Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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The Power and Light of Love

Robert:  Last night I woke up with the thought in my mind, “No matter how huge a fear seems to be, it is nothing compared to the power of Love. No matter how dark a fear seems to be, it is nothing compared to the Light of Love.” I repeated those thoughts in my mind, both to myself and to others I thought of. As I was saying it, waves of chills washed over me.

It is this I would remember all through the day. I still seem to walk in the world and there are still appearances that trigger a range of levels of fear in me. Most I would label as small, but it doesn’t matter what I think of them. My job is not to hide from these thoughts and emotions, but to acknowledge that they simply represent a mistaken idea of what I am and they are nothing compared to the strength and Light of Love that I really am.

I experience those fears because I am believing that I am not Love. Being wrapped up in that belief, I need help in letting it go. That is why I must take all those thoughts to the Holy Spirit and open my mind and heart to His correction. If sometimes it seems more difficult to be open to the Holy Spirit, it is only because, on some level I have hidden from myself, I want to believe that I am separate. But I am teachable. I can unlearn what I have taught myself.

There is a gentle, loving and powerful Voice in my mind that offers the gift of peace in every moment. It does not impose it upon me but offers it freely. It takes only my willingness to accept it for me to remember it is mine. Today I will practice my willingness.

In A Course in Miracles it says, “In quietness is every problem quietly resolved.” This is a very important message to me in my healing process. As I watch my mind and see that I am buying into thoughts that are not truly helpful, I can always return to quietness. In quietness the Holy Spirit comes and reverses the false thinking. I understand that thought reversal is not the job of the ego mind.

The habit of consistently going to a place of quiet truly is a powerful healing habit. At first it takes effort, because the little circular thoughts may still seem to be there. But as I offer them over or put them on God’s Altar, the Light does come and dissolves them with ease. The Light of God really does dissolve every fear thought if I am willing to put that thought on God’s Altar. The result is always peace. If I am willing to stay with that peace, many times I am brought to an even deeper level, where a deep knowing is there that only Love is real and there is nothing to fear. I am learning that I can apply this to every situation I encounter.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Do I Want to Be Right or Happy?

Mary:  In our morning discussion, Annie Arbona said, “Do I want to be right or happy?” That has stayed with me. I really feel that sentence is like a gift from God.

When I am concerned about something happening or not happening in the dream, this sentence coming into my mind reminds me that, indeed, I am dreaming a dream and its content is not true. This helps me remember that a world of separation, separate identities, separate bodies, is just being made up in my mind. It helps me remember separation could never be true. Do I want to be right and try to make it true by reinforcing these thoughts? Or, do I want to be happy?

If I truly want to be happy, I will hand the reins over and not decide what is real on my own. I will let the Holy Spirit teach me the difference between the real and the unreal, between separation and oneness. I will let the Holy Spirit fill my heart and mind with the truth that nothing has changed the one Son of God. Nothing has ever really happened but God’s Oneness. This question, “Would I rather be right or happy?” is like a touchstone that helps lead me out of hallucinating separation and reminds me once again that only Love is real. Here is where I find peace. Thank you Annie for returning my mind to the truth.

Robert:  A Course in Miracles
tells me that forgiveness is my only function. To me this means letting go of all false images. In this letting go, I see all my brothers as part of me, the one Self that is God’s Son. Through forgiveness I disregard images of bodies and forms of all kinds. All that is really anywhere, any time is Love. That is What my brother is. That is What I am.

If I see my brother as a body, I have forgotten What I am. I cannot logically or intellectually convince myself or teach myself that the bodies and personalities I see are not real. The very fact that I think I can think on my own means that I am identifying with a false image of what I am.

I am grateful for the grace of God, which has provided a Bridge between the dream I am believing in and the truth of Heaven. My one function in the dream, then, is to bring all the images I perceive to this Bridge, the Holy Spirit, with an open heart and mind to receive His kind and gentle teaching. Only thus can I learn what is real and valuable and what is unreal and valueless. Only thus can I truly forgive.

Today is another step in the right direction. As I am walking with Jesus today, I am remembering my oneness with him. He reminds me that he is with me always and there is never anything to fear. He shows me constantly that when I put Him in charge, my life is taken care of far better than I could ever have imagined on my own. Thank you, Jesus, for holding my hand as we walk together to the truth.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Rest in God Today

Mary:  My job is to remember that I rest in God today. This rest fills me with the truth. This rest fills me with the feeling of peace and also the feeling that I am being carried. I need not try to do this on my own. Every moment I have Help, if I am willing to accept it from the Holy Spirit. The truth is there is only on Life, the Life I live in God. From this awareness, I see that everyone is there with me. We are all the same. There are no differences. Love is. God is. And then we cease to speak.

All this comes from my willingness to remember that, indeed, I rest in God today.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Christ is in everyone you see or think of, because Christ is in you. But you will not recognize the Christ anywhere while you believe bodies or form of any kind are real. Walk with Holy Spirit today and let Him help you see past bodies to the Christ in everyone. Put on your “Christ vision glasses” that help you disregard illusionary images and see the Love that is everywhere. With this you will learn of the Love in you. These “Christ vision glasses” filter out the dark, deceptive images that hide the Light of Christ so that true vision is restored to you and you will see the Son of God everywhere. Thus today can be your celebration of the Light of Christ.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Empty Hands and an Open Heart

Mary:  On page 32 of the Manual for Teachers in A Course in Miracles, Jesus tells us, “Awareness of dreaming is the real function of God’s teachers.” It also tells us, “Unity alone is not a thing of dreams. And it is this God’s teachers acknowledge as behind the dream, beyond all seeming and yet surely theirs.”

This section is very helpful to me when I lose awareness that the dream is just a dream and nothing more. I notice that when I take the dream too seriously, I can get tense and fearful. I can get wrapped up in thinking that harm could be real. This is why nurturing the habit of stepping back and allowing the Holy Spirit to take the lead is so important.

The dream does seem so real at times. I still have work to do because I still can be drawn into having opinions, which just draws me deeper into believing the dream is real. One of the most helpful things for me is, when I notice that I am tense, to just take a deep breath and relax. Just doing this helps the next step, which is an inner call for a change of mind by the Holy Spirit. Once I open to the Holy Spirit, the rest is done for me.

I cannot undo my belief in the dream. It is impossible. It is only the Holy Spirit, our one true Self, that brings Light into the false perceptions and shows me that there is nothing to fear. These false perceptions fall away easily because the Holy Spirit shows me their nothingness. Together we have a little chuckle that I once again got caught by taking the dream seriously. This is why it is so important that I allow awareness of dreaming to be applied to every situation I encounter.

Dreaming is not a sin. It is just a mistaken thought that I no longer need. I can relax now. The whole Sonship is safe in unity right now. Thank God that the truth is true and nothing else is true.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
The ego seeks to preserve itself by planning for the future. It attempts to build an illusion of safety with plans that seem to prepare for the future. Sometimes it seems like these plans are attempts to make a future different from the past. Yet because these plans are built upon beliefs and “remembered” experiences from the past, these future plans are simply the past dressed in different images. The ego’s real wish is that the future be like the past, maintaining the illusion of separation is real.

Robert: This is why it is essential that I not attempt to make any plans on my own. It is essential that I remember that of myself I do not know what anything means or what it is for. I need to come to the Holy Spirit with empty hands and an open heart to receive direction for what to do, where to go, what to say and to whom. That direction will always be some form of expression of Love in the world and thus will always be a blessing to me.

I dedicate today to be another day of practice in stepping back and letting Spirit take the lead.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let the Holy Spirit Be Your Interpreter

Holy Spirit to Mary:  Oneness is true. Separation is false. What you see through the body’s eyes is separation. Let the Holy Spirit show you what is beyond what the body’s eyes see. Let the Holy Spirit show you the difference between the real and the unreal.
Let the Holy Spirit lift the veil of separation to the oneness that is really there.

In truth we are one mind. There are no differences between us. There is only one mind. Little “private” minds are just the effect of believing in separation. You are now coming to a point where you are willing to understand that this is true. Today practice stepping back from what the body’s eyes are showing you. Let the Holy Spirit be the interpreter of what you see. Let the Holy Spirit help you rise above to see the Love.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
  Hold the Hand of peace today. Let peace guide your thoughts and your actions. When you walk with peace, it is easy to recognize disturbances as false images to be disregarded as you would a leaf falling to the ground, or a feather drifting by. It has no power to change the peace you are. When you hold the Hand of peace, you join with your Self.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Watch Your Mind for Fear Thoughts

Holy Spirit to Robert:  There is no greater joy than the joy that comes with recognizing your brother as your Self. In that recognition, all defenses are laid down. The exquisite exchange of Love without limit is the experience of Heaven. No barriers appear to stand between you, for there is the full recognition that there is no other, only One. This is the reality of God’s Son and thus this is your reality.

Any other seeming experience comes from a false belief of what you are. It is this false belief that must be carried freely and willingly to the Holy Spirit to be gently and lovingly corrected. Because in that moment you believe in a false idea, you cannot correct it. It needs to be taken to the part of your mind That does not believe it, That knows you as the Son of God. Your willingness to receive His vision opens the door to your return to the joy of Loving.

Self to Annie:
  All of Heaven celebrates whenever anyone is truly helpful in the name of Love.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
  To the ego mind, Love is to be feared. To the ego mind, Love is nauseating. The ego always wants to run away from it. Love is the undoing of the ego and that is why it is so afraid.

Watch your mind for fear thoughts today. Watch what angers you, which is just another way of projecting separation. Watch what you are afraid of. Watch the thoughts and feelings with the Holy Spirit very calmly. Watch closely and let the Holy Spirit do Its healing work in your mind very gently. Watch the fear disappear. Watch the anger disappear. Watch with gratitude.

The Holy Spirit is the healer. Your willingness to watch with the Holy Spirit is your part. Herein lies salvation. Herein lies eternal peace. Herein lies the death of conflict. This is how you wake up to the truth that “nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.”

Holy Spirit to Dorie:
  See only Love, for only Love is true. Truth brings only peace. If you believe yourself to have no peace, then you are mistaken. Look again. See My Love. Be reassured. I hold you in My loving Arms so that you can feel the peace of My truth; the assurance of perfect Love.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accept the Happy Dream

Robert:  I have an image of myself floating on water that completely supports me without any effort on my part. It’s like floating on the Great Salt Lake, without the salt. I feel so supported. I can completely let go. There is no need to effort, just relax. As I relax more deeply, the sense of even being supported by anything different from me fades. I have become one with what supports me. There is nothing to fear. I am joined with absolute strength, absolute peace and I know I am safe.

In that knowing of perfect safety and peace, I feel free to invite everyone to join me. I know that no harm is possible. There is no need to defend, so now I can freely experience the joy of joining with everyone in perfect Love. There is nothing else to experience. There is no wish to experience anything else for the joy is perfectly fulfilling. I rest in this Love in gratitude and peace.

Holy Spirit to Sharyn:
  Letting go, which is the same as forgiveness, will bring you to the happy dream. Letting go of all thought of “I should do this,” or “I want it to go this way,” or “I need this,” or whatever it is, is your only job. This constant letting go releases you and brings you the freedom to realize Who you really are. You deserve, as everyone does, to live the happy dream. Let go and let Me take you there.

Self to Annie:
  The happy dream is everywhere. All you need to do is look with Spirit. He will show you the happiness contained in everything when you look at the Light in everything. There is a sweet reflection of Love in all things that we look upon. The Spirit puts it there to remind you of the Love that you are. He will use everything as a reminder.

Be happy today, because the happy dream is everywhere, because it is in your holy mind. The happy dream is the shared dream. It is the dream contained in joining in Love. The thought of the happy dream will make all hearts joyful, because its Originator is the Spirit of Joy.

The Self calls all to join in this happiness. It can be done right here, right now. You can put your sad dreams aside this very moment and join in the happy dream of the Holy Spirit. This is a blessing that belongs to all of you. Receive it with an open heart and an open mind. This is what is left for you to experience in this world that you have made. What is left is the happy dream. Accept it today. Don’t let it slip away. It is yours.

This morning as I go into a place of quiet, I am shown that my opportunity for today is to look at every thought that floats by with Holy Spirit. With Holy Spirit, the thoughts that are not true are undone or seen as false ideas to forgive or let go of. I see that, as I do this forgiveness all through the day, I am led by the Holy Spirit to the happy dream. I am led to see past illusions of separation to the eternal truth.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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