Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Let Go of What You Think You Know

Holy Spirit to Mary:
There is only one Mind and That is the Mind of God, the one Mind of Love. The idea of separate minds is not the truth. This is what you are in the process of learning now. As you become more willing to open to the truth, you return to awareness that there is only one Mind. This one Mind is shared equally with all.

Your willingness to let go of what you think you know is the key to your happiness. Letting this go is what time is for. Use time now to give over all the false ideas based on the idea of separate minds. Using time in this way brings you freedom from self-imposed limitation. It brings you peace of mind. This is what time is for — to return to the truth that everyone is joined in the one Mind of God.

If I remain as God created me (see ACIM Workbook Lesson 110), then I remain as innocent as Love and as eternal as God Himself. There is no cause for fear and death does not exist. This is certainly the opposite of the appearances of the world. Of course! The world is an image made by the attempt to be the opposite of God — to be separate. It is an attempt to be what I could never be in truth.

I am grateful that I could not hoodwink God into believing my stories. This is His grace — His unwillingness to change and therefore His unwillingness to let His Creations be changed. This is great news because it means that I can return to the eternal peace and quiet joy of my Creator. I simply need to let go of believing in the story I made up that is not true.

God’s peace is mine to remember and accept. His Love is What I am and what everyone is. This memory remains in my mind to be called upon to lead me back to the Self that God created.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I Place the Future in the Hands of God

I Place the Future in the Hands of God
In our reading in A Course in Miracles this morning, this is what stood out:

Christ’s hand holds all His brothers in Himself. He gives them vision for their sightless eyes, and sings to them of Heaven, that their ears may hear no more the sound of battle and of death. He reaches through them, holding out His hand, that everyone may bless all living things, and see their holiness. And He rejoices that these sights are yours, to look upon with Him and share His joy. …The sight of Christ is all there is to see. The song of Christ is all there is to hear. The hand of Christ is all there is to hold. There is no journey but to walk with Him. (T-24.V.7:2-5, 7-10)

This important message from Jesus guides my practice for today. With willingness and quietness, my true purpose today is to open to Christ’s vision and see through His eyes. Christ sees us as one shining Light. It is my opportunity to accept this truth today. This is how I share His joy and peace.

The ego is terrified of peace. It cannot stand the sound of silence. It rushes in to fill the “void” with stories it makes up about anything and everything. These stories are based on past “learning” so that the peaceful present is covered over with stories of conflict from the past. No matter how pleasant the story seems to be, because its based on images of differences, it must be a story of conflict, a.k.a. specialness.

It was interesting to observe what went on in my mind when I received information about an unexpected possibility. Immediately I observed myself making up stories about where this possibility might lead and what effects it might have. Since these were thoughts about the future, they were nothing but fantasy. But the ego is uncomfortable with accepting the present without trying to take control of where it might lead.

Placing the future in the Hands of God is terrorizing to the ego because it would mean its end. This is why development of trust in the supremely benevolent guidance of the Voice for God, my true Self, is essential for release from the dream of separation and acceptance of God’s gifts. Today I will remind myself to place the future in the Hands of God.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Accepting His Presence

In our reading in A Course in Miracles this morning, this is stood out to me:

Into His Presence would I enter now. …This is a day of silence and of trust. It is a special time of promise in your calendar of days. It is a time Heaven has set apart to shine upon, and cast a timeless light upon this day, when echoes of eternity are heard. …Today it will be given you to feel a touch of Heaven, though you will return to paths of learning. Yet you have come far enough along the way to alter time sufficiently to rise above its laws, and walk into eternity a while. …He will direct your practicing today, for what you ask for now is what He wills. …Into Christ’s Presence will we enter now, serenely unaware of everything except His shining face and perfect Love. (W-pI.157.1:1-3,3:1-2,4:1,9:1)

I am being reminded that it is given me to feel a touch of Heaven as I allow the Holy Spirit to direct my practicing today. In order to hear and feel Holy Spirit’s gifts of peace and inner joy, I must allow today to be a day of quiet receptivity and of trust. I must be willing to enter into His Presence now and feel the blessings of eternity.

As I go through the day, driving in traffic, walking through a busy store, answering the phone, working on projects, how do I allow the day to be a day of inner quiet? I need to remember that the place of quiet is in me. It is my Self, my true Nature. Because this Self is one and sees only oneness, it sees no conflict. It is always at peace.

ACIM is leading me to strengthen my awareness of this Self where peace abides. As my practice leads me to identify more with this Self, the appearance of activity in the outer world becomes less distracting. These images are still seen and I still interact with them through the body. But I am more open to seeing with the vision of this eternal Presence so the images of the world have little effect on the peace I feel.

As I continue to practice applying the Course, the scale tips more and more to the side of peace. I remember more and more the peace I am and I offer it more and more freely to the world. Together we walk to Heaven.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Observe Your Thoughts

As I mindfully observe my thoughts, I see how quickly and automatically I make judgments about appearances. What could these judgments be based upon but the past? All the meaning I give the images I see in the present must be based on past learning. In themselves images have no meaning. This judgment process drags the past with me and makes the reality of the present moment invisible to me. My awareness is limited to the images the body’s senses present to me so that the reality of the present is made invisible. This is why forgiveness is the core message of the Course. I cannot see the reality of the present until I forgive or let go of the past.

My prayer today is to accept the Holy Spirit’s help to lay aside the past in each moment and see with His vision. This is how I will learn to recognize the Love that is ever present. This is how I will learn to see my brother as God created Him and recognize my Self.

Holy Spirit to Mary:
Observe your thoughts… Are these thoughts coming from Holy Spirit or ego? If they are not reflecting the truth of your oneness in Love, choose once again, this time with the Holy Spirit… Let yourself feel peace replacing what you thought before… Go with the flow of peace…

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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I Am as God Created Me

If I want to experience the boundless joy, deep peace and all encompassing Love of God, I need to do just one thing: I need to accept that I remain as God created me. Nothing more, nothing less.

All that stands between me and the acceptance of What I am is the wish for specialness. This wish is displayed before me in everything I perceive in the world. It is the cause of all image making because the only way that specialness can seem to be accomplished is through images that cover over the formlessness of Love. The appearance of disaster is just as much an effect of the wish for specialness as the appearance of circumstances that I deem desirable.

As I work with A Course in Miracles it is becoming more and more clear to me that no thing, no circumstance, will ever bring me lasting happiness. There is truly no value in the images of the world. The daily practice of asking Holy Spirit to be my interpreter of all things is teaching me to recognize what is valueless and what is valuable. As I recognize the valueless, I automatically let it go and no longer seek for it. Letting go of the valueless carries no sense of loss.

The more I am vigilant to receive Holy Spirit’s vision, the more I free myself from the barriers that interfere with remembering and accepting that I remain as God created me. Today is another happy day of vigilance.

If I remain as God created me, then I am still God’s Love and nothing else. Because this is the truth about everyone in the world, everyone in this world is still God’s Love and nothing else.

If I believe that something else is true, then my mind needs purification. Purification happens naturally when I am willing to remember that on my own I know nothing. The idea that I could be on my own is pure insanity.

Today it is my opportunity to step back again and again and again from what I am seeing through the body’s eyes, which only show me separation. Today it is my opportunity to become as a little child and willingly receive the Light of truth. The Light of truth always shows me that I am still as God created, along with every brother. The Light of truth shows me we are one Self in eternal Love. My opportunity today is to relax, step back and let the Holy Spirit return me to my right mind, where I experience the peace of God. This is my salvation. This is where all lasting happiness is found.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Place of Inner Quiet

Today as I open to that place of inner quiet, I am shown that my practice for today is to allow the veil be lifted, to see past separate minds to the one Mind of Love That is the truth in us all. To let the veil be lifted, I must allow in the inner calm of my inner Teacher. I must be willing to follow and not bring the stories of the past with me. I must remember I do not know and be willing to receive the mind purification that comes with willingness to receive the truth. I must be willing to not take the stories of the world so seriously.

As I practice this letting go of what I think I know, I am brought to a peace that is beyond this world and I see once again that only Love is there where I thought there was something else. This is my opportunity today to once again open to letting my mind be purified and brought to the truth. Only this brings me lasting happiness. And the happiness found in the Mind of our one united Self is all I want and all I need.

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Learn to let your true Self guide all your hearing and seeing. Your true Self knows you are not a body, a personality or individual, nor is anyone else. As you practice stepping back into the quiet peace of your true Self, judgment fades away and conflict goes with it. In that quiet place, you join with your Self see your brother as he is, free of the past and fully revealed in the present. This vision shows you What you are in truth, for your brother is one with you. Today practice stepping back and letting your Self lead the way.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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From Uncertainty to Certainty

Holy Spirit to Robert:
Uncertainty is a condition of the ego. Illusion can never be certain. Certainty can only be found in Reality, the changelessness of Love. When you feel uncertain, it is a sign that you are attempting to choose between illusions. You have convinced yourself that what you seem to be choosing between are real alternatives. But any time you are choosing between forms, you are attempting to choose between illusions, which is not a choice at all.

This is why the Course talks so much about learning to recognize illusions for what they are. This would not be a difficult lesson to learn if you had not convinced yourself that illusions offer you something you want. You do not really want illusions. This is a central idea the Course attempts to teach. It is a lesson you ultimately must and will learn. When you learn it depends upon your willingness to accept a better way, a way that will bring you lasting happiness in place of temporary highs.

As you go through your day today, remember A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 128, “This world I see holds nothing that I want.” Remind yourself of this many times throughout the day. It does not matter whether or not you believe this now. This practice will help you with every seeming decision in the world. It will help you step back from the importance you place on your decisions in the world. This opens the door of willingness to see it differently with My help. It gives Me an opportunity to show you a real Alternative to what you perceive, which will lead you to the experience of joy beyond anything this world has to offer.

ACIM Workbook Lesson 129 tells me, “Beyond this world there is a world I want.” The Holy Spirit is leading us very gently to recognize that separation is not what we want. The happiness we are really seeking is found beyond this world — Love’s world of oneness. We are being led to our real Mind that is beyond the ego mind.

As we open to our real Mind, we feel a sense of calmness. We feel the calmness because there is no conflict in oneness. There is no conflict in eternity. There is only peace and true everlasting happiness.

My deepest desire today is to welcome the experience of calm and certainty that comes with joining with the Holy Spirit. In this healing state of mind, I am led in the moment in how to be truly helpful. And for this I give thanks.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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