Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Remembering Limitless Love

I want to remember that I am loved with limitless Love. I want to recognize that limitless Love everywhere and in everyone. I want to live in the joy of extending Love without limit.

There is only one thing that stands between what I seem to experience now and the limitless experience of Love: Holding grievances (judgments) of any kind. And so I ask the Holy Spirit’s help to recognize that all grievances are baseless in reality and therefore have no foundation nor truth. I want to see with Christ’s forgiving vision because I want to remember God’s joyous gift of perfect Love.

Right now my prayer is to accept Holy Spirit’s peace… As I truly ask for peace, I do receive it… The healing Light of peace lifts the fearful cloud of ego thoughts and helps me remember that I am still as God created me… I remember that this is true for every brother, for we are one and not separate…

Everyone is immersed in the truth of God’s Love and is still safe as God created him… Through the eyes of peace I see that nothing has happened to change God’s one Son… Truth is true and nothing else is true… God is but Love and therefore so is His one united Son.

Love is. God is. Accepting God’s peace brings with it the awareness that only Love is real. This awareness is the powerful and healing gift that accepting Holy Spirit’s peace brings.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Using the Dream for the Purpose of Awakening

As I write this, it seems that I am in a world of form. I seem to be in a body, looking out upon a world of earth and sky, bodies and buildings. I understand that this is a dream, yet the challenge seems to be to step back from the dream and let the Holy Spirit take the lead. In today’s reading of A Course in Miracles, this prayer stood out to me, “Let me, then, use this dream to help Your plan that we awaken from all dreams we made.” (W-pII.294.2:3)

This helps clarify my focus as I go through the day. All my doing is dedicated to helping God’s plan for our awakening. This is all that really matters. It does not mean that I need to deny the fact that I appear to be in a body in a world of form. But it gives a holy purpose to every form and every activity because I use it for the one function that leads out of the dream. That’s all I really want. I want to forgive the world. I want to forgive myself. I want to forgive God and accept His joyful gift of changeless Love. This is my prayer today: Let me use this dream to help God’s plan of awakening.

The Light of God is shining in me now. It is my opportunity today to accept that Light and extend it to all. Light recognizes only Light. My opportunity today is to see the Light in everyone I encounter or even think of. My practice is to let the truth return to my mind today. With the truth comes peace and simple, uncomplicated Love. I choose to receive the truth of Love’s oneness today.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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See the Light in Every Brother and Recognize Your Self

See the Light in Every Brother and Recognize Your Self
Today is another day of practice stepping back and letting Him lead the way. As I open my mind to Holy Spirit’s inspiration through the day, I am reminded that I, along with every brother, am safe in Heaven right now. I am quietly reminded to accept God’s peace and extend it to the world. I am quietly reminded to see the Light in every brother. This practice brings me a very fulfilling and happy day.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
All forms of judgment, be they outwardly expressed or held in your mind, are grievances against God, your Source. They are mechanisms for maintaining the perception that you are separate from God. Remember that how you perceive a brother is how your perceive your Creator. This is why it is essential that you learn to recognize the forms of judgment you use against your brothers, for they stand between you and the recognition of your Self as Love created It. Judgment serves the ego. Forgiveness and release serves your Self and the entire Sonship.

Practice today joining with the Holy Spirit to see your brother with Christ’s vision. This is how you will learn to recognize your Self.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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What am I to do today?

In our reading in A Course in Miracles this morning, this paragraph stood out:

When brothers join in purpose in the world of fear, they stand already at the edge of the real world. Perhaps they still look back, and think they see an idol that they want. Yet has their path been surely set away from idols toward reality. For when they joined their hands, it was Christ’s hand they took, and they will look on Him Whose hand they hold. The face of Christ is looked upon before the Father is remembered. For He must be unremembered till His Son has reached beyond forgiveness to the Love of God. Yet is the Love of Christ accepted first. And then will come the knowledge They are one. (T-30.V.7)

It is my opportunity today to join with every brother I see or even think of, and see the face of Christ. When I am willing to recognize the Love of Christ That is in everyone, I find happiness. This is my purpose — to see past all forms of separation to the one Love of Christ That is all there really is to see. Forgiveness is my function here. Joining with every brother to see the truth brings me the happiness that I want.

At its core, there is really only one answer to the question, “What am I to do today?” My only purpose in the world is to forgive. So every situation, every interaction, every encounter has that one purpose. Today and every day I am to forgive every appearance, every thought based on separation. I do this by choosing Holy Spirit as my Guide and Interpreter in each moment. I have everything I need to forgive the world and see the face of Christ.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Bring Peace to Every Mind

We were guided today to read A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 137, “When I am healed I am not healed alone.” This is what stood out:

Let healing be through you this very day. And as you rest in quiet, be prepared to give as you received, to hold but what you give, and to receive the Word of God to take the place of all the foolish thoughts that ever were imagined. Now we come together to make well all that was sick, and offer blessing where there was attack. Nor will we let this function be forgot as every hour of the day slips by, remembering our purpose with this thought: When I am healed I am not healed alone. And I would bless my brothers, for I would be healed with them, as they are healed with me. (W-pI.137.15)

Because in truth we are joined in one mind, I serve the whole Sonship as I focus on letting my mind be healed by the Holy Spirit. Letting my mind quiet to receive the peace of God brings peace to every mind. This is how I bless every brother. This is how I serve Holy Spirit’s plan in being truly helpful.

What stood out to me today in our reading was,

If you let your mind harbor attack thoughts, yield to judgment or make plans against uncertainties to come, you have again misplaced yourself, and made a bodily identity which will attack the body, for the mind is sick. (ACIM, W-pI.136.19:2)

I readily recognize attack thoughts and judgment as interfering with my awareness of oneness. I am not so quick to recognize that making plans against uncertainties to come is the effect of identifying with the body and therefore an attack on the truth of What I am. Right now it seems that making plans on my own is the dominant temptation for which I need to be vigilant.

A sense of uncertainty can only come from the belief that I am disconnected from the certainty of God. Making plans on my own can never fix the uncertainty. All I need to do is let go of the denial of my oneness with God. The Holy Spirit is in my mind with the purpose to lead me back to the full recognition that I am not a body, and that I remain one with God, one with Love, as Love created me.

Today is another opportunity to be vigilant to keep my mind open to the Holy Spirit’s lead. Thus will I experience God’s peace and share it with all my brothers.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let the Holy Spirit Be My Interpreter

If I want to be happy, I need to accept God’s gift of happiness. It has already been given me. I just need to stop denying the gift. When I identify with the images of the dream, I am denying my inheritance. That is the ego’s purpose for the dream. But I can choose to accept the Holy Spirit’s purpose in place of the ego’s.

The Holy Spirit’s purpose in every moment is to forgive, to let go of the past and all the images that are used to project the past onto the present. I cannot use the dream of images to find my way out of the dream. But I can choose to align myself with the Holy Spirit, Who will show me how to see past the images and even how to use the images on behalf of letting go of the dream.

Today I dedicate to the practice of letting Holy Spirit be my interpreter of all things and situations. With His vision I will recognize the lessons God would have me learn in every situation. I will step back and let Him lead the way.

Today it is my opportunity to remember that I rest in God. There is no past, there is no future, only the eternal present. And I give thanks.

© 2010, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Be Open to Inspiration

When I look honestly at my experience, it is clear that I am most happy when I am focused entirely on the present moment, making no judgments based on past experience. Whenever I am preoccupied with thoughts about what might happen, what I hope will happen, what I wish hadn’t happened or wish would have happened, I block my awareness of the present happiness that is God’s gift.

It is interesting to observe how frequently I slip into thoughts about the past and future. This simply demonstrates the attraction of the dream of specialness. Nevertheless this is not cause for discouragement but rather a reminder for consistent vigilance. I thought there was value in the dream; that’s what brought me to this experience. A Course in Miracles is helping me to recognize that the dream really offers me nothing that I truly want. As I learn to recognize with the help of the Holy Spirit in my mind that focusing on the past or the future is a trivial pursuit, I will freely let it go.

Today is another day of practice keeping my attention on the Holy Spirit’s vision to receive His kind and gentle correction and accept God’s gift of perfect happiness.

As I go into that place of quiet in my mind, I am reminded that I can allow today to be a day of gentleness and ease. I do this by keeping my mind open to Holy Spirit’s inspiration all through the day. The truth is I have enormous help if I will let it in. Not thinking I know on my own is an important part of this process of keeping my mind open to the Holy Spirit. This is my opportunity today.

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