Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Wake Up to the Freedom of the Butterfly

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let the veil be lifted. The world you see through the body’s eyes is not the truth. The body’s eyes can only show you separation. Do you really want to continue to believe in separation? Inevitably it only brings you pain and sorrow. You want to be able to see past the false stories of separate bodies the ego thought system shows you through the body’s eyes. It promises you pleasure and excitement, but it only brings you pain.

You can lay all this down. You see what you want to see. But you can change your mind about what you want to see. You can let the Holy Spirit, your inner Teacher, lift the veil to show you what is beyond the dream to the timeless truth. You can choose this now. The Holy Spirit shows you the Light of innocence where you once saw guilt and sin. The Holy Spirit shows you unity where you once saw separate bodies and uniqueness. The Holy Spirit shows you eternity where you once saw time.

Today can be the day that you let the veil be lifted. Choose with your true Self now. Here is where all lasting happiness arises. Here is where you are at Home.

When you find your mind wandering, return again to your inner Teacher to be shown the truth. Do it as many times a day as is needed. You are worth the effort. You are in Heaven now and you can remember that this is so. You can move past the caterpillar stage and wake up to the freedom of the butterfly. The choice is yours. Let today be a day of practice in letting the veil be lifted. Here is your resurrection.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
You want to be at peace. You want to be happy. You want to know the Love of God. You cannot experience this state while you believe anything the body’s senses show you. The body is an instrument of illusion designed to exclude Reality.

To experience the state you truly want, you must relinquish all judgment to your inner Teacher. Do not reserve one tiny aspect of the world you perceive for your own judgment. It stands as a wall against what you really want. Let your Teacher be the sole judge on your behalf. He is not deceived by the false witness the body offers. He is not deceived by false images. “He will reinterpret all your see, and all occurrences, each circumstance, and every happening that seems to touch on you in any way from His one frame of reference, wholly unified and sure. And you will see the Love beyond the hate, the constancy in change, the pure in sin, and only Heaven’s blessing on the world.” (W-pI.151.11:2-3)

Let go of the self-inflated belief that you are capable of judgment. You can believe the ego’s judgments, which are all false, but you cannot judge. This is why the only way out of limitation and death is to let God’s Voice judge what is worthy of your belief. Practice stepping back today and following God’s Voice. Only thus will you experience what you truly want.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Escape from Fear

In our reading in A Course in Miracles this morning, we came across a paragraph that defines very succinctly the real reason why all of us are here and what our purpose is every day.

We practice coming nearer to the light in us today. We take our wandering thoughts, and gently bring them back to where they fall in line with all the thoughts we share with God. We will not let them stray. We let the light within our minds direct them [wandering thoughts] to come home. (W-pI.188.9:1-4)

What this means to me is that my real job in the “life” that I appear to be living now is to watch my thoughts — observe them and hand them over to my inner Teacher to be purified of all false ideas. The false ideas show up all through the day and my job as the decision maker is to surrender them to the Holy Spirit, not make them real. How I am applying that currently is that it looks like the property in Kiel may be sold relatively soon. We have several interested parties, but one buyer in particular is going through all the steps to make it happen. As I watch these events unfold, I find myself inwardly having opinions about what I may think is “good” or “bad” about the events. My real job now is simply to observe these thoughts and hand them over to my inner teacher to have them purified.

The Holy Spirit shows me the difference between the real and the unreal. The Holy Spirit shows me that my opinions mean nothing. If I honestly want the Holy Spirit to be in charge, I will be open to the fact that He has a bigger picture of what is in the best interest for all concerned. My job is to not have a ‘will’ of my own. What I think I want means nothing. Accepting this will bring me lasting happiness. When I am willing to remember that I am being carried and let go of the idea of trying to do anything on my own to make anything “happen,” it all works out perfectly for everyone concerned. This is what I am working on now — letting myself be carried and, if I see any opinions popping up, handing them over to be undone. These are the wandering thoughts that this paragraph is talking about in my experience.

I am finding that jumping into the future is not helpful. My job is to accept the peace of God that is within me now. When I truly accept God’s peace, what I need to know shows up naturally when I need to know it.

In the Manual for Teachers, there is a very important message:

The imagined usurping of functions not your own is the basis of fear. The whole world you see reflects the illusion that you have done so, making fear inevitable. To return the function to the One to Whom it belongs is thus the escape from fear. And it is this that lets the memory of love return to you. (M-29.3:6-9)

Early in the Manual for Teachers the Course identifies ten characteristics of God’s teachers. The first, and the foundation for all the rest, is trust. This is not surprising since the ego trusts nothing and no one. Distrust is another word for unforgiveness. Distrust comes from the belief that it is possible to lose or be harmed. Yet what is changeless can neither be lost nor cause harm.

The perception of loss is a projection of the ego thought that separation is possible and has been accomplished. The ego cannot trust because nothing within the ego thought system is stable and therefore nothing is trustworthy. Because of our ingrained identification with the ego, trust seems to be difficult. That is why the Course spells out six stages to the development of trust.

Though we could make a single decision to choose Love and all else would disappear, there is so much fear of loss associated with such a choice that we need to do it in stages. Yet this process is the only meaningful purpose for this life. This is why forgiveness is the cornerstone of awakening. It is forgiveness that clears away the beliefs that seem to justify distrust so that trust can take their place.

Today and every day I must ask myself, “Am I willing to forgive? Am I willing to trust Love?” These questions are the same. Distrust reflects the denial of Love. The wish to plan for protection against an unknown future is a denial of the certainty of Love. I so easily fall into planning on my own that it is clear I have not wholeheartedly answered that I am willing to trust Love.

Today I will practice being mindful for the barriers I have in my mind against Love and turn them over to the One Who knows how to purify them and return to me the Love that is my inheritance.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Lead by Following

Holy Spirit, today I will practice following. Today I would remember that I have a choice — either I am following the ego or I am following You, Holy Spirit. Today I choose to go gently and softly, following Your lead. I choose not to make any decisions on my own. I am willing to step back again and again, and listen for Your Voice. Today I am willing to accept Your gift of peace which is always there, waiting for my acceptance. Today is a day of practice, of letting myself be carried.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
An effective leader is one who follows truth. An effective leader knows that of himself he understands nothing and is willing to let the Truth lead the way. The Truth always leads to the recognition that only Love is real, that there is no separation.

Effective leadership does not come from following the ego’s teaching. Seeking what cannot be found is not leadership. It is simply denial of Truth. The ego’s perception can only be based on past learning. Because the past is an illusion, the ego has truly learned nothing. The leader who follows nothing has denied his leadership.

Today be an effective leader by stepping back and following the One Who sees the truth and nothing else. Thus will you be led to deep peace, quiet joy and eternal Love. This is what you really want. Nothing else will satisfy because nothing else exists. Let today be a day of leading by following.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Heaven Is Here and Now

In our reading of A Course in Miracles this morning, this is what stood out to me: “The emphasis of this course always remains the same;—it is at this moment that complete salvation is offered you, and it is at this moment that you can accept it. This is still your one responsibility. Atonement might be equated with total escape from the past and total lack of interest in the future. Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time.” (M-24.6:1-7)

This really shows me where I have work to do. I am definitely not there yet when it comes to a total lack of interest in the future. Very often I still find myself future oriented, which means that I still have a lot of inner healing to do. My job now is to take it one day at time and open my mind to the truth that complete salvation is offered me right here and now. It all depends on my willingness to receive the truth in the present moment.

My willingness has grown over the years, but obviously I am still getting lessons in accepting the truth right now. That is what this day is for — opening my mind to the truth. And it is available to me right now, this very moment, if I will accept it. I am finding that accepting it comes, not through efforting, but from a melting in, a relaxing, a letting go of what is not true. Then what is true just quietly shows up. Heaven is here as soon as I am willing to become aware of Its presence. It’s been there all along. I was just too busy holding on to my struggles with the world to become aware of It.

Today is another day of lab time. I am willing to observe my thoughts another day and take them to the Holy Spirit to be undone. I am willing to practice accepting the truth that Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time.

When I am in the present moment, joy fills my heart. Love overflows and embraces everyone and everything. There is a deep sense of undisturbable calm. The instant that I think about the future its as if that heavenly feeling never existed. In that thought of the future I have stepped out of the timelessness of now and into the separated world of time. The two states are mutually exclusive. Hell is in the past and future. Heaven is now.

In the dream of time and space, focusing on now seems highly impractical. Indeed it seems terrifying because the need to defend against an uncertain future is so intense. But this perceived need is based on false premises. It is based on the belief in the reality of time and space, of separation. I am grateful that in my mind my loving Creator has placed the means to bridge the seeming chasm between the belief in separation and the reality of timeless oneness.

Because of this Presence in my mind, it is possible to be focused on the present moment in complete safety because this inner Teacher sees the dream but does not believe it, and knows the dreamer is not the dream. Thus my inner Teacher will always lead me step by step, present moment by present moment, into a “future” free of the past. This Teacher will lead me back to the Heaven of now.

Today, right now, I dedicate to holding my focus in the present and letting my inner Teacher take care of the future.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Yourself Be Lifted Up

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Let yourself be lifted up to see the Love that is always there. You cannot do this with the false mind that thinks it is separate and alone. Surrendering, or being willing to let go or forgive all that you have made, is how it is done. When you let go, you open the door for your true Self to do it for you.

Your function now for true success is to forgive or let go. Quit trying to do it on your own. It will not work. Give it up. Instead, put your inner Teacher in the driver’s seat. Let go of all you think you know. Become as a little child and be willing to follow. Soften and relax, knowing that your inner Teacher knows the way that will work.

The truth is that you are Love immersed in Love because only Love is real. But right now you do not know it because you have insisted on thinking on your own. Let go and you will find God. Let go and you will see that all that is real is already yours. Let go and you will see that everyone is already Home, along with you. Let go and let yourself be lifted up to see the Love that is always there.

Today we read in the Text of A Course in Miracles, “…decide against deciding what you want, in recognition that you do not know. …Leave all decisions to the One Who speaks for God, and for your function as He knows it.” (T-14.IV.5:2,4)

If I want to be truly happy, I need to fully accept that of myself I have no clue as to what will make me happy. Happiness cannot be found in any form in the world. Happiness is found only in fulfilling the function given me by God — to extend Love, always. The old habit has been to think that if only circumstances were a certain way, if only a certain person behaved a certain way, if only a desired event happened at my designated time and place in the way I prescribe, then I would be happy. But all these wishes are based on forms in the dream that have no content of their own. They are meaningless of themselves. The mistaken belief that there is value in these forms is what makes it impossible for me to make meaningful decisions on my own.

I really do want to be happy. I really do want the peace of God. I really do want to love my brother as God loves. But believing in a world of images stands as a barrier against allowing this into my experience. All that I really want is already mine, given me by God. To know this I must let go of the barriers. To let go of the barriers there is only one thing to do: Offer them all to the One Who knows what to do with them, my inner Teacher.

So today my practice is to be mindful of my attempts to find happiness in form and offer them to the Holy Spirit. He will help me let go of the mistaken thoughts and recognize the reality of the Love that is in everything I see.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Gentleness and Patience

Holy Spirit, I am willing to let go of my ideas of specialness and individuality. I am willing to accept Your constant gift of peace. I am willing to relax my hold on the body and melt into Your healing Light. Only You, Holy Spirit, only You.

Holy Spirit:
Let the feeling of gentleness and patience settle in and fill every dark corner of fear. Rest in this feeling of gentleness and peace. Let every part of your body relax deeply. It is safe to lay everything down and let go. The Light within you is very gentle and very quiet. Just relax. Just relax. Lay down everything that comes up and let your mind be still.

Just follow and let your true Self be in charge. The experience you feel is beyond words. Permit this awareness of the truth. As you are willing to let go and let God, healing comes of itself. This is your only purpose now. Follow and allow.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
In this world there appears to be a choice between two paths. One is a path of chaos and death; the other is a path of changelessness and Life. Yet only one path is real. The other is a nightmare dream that can have no real effect on What you are. Though you may believe you are on a path of darkness, there is a Light in you that can show you the path of Light in every moment.

Today choose peace and open the door to that Light. Let It guide all your seeing. In this Light, nothing is an adversary. There are no threats to your safety. You see your brothers as part of you in the Self that God created. Each is a blessing and an opportunity to bless. Stay in peace today and let the Light guide you. And it will be a joyful day indeed.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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All Your Problems Have Been Solved

Holy Spirit, right now I am willing to sit still, be quiet, and open to Your healing Light. I focus only on that. I am willing to let the barriers be removed to the presence of Your healing peace. I let the veil be lifted. I relax into the gentle flow of peace that softens everything. I hand over all my thoughts to You. I am willing to accept your mind healing perception. Instead of trying to figure it out on my own, I surrender to Your healing Light. I am willing to see as You see, through the eyes of Christ.

Holy Spirit:
Allow yourself to rest in God. Allow yourself to remember the eternal truth. The one Son of God is still as God created him; still pure, innocent, Light of Love. This is What you are. This is What everyone is. The whole Sonship is the same changeless, eternal Light of Love. This is true and nothing else is true.

The world of separation is a dream. You are safe. Everyone in the world is safe despite their fearful dreams. Awareness of dreaming is the function of God’s teachers. It is the source of their trust. They remember they have everything that is real and are willing to share Reality with all.

Rest in the truth today. And remember that every brother rests with you. Peace returns as you remember this. You are safe. You are innocent. You are loved. You are Home. When you are afraid, let this remembering return to your mind. As you let go of your belief in time, your memory of the eternal returns. Let go and let God. Here you remember that all your problems have been solved. As you are willing to open to the Light, the Light returns to your awareness. This is how you heal and are healed. Rest in this remembering today.

All I really want is the peace of God. All I really want is to be my Self. I thought I wanted specialness, and dream dreams of getting what I want. Yet these dreams are inherently unstable so that no matter how pleasant the dream appears, there is always an underlying fear that it can be lost in an instant.

Within the dream of separation that fear is well founded, but another purpose can be given the dream. All I need do is let the Holy Spirit give the dream His purpose. Then every moment becomes an opportunity to join, to be helpful, to see my brother as myself. The appearance of a brother in fear becomes an opportunity to extend Love. The appearance of fear in me becomes a reminder to once again put the Holy Spirit in charge.

Today I have a big platter in front of me. On it I put all my images of fear, all my images of specialness. Some appear dirty and moldy. Others seem to sparkle and shine. All have fear at their core.

I offer this platter to the Holy Spirit. He accepts it with joy, for in my giving I open the way to receive His gift of God’s peace and happiness. I let the Holy Spirit fulfill His function and we join in gratitude that the changelessness of Love is accepted. The grace of God has held a place for me in the Heart of Heaven. I give thanks.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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