Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Holy Spirit to Robert:
You dedicate each day to following My lead. This willingness is essential to your awakening. But there are unconscious conflicting wishes that cause you to bring the past with you and use it to interpret the present. This causes conflict and uncertainty. This is why a moment to moment dedication to letting go of the past, to forgiving, is an essential practice that opens your mind to My guidance.

I am guiding you in every moment. But when your attention is on the past and you are using it to interpret the present, you are unaware of My guidance. The ongoing willingness to offer all your thoughts to Me for My interpretation and for My release from the past will bring you peace.

Robert: Today I dedicate to offering all my thoughts to the Holy Spirit for His purification. Holy Spirit’s Light shines away the false and returns to me the truth of my perfect safety, perfect peace and perfect Love. Thank you Holy Spirit.

I dedicate this day to be open to receive God’s peace and extend God’s peace. Another way to say this is today is dedicated to letting go and letting God. Letting go requires my willingness not to try to do anything on my own, but to relax and soften and open to receive the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace.

Peace melts away all fear and helps me remember that this world is an illusion. I remember that forgiveness is letting go of belief in the dream. Everyone is safe in the Mind of God. Everyone is still as God created them. I rest in this remembering today.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I Choose the Light

The world is a scary place. Its chaotic and unreliable. Everything is constantly changing. My old habit has been to try to find a circumstance, a situation, a relationship that will give me some sense of safety and protection from this scary world. Hidden behind this searching are beliefs that if I only had a certain amount of money in reserve, if someone would only behave in a certain way, if things would work the way I want them to work, then I would be safe. I’ve tried this approach for 65 years and it has never really worked. Its time to give that up and open my mind to a better way.

There is a place of changelessness and certainty, of safety and of peace. There is a place of joy that can never be disturbed or interrupted. In truth I am in this place now and have never left It. But in dreaming of separation, I have turned my back on It, imagining that I have left it behind and so I seem to be in a world of fear.

To return to full awareness that I am in the Home I have never really left, I need to let go of the vain imaginings that hide the truth from me. That is all. I am grateful that there is a Guide in my mind to help me recognize the fearful imaginings for what they are and help me let them go. This is what I want to and must seek today. This is where I will find the safety, the peace and the happiness that cannot be found in the images of the world.

Holy Spirit, I rest in You today, certain of Your Love and Your gentle guidance, certain of Your strength and grateful for the Light You shine upon the way that leads me Home. I choose the Light today for I would remember that It is my Home.

My mantra for today is “let go and let God.” When I say these words, I am reminded to soften and breathe deeply. I am reminded to let go of what I think is “going on.” This helps me loosen my grip on what I am seeing through the body’s eyes and remember that everything I see through the body’s eyes is but a dream. I am reminded that my inner Teacher is in my mind, waiting to bring me the awareness that I am still as God created me and that nothing has really changed God’s one Son. We all are Love’s extension and nothing else. The feeling of God’s peace gets stronger as I let the veil be lifted.

“Let go and let God” is a very helpful tool for me today to bring me back to the truth when I forget. It brings my mind to a place of inner quiet and rest. I thank the Holy Spirit, my constant Companion, for Its infinite patience with me as I go back and forth between forgetting and remembering. The Holy Spirit is always there to return my mind to the truth, as I am willing to remember.

I love this place of inner calm and quiet. I am grateful for the deep inner peace it brings. I remember that we are all safe in the mind of God and have never left. I remember that there is no world outside my mind. There is no world outside the one Mind of God and I am thankful that this is so. From this place of inner quiet, I may see the stories of traumas and dramas, but I can carry the remembering that they really do not matter and that they will fall gently away as I forgive or let them go through Holy Spirit’s guidance. Thank you Holy Spirit.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Willingness to Return to Love

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Relax. Let go. Hand over the reins. Move in to a place of inner quiet and peace. This place of inner quiet is always there in your mind, welcoming you to rest a while with your inner Teacher. You go to this sacred place in your mind by letting go and welcoming peace and quiet. Let all of your concerns and worries be gently washed away. Be willing to let go. Just melt into God’s peace.

Here in this place of quiet, you relax more deeply and allow yourself to let go more fully… you just lay everything down. You let yourself feel that ocean of peace that comes from your one true Self… You are reminded that everyone is included in this one true Self. At the true Self level, everyone is extending peace to you and you are extending peace to everyone…

You feel held in Love’s soft embrace… and with this comes an awareness that this is true for everyone. Everyone is safe, just as you know that you are… With this comes a knowing that this is eternally true…

You see that all the barriers to the awareness of Love’s Presence are just like a thin veil. You have the choice to focus on the veil and the images that displayed on it or you can let the veil be lifted to know the safety of eternity again…

Let yourself practice letting the veil be lifted today. This is what forgiveness is. This is the willingness to return to Love. Truth is true and nothing else is true. You are learning to let the truth return to your awareness. There is nothing else.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Remember to breathe today. Use this as a means to stay in peace. Let peace guide your way throughout the day. As you allow yourself to be in peace, you hold yourself open to Inspiration. Inspiration will always guide you in the way of peace and in the way of helpfulness to the Sonship. Inspiration will show you the eternal Love behind all appearances. Be in peace today and you will be inspired.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Nothing but Love

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Love joins with Love. There is nothing else to join. Love sees only Love. There is nothing else to see. Love extends only Love. There is nothing else to give. Your Self, the truth about you, is only Love. If you believe you see anything but Love, you are believing in a concept of yourself that is not true.

While you seem to see through the body’s eyes, your function is to offer all the images you see to the Holy Spirit for His interpretation. Judge nothing on your own. Give no meaning to any image on your own. That is the Holy Spirit’s function, not yours. The more you practice making no decisions or interpretations on your own, the easier it will be for you to look past the images to the Love that is everywhere. With the Holy Spirit as your interpreter, every encounter will be a happy joining in Love.

Robert: Today I will make no decisions on my own. This is how I will have a joy-filled day.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Today let yourself remember that you rest in God. Let yourself remember that you are immersed in God’s peace. Relax and let peace in. Let peace do its healing work of undoing the thoughts that are not true. Let go and let God.

As you practice this consistently, you see that this is all that matters. Hand over every concern that comes up to the Light. Let the Light heal your mind.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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An Ocean of Peace

The ego is always in fear. This is because all ego perceptions are illusions and therefore inherently unstable. So the ego is constantly trying to make plans that it believes will protect it and make it happy. This need to plan interferes with my receptivity to the Holy Spirit’s plan that will lead me to true happiness and eternal, changeless Safety.

The habit of planning for safety is so engrained that I slip into it unconsciously many times a day. This is why it is so important to start each day with the dedication to be open to Holy Spirit’s plan and guidance. Yet it is also important to vigilantly monitor my level of peace. If I am not at peace, I am not following Holy Spirit’s plan. This means it’s time to step back, step aside and let Holy Spirit guide.

Returning to peace is essential to letting inspiration lead me in all my doing. The more I practice this, the more fulfilling and productive my day is, without effort. And so today I begin again with the dedication to keep my mind and heart open to the Holy Spirit’s gentle lead.

This morning as many ideas are swirling around in my mind, I watch them and know that I must step back and let the Holy Spirit be my Guide. I must again remember that I know nothing on my own. I need not make decisions based on the past to make me safe.

I take time to open my mind and receive Holy Spirit’s peace. I go through a gradual process of letting everything go. I hand over the reigns to the Holy Spirit. The words come to me, “God is the strength in which I trust.” I soak a while in this remembering until there is only stillness. I let myself rest in God’s peace.

From this place of inner quietness comes a sense of inner security and safety, and knowing that everything is all right. I can let the fears come up. I look at them with Holy Spirit and see that they are shined away in Holy Spirit’s gentle, purifying Light. I am now in a place of no efforting. I feel transported to a beingness that is beyond this world. It feels like being in an ocean of peace. I realize that this is Home where I belong.

From this place of inner quiet, I look on the physical world anew. I see that there is nothing to worry about. The difference between the real and the unreal seems to be so clear in this place of inner quiet. What is truly important seems so clear as I let the barriers dissolve and become aware of the ocean of peace we are all immersed in.

From this place of peace it seems so unimportant to react to the figures in the dream. “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” (A Course in Miracles, Text, Intro. 2:2-4) I feel so thankful right now that we all have the Holy Spirit right in our minds, ready and able to return us to our natural state, as we are willing.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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There Is No Place But Home

There is no place like Home. This statement from the Wizard of Oz could be more accurately phrased: There is no place but Home. This world, the land of Oz, is a fantasy fabricated in our minds, a dream that could never be real. It does not really exist. Learning this is the equivalent of clicking our heals to escape from the dream. All we need to do is learn what is real and what is not. The good news is that we have eternally present in our minds the Teacher Who will help us recognize what is real. But we must be willing to be taught.

The first step in this is to accept the possibility that our interpretations may be wrong. This is a step toward the willingness that opens our mind to the truth. Today I am willing to accept that my interpretations might be wrong. I am willing to let the curtain be pulled back so that I may recognize illusions for what they are and receive the Holy Spirit’s interpretation that leads me to truth. Today I would remember there is no place but Home.

Today we are going to attend a seminar on Internet communications. I ask Holy Spirit to lead me through this day so that I am paying attention to what Holy Spirit wants me to learn. I realize that I am in Holy Spirit’s school, but many times I forget and wander into ego’s dead end streets. So I ask Holy Spirit what would help to keep me connected all through the day.

The answer that arises in my mind is to consistently remember to choose peace all through the day. Choosing peace realigns my mind to accept Holy Spirit’s inner direction. It stimulates moving into a more relaxed state, open to Holy Spirit’s inner promptings. So my willingness to consistently choose peace all through the day is like my lifeline to inner inspiration. Choosing peace consistently through the day helps me remember that I am being carried by Holy Spirit’s plan of awakening.

I am led to awakening from the dream as I am receptive and willing to be taught what is most truly helpful in any moment. As I accept this state of mind, I feel enveloped in deep peace, fully cared for and safe in the Mind of God. I experience a gentleness and can easily recognize the gentle peace that resides in everyone’s mind, whether they are paying attention to it or not.

So today may look like we are going to a conference about the Internet on the outside. But on the inside I am attending Holy Spirit’s conference on enhancing the practice of receiving and extending God’s universal peace. I can’t think of anything more important than this. What an opportunity I have today!

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Inspiration Guide

This weekend, at her “Inspired to Be Truly Helpful” workshop, Rev. Mary Lenihan introduced the thought: “Step back. Step aside. Let Inspiration guide.” This simple focus is the key to living in Light. Light and peace go together. This simple practice clears the way for Inspiration in every moment. This is my practice today.

This morning, many ideas were swirling in my mind. At Mary Lenihans workshop we met or heard about 2 key people who could possibly play an important part in our new venture in Florida. This morning when I go to the Holy Spirit, I am asked to surrender all of my ideas to God. Put them on God’s Altar. What is useful will stay and what is not truly helpful will disappear in the Light.

In this inner place of peace and quietness, I am gently reminded again that as we all allow Holy Spirit’s plan to unfold, moment by moment, we are brought to an awareness of the truth that we are one Light and there is no distance between us. The Holy Spirit knows all the connections that need to be made in the dream. My job is to continuously step back and follow where peace leads me, moment by moment. My job is to let go and let God all through this day. I am reminded, “The memory of God comes to the quiet mind.” (A Course in Miracles, T-23.I.1:1)

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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