Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Rest in God’s Love Today

Holy Spirit to Mary:  Let us take time to remember that you are safe. You are innocent. You are loved. You are Home. Let us take time to remember the truth about you and everyone in the world of separate bodies. You are one Son, loved and loving. You are still Love’s Extension. This has not changed.

You are dreaming of something different, but the truth is you cannot make it so. That is why you are safe. You are still safe in the Mind of God. Because you cannot leave your Home where God placed you, you still are Home. Let that truth soak into your mind. Rest in God’s Love today. Rest in remembering your innocence today. This is true about you and everyone for in truth only oneness is real. Let your mind return to oneness. This will give you a deep and abiding peace. In this remembering you find happiness and joy. Allow yourself to remember the truth today.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  You are worthy of rest. This rest does not come from resting the body. It comes with letting go of the constant efforting required to maintain your image of being separate from your Source. You are learning that what you thought had value in the idea of separation does not satisfy you. In fact it brings you the opposite of what you really want.

You really want to return to the Love you really are. You really want the peace of God. You really want lasting happiness. What you really want is already yours but it is obscured by your constant effort focused on maintaining an image of lack and loss. To rest is to let go of efforting to be what you are not.

Rest today in God’s Love, for It is your own. Rest today in God’s peace, for it is your birthright. Rest today in perfect happiness, for it is God’s will for you. Rest in your Self.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Holy Spirit to Robert: Be mindful of your thoughts. In your mind you carry on fantasy discussions about made up issues. You make up stories about situations or events that may happen and wonder how you might respond. This mind wandering keeps you preoccupied with fantasies that distract you from your purpose. You might as well spend your day at Disney’s Fantasy Land.

No harm has really happened but this mind wandering has delayed your return to the experience of quiet joy, deep peace and limitless Love that is your natural state. Delay no longer. Practice paying attention to your thoughts and when you recognize you have wandered into fantasy, offer the thoughts to me. You need not judge them nor condemn them nor try to avoid them. Just turn them over to Me.

As you let them go you open your heart and mind to the recognition of true Value. You welcome the Friend Who is your Self. This Friend has never left you. This Friend waits in infinite patience, knowing that you will receive Him in joy and gratitude. He calls to you from within your heart, for He is your Self reminding you of What you are. Be mindful today and open your heart to receive your Self.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let today be a happy day by consistently choosing to hold Holy Spirit’s Hand. Remember you know nothing and the Holy Spirit knows all that will make you truly happy. Open to the Light and let the Light in. This Light is eager to bring you the happiness and peace you so deserve as a Child of God.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Your Real Mind Lead the Way

Mary:  When we find out that the mind which we have identified with is not our real mind and is not really us at all, this can seem very frightening and disorienting. Because we have identified with the thoughts in this false mind, we have experienced the effects of these thoughts in an “outer world,” which has made it seem very real to us.

The good news is that we have a real Mind, our eternal Mind, Which lasts beyond the body and is forever free. Our job now is to let go of the false mind by recognizing its thoughts as mere false ideas. As we recognize these ideas as false with the help of the Holy Spirit, it becomes easier and easier to let this false mind with all its ideas of separate bodies go. It becomes easier to allow our mind to become purified by the Spirit of Wholeness, Which is our true Mind.

Our true Mind knows that there is no world, no “life” in a body that is our own alone. Our true Mind helps us see past these false ideas to the truth of our oneness. Here is where we find peace. This is how we awaken from the dream. We must be willing to step back from these false ideas and hand them over to our real Mind where these false ideas will be gently undone by the Light of our true Self. Each day, this is our practice. Let me step and let Spirit lead the way.

Holy Spirit to Annie:
The Light that you are has never and will never lose Its radiance. Bringing that radiant Light into the dream is your assignment. This you do by shining the Light that you are on all your fear thoughts. They will be healed, you will be free and you will return to Love and peace.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  You distract yourself with fear thoughts and attempt to control the world you have made. Because you have made this world of images, you experience these images as if they were real and you react to the images accordingly. Yet images are symbols and have only the meaning you give them. Withdraw the meaning and you no longer feel a need to respond to them.

This is what forgiveness does for you. Forgiveness withdraws the meaning you have given to meaningless symbols. This is why it is so important for you to recognize that you give all the meaning that all your perceptions have for you. It is why it is equally important for you to recognize that on your own you have no idea what the real meaning is of anything.

Whenever you are not experiencing perfect peace, quiet joy and limitless Love, you are believing in a false meaning, a false image. This is why it is essential for your peace of mind that you form the habit of walking with Me in every moment, letting Me show you the meaning of each moment. This is the walk of forgiveness. This is the walk that will lead you to the full remembrance of your Self, your Home, your Source. Everyone must do this in one form or another, for it is in the complete relinquishment of all the meaning you have given all you perceive that you will know complete freedom from fear and full awareness of the Love you are.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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On Gentleness and Comfort

Holy Spirit to Mary:  If you ever feel disgruntled about anything that is appearing in your world of projection, open your mind to the gentleness and peace of the Holy Spirit. Here you will find true comfort; here you will find a change of mind.

Let the peace of gentleness envelop your mind in its healing Light. Let the Holy Spirit do its healing work while you accept and receive with great willingness. Receive this gift today. It is not a little gift. This gift is the change of mind that transforms every struggle. This gift returns you to the awareness of your true nature. As you continue to consistently receive this gift, you are an instrument of healing for every brother. Today is for accepting the gift and extending it to the world.

Holy Spirit to Sharyn:
When I say, “I am the way, the truth and the Light,” I say that so that you can feel secure in following Me. Sometimes following seems to be taking a risk or giving up. What you think is security is not. It is of the world. That security is not truth. That security will not bring you everlasting Love.

Taking a risk is just like taking a leap of faith. You must be willing to take a step further, to go beyond the limits you have set for yourself. You must be willing to enter a forgotten territory. You just forgot in your dreaming the truth of Who you really are. You just forgot the safety, the comfort, the gifts that come from Me.

Be not afraid to take a risk. When one takes a risk with Me leading the way, it can never be anything but goodness and joy that will come from that. When one takes a risk without Me, it is no wonder they will flounder and fall. I will never let you fall. I will only carry you. I will only bring you comfort and joy and peace. Follow Me. Take a risk with Me.

Holy Spirit to Annie:
  God’s Life pulsates in every heart. Fine tune yourself to His loving pulse.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  Rest in God today in His loving comfort.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Vigilance for Joy

Mary:  For me today is a day of vigilance. When thoughts of lack and limitation crop up in my mind, my most important job today is to notice these thoughts, recognize that they are there in my mind, and notice the feelings that come with them. But my job doesn’t stop there. My job today is to notice the thoughts that are in my mind and, if they are not bringing me infinite happiness, to hand these thoughts over to my inner Teacher.

My inner Teacher knows what to do with these thoughts. My inner Teacher shines a light on them and the thoughts that are not true disappear in God’s healing Light. I can tell if I have truly done this by how I feel. Do I feel peace and happiness and joy? If so, I have truly handed them over. If there are still some lingering doubts, I have not completed the job of handing them over. Today I will practice strengthening my willingness muscles. The more I exercise these muscles, the stronger they become. This is my real job today.

Holy Spirit to Annie:
  Your joy thermometer will let you know what kind of thoughts you are contemplating. The joy that you are feeling will let you know if you are thinking with ego or thinking with Spirit. Joy will always be the result of having real Thoughts. If you want to have a joyful heart, look only upon those thoughts that are filled with Light. What a wonderful way to live—being always joyful as you move through this dream, letting Spirit take over your mind completely. This is the result of vigilance. It will be a joyful journey.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  This vigilance is vigilance for only God and His Kingdom. His Kingdom is the Kingdom of joy. Lasting joy can be found nowhere else. This vigilance seems to take effort, but you are worth this gift you offer yourself. Give yourself the gift and accept the gift.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Walk Toward the Light

Holy Spirit to Dorie: As you walk toward the Light in others, you will see that there is no other way to live. Seek My face, seek My Light and see your own.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let yourself be carried. Take My Hand and let yourself be led. This is the fast track Home. This is the fast track to true and everlasting happiness. Let this practice be strong in you today.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  Unwillingness to give freely is the effect of unwillingness to receive. The thought of separation is the rejection of God’s Love. When there is unwillingness to receive the limitless Love given by God, a sense of lack and limitation is inevitable. Believing that you have limited resources, it is only natural that you would try to protect and hold on to the little you believe you have. In this mindset, giving becomes sacrifice and fearful.

To know the joy of giving freely you must open your heart to freely receive God’s Love. You do this through forgiveness, through letting go of the belief that separation has any value. The focus of forgiveness seems to take many forms. But beneath all the forms, forgiveness is always letting go of a false belief that you could be separate from Love. Let go of the belief and receive God’s eternal gift. It is yours for the acceptance and you know you have it by giving it.

Keep an open mind today to recognize your denials of Love and give them to Me. I will help you let them go.

Holy Spirit to Annie:
  There is nothing worth worrying about. Worries are distractions the ego uses to keep you from seeing the Light. Look past them with me so you can focus on the Light, which is your only true inheritance. You are children of the Light who have forgotten their radiance but for a short while. Look only to the Light and you will see yourself safe at Home.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Decide for Peace and Happiness

Mary:  Today I am being asked to remember one thing: That in truth, I rest in God. It appears that I have a lot to do today — mail the Spanish version of course 1101 to students waiting for them; begin the process of entering the translation of course 1002 into the computer; mail 24 sets of five courses to Sharyn in the Pathways office in Kiel, and continue work on preparing the audio for the video of the Undoing the Ego four-day workshop.

Stopping frequently today to remember that I rest in God will be very energizing as I go through my day. This frequent practice of stepping back to remember the truth will also give Holy Spirit a chance to give me inspiration throughout the day. Today my practice is to remember that I rest in God, no matter what appears to be “happening” in the dream.

  Today we read “Rules for Decision” at the beginning of Chapter 30 in the ACIM Text. It reminded me that in every decision I always choose an advisor, either the ego or the Holy Spirit. What I experience shows me which advisor I have chosen. If I’m not experiencing peace and happiness I have decided with the ego. I can acknowledge that I am not happy with the effect of my choice so I must have decided wrongly. I can open my mind and heart to the Holy Spirit as my Advisor and choose again.

Today I will practice mindfulness of what I am experiencing and feeling. And if I am not at peace in any moment, I will step back and choose the Advisor Who will decide with me for happiness and peace.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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