Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Release from Fear

In our reading in A Course in Miracles this morning, this is what stood out to me:

The guiltless have no fear, for they are safe and recognize their safety. They do not appeal to magic, nor invent escapes from fancied threats without reality. They rest in quiet certainty that they will do what is given them to do. They do not doubt their own ability because they know their function will be filled completely in the perfect time and place. (W-pI.98.3:1-4)

This was the perfect message for me to hear. Fear thoughts came up for me last night and they seemed very real at the time. This reminds me that I need not ‘invent escapes from fancied threats without reality.’ This reminds me that we are all safe in the Heart of God and have not left God’s Mind. Once again, I willingly open my mind to Holy Spirit’s healing Light because keeping fear thoughts is not the answer. Quiet openness to my inner Teacher is the answer to every fear thought that comes up. I continue the practice through the day to accept my part in God’s plan for salvation by letting go of the insanity of belief in separation from God.

When I believe I am separate and alone, I am denying the strength of God in me and fear is inevitable. Because the body’s eyes were made to make the appearance of separation seem real, it is essential that I learn not to believe what the body’s eyes see. This is not a lesson I can teach myself because when I believe I am separate, all I can teach is separation.

But my inner Teacher is ever present in my mind and does not believe in separation at all. This is the teacher I must pay attention to if I would learn of my real strength, the strength I have in God. The daily minute-by-minute practice of paying attention to the Holy Spirit’s lesson in each situation is the way out of hell. It is the way to learn of the safety, happiness and peace that is God’s eternal gift to all.

I am grateful for the moments when I do remember to pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s vision. My attention still gets attracted to the world’s images but I more quickly now bring my attention back to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit always guides me with gentleness and patience and always shows me that I am safe and innocent and loved. He always shows me that I remain at Home. And I give thanks.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Overlook the World

What do I want to see? What do I want to be real? These are the same question. Do I want a world of separate bodies that are vulnerable and must inevitably die? Do I want a world where happiness depends on fleeting images and temporary relationships that never last? Or do I want a world that is changeless, eternally loving and safe, where happiness is constant and peace is eternal? This is reality, but it escapes my awareness when I deny it in favor of a world of images I make up that seem to separate me from my Source. It all comes down to what I think has value.

I seem to be in this dream of a world because I thought it had something I wanted. I am learning that the appearance of value was simply smoke and mirrors, a sleight of hand that denies What I am and makes the joy of Love invisible to me. This illusion of a world can never bring me the happiness and Love I seek.

To return to what I really want I must practice questioning every value I see in the world. I need to take every perception to the Holy Spirit in my mind with a willingness to see it anew. When I am willing, the Holy Spirit will return my perception to me washed clean of false ideas and shining in the reality of Love. The Light of Love will show me the Light that is everywhere to be recognized. This is what I really want. This is how I will awaken. Today is another day of practice bringing all my perceptions to the Holy Spirit that I may see as He sees.

What is today for? Today is another opportunity to forgive the world for all I thought it was. In A Course in Miracles Text, Chapter 9, Section IV we are told, “To forgive is to overlook. Look, then, beyond error and do not let your perception rest upon it, for you will believe what your perception holds. Accept as true only what your brother is, if you would know yourself. Perceive what he is not and you cannot know what you are, because you see him falsely. Remember always that your Identity is shared, and that Its sharing is Its reality.” (T-9.IV.1:2-6)

My brother is still as God created him. My brother is the one Christ Mind Which we all share. I have an opportunity today to practice overlooking illusions and allowing the truth to be shown to me by the Holy Spirit. If I am willing to be honest, the Light of God is all there is to see. I choose to see the truth in every brother today. I choose to practice overlooking illusions in order to see the truth about every brother today.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Transcending the Laws of Time

Mary & Robert:
This morning we were guided to a prayer in A Course in Miracles that states perfectly our practice for today:

Father, I wake today with miracles correcting my perception of all things. And so begins the day I share with You as I will share eternity, for time has stepped aside today. I do not seek the things of time, and so I will not look upon them. What I seek today transcends all laws of time and things perceived in time. I would forget all things except Your Love. I would abide in You, and know no laws except Your law of love. And I would find the peace which You created for Your Son, forgetting all the foolish toys I made as I behold Your glory and my own. (W-pII.346.1)

We can accept God’s peace all through the day as our willingness permits. This is our focus for today.

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From the Unreal to the Real

In this morning’s reading of A Course in Miracles, I was reminded once again of the insanity of believing in a world of separation. God’s Will is Oneness and separation is not His Will. My practice today is to pay attention to when I am joining with the thought system of separation — the thought system of madness. Any time I blame anything that I think is outside my mind, I have joined the madness. The way out of this insanity is to step back in my mind again and again, and go in quiet to my inner Teacher. In this holy place in my mind, I accept the calmness and peace that bring me to a place of accepting a correction of my perception. The world that I have thought was real is not what is true.

As I am willing to be in this receptive place of quiet and peace, I am brought to the awareness that only God’s Kingdom of Oneness is real. I am brought to the awareness that this world I see through the body’s eyes is not the Kingdom of God, and therefore not my real Home. A world of separate bodies is just a world of insanity and nothing more.

As I continue to take each insane thought to my inner Teacher to be undone, fear is dissolved and replaced by Holy Spirit’s perception of gentleness and peace. I remember that everyone is safe and is the same Light of Love that I am. I am reminded once again to look for the truth in every brother — to look for the eternal, pure Light of Love that is there in every brother, beyond the insanity of separation and differences.

I am reminded once again that I may get lost in believing the stories many times, but I always have that inner place of peace and gentleness within my mind where I find the Holy Spirit’s correction for every false idea. This may take time, but that is what time is for now. Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still. Only the Thought of God’s oneness in Love is real. I can safely let go of anything else.

Today I focus on letting the Holy Spirit guide all my perception. He will show me the Love beyond all form. Thus will I learn to give greater value to Love’s vision, looking past the images the body perceives. This is how I learn to forgive all things in the world and let Love flow across my mind in gentleness and peace. This is what I really want.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Seeing the Truth in My Brother

This morning we read “The Obstacles to Peace” on Text page 406 of A Course in Miracles. What stood out to me was this: “The extension of the Holy Spirit’s purpose from your relationship to others, to bring them gently in, is the way in which He will bring means and goal in line. The peace He lay, deep within you and your brother, will quietly extend to every aspect of your life, surrounding you and your brother with glowing happiness and the calm awareness of complete protection.” (T-19.IV.1:5-6)

My practice today is to give the time to accept the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace. As I accept peace, I help every brother because in truth we are joined in one mind. We are not limited by bodies. We are connected with every mind. In being willing to join with peace, I become aware of my complete protection. I also become aware that this is true about every brother. This is how I carry the message of Love and safety and freedom to everyone. But to do this, I must accept the peace that is being given to me all through the day. This is my purpose now and I give thanks.

Nothing can disturb my peace unless I believe I am not my Self. It is interesting that when we see someone who is acting insanely, we say, “He’s just not himself.” This could be truthfully said of all of us who believe we are in this world. It is helpful to remember this when it appears that someone has done something that is disturbing to me. What the behavior appears to be does not represent my brother. It is a false image that substitutes for and hides the reality of my brother and my Self.

Today is a day to practice remembering that any disturbance is simply pointing out to me where I believe that I am not my Self, that I am not one with the Love of God. As I recognize this, I can bring this mistaken thought to the Holy Spirit for His gentle correction. His correction will show me the one Self we share, the innocence and the Love that is my brother and my Self.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I Will Forgive…

All I really want to do is to wake up from the dream of separation. There is no value in anything else. Yet it is clear that part of my mind hasn’t gotten the memo. I still get wrapped up in plans and reacting to circumstances. But there is a response that I can use whenever the part of my mind that still sees value in the dream seems to be in charge. To every apprehension, concern or disruption of my peace, there is a simple response: “I will forgive, and this will disappear.” (A Course in Miracles W-pI.193.13:3)

A very simple statement to remember and apply throughout the day. The more I remember to apply this, the happier I am because my battle against God is diminishing. And instead of being afraid of happiness and Love, I welcome It more and more. Today I have an opportunity to have a happy day as I remember that when I forgive, the image of separation disappears and Love shines forth.

Today my practice is to let the veil be lifted so that I can see the face of Christ everywhere. What I desire to see I will see. My desire is to see the face of Christ today. This is what brings me happiness and peace. And I give thanks.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Letting Go

Happiness is a direct effect of forgiveness, just as depression is a direct result of judgment. To be happy, I need to be single-mindedly dedicated to letting go of all I think the world is. It’s really very simple. What seems to make it complicated is my unwillingness to reconsider the importance I have given to my judgments. At the core, the importance comes from the desire for specialness. But the desire for specialness only leads to judgment and depression. It is not bringing me what I really want.

Every day I need to rededicate to letting go of my judgments and opening my mind to the Holy Spirit’s loving correction of my mistaken beliefs. The need for rededication only comes up because I return to old habits of believing in separation. Holy Spirit accepted my initial decision to learn to undo the mistaken beliefs that are reflected in the world I perceive. Thus the Holy Spirit sees every moment, every circumstance, as a teaching opportunity to help me achieve the goal initially set.

But when I fall back into old habits, I turn my back on the lessons He offers. So each day as I rededicate to the purpose of forgiveness, I am reminding myself of a decision I already made that was accepted by the Holy Spirit. I am grateful for another day to practice turning all my judgments over to the Holy Spirit to receive His happy replacement in their place. Today is another opportunity to move a step closer to the happiness God wills for me.

I dedicate today to letting go of my perceptions of a world of separation. I dedicate today to handing over these perceptions to the Holy Spirit. If I am willing, the Holy Spirit will replace these thoughts of separate bodies with a new perception.

The Holy Spirit lifts the veil to show me the eternal Light beyond the world of separate dreams. The Holy Spirit shows me the eternal Love behind the constantly changing world of specialness. The Holy Spirit shows me the safety and peace that is ours as we willingly let go of false dreams that are not true. Today is dedicated to receiving Holy Spirit’s replacement for dreams of fear and struggle. I am willing to receive Holy Spirit’s happy replacement for what never was.

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