Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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A Happy, Light-Filled Journey

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Be willing today to allow yourself to realize that everything you see through the body’s eyes is merely image-making. This practice will soften your hold on thinking that this dream of separation is real. This practice will help you hear the song of Heaven and feel the presence of God’s eternal peace.

Giving yourself the time to recognize that all the body’s senses are there just to perceive separation softens your belief in death. It helps to let the veil be lifted so that you can see through the eyes of Christ. The sights of the world grow dim as awareness of eternity draws near. You still see the world but you don’t take it so seriously. Your natural inner joy rises to the surface and you laugh easily.

You know your purpose here is to share the awareness of the one Son’s innocence with everyone. This journey is happy and fulfilling. You see Love everywhere and celebrate the truth that nothing has happened to change God’s one Son. This is your practice today. Enjoy!

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Follow the Light of Love in all your doing today. Let It guide your way. All forms in the world will reflect the Light of Love when you follow Its lead. All your doing becomes a blessing to all, including you. All your thoughts bring the blessing of Love with them as you follow Love’s Light. Let this be your focus today and you will have a Light-filled day.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Rest in Love

Today my practice is to remember that I rest in God. I rest in universal Love. Because time is an illusion, I rest in Love eternally. I am as Love created me and so is everyone I perceive in the dream. This is my practice today, to return this truth again and again and again today. I rest in God. I rest in Love, as Love.

In the dream it appears as if I have many things to do today. As I am willing to remember that I rest in Love, I can take each thing as it comes and still do it, remembering all the while that I rest in Love. If I am willing, this practice can smooth out my day. This practice can help me return to the truth if I find myself getting caught up in thinking anything should be different than the way it shows up in the dream. This practice brings me peace and a sense of gentleness and comfort.

I rest in God. I rest in Love. And everyone rests there with me. Oh what happiness this remembering brings!

Holy Spirit to Robert:
It is impossible to be absent from Love, though it is possible to be unaware of It. The belief in separation brings fear with it because it is the belief in being without Love. Believing you are without Love, you do not recognize it, though it is everywhere to be seen and experienced.

If you perceive someone as unloving or afraid of Love, it is simply a symbol of the belief that it is possible to be without Love. The antidote is always Love. Your function is to extend Love. It is not your function to determine the form in which to extend It in the dream of form. Of yourself you cannot know what would be helpful. Let the Holy Spirit direct the form while you remember that you remain as Love created you.

If you believe that it is your job to correct a brother, you are attempting to take on a function that is not yours. Your only function is to Love. In the dream of forms, that function is reflected as forgiveness, letting go of the past, letting go of judgment. Focus on this with an open heart and let Me guide your expression of forgiveness and Love in the dream of form. Joined with Me, we are truly helpful in the awakening.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Forgiven World

Holy Spirit to Mary:
You can remember that the past is gone and that you are in Heaven now. The way you do this is to hand over all your thoughts to Me. I will show you the difference between the real and the unreal. As you see separation’s unreality, peace will return to your conflicted mind. You need no longer struggle with illusions. Just hand them over and be open to receiving the truth.

The Light has come. As you allow the veil to be lifted, the truth that is always there is allowed to return to your mind. Fear disappears and what is true remains. The Love and peace of God are true for eternity and you along with every brother deserve to return to what is true. Let today be a day of practice in allowing Me to return your mind to what is forever true. Forgiveness is the means. Let that time be now.

What stood out to me today as we read A Course in Miracles, Chapter 17, Section II. The Forgiven World, was this:

The real world is attained simply by the complete forgiveness of the old, the world you see without forgiveness. The Great Transformer of perception will undertake with you the careful searching of the mind that made this world, and uncover to you the seeming reasons for your making it. In the light of the real reason that He brings, as you follow Him, He will show you that there is no reason here at all. (T-17.II.5:1-3)

This makes it very clear to me that to experience the real world of complete forgiveness, I need the real reason that the Holy Spirit brings. Within the thought system of separation there is no reason. So while I am aligned with the thought of separation, I have no reason to use for forgiveness. If I attempt to search my mind on my own, it simply becomes the ego examining itself. Then this self-examination is used for self-judgment, since that is all the ego does.

Forgiveness requires the help of the Holy Spirit. As I am willing to bring all my thoughts and perceptions to the Holy Spirit, He will work with me to show me the mistaken ideas and uncover the seeming reasons on which these perceptions are based. As I allow myself to accept His real reason, I will learn that there is no reason for any of my perceptions. With this recognition, these perceptions will be easily let go, making way for perception of the real world. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for being ever present, ready to offer your kind and gentle transformation.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting Happiness

In our morning reading, we read A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 105. What stood out to me was this:

As Heaven’s peace and joy intensify when you accept them as God’s gift to you, so does the joy of your Creator grow when you accept His joy and peace as yours. True giving is creation. It extends the limitless to the unlimited, eternity to timelessness, and love unto itself. It adds to all that is complete already, not in simple terms of adding more, for that implies that it was less before. It adds by letting what cannot contain itself fulfill its aim of giving everything it has away, securing it forever for itself. (W-pI.105.4)

I am seeing that it is my job to accept the peace and joy that is extended to me by God, and that inherent in receiving His gift is extending it. Receiving and extending God’s peace and joy is a pretty happy job. The ego’s “gifts” always lead to sorrow, depression and pain. Hmmm. Let me think… Which gifts do I choose to accept today, the ego’s or God’s? Putting it that way, it seems obvious that the way to true and everlasting happiness is to accept God’s gifts instead of the ego’s.

My prayer is that I practice accepting God’s gifts of peace and joy today and, like the ripples on the water, that I let them extend to everyone I meet or think of today. I choose to accept the happiness God gives me today. What a nice job to have.

Forgiveness is the key to happiness. It is unforgiveness that refuses to accept God’s gifts. Judgment stands as a barrier to the awareness of Love’s presence. So every situation in my life offers me another opportunity to either recognize the gift of Love or to recognize a barrier I have put up against it. Thus every moment is a gift. I’m always free to accept the gift.

Today is a day filled with blessing opportunities. With Holy Spirit’s help I will accept the gift offered me in each moment.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Peace of Your True Self

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Every day can be a restful day. When you place your trust in God, you will be at rest because you will be accepting God’s peace.

The ego does not trust God because it sees God as its enemy. So when you align yourself with the ego, rest is impossible. Your experience becomes a string of problems and challenges to be overcome. The last thing the ego wants is the peace of God, because the full acceptance of God’s peace would be the end of the ego. So when you align yourself with the ego you are choosing against rest and for conflict. This is indeed very wearying.

Today practice stepping back into peace in all your doing. It is indeed possible to be in the middle of the appearance of chaos while being centered in peace. Peace is your natural state. The practice of stepping back into peace is the practice of remembering your Self. In this dream world there will always be temptation to perceive images as real, even for the most advanced teacher of God. Your job in the journey of awakening is to recognize the temptation and step back into peace. In peace you are able to see and accept the true perception that will show you where real meaning lies.

Step back and rest in God today.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
What do you really need? Your real need in every situation is to remember the truth about yourself and others that appear to be around you in the dream. Your real need is to return to the truth that you are Love and nothing else, and that everyone is Love and nothing else.

As you go through your day today, ask yourself frequently, “What is my real need?” Then step back and let your true Self give you the answer. Let yourself rest in the peace and comfort of your true Self. Let the simple, uncomplicated Love that you are very gently return to your awareness and you will see that all your real needs are being met right now. And gratitude will fill your heart and mind.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Care and Support Surrounds You

Holy Spirit to Robert:
From the image you think you are you cannot comprehend the care and support that surrounds you. Through the perception of this self-image, you see images of limitation, lack and vulnerability. Believing these images, you think you need to plan for your protection and safety.

All this worry and concern comes from a belief that you are not as God created you. Yet what God created is unchangeable, like Himself. You are invulnerable. You carry within you all the Love and strength of God. And this Love joins you with All that Is. There is nothing outside of Love, nothing outside of You.

Open your heart… Bathe in the loving peace that surrounds you and is you… Offer this loving peace to everyone you meet or think of… Offer this Love and peace to the images you perceive…

With this practice the seeming density of these images will fade and the Light of Love will shine through more and more brightly. The world you perceive will glow more brightly as you accept the Love that is given you, that is you. The Light has come.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
The choice you have today is between your judging what anything means on your own or letting the Holy Spirit bring you Christ’s vision. Practice stepping back, pausing and being open to the vision the Holy Spirit will bring you as you are willing. Today, practice opening to Holy Spirit’s perspective as often as you can. Step back and listen. You will be glad you did.

Receiving the Holy Spirit’s perspective consistently is what brings you true happiness and joy. And this is also how you can be of greatest service to every person you meet today. Enjoy your practice. It is worth the vigilance.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Our One Assignment

This morning we read in A Course in Miracles, Manual for Teachers , section 27: “What is death?” (pages 66-67) What stood out to me was this:

Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part. Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you. What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion. Now it becomes your task to let the illusion be carried to the truth. Be steadfast but in this; be not deceived by the “reality” of any changing form. Truth neither moves, nor wavers, nor sinks down to death and dissolution. And what is the end of death? Nothing but this; the realization that the Son of God is guiltless now and forever. (M-27.7:1-8)

Here I am being told that I have one assignment and that is to let illusion be carried to truth. This is what forgiveness is. Letting go of belief in separate bodies is my one assignment. Jesus tells us that there is only one problem and one solution. The problem is the belief in separate bodies and the solution is to forgive this belief or let it go.

I cannot do this alone. I need the clarity of Holy Spirit to show me that all illusions of separate forms are equally untrue. My part is to be willing to hand my perception of every form of separation to the Holy Spirit, where it will be undone for me. Each perception of separation is a barrier to my awareness of Love’s Presence. My job is to not keep these perceptions and make them real, but to be willing for the Holy Spirit to once again show me that only Love is real.

This is my practice for today — to forgive the world from what I ever thought it was, and let my mind be healed of belief in separation. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit is right there in my mind to help me remember to laugh at the ego’s foolish belief in separation. And I give thanks.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Do not use time to make the world seem real and stand as a barrier against Love’s Presence. Time is a mechanism of separation made by the ego. If you feel rushed, hurried or impatient, you have decided time is real. Step back and offer this thought and feeling to the Holy Spirit. Open your heart and mind to the Holy Spirit’s peace.

Nothing that disturbs your peace is worthy of you, God’s holy Son. God’s will for you is perfect peace and He has deemed you worthy of it. Walk in peace today and you will experience Love’s Presence in each now moment.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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