Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Take Timeouts

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Remember always, you are being carried because, no matter what you imagine, you remain safe in the Heart of God. God has given you all of Himself. You need nothing else. While you believe you are in a world of need, you will be given in form all the things you need that will carry you toward your full awakening to your freedom.

Because the Holy Spirit always has your best interests in mind, He will not bring you what would keep you bound to the world of separation. But with your willingness, He will use all things in this world on behalf of your awakening. Your only job is to be vigilant for God, which means to be vigilant to recognize the barriers you have made against Him and offer them to the Holy Spirit to be undone.

Of yourself you cannot undo them because you made them and believe in them. But the Light of the Holy Spirit will shine on them, dissolving the illusion and returning your mind to the truth. You need only welcome the Holy Spirit’s Light, rather than defend against it. When you make plans on your own, you are defending against the Light. When you are willing to be carried, you accept the Light and the Light will set you free.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
All is one. All has been one, and all will always be one. In truth there has been no change in What always IS. God is. Love is. There is nothing else.

As you go through your day today, take little timeouts from your activities and let yourself be reminded again and again of this truth. It will be like a mind clearing that helps eliminate the clutter. It helps you remember God and that is what your purpose is — to return to God and remember you have never left. Your mind is part of God’s. You are very holy. Let your barriers to accepting Love as It is be laid down today. That is what time is for.

God is. Love is. There is nothing else. Let your awareness of Love’s Presence return to your mind. You are returning to your Self. This is what “let go and let God” means. Let go and let God today.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Rest in the Stillness

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Be patient. Hand over your mind to the Holy Spirit’s healing Light. Let the Holy Spirit shine the Light on all your concerns. Give time to letting go and letting God. Relax deeply receive the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace. Your inner Comforter is there in your mind waiting to bring you a deep feeling of rest and the remembrance that all is well. All is still as God created it.

Give yourself time to rest in the stillness. Let God’s peace fill every corner of your mind. Being open to receiving the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace is your job. The Holy Spirit then can take it from there. Let yourself be led be receiving God’s peace today.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Pay attention to how you feel in every moment. Do you feel a sense of quiet certainty of your safety and your strength? Then you are letting peace lead the way. Do you feel any sense of concern? Are you thinking about what may come in the future or what has happened in the past? Then you are following the ego thought system that blinds you to the gifts of God that are already yours.

Step back. Let the Holy Spirit shine away the shadows of loneliness and separation, of fear and guilt. Let His Comfort return you to the peace that is yours. In peace all your concerns are resolved. In peace each moment is a demonstration that you are safe, that you are innocent, that you are loved. And by your experience you demonstrate it to all your brothers. As you teach yourself, you teach the world that the strength and peace of God are shining in you now.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Paper Bag

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Remember that in truth you rest in God today. Remember that in truth everyone rests in God eternally.

Allowing this truth to return to your mind changes the way you think and your behavior always comes from the way you think, rather than the other way around. Practice being open to receive the truth today. Ask the Holy Spirit often for the truth. You are learning to develop a new habit. You are practicing becoming as a little child and receiving the truth from the Holy Spirit. When you think you already know, the truth is not known to you. Hold Holy Spirit’s hand all through the day and follow.

The ego could not fight its way out of a paper bag because it wants the bag to be an invincible barrier. It sees the bag as its protection and safety and does not want to recognize its flimsiness. Rather, it tries to make believe that this thin paper is a stone wall that could never be breached.

I’m grateful that A Course in Miracles teaches that we have a Guide in our minds given us by God that is there to help us recognize that not only is that barrier not made of stone, it is made of nothing. It is not really a barrier at all. It is only a mistaken belief to be corrected. In Love and tenderness this Guide leads us to let go of the mistaken beliefs that bind us. It leads us to the freedom and peace given us by our Creator.

Seeing a problem, a financial barrier, a difficult relationship, a health issue or any other seeming disturbance as difficult to resolve is simply a reflection of the ego’s need to make it real in its defense against the truth. By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit does not believe in these mistaken ideas. Yet it can and does help us to let these ideas go so that we can return to the Home where we belong and have never truly left.

So whatever I perceive in front of me in the world is an opportunity for me to open my mind to the Holy Spirit’s interpretation and inspiration. With the Holy Spirit it becomes a learning opportunity in which I can learn what is real and what is not. So all the things that seem to be in front of me are simply a means for awakening. I open my mind and heart today to the Holy Spirit’s loving lessons.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Peace of God Is My One Goal

Follow, follow, follow. This is my lesson du jour. It is an ongoing lesson that will be the core focus for the rest of my life. It seems to be a challenging lesson because of a long established habit of thinking I know what to do on my own. This is simply the acting out of the ego’s prime tenet: seek and do not find.

Attempting to make plans on my own is really just a way of avoiding God’s Love. Thinking I know anything in the world closes the door to Holy Spirit’s inspiration. It blinds me to signals the Holy Spirit offers, not only in my thoughts, but through words and actions of others and through events. The ego thinks its boring not to try to make plans and to step back and follow. It believes it would lose control, which it would. That’s a good thing, contrary to the ego’s insistent protests in my mind.

Safety does not come through the ego’s plans. Safety comes with accepting my Home in Love. There is no other safety. Today is another day to practice stepping back and letting Spirit lead the way.

Today it is important to remember that “The peace of God is everything I want. The peace of God is my one goal; the aim of all my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my life, while I abide where I am not at Home.” (Lesson 205. W-pI.205.1:2-3)

Choosing peace and allowing peace to fill my heart and mind is my anchor to allowing the truth to return to my mind. In this inner sacred place of peace, the Holy Spirit is given the opportunity to clear the cobwebs that block clear vision. Choosing peace is the same as handing the reins over to the Holy Spirit. I feel strongly that this is all that I need to focus on today. Then all that I need to remember will be given me.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Peace Lead the Way

It has been interesting this morning to observe my thoughts. The ego has presented me with myriad questions, such as: What if… ? When will… ? How should I… ? How do I know… ?  These are all forms of the ego attempting to plan and make decisions on its own.

As I recognized what was going on, I had a good inner laugh at the ego’s antics. I passed on the questions to the Holy Spirit. The ego believes in relying on its little self and does not believe the Holy Spirit knows how to answer these questions. Exclusion is the ego’s rule, so of course it would exclude the Holy Spirit. But this way of thinking is a closed box that would keep me locked in a world of separation, isolation and limitation. This need not be.

A Course in Miracles tells us that the Holy Spirit sees what we see but does not believe it. Thus the Holy Spirit offers us a bridge out of the box of isolation into the freedom and peace of eternal Love. I can experience this freedom as I learn to laugh at the ego’s antics and choose to make no judgments, have no opinions of my own. As I choose to let Holy Spirit decide all things on my behalf, I choose the path to freedom. I choose to step out of the ego’s cubicle mind. I choose the Home that is my own in truth.

Today I will practice turning over all my questions to the Holy Spirit with an open mind to receive His wise and loving guidance. This is how I will awaken to the Self God created as His Son.

Yesterday we spent four hours with a builder regarding a property that is about 50 minutes north of the Orlando airport. The property is very unusual, in that the building is 10,000 sq. ft. and was built as a retreat place for missionaries of a church. It is about half finished. The builder needs to sell because of the downturn in the economy.

The property seems as though it was built for Pathways. It has a very large meeting room with several individual bedrooms with private baths. It is very private and completely enclosed by beautiful woods. It is also very close to hotels and restaurants, so many people could stay nearby while attending workshops.

The thing is that it is unfinished and would require an extensive amount of work to make it usable. We asked the builder to give us a detailed quote on what it would take to complete the work while staying within our budget. We do not know if this is feasible, but it certainly would be a beautiful location for Pathways of Light gatherings and events. It would also be great for people to take private retreats to spend time with God and rejuvenate.

After the four hours of going over every part of the facility with the builder, our heads were very full of details that are outside of our range of experience. Before going to sleep last night, we asked Spirit for insight into how we should proceed. This morning we do not have any definite answers, but we know that our job now is to step back and choose peace, and to remember that we are being carried.

The answers will come as we need them. Our job is to trust and follow. Our job is to hand over our questions to the Holy Spirit rather than to the ego. Our job is to let ourselves be led and not make decisions on our own. Our job is to choose peace and let peace lead the way. We are definitely getting a good opportunity to practice. We will keep you in touch with developments as they unfold.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Carried by Love

This morning as I read A Course in Miracles and then go in quiet to the Holy Spirit, I am reminded to stay in the present moment. I am reminded to remember the eternal now. As I do this there is a growing feeling of peace and that all is well. I remember that I don’t have to try to figure out or do anything on my own because on my own I know nothing.

In the eternal now I am being carried. In the eternal now I rest in God. I can let go of the past and the future and be content to be right here, right now with God’s peace.

This is my opportunity today. In God’s quietness is every problem quietly resolved. In God’s quietness, I remember that there are no problems. There is only Love right now. I choose to let myself be carried by Love today. Simple, uncomplicated Love is all I need to receive and give.

There can be no conflict in Love because Love is one. Since only Love is real, if I perceive conflict, it is because I am seeing something that is not there. In Love there is no adversary, no “other.” I honor Love by seeing the Love in my brother. I teach myself that I am Love by seeing the Love in my brother.

Love is always extending Itself because that is Its nature. To be Love and have Love, I must extend Love. Today I choose to walk in Love and let Love show me the Love that is everywhere. As I see Love, I will experience the joy of Love, the peace of Love, the safety of Love, the certainty of Love. Today I choose to walk in Love and remember God.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Receive Peace; Extend Peace.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Fear is always of the ego. Any sense of uneasiness, anxiety, worry or concern is a form of fear. Give these thoughts to Me. Let Me wash them free of guilt and return to you the limitless Love that is God’s gift. He created you without limits because He would not limit Himself.

The world was made by the ego to make limits (separation) appear real. But you can transcend the experience of limitation even as the body’s eyes appear to show you limitation. You experience freedom as you learn not to believe that there is any truth in what the body’s eyes show you.

Walk with Me today. Share My vision. I will show you the limitlessness beyond all images. I will show you the Love that is everywhere. You will learn of the Love you are. Share My vision and feel your freedom.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Remember that I am with you all through the day. I am in your mind, extending peace. As you open to My gift of peace, you will naturally extend the peace you receive. As you go through your day, focus on keeping your mind to receiving the continuous flow of peace that is yours to receive and extend. Keep today very simple by practicing only this. Receive peace; extend peace.

© 2009, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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