Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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I Let Love Guide My Thoughts

I choose to let Love guide my thoughts today. Love is whole and complete, and sees only wholeness. Love is one and sees only unity. Love is eternal and sees only the timeless. Love guides me to see past the temporal images of the world of separation.

When I feel fear of loss, Love will help me see beyond it to changeless Love. It will help me recognize that images of loss do not come from the truth in me. Such images merely reflect the ego thought system, which is not what I am.

When I let Love guide my thoughts, I do not look to the world for safety or completion. I do not look to the world for happiness or peace. Love, of Itself, offers only peace and happiness, being the Will of God. If I choose to believe in fearful images, I am choosing to deny God’s Will.

God eternally offers His Love, His peace and His joy, whether or not I choose to accept it. With Love guiding my thoughts, I will accept God’s gifts today in gratitude.

My focus today is to accept God’s peace and extend God’s peace. I keep it simple and focus only on this.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Awareness of Love’s Presence

My practice for today is to focus on my willingness to be aware of Love’s Presence. I am guided to ask myself frequently, “Am I aware of Love’s Presence right now?” This will be a reminder to me to hand over anything that is a barrier to the awareness of Love’s Presence.

I know that Love’s Presence is always there, everywhere, and if I am not aware of it, I need to allow any barriers to be removed by the Holy Spirit. This takes my willingness to remember that I know nothing on my own. Letting go of all I think I know is an important step in letting these barriers be removed. Only Love is real and so my focus today is to be willing to be aware of my Reality. What a happy practice! Only peace and joy will come from it.

I dedicate today to letting Love be my Guide in every moment. I make way for this to happen by being vigilant for peace. Peace is a condition of Love. So to receive Love’s Guidance, I need to be in peace.

Whenever I am aware of any sense of disturbance, I will pause and take the time I need to return to peace and open my mind and heart to Love’s Guidance. Love will always guide truly, showing me only the innocence in everyone, including me. In this peaceful condition I am open to inspiration that will express Love in a way that serves in the world of form. This is how I can be Love’s messenger today.

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I Place the Future in the Hands of God

This morning we were guided to read A Course in Miracles Workbook, Lesson 194: “I place the future in the Hands of God.” The part that stood out was:

If you can see the lesson for today as the deliverance it really is, you will not hesitate to give as much consistent effort as you can, to make it be a part of you. As it becomes a thought that rules your mind, a habit in your problem-solving repertoire, a way of quick reaction to temptation, you extend your learning to the world. And as you learn to see salvation in all things, so will the world perceive that it is saved. (W-pI.194:6)

As we read this lesson, it brought to my attention how much my mind jumps into the future or into the past, ignoring the present moment. I am reminded that God is in the eternal now. Love’s Presence is in me and all around me right now. In truth, God is all there is to know because God is all that is real. There is nothing other than God. There is not God and something else. This means that when I jump into the future or past in my mind, I am really leaping into oblivion. When I do this I am not realizing it. I am thinking that it is real.

Today I have a renewed commitment to join with the Holy Spirit in accepting the presence of all encompassing Love in the present moment. I have a renewed commitment to let myself be carried to the Source of truth that lies right within my mind in every present moment. In truth, I rest in God eternally.

Today it is my opportunity to let the truth of Love’s eternal Presence be at the forefront of my mind. There is no past or future here. There is only peace and gentleness and kindness.

At the end of this lesson, Jesus reassures us “Now we are saved indeed. For in God’s Hands we rest untroubled, sure that only good can come to us.” (9:1-2) This is my practice for today — to accept the Love that is always there. I am willing to receive It.

When I observe my thoughts, it is amazing how much of my time I am thinking about and planning for the future. It can be as simple as what will I have for dinner or as complex as what am I going to do with the rest of my life. The idea of placing the future in the Hands of God is pretty radical. Does God know I need to buy trash bags? Can I really count on Him to provide everything I need? I have my reservations.

Again, if I look honestly at my reservations, it’s not whether God will provide, it’s whether I will recognize His help and accept it. The “I” is the part of my mind that is identified with the ego thought system which depends on time to maintain the illusion of separation.

If I truly put the future in God’s Hands, I would be left with now, which is inconceivable to the ego. To be in the present moment is to be free of the past. To be in the always of now is to be in Love and nothing else. There is no ego here. There is no judgment. There are no dark shadows of the past. There is only perfect peace and the joyful extension of Love.

The way to experience this is to place the future in the Hands of God. As I practice this, I know I am only doing it halfheartedly right now. That’s okay. At least by doing it I am reminding myself of what I really want. With practice I will move closer to fully releasing the future into God’s Hands. This is how I return to the joy of Heaven. I am willing to practice.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Dealing with Feelings of Sadness and Depression

Yesterday someone asked us about how we deal with feelings of sadness and depression. When we went to Spirit with this, we were guided to read A Course in Miracles Text Chapter 4, Section IV: “This Need Not Be” on pages 62-65 and ACIM Text, Chapter 8, Section VII on pages 151-154. These sections were very helpful to us in dealing with our feelings of impatience and frustration about the delay in the selling of the property in Kiel, WI.

We know that whenever we join with another for mind healing, we are always helped. After our reading, we went to Spirit and this is what came to us:

When you look out through the body’s eyes and believe that what you see is real, depression is inevitable. The reason that this happens is because what the body’s eyes show you are just images that reflect the unconscious choice to be different from your unlimited Source. The ultimate truth is that you are still perfect unlimited Love and have not made separation real. You are just experiencing a delusion. You are trying to be what you are not. This creates fear, depression and all the rest that comes with it. 

The answer lies in your willingness to step back from these illusions and go to your Source for what is true about you and everyone you see in the dream now. In this place of inner quiet, as you open more and more to God’s gift of peace, you will feel an inner sense of comfort and well being. There may be no words, but just an inner knowing and a strong feeling of inner contentment and quiet inner joy. When you allow this into your mind, you are returning Home to the truth of your natural beingness in God. Your natural beingness is formless because you are pure Spirit. 

Use every experience of anxiety, dread, fear and depression as stimulus to help you return to your beautiful, peaceful, natural state of Love. It is always there, waiting for you to accept It. You are blessed and extend blessing to others as you are willing to forgive or let go of the ego’s images of separation.

This is how you use everything you experience in the dream for the purpose of returning Home. You have the means right in your own mind to allow this to be accomplished through you.

Yesterday I had physical body symptoms of discomfort. I chose to make it a day of light activity. I took time to rest. During that time I focused on thoughts from the Course that reminded me of the truth of what I am such as: “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” “This body is just an image. It has nothing to do with What I am. I am God’s Son, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of His Love.” I focused on these and similar thoughts until I fell asleep. I used these same thoughts while I was awake when the physical discomfort got my attention. 

This practice, stimulated by discomfort, helped me to refocus my attention on the truth of What I am and What everyone Is. Today I feel much better. Thanks to yesterday’s practice, the thoughts that reminded me of the truth are still in the forefront of my mind, helping me keep my focus on what I want to remember about myself and everything I see. It is helping me to look past the body and the images it presents to the Light of Love that is everywhere. What seemed like a discomforting experience has become a lesson in awakening. I am truly grateful.

© 2011, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Make Way for Peace

I want the peace of God. To experience it I must be willing to see my brother as he is — Love and nothing else. To see this requires that I forgive all illusions of separate images, of guilt and fear.

Today I would be vigilant for all thoughts of judgment and offer them to the Holy Spirit. He will lovingly take my misguided thoughts and show me the truth of Love that lies beyond them. This is how I forgive. This is how I make way for peace. This is how I make way for happiness. Forgiveness is my function today.

Today my practice is to step back from all I think is real and let the Holy Spirit shine a Light on all the false ideas that rise up to be healed. I let go of all I think I know and let it be replace by the truth.

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Healing Artificial Values

My function here is to let my mind be healed by the Holy Spirit. I have bought into artificial values and have suffered from my belief in them. My opportunity now is to open my mind to a total thought reversal. My true Self knows that the world of separate bodies I see is not the truth. My true Self is not deceived by these children’s toys.

I see now that I find true and lasting happiness as I am willing to open to the healing perspective of the Holy Spirit, which shows me that nothing can really happen but the extension of God’s Love because only God’s perfect Love is real. Today I am willing to be shown the Light of truth behind every illusion of separation. I let myself open to the truth of God’s Love today.

All I really want is to remember Love. I want to remember that I remain Love as Love created me. Since only Love is real, all real value lies in Love. The appearance of anything else cannot be real, and therefore has no value. Letting go of the belief that it is possible to be separate from Love is how I let go of artificial values. My function is to offer all my perceptions to the Truth in me, my true Self, with an open mind willing to see differently. This is forgiveness.

Today, as I go about my activities in the world, I will practice holding my mind open to the inner vision of my true Self. Inner vision looks past the form to how everything serves Love’s purpose. As I let Love be my guide today, I will see how the things of the world can be used in the service of Love. This is my practice today.

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The Quiet Answer

We read the section “The Quiet Answer” in Chapter 27, Section IV of the Text of A Course in Miracles today. It reminded me that no meaningful answer can be found within the thought system of separation. All ego-based answers will always be based on the premise that separation is real. Thus ego answers always offer another illusion. The exchange of an illusion for an illusion accomplishes nothing.

If I want to heal and awaken from the dream, I need to replace illusion with true perception. Because I believe I am in the world of separation, true perception cannot come from me. It comes from the Holy Spirit, Who does not believe in separation and is always there to remind me of the truth.

My job is to offer every question to the Holy Spirit with an open mind. An open mind means that I am not placing limits on Holy Spirit’s answer. If I ask, “Which car should I buy?” I am attempting to limit Holy Spirit’s answer to some form of car. Maybe the best answer in the world might be a truck or motorcycle or nothing at all.

Beneath these forms is still another answer and that is to remember that my only need is for Love and I know that need is met by accepting and extending Love. So whether or not to buy a car needs to be answered within the question of what is it for as the Holy Spirit sees it.

This brings me back to the early lesson which says that I do not know what anything means. The Course’s mind training program is a guide to help me let go of my preconceived ideas and beliefs so that I can come with wholly empty hands to the Holy Spirit and receive the answer that will help me loose the world from all I think it is. This is how I remove the barriers to Love’s presence and awaken to Love.

The first sentence of this section is “In quietness are all things answered, and is every problem quietly resolved.” (T-27.IV.1:1) This sentence has been very helpful to me and I have returned to it again and again when I got caught up in thinking I had a problem. This reminds me that the answer does not lie somewhere in the world. The answer lies in opening to another state of mind — the Holy Spirit’s state of mind.

The ego mind always brings up conflict. It always brings up problems. It always thinks in terms of differences and time and distance. It thinks that individual minds are real. It thinks this world is real. It thinks in terms of constantly building defenses against outside dangers.

Because I still get caught up with the ego mind, I need the practice of stepping back frequently into quietness and remembering once again that I do not know what anything means. I need to allow this mind to quiet and open to the Holy Spirit’s state of mind. This is my true Self. It is everyone’s true Self. It calls to all of us to return Home where we belong.

Today my practice is to answer that call and give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to reverse all the false ideas I am holding on to. With the Holy Spirit I once again return to the awareness that I am still safe in the Mind of God. The whole Sonship is still one with God because nothing has happened to change God’s one Son. Illusions of separation change nothing.

Handing over all my thoughts to the Holy Spirit is the only way that my perceived problems are quietly resolved. And I am so thankful that we could never really leave God and make a world of specialness, constant change and death. The Holy Spirit reminds me in quietness, “It is not so. You, along with every brother, are still Love and nothing else is true.”

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