Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Accept Peace to Have a Happy Day

Accept Peace to Have a Happy Day
The truth is that peace is here, right now, if I am willing to accept it. My willingness to accept peace at any given moment determines what I experience in this moment.

I am realizing how important accepting peace is to having a happy day — a day filled with gratitude and trust. The gift of peace comes from my true Self — the eternal Spirit of Love I have always been and always will be. I have the opportunity to experience God’s gifts as I am willing to accept them. Today is a day of accepting peace. And I give thanks.

A Course in Miracles says that peace is natural to those who trust. It also says that it is inevitable that we will feel anxious and fearful if we are trusting in our own strength. So if I am feeling anything less than peace, I must be relying on my own strength. I am attempting to make my own plans instead of following Holy Spirit’s. Trusting in Holy Spirit’s plan is where I will find the peace that is natural because I will be trusting in God’s strength, not my own.

Today is a day to practice being mindful of any disturbance to my peace and bringing it to the Holy Spirit with a willingness to see as He sees.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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See All Things Differently

When I wake up from a dream, images from a dream may still be fresh in my mind, but I know they are not real. Similarly, to wake up from the dream of a world of separate bodies and separate things, I need to realize that the images of the world are not real. To do this I must shift my attention from the teacher that taught me to believe a world of separation is real to the Teacher in my mind That knows only the oneness of Love is real.

This Teacher recognizes that the body’s perceptions will always show differences, but it does not acknowledge them as real. So my job is not to deny that the body’s eyes show me differences, but to be willing to let my inner Teacher show me that the differences are not real. It is through learning this that I will awaken to the safety, peace and happiness of Love’s oneness.

Today my practice is to hold my mind open to the lessons of my inner Teacher. I am willing to see all things differently.

Today I have another opportunity to practice choosing peace. I have another opportunity to open my mind to the Teacher of peace — the Holy Spirit. Peace is always there, waiting for my acceptance. Today’s practice involves opening the door to peace so that peace fills every corner of my mind. This willingness to accept peace helps me see everything in the world differently. It helps me rise above the battleground to see the Love is always there behind every thought of conflicting interests. Accepting peace is my one goal today. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Learning to See Past Differences

The Manual for Teachers in A Course in Miracles tells us, “Only the mind evaluates [the body’s eyes’] messages, and so the mind is responsible for seeing.” (M-8.3:10) It goes on to say, “The body’s eyes will continue to see differences. But the mind that has let itself be healed will no longer acknowledge [differences].” (6:1-2)

This reinforces for me the importance of learning to sort the true from the untrue, the real from the unreal. It is the basis for healing. Because Love is one, there can be no differences in Love. Thus all perception of differences is illusion.

So the test for the unreal is very simple. Is this perception showing me differences? Does it change? If it does, it must be unreal. How simple healing is. All I need to do is not acknowledge differences. This only seems hard to do because the part of my mind that identifies with the ego wants the differences to be real.

The way to disconnect from ego identification is to shift my attention to the Holy Spirit, my true Self. My true Self will show me the oneness It knows and help me recognize illusions for what they are. This is the path to peace. This is the path to lasting happiness. This is all I really want.

Today it is my opportunity to join with the Holy Spirit, Who will show me the difference between the real and the unreal. It only takes my willingness to step back and listen.

This is my lesson for today — to step back and listen for Holy Spirit’s perspective all through the day. As I am willing, the Holy Spirit will show me again and again that all the differences I see are equally unreal. As I allow the veil to be lifted, behind every difference is the one, united Love that is eternally there. I cannot change what God created, and God created only changeless Love. And for this I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering to Laugh with Holy Spirit

Sorting the unreal from the real is essential to waking up from the dream. If I believe something really happened in the world, it is impossible to justify forgiveness. The justification for forgiveness is the recognition that what seemed to happen did not happen in truth. When this is fully recognized, forgiveness is automatic and complete.

The experience of a world of separate images is the effect of believing in the ego thought system of separation. From within that belief, it is impossible to see the world as unreal and untrue. My judgments will always seem justified; guilt and fear will seem real; anger will seem justified; and forgiveness cannot be justified as long as this belief in separation is maintained. This is why it is impossible, from within the dream, to sort the unreal from the real.

The good news is that we have within our minds the means to remember what is real — the Holy Spirit, our true Self. The daily, moment-by-moment practice of stepping back and opening my mind to my true Self’s perception is the way to awaken. If I am willing to receive my true Self’s interpretation, I will learn to recognize the untrue for what it is. I will be able to see from my true Self’s perspective that what I thought happened did not and had no effect.

This is how I forgive. This is how peace is returned to the troubled mind that believes it is alone and separate. This is how the mistaken belief in being separate is gently and lovingly undone and the mind is restored to the recognition of its wholeness as Love created It. Today is another day to practice stepping back and opening my mind to receive my true Self’s perception. Together, we will gently laugh at the misperceptions and let them go.

One way that helps me when I find that I am caught up in making a world of separate bodies real is to step back and quiet my mind… I imagine that I am under a shower of Light, a shower of God’s peace… I remain open to receiving God’s gift of peace and taking it in to heal every tense spot.… I let it heal all the tension in my body, starting with the top of my head and flowing down clear to my toes… I see peace taking over where there was once tension… Everything drains away and only peace is left… Here there is quietness… Here there is rest…

In this sacred place of peace, there is a feeling of gentleness and comfort… There is a feeling that everything is all right and that all is well… Where there was once a feeling of conflict, now resides a gentle smile… In this quiet place of peace, I ask for inner direction and whatever I need to know is gently there… I remember that Love is… God is… There is nothing else.

The Holy Spirit gently moves me past the clouds and I see their unsubstantial nature… What matters is that I am still as God created me… God’s Son is one and nothing has happened to change God’s one Son…

Only the eternal is true… I can relax now… I can laugh with the Holy Spirit at the unsubstantial nature of dreams of separation… Everyone is safe in the one Mind of God and has never left in truth… And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Trust in God

My opportunity today is to trust in God in each now moment. Because there is no past and no future in truth, there is only God’s Love right now, in the eternal present. I have the opportunity today to remember this as I am willing to receive the Light of Inspiration. I may forget and forget again, but this Inspiration is always there, waiting for my acceptance.

It is such a blessing that the Holy Spirit has infinite patience. This Source of inner Light always remembers What we all are and Where we all are in truth, despite our believing in illusions of separation. Thank you Holy Spirit for Your constantly reminding me of the truth as I am open to listen. And I give thanks.

My assignment today is to follow Holy Spirit’s plan. This means frequently stepping back from thinking I know on my own what is to be done and, with an open hand, being willing to receive Holy Spirit’s plan. All I need to do is get out of the way and be willing to receive. This opens the door to a peaceful, joy-filled experience in every moment.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering the Difference Between the Real and the Unreal

My thoughts determine my mood. The thoughts I am aware of depend on what I think I am. If I identify with an image of a separate self, my mood will be less than peaceful because I will see myself as vulnerable and in need of defense. Judgement is an automatic response that reinforces the sense of being alone. This is not a happy mood.

But if I identify with the Self, created by Love and remaining as It was created, I am in peace and joy. I feel perfectly safe, knowing that the strength of God is mine. I am in peace because in the oneness of this One Self, there is no other that could disturb me. I am happy because this Self accepts the Will of God, which is perfect happiness.

Thus my mood is a clear indicator of what I think I am. If I am not supremely happy, it is time for me to step back, with empty hands and an open heart and mind, and willingly receive the gift of true perception from the Self I share with all.

As I woke up this morning, the thought that kept coming to me was, “God is but Love, and therefore so am I.” As I went through my morning chores the thought returned again and again, “God is but Love, and therefore so am I.”

This really helps me remember the difference between the real and the unreal. All form is unreal. Because I am only Love and everyone else in this world is only Love, there is nothing to fear.

I remember that Love is changeless and eternal. This helps me return to the fact that everything that changes is not real. I am reminded that I don’t have to make a “big deal” about what is not real. This remembering helps me return to accepting God’s gift of peace. It is eternally there for me, but I just need to let go of false ideas that get in the way. These false ideas really are like clouds that can be passed by. The Light of Love really is there behind the meaningless clouds.

Today, remembering that “God is but Love and therefore so am I” really does help me recognize the difference between the real and the unreal. And I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Let Go and Accept the Vision of Your True Self

Holy Spirit to Mary:
With every circumstance you encounter today, practice relaxing and letting go of the reins. Practice letting go and letting God. Remember that you are safe in God’s Arms, perfect in every way. Remember that everyone around you is safe in God’s Arms and in truth are still as God created them.

Practice letting the veil be lifted so that you can see with Christ’s vision today. Relax and let yourself be carried. This is how you heal and are healed. This is how you wake up from the dream of separation.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
It is impossible to feel safe in the world because it is a place of change and uncertainty. Peace cannot be found in the world. This is why it is essential that you establish a firm habit of stepping back from your perceptions and asking for My vision to see truly.

With your willingness, I can help you sort the unreal from the real. The real is changeless and peace is found in the real. Join with Me and we will recognize the Real together and you will experience the peace you seek.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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