your oneness… Feel the peace that comes with this remembrance of the truth… You are one united Love in truth… You rest awhile in this remembering…

The Holy Spirit now shows you that this is the way to return Home… As you consistently practice letting the Holy Spirit lift the veil, you see the truth about every brother… You are shown that we all are one Light… We all are the same peace… We all are the same Love… All differences have been just false ideas and were never true…

As you are able to practice this consistently and join with the Love that is there in every brother, all unconscious guilt will be undone… You will no longer need to project guilt onto an outside world. You will no longer need to believe in differences…

You will feel safe because you know that you are surrounded by God’s Love… You remember it is everywhere you are and everywhere everyone is… You know that your journey Home is accomplished by letting the veil be lifted. The Holy Spirit will show you the truth about every brother and every thing as you let Him…

You feel the peace and fulfillment and quiet joy in letting this remembrance of wholeness return to you… And you give thanks that only eternal Love could ever be real… You give thanks that this is your reality and this is everyone’s reality now…

You remember that both time and space do not exist. They are merely hallucinations and you are grateful that this is so… You thank the Holy Spirit for being your Guide in your daily practice of letting the veil be lifted so that you can again see the Love that is there eternally…

What are other key ideas to remember as we practice lifting the veil?

1. There are only two thought systems, the ego’s or the Holy Spirit’s. We join with what is real as we consistently step back, pause and let the Holy Spirit lead the way.

2. The Holy Spirit shows us what is real and what is not real.

3. Unconscious guilt is the cause of seeing separation. Seeing everyone’s innocence is the answer.

As we learn to see innocence instead of guilt, we free ourselves and our brother. We join Jesus in the one goal of freeing every brother of illusions of guilt and pain. “The crucified give pain because they are in pain. But the redeemed give joy because they have been healed of pain. Everyone gives as he receives, but he must choose what it will be that he receives. And he will recognize his choice by what he gives, and what is given him.” (20:3-6) The more we practice seeing innocence where we once saw guilt, the more we are lifting the veil for ourselves and every brother. We all go Home together.

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section IV-D: The Fourth Obstacle: The Fear of God

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section IV-D (pages 420-21)

Is fear of God the same as fear of Love’s oneness?

The fear of God is the same as the fear of recognizing our oneness with the whole Sonship, the Christ Mind, which has not dreamed of leaving God. God is one, undivided Love that is all there is in Reality. To be attracted to something else that is different from Love’s oneness is to be attracted to another will that is the opposite of God’s Will.

When are we maintaining the veil that hides our awareness of oneness?

When we are attracted to experience a world of separate bodies that opposes what Love is, we are attracted to maintaining a barrier or veil that hides the awareness of our Beingness in the one Mind of Love. Here Jesus describes this wish to be different from Love’s oneness as like a heavy veil that makes it appear that we have really separated from Love’s unity. This veil effectively hides the fact that we still are one in Heaven and have never left God.

To try to be outside of Love is to choose to make illusions of separation real in our mind. Jesus describes this veil of separation: “Here is your promise never to allow union to call you out of separation; the great amnesia in which the memory of God seems quite forgotten; the cleavage of your Self from you; — the fear of God, the final step in your dissociation.” (3:4)

In order to maintain this veil, and yet project the guilt we feel, we hold onto a story in our minds that makes it appear that we did not choose against God’s Will; we hold onto a story that we are at the mercy of things beyond us. We want autonomous control but we also want to make it look like what we now see is beyond our control. That is why we dream we are the victims of circumstances that are out of our control. That is why we dream we are vulnerable and weak and even die in order to make it look like we had nothing to do with this choice of separating from God. In this dream we refuse to take responsibility for our choices, and attempt to blame it on a source that is outside our mind.

Why does Jesus tell us that the ego and death have been our chosen friends but we can now lift the veil?

Jesus says, “See how the belief in death would seem to ‘save’ you. For if this were gone, what could you fear but life? It is the attraction of death that makes life seem to be ugly, cruel and tyrannical. You are no more afraid of death than of the ego. These are your chosen friends [death and ego]. For in your secret alliance with them, you have agreed never to let the fear of God be lifted, so you could look upon the face of Christ and join Him in His Father.” (4:1-6)

We are now coming to the understanding that we do not have to continue this charade. We can let our thoughts of judgment be reversed by the Holy Spirit and wake up from the dream of fear by realizing that we really do love God. We can become willing to open to the peace that Love provides and the fear disappears. Jesus describes to us how this veil is easily lifted: “The desire to get rid of peace and drive the Holy Spirit from you fades in the presence of the quiet recognition that you love Him. The exaltation of the body is given up in favor of the spirit, which you love as you could never love the body. And the appeal of death is lost forever as Love’s attraction stirs and calls to you. From beyond each of the obstacles to Love, Love Itself has called. And each [obstacle] has been surmounted by the power of the attraction of what lies beyond. Your wanting fear seemed to be holding [the obstacles to Love] in place. Yet when you heard the Voice of Love beyond them, you answered and they disappeared.” (5:3-9)

Here we are seeing that this really is not that complicated. When we recognize we are not at peace, we now know enough to relax, soften and become willing to let go of conflicting wishes. We become willing to rejoin God’s one true Will. We find the truth that, “No mad desire, no trivial impulse to forget again, no stab of fear nor the cold sweat of seeming death can stand against your will. For [the Love] that attracts you from beyond the veil is also deep within you, unseparated from It and completely one.” (7:6-7)

How is Love like a magnet that is drawing us back to our Source?

It is as if there is a powerful magnet on the other side of the veil and a companion magnet deep within us that we have hidden from our awareness. When we recognize the magnetic pull of Love within us, we will inevitably be drawn back to our Source.

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section IV-C: The Third Obstacle: The Attraction of Death & i. The Incorruptible Body

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section IV-C and Ci (pages 416-19)

Why is believing in separation the same as being attracted to death?

In the opening two paragraphs, Jesus defines the difference between death and life: “And death is the result of the thought we call the ego as surely as life is the result of the Thought of God.” (2:15) Another way to describe this is that the idea of death arose as an effect of joining with the ego’s idea of separation rather than God’s idea of oneness.

What comes with the idea of separation is fear, guilt and punishment. Because the body was made by the ego to see separation and is what we are attracted to identify with, the body becomes the target for the ego belief in guilt and punishment. Therefore in the dream, the ego’s laws make it look like the body is vulnerable to outside forces, and eventually becomes sick and dies. This is why when we are attracted to belief in separation, it is the same as being attracted to death.

How are we released from this dedication to believing in the dream of death?

The good news is that separation is simply a lie and death is a lie. Jesus tells us, “Yet you must learn still more about this strange devotion, for it contains the third obstacle that peace must flow across. No one can die unless he chooses death. What seems to be the fear of death is really its attraction. Guilt, too, is feared and fearful. Yet it could have no hold at all except on those who are attracted to it and seek it out. And so it is with death. Made by the ego, its dark shadow falls across all living things, because the ego is the ‘enemy’ of life.” (1:3-9) Jesus is encouraging us to let go of our belief in a world of separation because he knows that with this belief comes the experience of fear, guilt and death. He wants us to understand that we do not have to continue to join with these fearful thoughts. We can let the Holy Spirit release us from this dedication to believing in the dream of death.

Why does Jesus refer to our belief in the false stories of bodies, suffering and death as merely shadows?

As we let go of our hold on believing that separate bodies could be real, we are at the same time letting go of the belief that guilt and death could be real. Jesus describes these false perceptions as simply shadows. “And yet a shadow cannot kill. What is a shadow to the living? They but walk past and it is gone.” (2:1-3)

We need help with this because we have believed in these false stories for so long. Jesus encourages us to forgive the grievances that come with joining with the ego, and let our sadness be brought to happiness by accepting the truth from our inner Guide. “What is impossible to you who chose His Will as yours? What is death to you? Your dedication is not to death, nor to its master. When you accepted the Holy Spirit’s purpose in place of the ego’s you renounced death, exchanging it for life.” (2:10-13)

i. The Incorruptible Body

Here Jesus emphasizes that the body is simply the effect of a false idea of separation and that this idea can be corrected. This false idea is the opposite of God’s Thoughts, and therefore could never be real. Jesus tells us, “One thing is sure; God, Who created neither sin nor death, wills not that you be bound by them. He knows of neither sin nor its results. The shrouded figures in the funeral procession march not in honor of their Creator, Whose Will it is they live. They are not following His Will; they are opposing it.” (3:3-6)

When we follow the Holy Spirit’s lead what becomes our new purpose?

We have been dedicated to the ego thought system, which makes it look like separate bodies are real, but we can change our mind about what we are dedicated to. We can realize that we are not what the ego made. We are not separate bodies and we are not bound by the body. We can give the body a new purpose, the purpose of waking up from the dream of separation.

To serve this new purpose Jesus tells us, “The body can but serve your purpose. As you look on it, so will it seem to be.” (6:3-4) He also tells us, “You have another dedication that would keep the body incorruptible and perfect as long as it is useful for your holy purpose.” (5:1) As we accept this new purpose of waking up to our reality as God’s Love, we have all the power in Heaven to help us. “Your newborn purpose is nursed by angels, cherished by the Holy Spirit and protected by God Himself.” (9:4) As we accept our newborn purpose, we are learning to forgive or let go of our wild imaginings, our false ideas of separation. We are learning to think differently about everything we are seeing through the body’s eyes.

How are we to deal with the fearful images of lack, guilt and death that the ego brings to our mind?

Here Jesus teaches us how to deal with the fearful images when he says, “Confronted with such seeming uncertainty of meaning, judge it not. Remember the holy presence of the One given to you to be the Source of judgment. Give it to Him to judge for you, and say: Take this from me and look upon it, judging it for me. Let me not see it as a sign of sin and death, nor use it for destruction. Teach me how not to make of it an obstacle to peace, but let You use it for me, to facilitate its [peace’s] coming.” (11:5-10)

As we accept our newborn purpose, are learning to see innocence instead of guilt. We are learning to see past separate bodies to the eternal Spirit that is always really there. In the Introduction to the Course Jesus told us, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” (Intro.2:2-4)

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section IV-Bi: The Attraction of Pain

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section IV-B-i (pages 414-16)

When does the peace of Heaven disappear from our awareness?

Chapter 19 has the title, The Attainment of Peace. In order to attain peace, we must be able to recognize what we are identifying with which causes peace to disappear. Peace is the condition of Heaven. The peace of Heaven disappears when we choose to experience the opposite of Heaven. Heaven is perfect oneness. When we choose to believe we were separate from perfect oneness, we are choosing to sacrifice the awareness of Heaven in order to experience what it would be like to make up our own rules about what we are and where we are.

When are we choosing the pain found in fear and guilt?

In this section, The Attraction of Pain, Jesus helps us understand that when we equate ourselves with the body, we are choosing the pain found in fear and guilt, which is the same as the pain of hell. In Chapter 31 he elaborates on this in a way where we can clearly see that when we make the body our identity, we are choosing pain instead of happiness. We are choosing to join with fear instead of Love. “The concept of the [separate] self stands like a shield, a silent barricade before the truth, and hides [truth] from your sight. All things you see are images, because you look on them as through a barrier that dims your sight and warps your vision, so that you behold nothing with clarity. The light is kept from everything you see. At most, you glimpse a shadow of what lies beyond. At least, you merely look on darkness, and perceive the terrified imaginings that come from guilty thoughts and concepts born of fear. And what you see is hell, for fear is hell.” (T-31.VII.7:1-6)

When we are attracted to believe in the lie that we are separate selves that reside within separate and unique bodies, we are attracted to pain. We are attracted to hell. And because of the power of our desire, what we choose, we will experience. In Chapter 31 Jesus tells us: “Be vigilant against temptation, then, remembering that it is but a wish, insane and meaningless, to make yourself a thing that you are not. And think as well upon the thing that you would be instead. It is a thing of madness, pain and death; a thing of treachery and black despair, of failing dreams and no remaining hope except to die, and end the dream of fear. This is temptation; nothing more than this. Can this be difficult to choose against? Consider what temptation is, and see the real alternatives you choose between. There are but two. Be not deceived by what appears as many choices. There is hell or Heaven, and of these you choose but one.” (T-31:VII.14:1-9)

When we are not choosing the peace and oneness of Heaven, what are we choosing instead?

So here we see that when we are not choosing the peace and oneness of Heaven, we are choosing hell. Jesus helps us understand how we are choosing hell when we equate ourselves with the body when he tells us: “It is impossible to seek for pleasure through the body and not find pain. It is essential that this relationship [between pleasure and pain] be understood, for it is one the ego sees as proof of sin. It is not really punitive at all. It is but the inevitable result of equating yourself with the body, which is the invitation to pain. For it invites fear to enter and become your purpose. The attraction of guilt must enter with it, and whatever fear directs the body to do is therefore painful. It will share the pain of all illusions, and the illusion of pleasure will be the same as pain.” (12:1-7)

A key here to understand is that, when we equate ourselves with the body, we are choosing to find pain. Why? Within the ego thought system (which is pushed into unconscious levels), is the belief that we really did separate from God, and that we are guilty for our crime against our Creator. And this sin demands punishment. To the ego, the body is the means by which the separation is accomplished, and therefore the body deserves punishment and even death to “atone” for the sin of separation. When we equate ourselves with the body, we are really equating ourselves with guilt, punishment and death.

What does Jesus say is the purpose of this world according to the ego?

In addition to this, Jesus explains that the purpose of this whole world of separation is to project the guilt that we believe is ours. What the ego does not tell us is that when we project guilt, we are merely sending it to ourselves. “The ego and the Holy Spirit both recognize this, and both also recognize that here the sender and receiver are the same. The Holy Spirit tells you this with joy. The ego hides it, for it would keep you unaware of it. Who would send messages of hatred and attack if he but understood he sends them to himself?” (14:8-11)

Jesus tells us this because he would have us freed of guilt and pain. He wants to help us understand how deceptive the ego thought system is so that we will give it up. He tells us, “Hear not its madness, and believe not the impossible is true. Forget not that the ego has dedicated the body to the goal of sin [separation], and places in it all its faith that this can be accomplished. Its sad disciples chant the body’s praise continually, in solemn celebration of the ego’s rule. Not one but must believe that yielding to the attraction of guilt is the escape from pain. Not one but must regard the body as himself, without which he would die, and yet within which is his death equally inevitable.” (16:1-5)

As we learn to place our faith in the eternal, what will we find instead of suffering and guilt?

The good news is that we now know that we have a choice. We can accept the Holy Spirit’s peace instead of the ego’s guilt. We can identify with the eternal Spirit of Love as What we are instead of the body. Where would we place our faith? Jesus tells us, “Faith in the eternal is always justified, for the eternal is forever kind, infinite in its patience and wholly loving. It will accept you wholly, and give you peace. Yet it can unite only with what already is at peace in you, immortal as itself.” (10:1-3)

We have a choice. We can choose the peace that comes with accepting Love’s oneness, or we can continue to identify with the body, which is the attraction of pain. Once we really see how hopeless it is to project guilt, we will gladly give it up. We will let peace overcome all obstacles to remembering Love’s eternal presence.

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section IV-B: The Second Obstacle: The Belief the Body Is Valuable for What It Offers

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section IV-B (pages 412-14)

To the ego, what is the little price we pay for the grand drama of the world?

Within the ego thought system, the body is inherently guilty for the purpose that it serves — for it makes separation from God’s oneness appear like it really happened. When we want what separation offers instead of oneness, we want to believe in what the body’s senses show us. We want the stories of individual differences and the excitement of competition it offers. We want the glory of specialness and the idea of making decisions on our own. We want our special likes and dislikes and the little pleasures the body’s senses offer. The loss of peace seems like a little price to pay for this grand drama adventure.

To this value system Jesus says, “This is the value that you think peace would rob you of. This is what you believe that [peace] would dispossess, and leave you homeless. And it is this for which you would deny a home to peace. This ‘sacrifice’ you feel to be too great to make, too much to ask of you. Is it a sacrifice, or a release? What has the body really given you that justifies your strange belief that in it lies salvation?” (2:1- 6)

Why does Jesus call the ego’s value system the belief in death?

When we join with the ego’s value system, we submerge the guilt that goes with this choice. We do not to allow ourselves to be consciously aware that we believe we are guilty for our sin of separating from God. Within this insane thought system, we atone for our ‘sin’ by punishing and even killing the body to appease God because we are sure that He is angry with us. This is why Jesus tells us, “Do you not see that this is the belief in death? Here is the focus of the perception of atonement as murder. Here is the source of the idea that Love is fear.” (2:7-9)

What does the ego defend against at all costs?

God’s oneness becomes the enemy to be defended against at all costs, even to the point of destroying the body to prove it. Here is the source of all our dreams of punishment and death. This is why Jesus tells us we are afraid of Love. He compassionately tells us, “It is only the messengers of fear that see the body, for they look for what can suffer. Is it a sacrifice to be removed from what can suffer? (3:3-4)

We are coming to the point where we can understand that the ‘exciting’ pleasures we have been seeking through the body is fleeting at best. “You have paid very dearly for your illusions, and nothing you have paid for brought you peace.” (5:1)

What is the ego’s substitute for happiness?

We are seeing now that we have been groveling for crumbs of pleasure, and in the end we see that it has not been worth the pain and struggle. In the last subsection Jesus tells us, “While you believe that it can give you pleasure, you will also believe that it can bring you pain. To think you could be satisfied and happy with so little is to hurt yourself, and to limit the happiness that you would have calls upon pain to fill your meager store and make your life complete. This is completion as the ego sees it. For guilt creeps in where happiness has been removed, and substitutes for it [happiness.]” (17:11-14)

What do we find in the holy relationship?

Jesus wants us to see how worthless this search for something different from oneness has been and that we could exchange this body dream for the peace that lies in accepting the truth. He tells us, “The Holy Spirit’s messengers are sent far beyond the body, calling the mind to join in holy communion and be at peace. ... You want communion, not the feast of fear. You want salvation, not the pain of guilt. And you want your Father, not a little mound of clay, to be your home.” (3:1, 4:6) We are seeing the value of joining with the truth that lies beyond bodies. This is what the Holy Spirit shows us as we are willing to be shown that beyond the body of every brother there is only one real Mind. “In your holy relationship is your Father’s Son. He has not lost communion with Him, nor with himself. When you agreed to join your brother, you acknowledged this is so. This has no cost , but it has release from cost.” (4:9-12)

With the Holy Spirit in charge of our mind, we see past bodies to the one Mind that is eternally all there Is to know. Peace comes with this experience. “Peace is extended from you only to the eternal and it reaches out from the eternal in you. It flows across all else.” (4:1-2) This may seem to be beyond our reach, but the good news is that we can experience this now. We do not have to wait lifetimes to experience the peace that comes with accepting the truth that is in us. But it does take a willingness to step back and join with Jesus. “We will surmount all obstacles together, for we stand within the gates and not outside. How easily the gates are opened from within, to let peace through to bless the tired world! Can it be difficult for us to walk past barriers together, when you have joined the limitless? The end of guilt is in your hands to give. Would you stop now to look for guilt in your brother?” (5:4-8)

What does Jesus know about us that would bring us peace when we join him?

Jesus truly wants to help us find the happiness that peace brings. He knows that he is one with every one of us who still thinks the dream of bodies is real. He remembers that the separation never happened and that we all remain unchanged as the one Son of God. As each of us are willing to join with him, we will remember that we are still one in innocence. He tells us, “Let me be to you the symbol of the end of guilt, and look upon your brother as you would look on me. Forgive me all the sins you think the Son of God committed. And in the light of your forgiveness he will remember who he is, and forget what never was. I ask for your forgiveness, for if you are guilty, so must I be. but if I surmounted guilt and overcame the world, you were with me. Would you see in me the symbol of guilt or of the end of guilt, remembering that what I signify to you you see within yourself?” (6:1-6) Jesus knows that, because we are one, if anyone is guilty, everyone is guilty and if anyone is innocent, everyone is innocent. Let us join with him today in seeing innocence everywhere!

Seeing innocence everywhere awakens us to the truth. With Jesus we will know that every brother is the same universal Love that includes all, because we are one. As we accept this truth, we join Jesus in inviting a new world view. “Yet it is not possible to keep away one Who is there already. And in Him it is possible that our communion, where we are joined already, will be the focus of the new perception that will bring light to all the world, contained in you.” (8:4-5)

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section IV-A-i: The Attraction of Guilt

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section IV-A-i (pages 410-12)

Is guilt and fear of punishment inherent in the idea of separation?

Inherent within the insane attraction to believe in the idea of separation from God is the belief in guilt for doing something wrong and also fear of God’s punishment. Jesus wants us to understand just how insane this whole ego thought system really is that we have bought into and shows us in this subsection just how riddled with guilt and fear the idea of separation is.

The ego literally is the belief in sin, which tells us the separation really happened and we are forever guilty for our choice. When we join with the ego, we are filled with the fear of retribution. To deal with this fear, we attempt to project the intense guilt and unworthiness we feel onto an imagined guilty world. In our attempt to relieve the intense guilt, we dream feverish dreams of ‘lives’ of being a victim of a vicious and guilty world. We dream ‘lives’ filled with experiences of scarcity, punishment and death because that is what we secretly believe we deserve for our ‘sin’ of choosing to separate from God’s Will of oneness.

What messengers do the two thought systems of fear and love send forth to seek out?

In this subsection Jesus compares the two states of mind — fear and Love. He describes how each sends different messengers into the world to go out and find what each wants to find. He tells us, “Love’s messengers are gently sent, and return with messages of love and gentleness. The messengers of fear are harshly ordered to seek out guilt, and cherish every scrap of evil and of sin that they can find, losing none of them on pain of death, and laying them respectfully before their lord and master.” (2:1-2)

Can we learn to seek and find only Love instead of guilt?

Jesus wants us to understand that we have a choice. We do not have to continue to be attracted to seeking and finding guilt in others and ourselves. We can change our minds about what we want to see. We can use the Holy Spirit’s attraction to seeing only Love instead of the ego’s attraction of guilt with every relationship we have in our life. “Relationships in this world are the result of how the world is seen. And this depends on which emotion was called on to send its messengers to look upon [the world], and return with word of what they saw. (12:1-2)

It is becoming clear to us that how we see the world depends solely upon what what we are looking for — what messengers we are sending out. If we see sin and guilt in those around us, we now know that we have sent fear’s messengers. “No little shred of guilt escapes their hungry eyes. And in their savage search for sin they pounce on any living thing they see, and carry it screaming to their master, to be devoured.” (12:6)

How does seeking for guilt feel different than seeking to see only innocence?

Think about a time where you focused on the hurts your brother gave or what was wrong about him instead of seeing “only the blameless and the beautiful, the gentle and the kind.” (14:3) How did it feel to be in this state of mind? Did it bring you peace and joy, or did it bring you sadness, depression and feeling like a victim? Once we clearly look at the results of each attraction — guilt or love — it makes the choice easier. Feeling sad and depressed is really not as fun as feeling filled with love and joy. It makes sense to send forth only love’s messengers.

How can our life experience be changed dramatically by sending Holy Spirit’s messengers instead of ego’s ‘hungry dogs of fear’?

Jesus shows us how easily our life experience can be changed dramatically: “If you send forth only the messengers the Holy Spirit gives you, wanting no messages but theirs, you will see fear no more. The world will be transformed before you sight, cleansed of all guilt and softly brushed with beauty. The world contains no fear that you laid not upon it. And none you cannot ask love’s messengers to remove from it, and see it still. The Holy Spirit has given you His messengers to send to your brother and return to you with what love sees. They have been given to replace the hungry dogs of fear you sent instead. And they go forth to signify the end of fear.” (15:1-7)

Jesus makes it sound so easy, and it is easy once we make the commitment to send forth only the messengers the Holy Spirit gives us. It really is that simple. In many places in the Course we are reminded that it takes only a little willingness. This is the truth. We will see what we want to see. As we continue on this path of letting ourselves be led out of the false perceptions guilt would show us, the road becomes smoother and smoother. It becomes easier and easier to see communion instead of separation. Jesus tells us, “Communion is another kind of completion, which goes beyond guilt, because it goes beyond the body.” (17:15)

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section IV-A: The First Obstacle — The Desire to Get Rid of It

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section IV-A (pages 407-09)

How do we give peace a home?

To choose peace means to let peace reside in our minds. To be filled with God’s peace is the same as giving peace a home. We give peace a home by accepting the reality of Love’s oneness as the only Identity that exists. We give peace a home as we are willing to accept God’s Will, and not try to replace God’s Will of oneness with the belief in separation. We cannot give peace a home and believe in a world of separation from God’s oneness at the same time.

Conflict comes with choosing to see separation from our Identity through identifying with the body’s physical senses. As long as we insist on making what body’s do and say real, we are choosing to make peace homeless because peace and separation, like oil and water, are opposites in every way.

On Text page 76 Jesus tells us, “You are the Kingdom of Heaven, but you have let the belief in darkness enter your mind and so you need a new light. The Holy Spirit is the radiance that you must let banish the idea of darkness. His is the glory before which dissociation falls away, and the Kingdom of Heaven breaks through into its own.” (T-5.II.4:1-3) The idea of darkness is the idea of separation that we let enter into our mind. The desire to get rid of peace is synonymous with the desire for separation. Getting rid of peace is the same as getting rid of God, which is where peace resides.

Because we have forgotten, Jesus reminds us in paragraph one of the eternal truth about ourselves and our true function: “You are the center from which [peace] radiates outward, to call the others in. You are [peace’s] home; its tranquil dwelling place from which [peace] gently reaches out, but never leaving you. If you would make [peace] homeless, how can [peace] abide within the Son of God? If [peace] would spread across the whole creation, it must begin with you, and from you reach to everyone who calls, and bring him rest by joining you.” (1:3-6) Here we see that giving peace a home is our function because we still are the Kingdom of Heaven.

What is the first obstacle that limits our extension of peace?

Jesus describes the belief in separation as it shows up in this world as, “The little barrier of sand [that] still stands between you and your brother.” (2:4) He asks us, “Would you let a little bank of sand, a wall of dust, a tiny seeming barrier, stand between your brothers and salvation? And yet, this little remnant of attack you cherish still against your brother is the first obstacle the peace in you encounters in its going forth. This little wall of hatred would still oppose the Will of God, and keep [your awareness of peace] limited.” (2:9-11) It is helpful for us to understand that when we think that there really is something that is outside of us that is the cause of our distress, what we are doing is creating an obstacle to experiencing the peace that is innately ours.

Because we can choose once again, we now can learn to realize that everything that seems to be happening to us in the dream is just an effect of the false idea of separation and we can choose to let it go instead of continuing to believe in it. We don’t have to continue to make this world of separation real. We can forgive, or give up trying to make it real in our minds. Jesus tells us how simple it can be as we are willing to let our minds be changed by the Holy Spirit: “This feather of a wish [to believe in separation], this tiny illusion, this microscopic remnant of the belief in sin, is all that remains of what once seemed to be the world. It is no longer an unrelenting barrier to peace. ...How mighty can a little feather be before the great wings of truth? ...See how easily this little wisp is lifted up and carried away, never to return, and part with it in gladness, not regret.” (8:1-2, 9:1,4)

How are we led out of the habit of judging our brother?

Being willing to still our minds and accept peace instead really is a reflection of our willingness to be led out of conflict. The habit of stepping back from judging our brother or from judging what anything means in this world of separation will bring great rewards. Jesus tells us, “Salvation cannot be withheld from you. It is your purpose. You cannot choose apart from this. You have no purpose apart from your brother, nor apart from the one you asked the Holy Spirit to share with you. The little wall will fall away so quietly beneath the wings of peace. For peace will send its messengers from you to all the world, and barriers will fall away before their coming as easily as those that you interpose will be surmounted.” (4:7-12)

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section IV: The Obstacles to Peace — Intro.

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section IV Intro. (pages 406-07)

The three paragraphs introducing Section IV are very important in helping us experience how the Holy Spirit works through us to “embrace all the Sonship and give it rest.” (1:1) Here Jesus emphasizes the importance of our being willing to receive and extend peace and how this is accomplished through our joining with the Holy Spirit.

How do we receive and extend the peace the Holy Spirit offers us?

He tells us, “The Holy Spirit asks that you offer Him a resting place where you will rest in Him. He answered you, and entered your relationship. Would you not now return His graciousness, and enter into a relationship with Him?” (2:4-6) In Workbook Lesson 208 Jesus gives us a description of how we accept the peace the Holy Spirit has to offer us: “I will be still, and let the earth be still along with me. And in that stillness we will find the peace of God. It is within my heart, which witnesses to God Himself.” (W-pI.208.1:2-4)

Our daily practice of stilling our mind and inviting in the peace of God is the way we return Home. Going to this place of quiet peace within our mind leads us to an awareness of the calm contentment and fullness of Love that surrounds us and is our true Nature. We realize we are blessed and we extend this blessing in return. Jesus describes how the Holy Spirit extends the peace we accept to all our brothers: “The extension of the Holy Spirit’s purpose from your relationship to others, to bring them gently in, is the way in which He will bring means and goal in line. The peace He lay, deep within you and your brother, will quietly extend to every aspect of your life, surrounding you and your brother with glowing happiness and the calm awareness of complete protection.” (1:5-6)

Take a minute to realize how important accepting Holy Spirit’s gift of peace is to you and your relationship with every brother. How important is it to give time to allowing Holy Spirit’s gift of peace into your mind? How would your life experience be changed as you allow the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace to extend into every aspect of your life? Think what it would feel like to constantly accept the Holy Spirit’s gift of glowing happiness and the calm awareness of complete protection. Become aware that the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace is always there in your mind, waiting for your acceptance.

When we accept Holy Spirit’s peace, what message do we carry to everyone?

As you accept the Holy Spirit’s peace, you become the vehicle to extend the healing rest peace offers. You just naturally extend the peace you receive to every brother, just as it was extended to you. Jesus tells us, “And you will carry its message of love and safety and freedom to everyone who draws nigh unto your temple, where healing waits for him. You will not wait to give this, for you will call to him and he will answer you, recognizing in your call the Call for God. And you will draw him in and give him rest, as it was given you.” (1:7-9)

Because of the power of our minds, we get what we focus on. Here we are seeing that it truly is worth our time to focus on accepting the peace the Holy Spirit has to offer us. It truly is worth accepting the peace of God, which is our natural inheritance. To help with this acceptance, Jesus gives us a prayer in Lesson 205 that is priceless: “The peace of God is everything I want. The peace of God is my one goal; the aim of all my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my life, while I abide where I am not at home.” (W-pI.205.1:2-3)

Why is Jesus so confident that we will consistently accept peace?

Because we may not have the habit of accepting Holy Spirit’s peace fully developed as a constant practice, we may doubt our ability to consistently accept the peace that is inherent in our true Nature. Jesus expresses his confidence in us when he says, “All this will you do. Yet the peace that already lies deeply within must first expand, and flow across the obstacles you placed before it. This will you do, for nothing undertaken with the Holy Spirit remains unfinished.” (2:1-3)

In the upcoming subsections, Jesus goes into detail explaining how we can overcome the obstacles to peace that we have placed in our minds. He tells us, “Some of [the obstacles] you will try to impose. Other [obstacles] will seem to arise from elsewhere; from your brothers, and from various aspects of the world outside. Yet peace will gently cover [the obstacles], extending past [them,] completely unencumbered.” (1:2-4)

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section III: The Unreality of Sin

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section III (pages 404-06)

Why does Jesus put so much emphasis on the unreality of sin?

Because this is so important, Jesus again focuses on helping us see the inner workings of the ego thought system. He emphasizes the important distinction between sin and error in this section because, until we are willing to change our mind about the reality of sin, we will continue to believe that the separation really happened. We will continue to think that we really have changed ourselves from how we were created by God. We will continue to be attracted to seeing guilt in our brothers and forget that nothing has changed God’s Son from how he was created by God. We will continue to perceive that a world of separate bodies is real and will continue to feel the accompanying anxiety and perceptions of guilt, lack and loss that go with it. We will continue to be attracted to the ego’s belief that we are guilty, and worthy of punishment.

Jesus knows that this need not be our experience. That is why he wants us to understand how important it is to let go of the idea that our brother is limited to his body. To help us get past this mistaken idea, he tells us, “While you believe that your reality or your brother’s is bounded by a body, you will believe in sin [that the separation really happened]. While you believe that bodies can unite, you will find guilt attractive and believe that sin is precious. For the belief that bodies limit mind leads to a perception of the world in which the proof of separation seems to be everywhere. And God and His creation seem to be split apart and overthrown.” (7:1-4)

What are the full consequences that come with believing that bodies are real?

Jesus knows that we don’t realize the full consequences that come with believing that bodies are real. He knows that with this belief that the separation really happened comes the belief that we are guilty and are deserving of punishment. He shows us how this works when he says, “For the ego brings sin (belief that we are guilty) to fear, demanding punishment. Yet punishment is but another form of guilt’s protection, for what is deserving punishment must have been really done. Punishment is always the great preserver of sin, treating it with respect and honoring its enormity. What must be punished, must be true.” (2:2- 5)

Here we see how insane and viscious the ego thought system is. Here we see how it works and what happens when we join with the idea that separation is real. Here we see that we have the option to see that it is just an error in thinking, not a sin that deserves punishment as the ego would have us believe.

When does the fierce attraction to guilt and punishment fall away?

We start to see the unreality of separate bodies, the unreality sin, when we let the Holy Spirit show us that these perceptions of separation are just an error in thinking, a mistaken idea that we can let go of, and not reality at all. Once we get it that we just had a mistaken thought that could never be real, all the fierce attraction to guilt and punishment falls away. We become more open to realizing that separation is just a silly idea that could never be true. As we become open to letting this shift happen in our minds, we feel an inner contentment, a knowing that all is safe and nothing has happened to change God’s oneness. The fearful stories of guilt and punishment hold less attraction now.

As this change happens in our minds, our relationships with people naturally change. Our attraction to guilt and punishment subsides. The attraction to defend and attack a guilty one we see as outside us lessens. We become more open to seeing our brother’s holiness, his changeless eternal nature instead of being attracted to seeing guilt there. We start to recognize that sin (separation) is not real. Jesus describes a new purpose that is now instilled with every relationship: “Your holy relationship has, as its purpose now, the goal of proving [sin] is impossible. Heaven has smiled upon it, and the belief in sin has been uprooted in its smile of love.” (8:4-5)

Jesus knows that as we let the idea of sin be replaced with seeing that it is just an error, a mistaken thought, the Holy Spirit will have the opportunity of correcting these thoughts in our minds. The Holy Spirit replaces the idea of changes that occur in time with the recognition of what is eternally real. He reminds us of the benefits of allowing this change of mind when he tells us, “Your relationship is now a temple of healing; a place where all the weary ones can come and rest. Here is the rest that waits for all, after the journey. And it is brought nearer to all by your relationship.” (11:3-5)

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Chapter 19: The Attainment of Peace

Section II: Sin versus Error

Read ACIM Chapter 19, Section II (pages 402-03)

How does Jesus define ‘sin’?

In this short section Jesus brings to our attention the foundation on which the ego thought system is based — the idea that the separation from God really happened, and therefore we are guilty for destroying God’s oneness. He tells us, “Sin is the grand illusion underlying all the ego’s grandiosity. For by it God Himself is changed, and rendered incomplete.” (2:6-7)

This idea that the separation from God really happened and therefore we are guilty for what we have done is inherent in the ego’s idea of ‘sin.’ Jesus describes to us the guilty belief in ‘sin’ on which this world is based: “To sin would be to violate reality, and to succeed. Sin is the proclamation that attack is real and guilt is justified. It assumes the Son of God is guilty, and has thus succeeded in losing his innocence and making himself what God created not. Thus is creation seen as not eternal, and the Will of God open to opposition and defeat.” (2:1-5)

Why does Jesus say we cannot sin?

In helping us to heal our mind of these false ideas and bring us back to sanity, Jesus tells us an important truth: “The Son of God can be mistaken; he can deceive himself; he can even turn the power of his mind against himself. But he cannot sin. There is nothing he can do that would really change his reality in any way, nor make him really guilty.” (3:1-3) This is an important idea that we want to take in and apply to the way we view ourselves and the world. Jesus wants us to understand that when we maintain that this world of separation is real, it is the same as thinking that sin is real and that we really succeeded in separating off from God.

Jesus knows that we are not consciously aware of why we see the world of separation that we are currently experiencing. He knows that this has been pushed out of conscious awareness. He also knows that we do not understand why we experience such a vulnerable world, a weak and loveless world, where everyone seems to be looking out only for themselves or those they consider ‘close’ to them. That is why he reveals to us what is really going on within the framework of the ego thought system.

What does sin call for and what does error call for?

He tells us, “The belief in sin is necessarily based on the firm conviction that minds, not bodies, can attack. And thus the mind is guilty, and will forever so remain unless a mind not a part of it can give it absolution. Sin calls for punishment as error for correction, and the belief that punishment is correction is clearly insane.” (1:6) Look at the world’s religions. Do they not reflect these ego thoughts? Look at how we punish ourselves by making up fantasies where the body becomes sick and eventually dies.

What is the core belief of the ego that is the cause of our fantasies of self punishment and death?

When we buy into the ego thought system we are also buying into the idea that we are really guilty and need to be punished. This core belief of the ego is what is the cause of our fantasies of self punishment and death.

How does the Course help us reverse these insane ideas?

To help us out of these insane ideas, the Course tells us again and again: The separation never really happened. We are only dreaming that it did. It was just a mistaken idea that has no substance at all. Jesus tells us, “It is essential that error be not confused with sin, and it is this distinction that makes salvation possible. For error can be corrected, and the wrong made right. But sin, were it possible, would be irreversible.” (1:1-3) We have made an error in our thinking. That is all. Thinking that the separation really happened cannot change our changeless Identity as one with the universal Mind of Love. This is the change of mind that Jesus is leading us to. This is the change of mind that will free us from the bondage of ego thinking. As we let go of making a world of separation real, the truth will show up, just naturally.

Jesus mercifully asks us, “Would you not rather that all this be nothing more than a mistake, entirely correctable, and so easily escaped from that its whole correction is like walking through a mist into the sun? For that is all it is.” (8:1-2) We have merely been mistaken. Once we see that we can simply choose again, and this time choose with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will see that this change of mind is not so hard.

Jesus also knows that we have become attached to what we think we have made. You have heard the commercial line that says, “Mikey likes it.” Well, we have grown accustomed to our world of separate bodies and individual, private minds. It seems threatening to give up these ideas, even if we now know that they are mistaken. That is why Jesus tells us, “Perhaps you would be tempted to agree with the ego that it is far better to be sinful than mistaken. Yet think you carefully before you allow yourself to make this choice. Approach it not lightly, for it is the choice of hell or Heaven.” (8:3-5)

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Reference Keys for
A Course in Miracles Quotes

How to Read References for Quotes from A Course in Miracles

Below are example references to specific sentences using the notation of the Second & Third Editions of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace:

T-26.IV.4:7 = Text, Chapt. 26, Section IV, paragraph 4, sentence 7.

W-pI.169.5:2 = Workbook, Part I, Lesson 169, paragraph 5, sentence 2.

M-13.3:2 = Manual for Teachers, Question 13, paragraph 3, sentence 2.

C-6.4:6 = Clarification of Terms, Term 6, paragraph 4, sentence 6

The above numbering system of the Second & Third Editions is © Copyright 1992, The Foundation for A Course in Miracles.

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